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Im going crazy!!

Crazied SM's picture

My SD BM is driving me crazy. She's 27 years old and acts like she is 10 !! I called her about a week ago because my SD was getting in trouble at school . And i figured that it has something to do with all the fighting and things that are going on. So trying to be the adult in the situation and called to talk to her but I didnt have the notes that i needed so she said that she would call me back the next night . SHE DIDNT. My husband was then talking to her on Saturday and asked her why she had not called me back she said she was busy. So then my SD is sick on Monday i work for a DR. so the BM called to see if we could get her in on my husbands phone. This really pisses me off. So i got her in then the meds we prescribed were to expensive were $127 she wouldnt fill it because she didnt have the money. So once again she calls my husband and said can you ask your wife to see if they can call in something else . He said why cant you call her seeing that shes the one who works for the Dr. She said it was easier to call him. So i told my husband that i can play that game too. I wouldnt call in her meds until the BM call me . But i couldn't do that so i called her to find out what pharmacy she was rude as hell. My point is that i tryed to put a foot foward and try to be a the adult and it never works out !!! HELP is there anything that i can do to make these things go away .


Shar's picture

stop doing the BM any favours...I know that might affect SD but I am sure she got her daughter into a doctor before you came along....let BM survive without you...she isnt doing you any favours just causing you grief and being a ungrateful bit$% to sounds like she hasnt let go of hubby yet....

happy mom's picture

I would stop doing anything for this person if she is rude to you and just plain stupid. Like you said wait til she calls you and talks to you then say no thanks and until you can show me some respect I'll consider it. I'm in the same position too, biomom is just a bitch and uses her son to go against us. I'm tired of being nice to his bitch and for what? I don't need the stress and her fake nice angel attitude. She is out of my life.

-happy mom

Anne 8102's picture

Sometimes it's just better to leave it to the bios. Our idea of being a good stepmother might be getting involved, trying to help out, pitching in, etc. The BM's idea of being a good stepmother might be keeping your mouth shut, staying out of "their" business, not participating with the skids, etc. Everyone has their idea of the ideal situation. If she won't deal with you, well, then let her do things the hard way. It's no skin off your nose, right? She may never grow up. Blum 3

We have my three skids on our insurance, but their mom's insurance is primary. She always claimed that it was too big of a hassle to file claims with our insurance, so she wouldn't do it. She'd just pay out-of-pocket for what her insurance didn't cover, and then make demands of my husband for his share of that. Well, we didn't pay, because there would have been NO out-of-pocket costs if she'd filed the claims with our insurance, too. We're only responsible for anything the insurance doesn't cover, not for claims she refuses to file. I offered a million times to file the claims for her, if she'd just send me the bills and the EOBs from her insurance company, but she refused. So basically, because of her own stubborness and unwillingness to work with me, she's paying out of her own pocket for stuff not covered by her insurance because she refuses to file claims or let me help her file claims with our insurance. Oh, well! It's her wasted money, not mine.

~ Anne ~

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)

happy's picture

stop helping her out. And point blank tell her that. Tell her when she adult enough to communicate then and only then will you be available to help her. Your husband is supporting you 100% that is awesome.
She souds like she has not really accepted you in the picture yet.. JMO
If you can be an adult so can she, but its going to take someone standing up to her. And do not feel guilty if you stop doing things because of your SD, the mom has to come to terms with the situation and stop having the ex communicate for you. K..

This is all just my opinion..

OldTimer's picture

Nice isn't it? You try to be the bigger person, but the other person always has to 'get one up on you'... so tiring. So, like everyone, just back off and let her deal with DH. After all, she wants to be a 'big girl' now so let her learn to potty train herself.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Becky's picture

want to play nice, she can't play at all. She is asking you for favors but being very rude while doing it? When she calls dh and tells him to ask you for a favor and you do it you are giving her the right to treat you that way (you are teaching her that it is okay to communicate through dh and not communicate with you). She has gotten what she wants from doing this in the past and she'll continue to do that until you put a stop to it. She shouldn't be treating you like that at all, but it is your job to stop her (by not responding to her games). Having as little contact with BM as possible is probably best. Let your dh call about school (or even the teachers, counselors at his school can call bm, it'll probably mean to her more coming from them that it does from you) and other issues.

Nymh's picture

The only sure-fire way to make sure that she stops this immature BS is to not allow her the chance to. She walks all over you and is rude to you because she feels like you're giving her the chance to. If you take away the chance, the only way she'll be able to do so is to go out of her way to do it and (I would hope) your DH wouldn't put up with THAT for very long at all. I know you feel like you were doing the right thing by contacting BM about the problems at school, and you were, but BM doesn't sound like she's in a place where she's able to speak directly to you right now. Obviously she seems to be getting used to the fact that you are a part of SD's life (my SS's BM would never DREAM of asking me to get SS in to our clinic even if there was a problem) but she just doesn't seem comfortable speaking with YOU. If I were you I would back away and give her space without seeming openly rude so that she can't say anything bad about the way you're acting, just don't seek contact with her and divert all contact from her to your DH. She'll probably be thankful to tell the truth.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Anonymous's picture

My SD is whinning, hateful,and demanding. My husband really doesn't do anything about it. His excuse is she a kid ignore her.

Nymh's picture

That's not a good attitude for any parent to have, much less a divorced dad. Have you talked to him about this type of comment? You can't just ignore your children...I won't even begin to list the multitude of negative repercussions that would unfold as a result of continuing on that path!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*