Thank You Everyone.
Thank you so much. I know I will find the suport I need here. The next few weeks are bound to be crazy. Wacko is being quiet now, but things are sure to explode. This woman is nuts.
For example, when my boyfriend and I started dating, Wacko found out he was seeing someone, started talking to people (we live in a small town) and found out who my ex-boyfriend was. She then went to where he worked to ask him how he felt about us dating.......
Tell me that's not crazy........
- Mandi's blog
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that's pretty crazy
but listen to how crazy my bb is!
when she found out we were dating, she called my MOTHER and proceeded to tell her that dh beat her, cheated on her, never worked, etc. it was so bad that my mother didn't even tell me for like 6 months because she didn't know what to make of it! how crazy is that?!

you are not alone. these women are everywhere!
Apparently I'm not alone
That is nuts! I don't know about you, but I often wonder where these people find the energy to do these thins! It takes all I have to work full time, take care of my two girls and try to make a family with my boyfried and his two kids...............
it's amazing
what you can do when you are not happy. that's the main difference. my bb has such a shitty life that all she can think to do is try to pass that shit onto us! she has told me 'you have a house, a nice car, etc.' and???? what's your point??? don't waste your energy trying to figure how/why bb is the way she is. she's sad. she's pathetic. she needs to MOVE ON. stay strong. she's just jealous.
CRAZY is the word...can't
CRAZY is the word...can't believe she actually tracked down your ex to ask him that? What a psycho....obvious that she is not over him. keep your distance w/her, let her waste her energy on stupid things.
-happy mom
Me Too
Yes...thanks from me too. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have you guys to vent to and hold my hand during the first year of my marriage...(well ten months so far.) I don't care what you read...nothing really prepares you for stepmotherhood and things are okay but I still wouldn't want to wish it on's just such an unnatural state to be in in my opinion and it ain't easy!
I do believe I have you all beat on this one...
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
During mine and dh first two years together we had to deal with my ex husband tracking down his bm. They became friends of anger/ vengence doing anything they could to try and hurt, intimidate and control dh and I..(the first 6 months or so we were all still going through our divorces).DH's bm went as far as sending annonymous faxes to his and my employers stating we were giving alcohol to minors and doing drugs .My ex sent DFAC to mine and DH home 4 different times.Both of our ex's ATTEMPTED to continue communications with OUR families,not because they missed them, but so they could make up shit about us and try to get our families to turn agiants us...never happened though. Here is where I believe I have ya'll beat in regards to MENTAL and I do mean MENTAL ex's......My ex and dh ex actually (fell in love???)and moved in together....omg.......We were like a Jerry Springer show gone really bad( if that is even possible). My children refused to go see my ex because of shit bm was saying to dh about us( me and my children), my ex refused to come see kids because they were not going to control him and tell him who he could be with( which btw our kids never did, they only said they would not go to HER house for visitations,but they wanted to see their dad, of course he refused to see them unless SHE could be there) and those decisons and nastiness to our kids cost him his kids. To this day my 19 year old daughter and 10 year old son will not have anything to do with their father, not that he attempts to have anything to do with them anymore either. Bm would insist on meeting dh alone if he wanted visitation with his son and then would go home to my ex and tell him how much my dh still wanted her, then my ex would call me and say shit like "you know dh is just using you, he wants bm back but she is mine now"...omg the list of shit we put up with the first two years together was ridiculous. In the end, they ( our ex's) split up, guess they couldnt take being with each other anymore than we(dh and I) could take being with either of them.Believe me when I say that you have never been to hell and back until you deal with two controlling, verbally and physically abusive, angered selfrighteous,selfcenterd borderline personality disorders feeding off each others anger,hatred and need for revenge and then aiming all of that shit directly at you. Been there, done that, lived through it and have a awesomely strong marraige and relationship with our kids because of it. I try to always remember that God never puts more on us than we can take, but in the words of Mother Teresa, "I just wish he wouldnt trust me so much" sometimes.