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Good days

Melise's picture

On sunday BM called saying that SD had been a total nightmare at her house. BM claims that SD was throwing fits constantly. According to BM, SD threw a plate and broke it, pulled BM's hair and hit her, and was screaming and crying for 45 mins throwing toys and other things. Now this is VERY hard for me to believe as I have NEVER seen this type of behavior from my SD and I am the one who watches her all the time. She is with me more than she is with anyone.Dont get me wrong she has thrown fits, she is 4 years old you have a expect a few outbursts here and there but she really is the best behaved 4 year old I have ever met. I get props from people ALL THE TIME on how well mannered she is. So When SD got back to our house I was expecting to have a rocky first day.I was wrong. SD has been an ANGEL since she got back on sunday (we took her back a day early at BM's request). I have not had one problem with her at all. Im sure it has a lot to do with the fact that BM is not consistent with any form of disipline except yelling and then giving in and she doesnt pay much attention to SD when she is there. So yesterday SD and I were in the car and she says "Melise you are the best mom in the world". Somehow that little comment makes all the hard days worth it. There was no "step" in front of that mom. Needless to say it is really refreshing to have days like these!


happy mom's picture

That's wonderful, Melise. So sweet of her to say that, especially since she is only 4. Keep up the good work, this child needs your guidance, since she lacks of it from her own mother. Great job, wished it was the same w/my stepson.

-happy mom