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Morning from hell !!

h6not3's picture


I hate it when I'm like this and my husband says the classic....

"Oh, you'll need a nap today!"

This is after I get the kids up and do the normal morning rituals. Get dressed, breakfast, put backpacks in orders, sign assignments, snacks, lunches, etc.

ALL FINE and dandy....however, I have to listen to mister SS smarty pants smart mouth all morning! My gosh he just wouldn't quit! And of course my husband walks into the kitchen after his nice long quiet shower looking all handsome and relaxed. "Good Morning kids!" he says. And looks at me and after my famous, "your son is driving me crazy" look, he tells me to make sure I get a nap in today.


However, going to his job today would be just great! In his nice office, with his nice secretary, overlooking the beautiful lake...........HAHA! I wish.

Nope, i'm just here, picking up the house and getting ready for round 20 when the kids get home from school.

I hate PMS
I hate feeling crabby all day
I hate the look that my husband gives me telling me "I know you are pmsing right now".

I want to go to bed and wake up one week from today.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day today Smile


Anne 8102's picture

Have you tried taking anything for the PMS, like a specialized multi-vitamin with extra stuff for the PMS? I've never really had a problem with PMS. As my husband would say, I'm a bitch all the time! Wink But I have been experiencing some of the early perimenopause stuff and my hormones have been so crazy that at one point I didn't even recognize myself anymore. I started taking an over-the-counter multi-vitamin made for this particular stage in life and I am definitely returning to my old self again. I have more energy, for one thing, which means I'm not as tired, which translates to not as bitchy. I don't know, but maybe there's something out there that would give you the boost you need at that particular time of the month.

~ Anne ~

h6not3's picture

I agree! I dread this time of the month because I know it's coming. And I know my moods will change, and then I'm cranky because I know it's PMS and EVERYTHING drives me nuts and bugs me!

When you say multi-vitamin with "Extra stuff" you know either the type of mulit-vitamin or what the extra stuff may be?

I went to the doctor after having my second child. I only started getting PMS after my second child. The only thing that she said has been working is an anti-depressant. Well, I said "no" because 1. i'm not depressed, and 2. because I only need something for one week out of the month. Not something that you take daily.

I would love any advise people would have for the PMS thing.

This is mainly because it's bad enough that I have PMS, but the step-children, and the BM are usually what get's me upset the most during that time of the month.

I'm 32...when does early perimenopausal start?

Anne 8102's picture

I'm only 36, so it started a little early for me. I think they say it can start as early as 34 or 35 or as late as your fifties. For me, it started with hot flashes, night sweats, being cranky, being forgetful and not being able to focus on anything, not being able to drown out background noise and just getting overwhelmed. Plus, because of all the other, I wasn't sleeping. My periods now occur about every 25 days, but they only last 1 1/2 days, so I'm happy with that part of it! I started taking something similar to Estroven. Same stuff, just different brand or the store brand, which is cheaper. I think what helps me the most is the extra B vitamins, because they bump up the energy level. I don't feel so washed out and that helps a lot. You could probably go to your local pharmacy and ask a pharmacist what kind of multi-vitamin would help with your particular symptoms. Maybe taking some extra B vitamins during that week would help.

~ Anne ~

OldTimer's picture

Evening Primrose Oil is a great supplement that you can take daily, helps with PMS. I also take a multi vitamin & mineral supplement made especially for women, and I tell you that helps sooo much. Vitamin E and B6 is great too.

Ginger is also a good herbal supplement. It helps with the circulation of blood throughout the body and is an anti-spasmodic action which relives menstrual cramps. So, I sometimes munch on dried ginger- bit spicy, and you only need a little nibble (it's candied like dried pineapple chunks with sugar coating.). Or I cook with it, so I often make a ginger base meal during that time. (Use fresh ginger, not the ground spice, but get an actual ginger root from the grocery store, and just chop it up finely and cook with just a little- Like a Chinese dish or curry dish. Just find a few ginger recipes like online from Recipezaar.

I drink a lot of teas because I can not have a lot of caffeine, but I like to sip a hot drink in the evening when it's 'quiet time' for me- or anytime that I need a warm up- in the winter of course. I make cold teas in the summer. It helps me calm my nerves from the day, so I often get teas like Peppermint tea, Green Tea, Chai tea, etc they are all decaffeinated. So, I go to a Health Food store in my area, and we have a couple of really good Vitamin Shops that carry all sorts of things with knowledgeable Herbal Medicine Alternatives. I learned from them that Evening Primrose Oil and ginger root are great for PMS. Plus I take the multi vitamin and I have soo much more energy and my skin and hair all benefit too! Wink

h6not3's picture

Thank you very much for the input.

