At a loss today
Well friends, it was a peaceful few weeks, but it's over. Drama reared it's ugly head again. DK is in a state of meltdown. Her Brother is moving out this week. He called us last night to say he has had it with his sister and the way she is "neglecting" the girls. (yeah, this is the same guy that demanded a month ago for BF to admit he abused the girls). He said it's time for us to take custody of them or at least SD9 & SD12. He told us alot of things that made our heads spin. I'm still trying to comprehend it all.
Oh, Dk's job is packing up and leaving town. Last night DK said the office is moving to Texas. So, she IS losing her job and I had nothing to do with it.
So basically, I sit here with a knot in my stomache. I know something major is going to happen but I don't know what.
- Little Jo's blog
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Oh my, Jo. I'm getting a knot in MY stomach just thinking about all the shit you're about to have to deal with. Please keep us posted and hang in there. You're strong! You and your fiance could be those girls' saving grace. Hold on to that thought when the insanity reaches its peak.
We're here for you!
Oh Sweetie,
I know that feeling so well. I am so sorry for you. But I agree with Caitlin, you are strong and you have a wonderful sense of humor as well so I have faith that you can make it through.
And you know what else? She got what was comming to her and the uglier she is to you and yours, the more SHE's going to suffer in the long run.
I Know How you feel!!!
Gosh when will these BM's ever stop their damn drama and why is her brother butting in??? I wouldn't listen to a thing he says.
Why does everything that affects BM have to turn our lives upside down. Why why why!!!!
Ok I feel better now. Lets hope she gets a good job soon
All I want to
say is keep the faith. If you are a praying woman now is the time to start.
If raising children was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor!
Hang in
Hang in there just keep your faith. In the long run it will all work out
I feel better...
...then this morning. Thank you. I think I just get a little overwhelmed sometimes. I talked with SD12 last night. She said she wants to come over here tomorrow night. I hope she doesn't change her mind. I can count on that one to tell me the truth on what is really going on in that crazy house.
By the way SD14 successfully failed 8th grade for the second time. I feel so much for SD12. They will enter the same grade together in the fall.
"Why, if Juan Valdez had our beans, he would have shot his donkey and burned down the mountain." Jessica - Soap
I wish I could...
pass on the happy pills that my BM seems to be taking... I don't know if they make them in multi dozes though, I think I would need a lot of them to pass out here on the boards.......
Hugs to you!
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...