Birthday Parties
How do you all do birthdays with SKs?
In the past BM would have a party, and we would have a party (ours would be just family until we let her have her first sleep over at our house.)
Well this year big old 13, we are having a hotel party so the girls can do swim. Then we are going to go bowling, movie or something fun.
BM just texted saying SD wants to have her party at this local laser tag/arcade place its $300, do we mind to help with the cost.( which means pay for most of it because they are hurting right now for money) DH responses, we are throwing her a party already we can't really afford both. BM gets all mad saying its the least we can do, and she is sure SD rather do this one instead any way. Then says she is going to ask SD which one she wants and then go from there.
DH really didn't want to give her the option I don't think. We will buy her a few small gifts (child has everything she wants at our house) but her party is her main gift. I think DH is more upset he won't be at the party if we help pay for BM's. BM's family is trash (and I am not just saying that to be mean, pedophiles, druggies, you name it). We won't go they are rude and aggressive toward us, it would make things worse on SD if we did.
Are we mean for saying no we are going to stick with out plans, SD may just have to come up with a new idea for her party at BM's house?
We do separate parties. It's
We do separate parties. It's cleaner and easier that way. BM used to have joint parties with DH where she would act like they were still married, you know, for SSs sake. I stopped that when we got married.
Don't let BM strong-arm you into paying for HER party. If she gets in SD's ear and SD says she wants BM's party instead, then don't throw her one and don't go to BMs. You don't let BM tell you what to do, and if SD is ungrateful then don't throw her one.
I know its not my call, and
I know its not my call, and DH in the end will do what he thinks is best for SD.
I want to say no choice at all, either you let us do what we already have planned or you miss out.
SD could certainly tell her
SD could certainly tell her daddy she would rather do the laser tag than a hotel party... but no way does dad pay for a party his EX is hosting.
We always did whatever we wanted to for the girls.. their mom did what she wanted and we never subsidized that .
agreed I am glad I am not
agreed I am glad I am not alone on thinking this is crazy. DH just needs to learn its not wrong for him to say no. Its not like he isn't doing anything at all.
You are NOT alone. There is
You are NOT alone. There is no way that I would help pay for a party BM was throwing that we wouldn't even be attending. SO and his ex throw joint parties for their kids (kids are still little), so he pays half or a bit more, but a joint party is totally different. No way would he pay for the ex's party for her side of the family that he wasn't attending.
I don't agree that the birthday child should not have any choice in the matter - what she wants to do is relevant. However, I don't think her choice should be between DH's hotel party and BM's laser tag party. If she really really wants to do the laser tag/arcade party and it's within DH's budget (and BM can't swing it financially), I'd let her do that in lieu of the hotel party. But the party would be thrown by DH, not BM.
DH responses, we are throwing
DH responses, we are throwing her a party already we can't really afford both.
BM already has her answer. BM needs to do what SHE, BM, can afford. Period. Dot. So she has her knickers in a twist. HER problem. BM should not promise things that she cannot afford and not ASSume that DH will help her out. He is no longer her husband. Tough gazongas!
SD mentioned BM throwing the
SD mentioned BM throwing the party a few weeks ago, I told her that is a lot to ask. SD has been getting that way lately. Asking for things that cost a lot and being mad when they don't happen.
She was mad for Christmas she didn't get the Iphone X, I told her that just isn't reasonable. She came over this weekend and needed new shoes, I told her I could buy her some at walmart, she threw a fit they had to be nike. No that is not happening we just blew almost $200 on shoes in December.
DH fixed his old four wheeler (from when he was little), it was a suprise for SD. DH told her she had a surprise when she came over. He shows her and she says its lame, she wanted a new one. DH said fine don't worry about it... (he was crushed, but I told him it was amazing and he showed me how to ride it, I suck since you have to shift gears but hey.)
SD most likely did ask BM for the party but if BM can't afford it she has to say no. Yes it stinks to tell your kids no, but isn't it worse to say yes then break their heart in the end.