Evening Primrose Oil and Ginger root. I'll try that this month. I'm familiar with cooking with Ginger root. While pregnant with my second, I had horrible nausea, and I used to grate the ginger finely into my lemon ice water, and it helped greatly. Maybe I will try that again with my PMS. I have never heard of Primrose oil, but I will look into it right away.

Thanks again! Smile


happy's picture

I hated myself all last week because of PMS..
Other wise known when I am like that as Put Me to Sleep.. LOL..
I know I finally started and woowee, I feel so much better. Its horrible when you know firstly that you are being that way and don't want too but you cannot change it at all. Its like there is this little devil in you that will not let your nice side come back.
My husband just looks at me and all I can think that he is thinking is OMG where or what did you do with my sweet loving wife.. Bring her back.
I am a bitch that time of month. Some months more then others.. I just pop a few pills and hope for the best. LOL..

Smile Happy here to give you support Smile

moveforward's picture


I found the anti-depressants work wonders. I was a B*on wheels, and went on anti-depressants, and they help tremendously. They will even out your temper and chill you for the entire month, and you can think clearly and be more congenial and fun to be around all the time. You won't fly off the handle if you normally do, which most of us with pms tend to quite frequently. It will help you be in control of your emotions, and make you not say mean things you wish you could take back that are already out of your mouth. You don't need to be depressed to be on anti-depressants. They are used for many reasons, and one is for pms. Some like Welbutrin are also used I believe to help people quit smoking. So don't rule them out. If you have pms and are out of control, don't be afraid to take charge of you, and and get the help you need. Be responsible for your actions, and do something about it. Go see your family doctor and inquire about the diffent kinds of anti-depressants and find the one that is right for you. If after a few weeks you don't like that one, call your doctor and they will switch you. It took me three different medications to find one I liked, and I no longer take them, as I am approaching menopause, and things seem to be better for me. They will help you through this difficult phase in your life. and help you to not flare up and turn into mommy dearest or drive your husband away. I wish I had known about them prior to my ex walking out. Look carefully and see if things don't make you on edge other times than just the week before your period. Chances are, an anti-depressant would reallly chill you out and your children and family will enjoy your company more, and you will feel better all the time. Also a good talk with your husband about appreciating your important job you do of raising kids would help too. He needs to understand and respect and appreciate that you doing what you do at home is a job too and perhaps asking him to help,while you take a few days off to go away with friends, leaving him to care for the kids will make him appreciate you more, and his snide remarks at breakfast will stop. You both need to be kind to each other, and you need to stop giving him the "your son is driving me crazy" look too. Try to hold your tongue and have him pitch in more and set boundaries and work together. I also was on a low-dose bc pill, to regulate my cycle, and I told my doctor I was much more even-tempered and she said the bc pills were responsible for that. So there is another source to look into. Good luck, and get on something soon. You will be so glad you did! from MoveForward

h6not3's picture

Thank you! OMG we are alike. I hate the feeling of knowing that it is my PMS. I have this scowel on my face and I can't get rid of it, and I feel like a walking monster. It's horrible!!! But at the exact moment of my menstrual cycle, I'm back to me! So, it's one week of PMS and one week of..."the cycle".

My husband probably thinks the same thing that yours does. Sometimes I feel horrible, but I do tell him that I have PMS and I don't try and hide it. That helps because he's actually understanding of it. That doesn't mean that he's cooperative during it!!!!!!

Thank you for the support! We could all share PMS comfort ideas!!


lovin-life's picture

I did the Evening Primerose for awhile came with the vitamin E already in it. Like an anti-PMS pill.
I didn't notice a change right away....there might have been slight change..but because I don't 'live with me'..the way everyone else has to....I may be last person to 'notice' any difference it might have made.... The difference may have been far bigger than I imagined. lol

Meantime, at almost 42...I'm just waiting patiently for menopause!!

My last peroid was 12 days long....I had one in the summer that lasted 21 days. ANd my usual 7 day PMS has now stretched into 2 weeks...I feel like I'm going to start any day..for 2 weeks! I've been bloated (& cranky) have had a low grade headache off & on.

Any time I suffer through PMS.....I just thnk to myself...
It could be worse....I could be pregnant!!!

At my age........I DO NOT WANT to go there!!!!
Been there, bought the shirt, moved on.......I just want my reproductive years to be over and the monthly suffering to stop!!

OldTimer's picture

My husband is big on taking vitamins, and herbal supplements. He takes a variety of things that he really feels help him. I have found that taking a good quality women's multivitamin has really really helped me, but you have to look at the bottle and understand what you are getting. Some of the multivitamins out there are packed with way too much 'stuff' in them. So, find a health foods place and ask them for their advice.

