GRRR! How to put up with a selfish Ex-wife
So here's my story. I'm engaged to be married to a dad of 2 girls, 12 and 13. I have a 21 year old daughter. His older daughter has Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Some days, I wish the girls were older like mine or his ex would move away. And I'm doing my best to show them that I care about them. I do not let any of this show and I'm very good to them.
The ex lives just a couple of miles away, and go figure, is a mental health professional. She has primary custody. She will not be nominated for Mom of the Year anytime soon. For example, after picking up the girls the other night, in less than an hour, she begged for us to take them back, even though it was her night, because and I quote, 'they are being little bitches'. That's their own mother... a mental health professional.
My fiance is being really over acommodating to her, even though she gets an way too generous $2000 a month in support. She moved in a very recently divorced man (try a month and they've been dating for 2 months) into her home and she is running off with him out of state to meet his family (yes, she needs mental healthcare herself). The girls don't like him and he even told them he was a former male stripper. Would you tell that to 2 little girls?!?
So my fiance has basically let the ex coerce him into us having the girls ALL of the holidays... Thanksgiving, Christmas AND New Years, which is not what is in the decree. Isn't this a little ridiculous? We deserve a holiday alone. I'm tired of being the babysitter so she can mess around with her boy toy. (ok, he's 50, lol!) She even lets the girls come home to just him being alone in her house. Talk about awkward. They even tell her how they feel and she told them they could find someplace else to live.
And then, when the girls are here... I get ignored AND they are intentionally picky eaters and he caves into their intentional separate menus. It's just ridiculous. Am I the only one who was raised in one of those, 'you eat what I serve or you go hungry' households? My daughter eats everything. I guess I'm lucky.
I guess I'm just ranting. If any of you have had something similar happen and what you did or am I wrong for caring about their wellbeing while trying to just be the fiance and trying to enjoy the 4 months left of my engagement?
OMG, are you sure you really
OMG, are you sure you really want to marry into this?
Exactly what I was thinking,
Exactly what I was thinking, and your SO and skids are likely on their best behavior! What you see is what you get hon.
How to put up with a selfish
How to put up with a selfish ex wife? Wrong question.
The ex wife has nothing to do with you. You aren't marrying her and she isn't causing the dysfunction in your home: your fiance is. He allows her and the girls to do as they please. If you think this is happening because of the ex wife, you are mistaken.
Long story short: I would not marry into this mess. Seems like they all need mental health assistance - and if you marry this crazy clan, so do you

Friendly "I told you so" in advance
How to put up with a selfish
How to put up with a selfish ex-wife:
1. Move into your own place.
2. Date the guy until his kids are out of the house.
3. Enjoy your life.
Here are HIS options: Tell BM
Here are HIS options:
Tell BM he will no longer take the girls on her time and stick to it
Agree to take the girls on BMs time as long as they amend the current custody order to reflect the new schedule (thus reducing CS)
And if he isn’t willing to do either, it means his balls are not his own or yours for that matter and you should heavily consider seperating finances, and maybe living separately until the custody order she’s out.
As for BM’s house, it’s best if you don’t think about how she’s running it. It’ll never make sense to you and you can’t change a thing about it.
The best thing about your
The best thing about your story is that you are not yet married. Which means that you can run! This man will ruin your life.
WTH - Hon you are allowing
WTH - Hon you are allowing this, BM is doing nothing.... she knows you are a doormat and thus she will keep on wiping her feet on you.
Now - you are not married, simply stop catering for the girls, you prepare dinner what you want, if they don't like it fine, either they go to bed hungry, eat Ramin noodles or SO makes a plan with his money.
Separate finances immediately if it's combined and disengage from the children, they are not your responsibility, they are not there to see you, they are there to see their father, tell this man either he sticks to the CO and visitation or you will move out, you entered into this relationship with controlled visitation, if you knew you would only serve as the nanny you never would've gotten engaged.
take it from me, those little girls tells their mum things about you, same things they tell you about the new toyboy, and they make it sound worse then what it actually are... they are kids manipulating adults, it's normal...