But now it seems as if BM is going to blame DH, I can see her telling SD that she was all game but DH just wont help.l
Wow, what a little snot! She
Wow, what a little snot! She sounds like my SD21 when she was 16. She wanted $100 jeans, $120 shoes, $200 boots... She came over one day, SCREAMING at my DH that he needed to give her mother MORE MONEY because SD HAD TO HAVE...blah, blah, blah. I got caught in the crossfire when DH asked me, "Aniki, did YOU ever get expensive clothes or shoes?" I said, "Only when I saved my money and paid for them. Otherwise, it was what my parents could afford, like $8 KEDS." THAT cooled her jets. She also came over one day, DEMANDING that DH pay for her prom dress. DH didn't have the money (and I wasn't about to give her one red cent). About 3 years ago, SD found out how much BioHo was getting in CS and pitched a pink FIT. 'Ho could have spent $250 on clothes for SD every single month and STILL have HUNDREDS left over.
Over the years, SD has learned that BioHo was (IS) a moneygrubber who bought the skids clothes from Walmart, but spent the majority of CS getting regular mani/pedis, regular touch-ups on her dye jobs, and buying herself $$$ clothes. Now that CS is over, BioHo is having financial difficulties. Go figure!
Hopefully, your SD will figure it out one day. She's at an awkward age and may be learning bad lessons from BM, who is obviously making grand plans BEFORE she considers the financial aspect. It is BM'S fault the party won't happy; not your DH's.
DH and BM switch off to every
DH and BM switch off to every other year, so that way one of them gets at least one SD for a birthday each year. This year we have SD11 and BM has SD14.
I don't do much UNLESS the SD asks nicely. No demands, no expectations.
DH won't pay for an expensive venue and it's up to SDs to come up with a reasonable plan, with some help of course. Last year BM was at our house when older SD turned 13...that was odd (I don't dislike her she's just removed) and it was obvious SD13 didn't want her there b/c she was with her friends. DH and I don't go to BMs for their birthdays since they were around 10/11. And before that we just stopped by for the cake and gifts. Pretty low key.
You're not mean for saying
You're not mean for saying you're going to do separate parties. BM wrecked SD4's party last year. Guess what? Separate parties, no option for combined and heck no is she invited and we won't be funding anything for her either. Just NO. And that's okay. If she wants to do a party, then she needs to have a budget and she needs to throw one within that budget. You're already throwing one and she sounds high conflict as heck.
This last birthday (SD9) we even ended up inviting BM's SM and dad... Not BM... BM ditched the Skids, she doesn't get to add stress to SD9 by making the party all about BM like she did with SD4. It SUPER upset them both... She wasn't going to do anything, and she's banned form her dad and SM's house because she's a little s***. We don't believe in punishing the Skids because BM is a beastie. But we also don't believe in either the Skids or us having to put up with her crap just because she's the egg donor.
So yes it's totally fine for you to say that you're already throwing your own and can't afford both. She's an adult. She can make big girl decisions without taking money from her ex whenever she thinks she needs it. I say stick to it. You shouldn't be funding a party that BM is throwing unless it's mutually agreed upon, which it sounds like it's not. A party isn't a necessity, that's probably something BM said "let's do this, I'll make your dad pay for it."
A lot of step-families do separate parties, that old family unit just doesn't exist anymore. And that's okay. Both sides should get to celebrate as they see fit (and with their own funding).
SD just texted, she rather
SD just texted, she rather have laser tag instead....... That wasn't an option, how to reply.
Ok, have fun at laser
Ok, have fun at laser tag.
Cancel the hotel and movie. Buy her a gift and give it to her when she comes over.
When BM calls say have fun. No, we are not contributing, SD said she didn’t want a hotel party so we are just getting her a gift. Laser tag is all on BM.
When SD and/or freaks out tell her it was never an option for DH to pay for laser tag, BM had it wrong.
There will be fireworks but you’ll only have to deal with them this once. Next year when it comes up you simply say this is what we are willing to do for your birthday. Do you want it or not?
Ughh, Birthday Parties. BM
Ughh, Birthday Parties.
BM should have AND pay for her's and DH should have and pay for his.
We recently did the Laser Tag thing...I could NOT believe the price.
You know what we found to be the best Birthday parties...sleep overs with pizza. IF you have xbox big super plus.
Don't feel bad about telling bm the new plan this year and every year. Also, we found it was better to have our parties AFTER bm had hers,,,say a week or too later.
By then the kid forgets bm's and we are stress free.
I know what your going thru. We did too.
We lef go of that Birthday Rope AND the Christmas rope---BM can have them for all holidays. Amazing how they don't like when the rope is left go. THEY fight tooth and nail to have birthdays and Christmas vacations to start with. I think they just like to fight AND they believe it hurts their ex.. Pffffttt nope not really letting go is a relief.
