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lylagarrett's picture

Ok this is what I received back from our insurance company on the step-daughter and medical insurance. My brain has processed so much already with my cancer and treatments that this is not making any sense to me. Can somebody help me translate this? Is it saying that because we were ordered in the divorce to carry insurance that we have to continue until she's 24 or am I reading it the wrong way? The step-daughter is 19, unmarried, lives with her biomom and has a full time job, not going to school. Thanks!

Your unmarried children and stepchildren who live with you and are under the age of 24 (provided that coverage is extended through the end of the calendar month in which age 24 is attained) who are not employed on a regular full-time basis and who meet the dependency requirements of the Internal Revenue Code and who are dependents for federal income tax purposes, or

Your unmarried children and stepchildren who are under age 24 who are full-time students in an education institution, who are not employed on a regular and full-time basis and who are dependents for federal income tax purposes;

Your unmarried child who is required by law to be treated as your
dependent, up to age 24 on whose behalf a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMSCO) has been issued or divorce decree indicating that coverage must be provided. You will be required to submit appropriate documentation.

Eligible unmarried children and stepchildren who are physically or mentally incapable of self-support may be continued under this insurance coverage while remaining incapacitated, and as long as you remain an eligible employee. The dependent must have been enrolled in the ONEOK, Inc. plan prior to their 24th birthday and remain covered. To continue a child under this provision, proof of disability or incapacity (obtained at your own expense) must be received by the Human Resources department of your business unit within 31 days after coverage would otherwise terminate. ONEOK requires annual certification of the child's physical or mental condition.


skye22's picture

It looks like since she is working full time that your insurance will not cover her medical care.

skye22's picture

I would like to add that I just can't believe how the cutoff of finacnial support went from 18 to 24. In my state my husband could be held to pay child support up to 25 if the child attends college plus school fees!!

happy's picture

NO wonder there are so many kids now days who live at home in what case seems like forever and cannot even hold a job down.. Why should they after all the states are making the parents responsible till 25. That is insane..

It makes me sick to see all these "kids" who do not go to school or work and there parents pay for everything.. No wonder our country is going to hell. Sorry just venting my personal opinion.. My kids I am sorry to say will work full time or go to school. I will not have any sponge sucking kids of mine sponging off of me or the system.

Think about the generation today and what there president is going to be like..

lylagarrett's picture

Hubby has never been able to claim his daughter on his taxes. He was able to claim his son, but not his daughter. And I thought I read that right too, but the part about the child support order confused me and still does confuse me!

Anne 8102's picture

"Your unmarried child who is required by law to be treated as your
dependent, up to age 24 on whose behalf a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMSCO) has been issued or divorce decree indicating that coverage must be provided. You will be required to submit appropriate documentation."

Reading this paragraph, it sounds like if it's been ordered as child support or is incorporated in a divorce decree, then you CAN cover them through this insurance plan up to age 24. It just means that as long as there's a divorce decree stating that he has to provide medical insurance, then his insurance company will provide coverage.

Now, as far as how long you are required to provide coverage, that would be based on whatever the divorce decree says. If the decree says you have to provide it until she's 30, then that's what you have to do, but this insurance plan won't cover her over 24 regardless of the decree. You'd have to buy a separate policy elsewhere. If the decree says up until age 21, then you can take her off the policy at 21.

Basically, if you provide the insurance company with a copy of the decree, child support order, whatever, then they will continue covering her up to age 24.

~ Anne ~

lylagarrett's picture

I can not locate the divorce decree right now, but my memory tells me the wording basically said child support and medical insurance until the age of 18 or until out of high school. He was able to use his son for tax deduction and biomom got the daughter for tax deduction. I will continue looking for the decree but I'm unable to lift heavy objects right now and all of our files are heavy so...........Thanks for your help!

Allyceson's picture

Hi, there. I used to work for a health insurance company. It sounds like what you have are the forms they send out when a dependent is going to be removed from a policy unless you can prove that they qualify to stay covered. Some policies will cover children above and beyond the age of 18- usually to 21 or 24, but you have to provide proof that they're still dependent because of disability, they're a student, etc. The company I worked for would not have kept track of whether or not you had a court order that required you to carry the dependents. They would only send you out a notice advising you that your dependent had reached the age where they are typically removed from the policy and would require you to provide documentation proving that the individual was still a dependent. They should be happy to tell you what the paperwork is for if you give them a call, but as she's 19 I would guess that they're just advising you of what you need to do to keep her on the policy should YOU choose. Hope this helps. Smile

Sweetie's picture

Dear Lila,

CYA!!! Take all of it to your attorney along with the child support paperwork. He will immediately figure it out. We dumped my stepson when he turned 18, and my SD will be dumped as well, very soon. Let the custodial parent add her to their policy if they want insurance for her. And if she's not a full time student, she won't be entitlted anyways!

Nise's picture

Glad Sweetie's back! I've been concerned about you! I was going to e-mail Dawn and ask her to send you an e-mail to the address you registered with and make sure you are okay!!

Make a GREAT Day!