The real problem here is your fiance, please do not get married till these kids are out of his house, or untill he takes a stand and make you a priority
Biggest losers in a divorce
Biggest losers in a divorce are not dad and mom, but their children (of course!) and the people dad and mom go on to remarry. Divorce is accepted in our society, but not so much step-moms or step-dads. Everyone in the divorced family, BM, bio-dad (DH) and SKs will all be seen as having rights. You will be seen as having none. A good example is, someone implied above: If DH "is willing to spend multiple holidays with them," then what's the problem? This is society's take. Bio-mom and bio-dad can do anything they want, anything, and you have no right to object even though it may and probably will affect you personally. Like you stated, you want to spend some Holiday time alone with your DH, and this was not what mom and dad agreed to initially in the divorce decree. Doesn't matter.
And, This will still be the case when you are married and no matter how many years you have been married--you will be expected to suck it up and take it for every little thing, over and over, because it is okay for mom and dad to divorce, but they are not supposed to remarry, even though churches, counselors, you name it, all imply it is okay. Actions speak louder than words, and many of them will be going out of their way through their actions to let you know it is NOT okay. As a SM, you will always be expected to pay the price for someone else's divorce. Society has a long way to go in accepting that step-parents have any kind of say on what goes on in their own marriage or household. Like the example given, even if you were married and living in your own household, the expectation will be that you have to have every Holiday with DH's children whether you want to or not. It is all about them.
Don't mean to be a negative nancy, but, yeah, in the year 2017, SMs are still basically seen as hostile be.atchs, daring to intrude on the Royal Divorced Family's wishes. Anything BM or SKs want, WILL automatically be seen as what DH wants, regardless of the fact that you know so otherwise, because, duh!, you live with him and are married to him. None of that will matter, tho. You'll be seen quickly enough as Evil SM pretty much by all, who suckered bio-dad into marrying and now sprinkles mind-control dust on his cereal every morning to keep him in line.
This is why as a SM, you have to do what works for you, because no sooner do you do something or say something, then someone will be finding fault with it. Do what works for you, and remember: Manipulative, controlling BM and weak, enabling DH = step hell. That being said, how SM and SKs get along, has way more to do with BM and DH for the most part, than SM and SKs.
You will severely regret
You will severely regret getting married. Smart thing would be to put the wedding on indefinite hold and stay in your own home. The odds are you will end up with those two full time almost immediately. Just don’t get married and keep reading what happens to folks on this site. I can’t tell you how many of us step mothers on this site have divorced in the last few years. It’s a significant number. Don’t marry him.
Unfortunately I sold my own
Unfortunately I sold my own home... regret it often. Our finances are not combined. Might never be, just for my sanity... actually he makes very good money so he doesn’t need mine.
This is absolutely what
This is absolutely what society is saying--your marriage will not be thought as a marriage, because "parental responsibility and obligation do not change because mom and dad decide to part." In other words, kids first. But, what many forget is if the kids were the first priority, bio mom and dad would never have divorced to begin with. They would have sucked it up and took it themselves, rather than divorcing, remarrying, and then expecting their new spouses to suck it up and take it.
So, it is okay for mom and dad and the rest of society to act like hypocrites after the fact, after the divorce, and for everyone to go around pretending that kids come first. Then, if mom and dad remarry, their spouses are expected to drink the Koolaid as well and settle for being sloppy seconds in their own home, and gulp down the message to SM that, "Ha, ha! You thought you were getting a husband. Nope! What you're getting instead is a remarried old fool who will forever be treated and thought of as being dad and joined at the hip to BM. Ha, ha!"
That is absolutely what society is saying. All a SM can be is her own husband's consort. SM can't act like a mom, but BM and SKs, even adult SKs, can sure as heck act like dad's wife. Because, they still own him lock, stock and barrel. And, if SM even remotely acts like he is hers, then she is going to have hell to pay and be slapped with the Evil SM title in a nanosecond.
