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Two Ex's....5 kids

kim1960's picture

Can anyone tell me exactly what the rules are for child suport when their are children by two separate mothers and two different payments are made. 1st ex wife has two children with boyfriend and 2nd ex wife has one. So is it 25% of his income for the first 2 and then another 20% for the third one? The reason I am asking is the he is paying both moms the same amount and 1st ex wife has two kids. SD is 16 almost 17 so there is only another year and half to go until support is no longer paid on her. Yet I strongly feel that all the kids should be treated equally and even when there is only one each by the two ex's to support the payments should be kept equal. 2nd ex wife has always felt her son is more important then the other kids anyway and I would never want the skids to think one was anymore important then the other. This is also an issue as far as life insurance and inheritance. 2nd exwife has a good job, a lot more money and only their one child together. 1st ex wife has four children with BF (the other two are older and child support does not apply to them.) She does not have that great of job. So should the life insurance or any inheritance reflect their prospective situations? If BF were to leave all the kids $10,000 is that fair when 2nd's son will inherit all of his mothers and yet the other four will have to split their mom's (if there is any.) Obviously the first four will need more help then the last one. Do we take this information into account when deciding these issues? 2nd EX's child together is going to have so much more then the first four. Any guidance here will be greatly appreciated.


dbsojo's picture

I couldn't tell you anything about the child support, as we only deal with 1 kid and 1 mom (and thank God!).

I'm pretty sure that in terms of life insurance/inheritance, he can divvy that up any way he sees fit. Like in terms of my parents life insurance, my dad, who has four kids including me, asked that I would make sure that everything was divided up equally amongst the other 3 and I would get the house (which is in both mom's and dad's name- I am the only child between them). For mom, there was extra money put aside for me in case something happened before I got through college. The rest is to be split between my brother (from her first marriage) and I.

The point here being that it is his money, and he can use it as he sees fit, so long as he accounts for any outstanding debt (such as arrears for example). Just make sure that however he decides to do it, he needs to put it all in a living will. It is very, very, did I mention VERY important that this all be in writing. Any verbal directions will not hold up in court, and his estate will be divided equally between the kids.

Good luck, and I hope this helps.