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...husband is a child too!

happy mom's picture

I have to start separating my clothes from the main laundry stack we have. My husband puts all the clothes in the dryer and does not even hang up the delicate clothes... AGHHHH!!!!! Most of my clothes have shrunk cause he is suppose to hang them and not put them in the dryer! I feel like screaming...he is just another child that I have to mold, he is giving me a headache. I have enough duties as it is, working full time, a mom 24/7, he doesn't watch my daughter or do anything unless I tell him to. I just have too much to do and I don't have time to baby my husband. Is anyone in this situation?? What do you do so you don't become insane?


smcpaw's picture

Don't let him near the laundry! It will save several headaches. Let him do dishes, less harm if he breaks a plate!

Sweetie's picture

Dear Happy Mom,
I think that men are starting to learn the psychology that if they continue to screw up with "helping out" with these jobs we just take the jobs away and "do it ourselves". Unfortunately, we haven't had enough time to think about another more arduous, stinky job that that would rather not do. Like if we tell them to mow the lawn, or wash the car, they that's great because then they're outside by themselves for at least 3 hours or so! If figured this one out already! I think my husband has figured out a method to this madness.

happy mom's picture

I am practically doing everything myself, work full time, care for daughter 24/7, go grocery shopping, cook, clean, laundry when I get a chance, take daughter to activities, bathe & feed child, always cleaning up around the house....I can go on. It is just the laundry and he can't even do one thing right! I haven't taken a vacation over 2 yrs now away from work. I don't know what else to do.

lovin-life's picture

Why is it they can read blueprints, build aircraft engines, operate pumps, gauges & gears but can't read a clothing label or operate a vacuum or open the damn door without letting the dog run out!! You're has to be an act!! lol

Sweetie's picture

Dear Happy Mom,
My husband has had a talent for ruining more of my good winter sweaters than I can count on both hands--cashmere and angora. Just because it's in the basket--doesn't mean it goes in the machine!!! And you wouldn't believe he even put them in the dryer! They're like miniatures for dolls! Needless to say, it's cost him a fortune replacing them! He doesn't do laundry at home because I hate the way he does it! But there probably was a method to his madness!

happy mom's picture

You crack me up when you said "they're like minitures for dolls!" I actually had the same situation happen to me once, they get pretty small....It was before I met my husband and I washed it myself, not knowing that would happen. You just brought me back to that time, I cracked up the whole day. But true, I will not let my husband do the laundry from here on. I just recently packed away our old towels and bought new ones, my husband didn't like the new towels and want to go back to use the old ones. He said I'm still wet even after I dry myself. And so I'm like whateva's use what ever you want. I just can't stand the old towels...small, thin and old.