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Am I a Drill Sergeant?

New Stepmom's picture

My hubby and I had an argument this weekend and while we have talked it through and made up, I wanted to share what happened.

I pretty much have sole responsiblity for all the household chores - which I do not mind. I am a clean freak and very picky about how things are done, so therefore I like to do them myself. If I need DH to help do something, all I have to do is ask and he will do it. As far as the SD's, they each have their own bedroom plus a bonus room upstairs. For the first couple of months of me living there after we married, I would clean up beind the girls - I have learned they are like little pigs! They would play in each of their rooms, make major messes, then go upstairs and destroy the bonus room. On Monday mornings after they would leave for school, I would investigate. Their beds would be left unmade, clothes would be all over the get the picture. The children are 10 & 7 and I do not see any reason why they should not clean up behind themselves. Yes, I will dust and vacuum for them, but I refuse to make their beds and pick up their clothes. My mom did not raise me to be that way. Not to mention BM is not a very clean person - it is obviously not something that they are made to do when they are at BM's house. DH told me once that BM used to go about 6 weeks without vacuuming!!! :jawdrop: So, me and DH talked about coming up with a chores list. I finally did it and gave it to them - it was nothing too hard. Just to make their beds each morning, make sure all clothes and toys and whatever else was on the floor was picked up and to clean up the bonus room on their last day before going back to BM's, and to clean up their place at the table after eating. That was another thing, every time they ate, when they were finished, they jumped up and off they ran to their rooms to play some more...leaving their plate and glass and everything sitting right there. The chores list has worked out okay - they still have to be reminded of what to do, but at least it's being enforced, right?

The next thing is how they dress. They are little girls, not frilly, prissy little girls, more like tomboys. That's fine. But when they get dressed and we are preparing to go eat dinner, go visit family, go to school, whatever - it's like they have no concept of where they are going or that it is January for God's sake! Saturday night, we were about to leave to go eat dinner, they come in the kitchen. One has on capri pants and flip flops, the other has on dress up shoes that she plays in! I told each of them to go back to their rooms and put the appropriate clothes on. DH is clueless when it comes to this type of thing.

For the most part, in the 2 1/2 years that I have been in their lives, I think I have been a very good influence on them. In the beginning, they had their daddy wrapped and he was such a pushover. They threw temper tantrums when they couldn't get their way, they never said thank you for anything - it was like everything was expected, they had no manners - never said please, yes sir, yes mam, nothing. I especially did not appreciate this kind of behavior when around my parents - because my parents were so strict about this type of thing when I was growing up-not to mention that this is very disrespectful towards any adults that may interact with them. So, little by little, I starting teaching them manners and teaching them to appreciate the things that people do for them - whether preparing them dinner or whatever. They have really changed so much for the better and DH has done well enforcing this also. I can honestly say that these girls respect me, and that means a lot to me. On the same note, I feel like I have a good relationship with these girls. They like to hang out with me and I try to spend a lot of time with them. Like just going in their room for a little while and playing Playstation with them, or coloring with them, or letting them watch me while I work on my wedding scrapbook. I feel like I have affected their lives in a positive way. So that leads me to the argument...Saturday night, we were all joking about something and DH jokingly said something about me being "bossy". But I could tell he wasn't just joking. When we were alone, he went on to say that it seems like I am always on the girls about something and I treat them like soldiers and that they were "scared of me". :puzzled: Huh? I was floored! This is the same man that told me just a week ago that the way I was with his children meant so much to him and was talking about how much they loved me. My DH farms for a living, so between September-December, he is extremely busy harvesting crops. During those months, I took care of his girls every time we had them. He was working seven days a week until at least 9 or 10 o'clock most nights. I was the one at home taking care of his children - how could he say this to me??? After all of I have done for them??? Not to mention he has hardly been around the past few months to see my daily interaction with the children. I reminded him of our weekend, and the last weekend we had them, which was Christmas. I reminded him of all the things we did with the kids and at what point did I boss them around or do something he didn't like??? He was speechless, obviously because he couldn't think of anything to back up what he had accused me of. We finally talked a little more last night and in the middle of our discussion/argument, the youngest came in the room and hugged me and told me goodnight :smile:, which melted my heart after DH had made me feel so bad - like they hated me. I did sort of find out what triggered the comment. We have a dog, a labrador retriever. She is still young and rambunctious. Well we had her in Friday night and I was trying to work on a trick with her - all the while, the youngest SD is beside her yelling her name and clapping trying to distract her. Anyone trying to train a dog knows that this can't happen - of course the dog wasn't at all concentrating on me. So I said sharply "C, stop it!". That's it. This apparently hit DH the wrong way and this is what stemmed the whole disagreement and instead of him seeing all the good I have done for the girls, he only sees this one instance and bases his opinions off of that - just like a man! Wink

So, do you guys think I am wrong here? Do I try to do too much in my role as SM???

PS - LOVING the smilies!!!

Any opinions?


TKO's picture

I don't believe you are a drill sergeant and as I was reading your entry I had a feeling that there was more to the DH's thoughts. MY DH does the same thing every now. It usually happens when he himself has had a bad day and just took something else around him wrong. Upon talking it out, I always learn there was a misunderstanding, but it's never fun to defend yourself, your actions and re-remind your DH of all the good.