St. John's Wort is also good for those moods. It's also used for mild to moderate depression, anxiety, and insomnia. (Not serious depression, but for those blah days.)

Ginkgo biloba is also good for blood flow of the brain. It is like an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. My husband takes this because it's good for memory.

The key with using herbal supplements is that you have to take them regularly and also take vitamins, so they aren't as effective if you just take them during a short period. They work much better when you take them on a longer term and have them in your system. It's something to consider.

h6not3's picture


I just want to thank everyone for the advise on where to start with my outragous PMS.

I went to the store and bought some "One A Day" multivitamins, Vitamin E, and "St. John's Wort".

I'll give an update in a couple weeks to see how i'm feeling/doing. Maybe this will help and others can give it a try.

Have a great day!


happy's picture

This is Happy your friend who has PMS issues too. I am so sick of being PMS queen..

SO let me know if it works for you.. THen I need to go buy the same stuff. We are ONE when it comes to that time.. WE are like the little evil twins.. LOL


h6not3's picture

And I am soooo evil.. Smile

To be honest, this sounds so crazy....but I think all those vitamins gave my body a huge boost of energy. I feel AWESOME today! It might just be luck, but I am still in my PMS stage and I have two days to go until my "cycle" starts. So, normally i'm not this active.

Oh, and it's called "one a day - All day energy". Not just One-a-day.

I'm still a little irritable, but not as bad and boy do I have energy. I tackled the play room and all the little pieces that go to the polly pockets and sweet streets.

Have a good weekend and I'll keep you posted. LOL


Anne 8102's picture

Heather, you failed to mention the Polly Pockets before. That's your problem, right there. Picking up all those little pieces of plastic will drive anyone insane. You don't have PMS, you have PPS... Polly Pocket Syndrome. (God, why did I ever buy her all that Polly Pocket stuff?!)

~ Anne ~

h6not3's picture

I can't beleive I actually have the polly pockets and barbies all organized in this house! Trust me, it hasn't been organized since they came out of their pain in the ass packaging!

You crack me up Ann! Here i am all proud of my accomplisments and I know that know one understands how difficult this was! Except for you! Thank you, Thank you!

Now the poor girls in this house have to listen to the PMS, PPS crazy woman telling them....DONT MESS THEM UP!!!!!

Have a good weekend!


Candice's picture

is making sure you drink a lot of water. If you are dehydrated, your body cramps in my case, I sit at my desk and drink non-caffeinated herbal tea. Tazo makes a really nice tea that is orange flavor. It hits the spot for me.

I appear to look like an old lady with my pill box...I take a multi-vitamin twice per day, one fish oil pill, one flax seed oil pill, and I have a water pill to help with adult acne. Vitamin B helps with energy too. Make sure you read directions on your multi-vitamin, you probably should be taking two per day...otherwise you are not getting enough of what you need.


h6not3's picture

Gosh what a great way to pass info back and forth!

I'm loving all of this Smile

P.s. thanks for the tea recommendation.


Candice's picture

Over a week ago, I finally decided to see a dermatologist. I spend a ton of money on facials, good skin product (dermalogica), and my acne is definitely hormonally induced when it's that time of the month Sad I get major break outs all along my jaw line. And they are red...

Anyhow, I had a couple of options with the dermatologist, she could have put me on antibiotics, or a water pill (aldactone). Knowing how hard on your system antibiotics are, I asked for the water pill. It is used for treating kidney problems, and they discovered it helps with acne. She also put me on retinol A cream. I got the generic version of both meds, cost me a total of $30, and in the first week, I had significant improvement! Every week I have had major improvement. I don't know the break down of it, so I don't know how it works, but it is working for me.

And this water pill doesn't make you go potty more often either.

The dr said to combat acne you need a cream and a pill to attack it in two glad I finally went...don't know what took me so long. Once I get all the redness gone, I am going to do microderm abrasion to help soften the scaring.

OldTimer's picture

I use this, and it's awesome. Everyone thinks that I am like 10 years younger than I am! It's great when you keep it up and follow a regime.

h6not3's picture

Me too! Looks like there are a lot of ladies here with the same senario.

That's what it's called (the vitamin) and I really have had a great day! Too funny about the eating everything that isn't nailed down. I hate going into a tizz...don't you? I do it, and instantly i'm like "Damn, that sucks, I totally just freaked out!" and then I tell myself that it is that damn PMS!

Have a good weekend!


h6not3's picture

Wow, Too bad I can't change the title of this blog so men would know that they have Absolutely No interest in our wonderful topic! they start to read and then they realize.. "YIKES! I don't want to hear any of that!"

LOL Smile