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We all share similar situations

jisselle's picture

Hello to all of you I have not been on here for a few days and just read some comments on my recent postings. It seems to be that a certain member thinks I am someone she knows. If she read my Bio. She would know that is near to impossible. No matter how near or far being a stepparent is pretty much the same anywhere and we all share in the struggles of life.

In posting on this site, it has helped me to realize that I am not alone while I walk on this rocky road of being a stepparent. You all have been so helpful and I appericate all of your advice and comments. It is nice to know that many of you have such similar situations and it has been a great help to learn from your mistakes or your triumphs.

I am so sorry for the member who thinks she knows me in reading many comments I feel like situations are so similar that I may know many of you too, but I check the bio and continue to read other blogs and just realize that being a stepparent seems pretty much the same across the board.

Life is too short to make enemies but you can never have too many friends.


Sebbie's picture

NCP should have rights too! But here it goes.....Jisselle, One never has to explain to friends, as they do not require it, and why explain to your enemies, for they will NEVER BELIEVE IT. Elbert Hubbard