And, this may be true: "The ex- is not obligated to provide or arrange for you [SM] to have alone time." However, the ex- is obligated to follow the divorce decree. The SM in this case is not an Evil SM for simply wanting the divorce decree to be followed. But, I agree, that is the way the rest of society would see it--SM is Evil for simply wanting the divorce decree to be followed. And, of course everyone is assuming dad would much rather be with his kids on the holidays, and would not want to ever spend any time alone with his wife (SM) for the holiday. That is an assumption. Dad is a big boy, and he gets to decide. And, just like any married couple, dad and his wife have the right to decide what goes on in their own home, and particularly in their own marriage.
“are ready to place the
“are ready to place the interest and well being of another human being above your own” THEN THEY SHOULD HAVE STAYED MARRIED if the kids come above everything and everyone else.
If they aren't happy, then
If they aren't happy, then they should not stay married.
People who can not deal with a spouse putting his/her kids first, should not marry parents who have that view on parenting. The my kid comes first crowd should stay away from those who believe the relationship should come first.
Believing your kids come first is not wrong. Believing yourmarriage/relationship comes first is not wrong.
What is wrong is for people with opposing views on this to ignore those views and just roll the dice on a relationship/marriage.
There's nothing wrong with saying I truly love this person, but I need to walk away because our views on marriage/kids do not align.
I see what you are saying,
I see what you are saying, but what woman or man would want to be in a relationship where someone else's children come first, keeping in mind that everyone has their own interpretation of what is meant by "coming first." Good arguments have been made here and elsewhere that by putting the marriage first, you are putting the children first. Or, by putting the children first every time, you are actually putting them last, because even as adults they will expect everyone to kowtow to them and will not learn the skills to negotiate with other adults, thereby leading to their failure. There are way too many interpretations and twists that can be put on this thought, "children first," and it should not be used in reference to SPs.
I think the bigger issue is that children need to be treated like children, exes need to be treated like exes, and spouses need to be treated like spouses. Where most of the problem comes is when children are treated like spouses, or spouses are treated like children, or exes are treated like spouses. Mom and dad are parents for life, but they are not a couple for life. Too many people think mom and dad = couple for life vs. parents for life. When mom and dad divorced, they gave up the right to be a couple. When they remarry, they are now coupled with their new partner.
but don't both crowds want to
but don't both crowds want to put the child first in the end?
Those who put their relationship first generally have great kids - I mean, look at Rags. Putting the relationship first has provided a strong foundation for the child... I guess this doesn't really include the relationships that are more like... well...flings. REAL relationships... the ones meant for long term. Partnerships.
Those who put the kids before the relationship don't really provide a strong foundation for the child other than just themselves... they don't teach the kids about communication between partners, the kids don't see that parents are a team, a unit, a partnership... they see that one of two adults in the household is the authority, the other isn't... wouldn't that be worse for the child, long term? The kid thinking that mom (or dad) has the ultimate word, and the other doesn't matter? Wouldn't the kid think that it's normal for a couple to fight about the kids and what's being done about them/to them/with them?
Wouldn't it teach kids that they too, will need to shut up and put up, when they are put in the situation their step parent is in? Or that their partner will need to shut up and put up?
The parental authority is the foundation of the family. The kids are not. The kids grow within the family, branching out, and eventually founding their own families. Teaching them that the world revolves around them and that everyone else needs to STFU isn't really a healthy way to parent kids... but, hey, the kids will have a happy childhood...even if they won't necessarily have the tools to navigate their future relationships... disney parents of the future, in making... I dunno. Maybe not. Seems that way to me.