OP please tell dh we went thru this too. BM has her's and you have yours. Do what is best for your home. Have a sleep over cheap, easy and fun.
I'd probably text back "So
I'd probably text back "So you only want the party your mother is giving you? We of course will not intrude on your mother's party. Are you sure you don't want a second party with us? We are still willing to have the hotel party."
And if she says something like "oh I want you (and your wallet) to come to the laser tag party too" I'd just answer "That's not an option."
SD "Why isn't it an option?"
Dad "Because your mother and I do not socialize together."
SD "Why"
Dad "Because I don't want to."
SD "Why"
Dad "I do not have to justify my social activities to you."
I'd go with this... SD "Why
I'd go with this...
SD "Why isn't it an option?"
Dad "Because your mother and I do not socialize together."
SD "Why"
Dad "Because we are no longer married."
Agree not the kids choice,
Agree not the kids choice, you do what you want to do. Let BM do what she wants to do
You will not pay for BM party
Of course you aren't mean for
Of course you aren't mean for not funding the BM's family party for SD's B-day. Who give a crap about what the toxic blended family oppositions wants?
Why would you care what they want or think you are mean for not falling for BM's manipulative bullshit?
I would've told BM, sorry but
I would've told BM, sorry but your party arrangements has nothing to do with us, we already have plans and you are free to do what ever within your budget, cheers......
It's none of BM's business
It's none of BM's business what DH can/cannot afford. She is not entitled to spend his money. This may not happen again, but if it does, the answer is just "No", without any explanation.
We talk and SD doesn't want
We talk and SD doesn't want the STUPID hotel party. It was a lame idea any way.
We said that is totally fine and left it at that.
Waiting on BM to text hey where is the money for the laser tag. When we get to send the text, we never said we pay for that and SD lost her chance at hotel party.
Which honestly I am thankful I don't have to do the the STUPID hotel party lol. I think it would of been stressful. DH and I agreed that no matter what now she has lost her chance for that party by being disrespectful (I know its BM fault she even said she didn't want it but we are done playing those games, she is going to be 13 in a week, she needs to learn for herself BM isnt in charge and BM giving her the go ahead to be a butthole doesn't make it ok).
We are going to do cake, ice cream, and a small thing with family like we normally do.
good for you, no friends
good for you, no friends nothing, she did not want to have a stupid party with her father and you......
and still no contribution to BM's party, thus SD might end up with no party at all and she's only for herself to thank for that![Wink](
I hope your DH stands his
I hope your DH stands his ground and does not give BM one penny for that laser tag party.
Or any other party BM might
Or any other party BM might concoct up in it's place...
This is a great lesson for
This is a great lesson for SD- she can’t be an ungrateful little sh it and still get what she wants. She is not the adult, you and DH are. I would have been thrilled to pieces if my parents threw me a “stupid “ hotel party at that age!! Can’t stand this entitled cod behavior.
BM and DH did joint birthday
BM and DH did joint birthday parties the first two years after the split. It was he** for ss...he was only 4-5 at the time and BM insisted on taking "family pictures" like they used to (her arms around him, etc). This would lead to SS being in tears when it was time for DH to leave. The third year she invited DH again, he went, only to realize the only reason she wanted him to come was so he could pick up and drop off the rental chairs she ordered.
Needless to say we have done separate parties since then, the only problem now being how much money he spends.
Gosh this sounds like how my
Gosh this sounds like how my SD and BM would act!
For those who do separate parties how do you handle the guest list? Do the skids friends attend both parties? Or do they only invite certain friends to each party?
As a parent of a party guest I dont know if I would be thrilled taking my kid to little "Suzies" party a week after her other party.
For our sitch: Munchkin sd11,
For our sitch:
Munchkin sd11, for the past 3 years, has had pool parties at TBM's (Toxic BM)apartment complex, along with a sleepover. Pizza, soda, cake and pinata were provided by SO. So were pool noodles, and squirt guns.
This year, in May, I think Munchkin wants something smaller with a smaller group of friends. She said that previously it was all about the adults and drinking, and the first year she didnt even get to go swimming, although she begged TBM. TBM was too buzzed to go watch her.
Last years pool party we werent there much, because TBM wanted to chew out SO. We skedaddled, and enjoyed our day!
Looks like your SD talked her way out of a birthday party. Yay for you, enjoy your time away!