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Time Marches On

Sweetie's picture

Well, time continues to march on and the days pass by, each with more intense heat than the one before. Or at least, so it seems to me. It's been well over a month, and I haven't heard a peep from still bothers me. And SD's comment that her Dad is MIA--don't you think that something would click in her head--after this time--there's a reason your Dad hasn't spoken to you? Duh??? But then, biomom, has told SD she hasn't done anything to apologize for. My husband had another discussion with me about SD last night....same stuff, but he is very adamant on his opinions, which I can understand. He has pretty much marked SK off. He says maybe some day "they''ll understand what they had" and I told him it wasn't likely because of the environment in which they lived. They didn't see they were doing anything wrong. It is rather interesting that FD is this weekend, as I do wonder on the off chance that my SS might call his dad, but I would say the odds are pretty high. I think that I'll just find something to do away from the house part of Sunday so it takes my husband's mind off things and then he can go swimming in the afternoon.
I am having trouble with my hands swelling up from the dermatitis again, so I guess I'll have to go back and see what else can be done. It just seems to be a vicious cycle with the medical bills and I never seem to get rid of them. Other than that, I'll try to rest a bit this weekend. Hope that the rest of you have a great weekend without any problems.


Sherrylyn's picture

What is it? Youth? Pure ignorance? Stubbournness? Listening to poor guidance? I don't know, but it's everywhere. Do we really need time to actually see that someone other than ourself has a valid point or stand on something? The harm that can happen to a relationship between any 2 people over time can be great. I wish the best in the future, & maybe there can be nice, thoughtful exchanges in the future.

Sweetie's picture

Hi Sherrylyn,
You are spot on that the damage that can happen to a relationship between two people over time can be great. But in this case, I'd have to say, the damage that was done by my husband's ex, (biomom), the extreme amount of PAS she created and just kept feeding off of with both children, it was like feeding a monster that was always hungry. You continue to try again, and again, for years and go to battle in court, go to counseling, mediation, anything to try and get your kids back, but nothing works. Because every attempt you make is always thwarted before you even get a chance or opportunity to even start or try. Sometimes it's almost inconceivable to believe that anyone could be that evil, jealous, or just plain mean. But it actually happened. And when your ex takes your child and moves away without telling you that she's moved and you're trying to locate your child.....and you make thirteen trips one weekend to their old residence trying to find them and having the police accompany you....its humiliating....No matter what my husband has done or I have done, it's never been enough. I am terribly disappointed and saddened by this experience but in the same token hope that through my experience someone can learn from my mistakes.
So, I don't cling to hope anymore because it's like looking for a cloud with a silver lining--and in our case--something that just isn't there. We have each other, the dogs, my parents, and my younger brother. For us, that's the best it's going to get and we are grateful for that. Because, we know with those things, they are solid and constant--and we are at the point where we only want what we can depend on. I'm not saying there's not hope for other people, I'm just not holding my breath anymore to set myself up to be disappointed. You can't change people who don't want to change or see a need to change.

happy mom's picture

Make sure that the kids know what they did wrong. Sometimes you have to spell it out to them. If they don't think it's wrong and I don't see any point on fighting about it. Just ignore them. Summer just started here in Honolulu and it is damn HOT everyday and all day, even through the night, I have the fan on all day. It's gonna get even hotter! I'll be wearing tank tops and shorts to work pretty soon. Have a good weekend Sweetie and thanks so much for all your advice and opinions. I really appreciate you.