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I really need advice!!

lillytlc's picture

Hi my name is Lilly and I have been married for 5 years and have a son from a previos marriage. My husband also has a son from previous marriage. This is the situation, his son is 8 and is the kind of kid who cries for everything, even when we tell him to pick his clothes from the bathroom. That has been very anoying for 5 years and more so, because my son is 11 a I,ve teach my son to be a little and dont cry and whe he sees that my husband pick his 8 year old son, takes a bath with him, clean his behind when he is done in the bathroom and feeds him, my son thinks and that I am being unfair with him. I've spoken to my husband about it and all he says is that every thing he does with his son bothers me. But the worst part, is that for example, right now I am pregnant I have my son, his son and our baby with me all the time. When I tell him that he should talk to his mother and keep him one weeken and he stays with us the other weekend he says that his sons bothers me. He lives with mother, but not really because he is with us EVERY WEEKEND, every holiday, every birthday, every mothers day, the whole two months of vacations, and when I talk to him the only thing he says is that I dont love his son. The clothe that he wears I buy it, we provide tranportation for school every day, we are his baby sitter(well me) and besides that he gives her money every week. She should be paying me for taking care of him. She has another daughter by a previous marriage and the girl lives with her father in N.J we live in Boston. She sees her once a year. So you could see that she dont care. Every thing I do for my kids I do for him too. and is like the boy is ok when you buy him stuff and toys but when I say, dont do this or dont do that, then he acts like if I treat him bad. I can't let him get away with every little thing he does, when I have two other boys at home. I do every thing for my kids, why cant she do the same. I dont make my husban do anything for my son. Just so he could gat the message that is how a mother should be. All I asking for is free time at least from him, and my husband dont understand that what I trying to say is that he should tell his mother to be responsible and try to be with her son more often, spend time with him. The only x-mas she spent with him was this last one because the boy wanted to be with her and we had to call her, because she does not even call. every time school starts she calls to say that he doesnt have clothes (she cant even do that) and I have to go and buy it. Every thing I do with my kids I have to do for him to, not because my husband ask me to but because I feel like I have to just so the boy wont feel left out. I dont think I a bad woman, I dont treat him bad, I dont beat him up, but I feel like Shit whenever I talk to my husband and the only thing he says is that his son bothers me. Last night was my last try, we argue because he just wont take it. I am not jealous of her is just that she gets everything to easy and my piece of shit husband lets her get away with it. I NEED HELP. Maybe i am wrong and I dont know how to deal with the situation. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I want to leave my husband just because he wont tell her to keep him every other weekend and be a fit mother. I am tire of this situation. Well the kids have off this week from school, and I ask him if he'd talk to her, and she told him that he has no other choice but to stay with him. I toldhim "I will talk to her then" and he said that, it was none of my bussines :'0...


septembers_child's picture

Well, if it's "none of your business"...then it's none of your business to be the built in baby sitter, nanny, maid, cook, taxi cab, clothes buyer ect for your step kid either...

Hubbies getting the best of both worlds..Insisting that you do HIS AND BM's job, responsibilities, and obligations of raising THEIR "little dumpling"..but your thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the subject are null and void and "none of your business"..

You don't HAVE to do ANYTHING for your step kid...Not a thing..You didn't marry your step kid, you married your DH...I wouldn't Baby sit him anymore or do anything that has to do with the daily responsibility of parentig HIS kid...PERIOD...

Let DH and BM do what they would HAVE to do if you were not around to dump their little dumpling on...DO IT THEMSELVES AND PAY FOR THEIR OWN DAY CARE...

Cruella's picture

What she says!!! You and I look at things very much the same.

Lily, don't get me wrong I do for the Skids all of the time. However, I do because I want to not because I have to. If it becomes an attitude of expectation and duties.....HELLLL NO!! I stop dead cold. If my husband DARES to tell me None YA he will be doing all for the Skids!!! I will tell him it NONE of my business to watch his kids.

stamina's picture

There is so much expectation put on SMs by a lot of DHs and yet you can't have a lot of input. It can't go both ways...if you expected to have a lot of responsibility for the kids, then likewise lots of input too. It seems that too often SMs are expected to do it all, be it all and live with it all but never allowed to have input into their own lives.

wife_mother29's picture

I agree with tha ladies,
You are doing more than you have too and yes you do care other wise you wouldn't be doing all this for him. I'm in the same boat. I wish for once that BM would just take responsibilities for her son. She has not once in the past 2 years bought him anything, or sent any support for this child.
My dh won't even ask for child support from this b*tch but when she had him it was all about the $.
Get this, he is even willing to pay for his son to fly back and forth just so he can see his mom.
WTF! If her trailor trash can't afford for him to go see her then how is it our responsibility to pay for this???
OHHHHHHH! pisses me off!

happy mom's picture

You know what I would do???? I would leave SS alone, tell your husband to care for him from now on so that he can understand your side of the story. That you are too busy with your own child and new baby coming up. Let him do all the running around and care for his own son & see how he deals with it. I mean come on you got 3 kids on your mind everyday, that is exhausting. It's not that you don't love your SS it's to save you from going crazy!

-happy mom