Worse and worse (long)
Yesterday was probably the worst day we've had so far (it seems like I say that a lot). BF has had enough of BM's incessant calling and decided to block her phone numbers from his business line. BM, of course, went ballistic. She decided that she was going to come up here and try to con BF into letting her "take SS out to lunch". BF said absolutely not, you're not taking him anywhere because I know that you won't be bringing him back. She got pissy and started mouthing off, and explained that she is suing him for contempt since her numbers have been blocked and she can't get a hold of him (this was at BF's place of business, might I add). She decided to verbally assault our receptionist and call her a whore, accuse her of sleeping with my BF, and told her she was stupid for working for him. This woman is 7 months pregnant and married! BF told her to get the F out of his store. She started mouthing off again, so he told her again, get the F out of my store. She decided to challenge him, so he said "Receptionist, call the Sherriff and have them arrest her. I've asked her twice to leave my store and she refuses, I want her removed." The receptionist snatched up the phone and started dialing! BM freaked out and left.
BUT she came back with two sherriffs in tow. She told BF that she was ending the visitation NOW. Apparently she told the sherriffs that we neglect and abuse SS and that she wants him taken away from BF. The sherriffs came in and asked BF what was going on, and he told them that BM is just upset because he's not taking her phone calls and every attempt she's made to sabotage him has failed. They went back and checked on SS to make sure he was OK, then left. They told BM that there was nothing wrong going on and that she needed to leave.
Then she sends BF an email stating that she is sure SS didn't appreciate the way that he acted toward her. WTF? She's the one that busted in here raising caine and verbally raping everyone! THEN she went on myspace and stalked down our receptionist's webpage and started sending her hateful nasty messages on there. Then she called back and spoke to said receptionist, and mouth-raped her some more. Receptionist told her that she didn't want to have anything to do with the situation, she didn't know anything about it, and didn't want to become involved. BM said "You became involved the minute you were stupid enough to take a job under him!"
I called our lawyer, and they told us that the only thing we can do is get another restraining order for the business so that she can't call or contact it or anyone that works there. The only thing is that she has to have some way of getting in contact with BF, especially when he has SS, according to the attorney. They said that she will have to have at least one contact number. Is this true? Why can't she just send a message through a third party like a family member or a lawyer?
- Nymh's blog
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It's true
We had this same problem. We were told that BM HAS to have at least one contact number for DH. So we chose my cell phone number after we changed them both. She had no idea that it was really my cell she was calling and the best part is that I take things as they are said. No one said we actually had to answer the phone }:). Many times we did not. After a while she stopped calling so much b/c she might have gotten an answer 1 in 20 times. She did try to go through MIL but that didn't work either b/c I refused to listen the BS from her as well.
May I suggest that you go purchase one of those pay to go phones from any store that carries them... Provide that number as the sole number for BM to contact DH with, have him carry that phone, keep it in the car, or where ever, set a designated time to 'check messages' and leave it at that. Block her numbers from all other phones related to any of you... the only number she can have is the pay to go phone number. And just use it only for her. Get one like from TMobile that all of their programing is on their network, not on the phone... don't go to Tracfone or Net10, etc... use TMobile or Cingular (not as good rates with Cingular) because than you can get online for a log of calls, etc. I just switched my DH to TMobile, and now both the BMs are only calling his cell phone. (They are too afraid to call me... I don't know why, because I don't answer the phone... or talk to them.)
In fact, get a RED phone, so that way... it's the BM hotline. And I would TOTALLY get a restraining order through your business, to protect your business, and seal that the business is off limits to her PERIOD. That is totally and utterly disgraceful.
I'm am sooo sorry that you have to deal with this woman. She so needs help. Damn, this woman...
Between you and Caitlin, I worry about you two guys...
Hugs, hang in there, hun.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
I like the idea of the
I like the idea of the prepaid cell phone. Also, she has no reason to call you. If you get the restraining order, I'd say get one for yourselves, and have receiptionst get another one. She doesn't need to call you, she can email you guys if she has concerns about SS.
~ Katrina
Before I got to the end of
Before I got to the end of your post, I was going to say ... have the receptionest get a restraining order against BM ... how great would that look in court? HE HE HE
~ Katrina
That Woman is Scary
How do you know if this woman won't just go off and get a gun and shoot everyone in the office. I agree with getting the receptionist to get a restraining order.
Crazy lady!!
What scares me is she is allowed to have kids!!
Poor pregnant lady must have been about to give birth being harrassed like that! Some people have no respect...
Get those restraining orders in place before she completly loses it and someone, god forbid, gets hurts by this looney
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
I just had another thought...
Do you have video surveillance in your business? I would suggest you go get a couple of those video cameras, black and white are better because they show images very crisp and clear, and have those mounted in the ceiling at various positions... if BM harasses you, DH or the receptionist, it's public domain, and you can show the tape to the judge if need be for her bad behavior. I'd get something with sound too. Hell you can go to Radio shack and get some decent cheap setups that will work and record on a small video screen that can be mounted at the receptionist desk... in a closet, etc. If she comes in, have a hot button and start rolling or set it to a 24 hr loop.
We had to install some around the outside of our home because of our neighbor's kid who she disowned. He was, well... a very troubled kid and drug addict and well... disruptive. I'd check into that if I were you. Can call it a business expense.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Great Idea
That is a great idea Stepmom!
What a nutjob!
I'm so sorry you guys have to deal with this crap. Wouldn't it be nice if her pathetic life didn't revolve around the two of you?!
~ Anne ~
"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there." ...Anonymous