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MSD is in labor

ETexasMom's picture

It's time for the blessed event. She's 2 hours away in normal traffic. Christmas traffic pass through both Dallas and Fort Worth will be horrific. Even DH doesn't want to brave it! I asked if he was going out there he said no we'll be near there for Christmas Eve so we'll swing by and visit her before going to your sister's house.

Wanna bet she will blame me for him not going today?

notasm3's picture

SS32's GF went into labor about 2 months early two years ago. SS and the GF were both heavy smokers and abused drugs and alcohol. That poor child was doomed.

The child is now two years old. He does not have any normal reactions. He never reaches out and experiences anything. I hate to say this but he is just sort of a blob who had no interactions with anything or anyone. At two he is totally nonverbal and just screams. I feel so sorry for this child who is probably the result of fetal alcoholism syndrome or another drug related issue.

I DESPISE these aholes who procreate and destroy the children that they birth.

Powerfamily's picture

As some one who lives in the UK, I don't understand why you would go to the hospital well before you are in active labour.

Here they won't even admit onto the labour ward until you are at least 6/7 cm dilated and you are only allowed one person with you in the room. They have also no waiting rooms, so until you are on the maternity ward you can not have any visitors, and then only at set times and no more then 4 people.

disrestep's picture

They sound like the adult skids who try to make my life and dh's miserable. DH was expected and told to come to the hospital the day of each blesed event. I think he only went to one out of 6 Of course, I was not invited to any of these, which was fine with me as I did not want to go. DH was also screamed at by the adult skids for not answering the phone right after each gskid was born, like 2:00 a.m.

Isn't it funny how these adult skids use their own kids as tools to aid in the games they play in trying to get what they want from some Dh's? We have a couple of adult skids currently using their kids to try and get DH and I to see them over New Years weekend because DH told them we had plans for Xmas already. These adult skids had a hissy fit the other day and that they just cannot believe DH does not want to see the gskids over the holiday. They never even call Dh on his Bday or any other holiday.These are grown adults actually screaming and crying when talking to Dh about the holidays. My dh just needs to stop making excuses and tell them he doesn't want to go or see them. Of course, we cannot hurt their feelings, but it is ok if they call Dh every name in the book when they do not get their way.

Good luck to you and Happy Holidays

marblefawn's picture

When did birthing become an extended family event? Honestly, don't these "kids" ever grow up? Unless your husband is the baby's father (ewww!) or her obstetrician (ewww!), there's no need for him to be there. WTH is wrong with these kids? He wasn't there when the kid was conceived. I think the team of hospital staff can handle this part!

mtnwife530's picture

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS IS HOW I FELT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Anyone who wasn't there for the conception, or a licensed medical professional didn't need to be there!

But I have learned different hospitals have different policies. My BB and SIL asked me to be present for the birth of their 2nd son, because they wanted 1st son there, and in case, for some reason #1 needed to leave the room.

I know someone else that had parents, in laws ,siblings and anyone who they could have possibley have wanted there for the birth of twins. Some people like it, Not Me! Different doctors and different hospitals have different rules.

Ispofacto's picture

I'm lucky. Killjoy says she doesn't want children, thank god. Hopefully she will not change her mind. She seems frigid, like her mother, so there shouldn't be any accidents. I actually think she may be a lesbian.