I myself ask my 4 and 6 year old to do the things you are asking. My SD doesn't do any of of what I request at her BM's. It's an adjustment for her and she does get a grace period allowing herself to get into the swing of what happens at our house, but otherwise, she is expected to follow. So far, so good and in the beginning my DH was relectant, thinking it was too much, but now he's amazed at how independent she can be and how happy she really is. Also how much cleaner our house is and how things can be found and people not injured over toys thrown everywhere Smile

Kids that age need consistency and at times need several reminders so that may make you feel like a drill sergeant every now and then, but once they get used to it, things will get easier and you'll have to remind them less and less.....BUT like always...I'm sure a new topic of SP will come up Smile

Enuffsenuff's picture

I don't think you are a Drill Seargent either. In fact I admire that you demanded--and I say that in a nice way--respect from you Skids. My skids are very disrespectful--but not just to me-to my kids, to grandparents, each other, their dad. It really bothers me a great deal and at times I've tried to teach them some manners-but BF feels like I am "picking" on his kids.

I'll tell you this my kids know better then to tell me no when I tell them it's time to do something. In fact--once in a while they will let a "no" slip and all I have to say is "what did you say?" Just that little question has them on their way to do whatever with an "I'm sorry mommy I'll do it now." floating behind them.

I'm not mean or scary-- they may be afraid of time out or loss of something special--but I'm not a spanker so they are not scared-- It's more a matter of knowing that I'm serious and not a push over-- I nipped it in the bud with my kids. I expected them to listen and to be well mannered--it is important--and it did take some constant reminders for a while. For the most part they have it down now.

I've watched my BF's son's scream at him, tell him off so to speak, refuse to come when called, yell that they hated him and would never come back to his house, threaten to run away, flat out ignore him when he asks them to stop doing something, kick, hit, bite(the youngest anyway) and it truly is bitter to swallow.

I am slowly gaining respect--and it took some time. I'm also slowly getting them to be more responsible instead of expecting us to do everything for them. I didn't even communicate with BF on it. I just started doing it and I believe seeing the difference it was making is what urged him to join in the effort.

I will say this- respect has different meanings for different people--I use to wonder why BF's kids were so disrespectful to me. Then I realized it wasn't just me it was pretty much any women they were around. They were just flat out rude-then I saw how BF talked to their BM, his mom, and me at times-- and I asked him how he ever expected his kids to learn to be respectful to me or any other woman- if he was their living, breathing example--he didn't say much about that but I noticed a change in his reaction almost immediately.

As my son's Karate coach taught him---Why do you give respect? To recieve respect. Isn't that true.

New Stepmom's picture

I feel like I nipped things in the bud right away. And I absolutely do not believe that they are scared of me at all. They just know that they can't get over on me. I think my DH has a tendency to be a people pleaser and like a lot of divorced parents, he doesn't want to fuss at his kids when he doesn't get to see them but half the time. To me, that's a cop out. If you let them slide with things just because you hardly see them, then they'll know they can practically get away with murder - then by the time they're teenagers, you won't be able to tame them. The earlier you start initiating that discipline, the better off for both the parent and the kids in the long run.

OldTimer's picture

I tell you... THAT IS MY STORY TOO!

Same, same, same thing... but I'm the bad one. I teach SS manners, but I'm the horrible, disgruntled bad one. And for the dog... same thing here... try to teach a dog new trick while a 5 year old is hackling at it... ain't gonna happen. I did the same thing... but I did look at SS, kneel down at him and told him nicely, in that motherly firm way that I can't have him doing that or the dog won't listen to me. Of course, that hurt his feelings because he wasn't involved directly. I understood that. So, I let the dog training go when my hubby complained about it too me... and guess what? The dog has the WORST manners now. LOL. I mean, she's a wonderful dog, but I won't let her in the house, period. And she is the most happy go lucky thing out there, jumps in pure excitement when you go see her, but listen... nope.

As far as SS's manners, I don't know, but I too had the same issues... shorts and flip flops in the winter. HELLO! Dresses all sloppy when we are going out to eat, so I make him change his clothes. DH is somewhat good about helping out with this, but when it comes to eating at the table... I just cringe. Sad fact is that his dad has the same eating habits, and so he mimics his dad... want to be just like dad... great.

So, I feel your pain! :?

New Stepmom's picture

I knew someone would appreciate my way of thinking! Wink

Seriously though, I'm one of those people who cringes when I see other children being disrespectful to their parents or acting like they don't have manners. I don't want to ever be viewed as a parent who lets my kids (or skids in this case) run over me. And people say you treat your own kids differently and they can get away with more, but I don't buy that. I think I would be just as firm with my own children. Like I said, I think I've made an influence in their lives and I don't need to stop doing what I do, but I also don't want DH to get upset with me. It has never been an issue before, so maybe something just hit him wrong that one time. But you know, I am the one who takes care of the house, not DH, so if I ask for a little something to be done by them while they are visiting with us, then I expect it to be done - skids, my kids, nieces, nephews, whatever!! End of story! :evil: