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Broken hearted

purdy's picture

I wrote a little while ago about my son moving to his dads in another province for 1 year and decided to let him go.It was the hardest decision in my whole life that i ever had to make.My son is so happy and looking forward to flying out this saturday.I am a basket case and probably will be for the next year until he returns.I have spoken to people about this and they have all said that i am doing what i can as a parent and even though i am totally heart broken and will miss my son dearly i have put my sons feelings before mine and that makes me feel like i am doing the right thing.My son means the world to me and i am fighting myself inside to not turn around and tell him he cant go has anyone been apart from there child like this?I know that if i said no to him he would be very hurt inside and that would not make me feel like i am a good mother to deny him of this.My parents are very angry at me for this decision and have even told me they are not coming to my house for christmas because they think i am making the wrong decision which puts more hurt on top of everything else.My ex has made all these fun plans for when my son gets there and i know that he will be in good hands and will have the chance to bond with his dad i am excited for him but also sick to my stomach everyday because my life wont be the same without my son.


lovin-life's picture

I think your awesome! It's not easy and of course the lack of support from your own family doesn't help.....

A had a freind who 'let her son go' when he wanted to move in with his Dad......very difficult for her as well.

She didn't have much faith in his parenting was more about 'the money' and not haveing to CS to HER for this child.
He was a teenager 15 or 16 at the time....and was sure this was what he wanted...and she felt that he deserved to have a chance with his Dad. To make up his own mind, etc. She never wanted him to resent her for keeping him from his other parent.

He loved his Dad ... as well as his Mom...

Get strength from knowing that no matter how angry others are with you..or how much you'll miss know.. KNOW that YOU are AWESOME for making this sacrifice for your son.

Many parents say things like "they would die for their children". This is putting your money where you mouth is....
This is hard to do... BUT you know in your heart it's the BEST you can do for your son. And you are putting him ahead of you regardless of the pain....

YOU ROCK AS A MOM!!!!!!!!!!!

stepup's picture

I agree with lovin-life. It takes an amazing woman to let her son go to bond with his dad. Really, and truely amazing. You're strength of will and character are to be commended not critisized. I'm sorry your family can't support this difficult decision, but they may come around in time.

Good luck!


happy's picture

My son is only 7 but I realise the day is coming when he is going to want to go live on the farm with his dad and the thought breaks my heart but I would let him go. Even though my heart is going to be in shambles like you. SO I understand. And your parents should in my opinion be supporting you no matter if they think you are making a mistake. He is your son, not theres. And if you needed them at anytime that time is right now.. I am so sorry but for your sons sake I think you are making and unselfish decision and he will thank you later.. He will always be your son. Always.. You are a wonderful spectacular mother. You are not selfish and deserve to know all that. I praise you..

Hugs to you..

Anne 8102's picture

You did the right thing and your son will love you for it... who cares what anyone else thinks? The issue of grandparents second-guessing parents is a hot-button issue for me, so I totally feel for you on that one. The longest I have been without my son (age almost 9) is a week. I didn't die, but I sure felt like I might. It'll be rough, but you will both grow from it. You obviously feel this is a good thing for him and you made the ultimate sacrifice for him. What kid wouldn't love a mom for that?! Hang in there!

~ Anne ~