Apparently I'm Pregnant Again! I think this makes 8 times in 3 years!
News to me! BM has fabricated this fake pregnancy AGAIN. What is this, like the 8th time in the past 3 years? She keeps saying "Congrats on the new baby! When is it due?" and asking BF why he's not bragging about being a new daddy, she'd think he'd be jumping for joy if he had a new baby on the way.
Just answer me can you accuse someone of being pregnant? I mean, it doesn't really seem like something you can force someone to admit when it's not true. And why does she keep pretending I'm pregnant anyway?
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Excuse me Fertility Queen...
but may I have your secret to being able to conceive so easily? DH and I have been trying for quite some time to get pregnant and if you have managed to do it eight times, then you hold the secret to the world. I know, let's sell your fertility secrets, become millionaires and rid the world of BM's (those that are not also step moms.. hehe
Hell with 7 children under 3,
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
Where did she even find the time to even get pregnant with #8?,lol.
Can you imagine the gestation on those pregnancies? They'd only be like 4 or 5 months tops.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
I didn't know that was even physically possible!!!!! Did you have quintuplets or something? Let me guess... you must just have to look at DH and it just happens, right? Man... can I have some of your fertility mojo? LMAO.
Geesh... talk about insecurity....
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Insecurity is it ... LOL
That's it in a nutshell ... I'm LMAOROF with everyone's comments.
~ Katrina