Video Game Time
I'm curious, how long should a 13 year old be allowed to play video games on the weekends? Is 6 to to 9 hours per day (Sat and Sunday) too much? Or I'm out of touch and it makes no difference.
I know of friends who do limit video game time even on the weekends.
Totally normal. What else
Totally normal. What else should skid be doing? I don't mean to be funny but does he/she have chores that aren't getting done?
Chores? There are no chores
Chores? There are no chores in this house. Well not for SKids.
I don't believe they have chores at their house.
I am merely asking out of curiosity.
That's 12 to 18hrs on perhaps
That's 12 to 18hrs on perhaps what would be a 48hr (counting sleeping time) visit. I find that a waste of the weekend whether kid is home in an intact home setting or doing parental exchanges, but your skids won't be the only kids playing video games, if that makes you feel better.
I find it not normal for a skid who might see their parent only EOWE. But it also depends on weather I suppose too. Snow snow and more snow here for the third weekend straight. Being rural, roads suck for doing much else and I would think a kid entertaining themselves (or with a couple friends) for a video game marathon could be fun.
If it's taking away from perhaps something like school studies/homework, it's way too much. My last still at home daughter (a senior) is going nuts with the every weekend snow thing. She's been reading and watched a couple movies. Poor thing even cleaned and sorted her drawers and closet in her bedroom. She's had the dog out for walks in snow every day. Today she is painting one of her art projects for the school art show. She was out with her Dad early this morning doing snow removal. Dad got her this cool electric shovel so she could do the deck and furbaby area plus the sidewalk (she's too dinky for the big snow blower)
Wow your daughter helps
Wow your daughter helps shovel snow? Very impressive. SS's do no such thing at their house. I guess that is what some children do now, just play video games all day.
Btw, I think it's a total
Btw, I think it's a total waste of a day, too. I can't focus on anything for that long! Unless I'm sick or just being lazy I won't watch t.v., internet surf, or mindlessly play games like kids nowadays do. I just think it's the new "norm" and like the other poster said, at least he's entertaining himself..
Hi I love dogs, I absolutely
Hi I love dogs, I absolutely did not think you thought that was normal. Yes, at least he is entertained. Otherwise, he would be interjecting himself in me and DH's conversations.
I limit my ss12 to a couple
I limit my ss12 to a couple of hours per day.
He has chores and morning, night routine plus books to read when we don't go out to do things.
Ss6 is not allowed to touch video games or tv bc we have all sorts of learning toys for him to play with.
I think when they come over
I think when they come over here it should be limited, but sadly that will not happen. SS13 will wake up on a Sunday morning and literally turn the video game on before wiping the sleep out if his eyes.
My SS is 8 and plays video
My SS is 8 and plays video games 2-3 hours a day. I believe this is too much since he has quit many other activities and also misses school sometimes only to stay home and play video games for hours at a time. This whole concept is so foreign to me. I had nintendo when I was a kid and rarely played it. I was outside playing with my friends most of the day. I dont understand it.
I don't understand it either.
I don't understand it either. It's way too much, but I guess DH feels he is being entertained.
I waffle on this, honestly.
I waffle on this, honestly. While I do think it's too much, I have been known to binge play a game, or watch a show, or read a book when nothing else is going on. Video games are a form of entertainment, and if it's "entertainment time" in the house, I don't see the need to dictate what SSs do. Then again, they are older and toys/make-believe play aren't viable options anymore.
I think if the kids are still doing chores, still going to bed on time, still showering, still going out when told, etc that it's probably not a big deal if their free time is devoted to games. However, once it starts eating into responsibilities, it becomes a problem.
I think some parents do huge
I think some parents do huge disservice to their children by cultivating their obsession with video games.
As adults we are free to decide what we do and if we can monitor our own entertainment. I can never understand parents complaining about their kids this or that (unable to focus or unable to control their emotions) etc yet they think it’s ok to encourage hours of mindless video gaming. Ridiculous
Video Games
Video games, if played in a disciplined manner can help your child learn a lot. Through playing, children can learn to follow instructions and formulate strategies on their own. Video gaming brings remarkable enjoyment to game enthusiasts and avid video gamers. To let them enjoy it buy them a PlayStation plus card ( and let them enjoy their childhood!
Both of my boys are gamers.
Both of my boys are gamers. Oldest has been taking programming and IT for 4 years now and already has a few Microsoft certifications. He builds games. Youngest is finishing his first year of programming and thanks to his brother, is at a higher level than his classmates.
I watch them build, and have even been the recipient of games they have collaborated on together.
I can see some of the problems that long term gaming causes, but my boys know when it's time to get up and go outside,keep their chores up, and veg with a good book.