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Help me PLEASE! I'm new here.

Little Jo's picture

I was a single Mother for 16 years to a Daughter. Last year I met a man whose 16 year rocky marriage was coming to a crashing end. He has 4 girls between the ages of 9-16. Bob & I became very close friends, fell in love and moved into together one year ago. I went through the drama of their break-up, the divorce and blending the girls. His girls like me alot.

My problem is regarding his x. Bob & I loving refer to her as 'darkness'. Bob calls the girls every night to chat. He over pays the child support by 100 bucks a week. We welcome any of the girls just about every weekend.

'Darkness' is........words can't fully describe her. She is a master manipulator. I do not believe she is capable of telling the truth. She lies to the girls about anything regarding their Father. She calls me every name in the book. She is mentally unstable. She's been in therapy for years and on several medications. She is completely driven by money. Oh, she cut her wrists last year. One of a few attemps.

(She recently got a boyfriend from 'my space'. The poor guy is a recovering alcoholic. She's gonna knock that dude off the wagon.)

She is always calling Bob to either complain about the girls, bitch at him for something or my personal say how hard it is to be her. She's consistantly looking to Bob for validation on her self worth. 9 out of 10 times he gives it to her.

I know he loves me and we are very close. I understand that in the begining he needed to encourage her to move on and assure her that he will be there for the girls. But it's been a year and I'm getting frustrated at her phone calls and the drama that often comes with them. A perfect example last night. Bob and I were watching 'Ghost'. Darkness calls in one of her needy moods. He was on the phone listening to her whine for over an hour.

I'm trying to be supportive. but a starting to lose it.

I welcome any advice! Joann


Bonus Wife's picture

Hi Joann,
I'm a newbie here too but from just reading alot of the posts, this is the right place to be. I thought I was going to lose my mind until I found this site. I could relate to your getting interrupted during your time together. I especially hate it when BM calls while we are on the golf course! It's where I go to get serenity...and somehow she finds us via the cell phone that is always attached to his hip! (Oh well...One Day At A Time!

Little Jo's picture

Thanks for the reply. I can't believe how many people are out there that are going through similar things.

I swear 'Darkness' has radar for when we are having fun.

What does SS and BM stand for?


Ms.J's picture

somewhere around here with all the abbreviations, but damn if I can find it. SS is step son, and bm is biological mom or birth bom (or bitch mom?)
bf is boyfriend or biological father (although for me it means buttface usually)
sd is stepdaughter
dh is darling husband (some say d*ckhead though)
mil is mother in law
skid is stepkids

I know I'm forgetting some...

stamina's picture

This is about him more than it is about ex-wife. He needs to break the co-dependent habits and that won't happen over night. Years and years of learned behaviour aren't going to suddenly change without some help. Would he get some counselling to help with this? Has he taken any time to work through the baggage left from his previous marriage?

Little Jo's picture

She suck the life out of him since they met. They married 3 months after they met because she got pregnant. You are right. And I have seen him get stronger over the year. He doesn't believe that much in therapist. I can't blame him. She has been in therapy for years and she is still out of her tree.

The one thing I do appreciate about him is that we do talk alot.

Thanks, Jo

tuffkookie's picture

Hubby was on the phone with her for an hour? What on Gawd's Green Earth could they have possibly found to talk about for an hour? If he was defending himself, he could have just hung up after the first few minutes of listening to it her gripe at him. If she called him because she needed help solving a "daughter" problem, he could have made a few suggestions, and hung up. But talking for an hour with an ex-, well that's just "wierd."

If he was "pacifying" her, he needs to GET A GRIP, unless of course, he feels that her emotional stability was in jeopardy and the girls' safety were at risk. In that case, particularly if she has tried to kill herself, you and hubby taking custody of the girls might not be a bad idea. Do you feel like his ex- is stable enough to raise the girls? I mean, is that a legitimate concern?

Little Jo's picture

When she calls to rant and he tells her "this conversation is over" her reply is usually, "if you can't listen to me for alittle while, then your not seeing the girls."

If she calls to talk about a problem with the girls, he will give her suggestions,(that she will not carry out) but the conversation is more about how difficult it is for her.

Which leads to the "pacifying" her. He has told me it's because he does worry about the girls. Anytime he tries to stand up to her, she starts sreaming and crying and telling the girls 'bs' about what he said.

Finally, Oh my God. Yes, we have talked about taking custody, but how? We have no money and she would go completely off the deep end. There is no telling what she would do.