But that’s not putting kids
But that’s not putting kids first, is it? Barring abuse, alcoholism or cheating, getting divorced is selfish, isn’t it? Multiple studies show that kids don’t care if their parents are happy- they just want an intact family. What is your experience? You have a sibling who’s divorced? That’s why you can spout psycho babble? There are consequences to divorce and one of them is that you will no longer function like an intact family. That the child will be spending time separately faith each parent. That the PARENTS agreed to go to a judge and get a CO and abide by it. Yes, if you are thinking of marrying someone with children you should expect that the CO will be followed and that your wishes as an equal member of the household are taken into consideration. It’s clear you have it out for SMs because your sibling and niece have a SM in their lives that you enjoy vilifying. If OP has kids with fiancé then they will be spending time together as an intact family, which includes all or most holidays. If they then go on to divorce, they there will be the same consequences for all parties, including the children. Separate holidays, and not spending each holiday with each parent. And $2000 is a lot. My one child doesn’t need half of that in support and we live in an expensive part of the country.
It’s not divorcing your
It’s not divorcing your children just because you abide by a CO you agreed to. The fact is, children of divorce will never spend the same amount of time with their parents had they stayed together. OP has valid concerns that her needs will be put on back burner while “putting the kids first” is used as an excuse to disregard her needs. Guess what? Sms have needs too. Kids have needs too but many a time their wants are considered needs but a woman who marries a divorced father can and should expect that her feeling are considered too. You seem to consider SM an invisible person who slides seamlessly into a blended family. Things can and do change after a remarriage to also accommodate the needs of everyone else. This means that maybe OP wants a holiday with her SO alone as per the CO. This does not mean her fiancé doesn’t love his children or is divorcing them.
Notes to consider. All in
Notes to consider. All in addition to what everyone else posted.
Do people who love each other allow other people to harm or act disrespectfully to them? I don't - and I don't allow it, either.
This problem won't go away on its own.
There's no future with people who are doing this stuff.
You can ask your fiancé and his ex to change, but it's ultimately up to them.
If they change what they're doing, they will probably not feel comfortable and will likely revert back to their old ways.
I was engaged to a crazy one. Her mom assured me all would get better after we got married. It didn't. Not long into the marriage, I was out and trying to convince her to get help, she said I needed help (funny how "crazy" works!)... I gave her time to see - and took the time to see for myself - that, ultimately, SHE DIDN'T CARE ENOUGH ABOUT US to come with me to a counselor. Was she afraid? Was she embarrassed? Was she delusional? Was she mad? Why wouldn't she come with me so we could heal? Burning questions you don't want to have to ask yourself... I'll save you the trouble of that looping tape: Once you realize it doesn't matter what the answers are to the questions, you can move on and file for divorce, and let the healing begin all over again.
That... Or you can move out and reassess what's going on; and like I think a little distance will prove, you'll be able to see him figure out how much you mean to him as well. But as long as he's getting what he wants (sugar in the mornin', sugar in the evenin', etc), he won't see any reason to change anything. If he sees you living elsewhere because his and his ex's permissive parenting is essentially shoplifting from yours and his relationship, maybe he'll man-up and set some boundaries. Let's not look any further than that at this point...
I'd stick to the visitation
I'd stick to the visitation schedule that was hashed out in court. It gives kids the consistency all kids need, but especially kids of divorce. And think about this: when BM's honeymoon period is over with her one-night-stand-turned-true-love guy, she'll be dumping the kids on you so she can straighten out her messy relationship, move out, find a place, blah, blah, blah. If you insist on sticking to the schedule, you'll all know what to expect and when, but beware - this could backfire if YOU ever want to change the schedule. Adhering to the schedule would probably be more to your benefit than not, though, if she's as flaky as she sounds.
As for having them on all the holidays, many kids aren't shipped off to give parents a few days' break. If you can't tolerate them every day, maybe rethink this marriage because in a short time, even their briefest visits will seem an eternity. And there's always that chance their mom could die, get sick, go to prison, take off or any scenario that might land you with her kids day in and day out.
The BM's new guy...well, what can you do about that? You don't know him just as BM doesn't know you. It sucks for kids to be so vulnerable and it's why kids living with non-bio parents have a much higher incidence of abuse. But you're hardly in a position to say much given that you're no more their parent than the new guy.
Actually I’ve been having to
Actually I’ve been having to help them learn about their periods, proper hygiene and trying to learn to clean their room. Their mom has told me many times she has given up on them.
Bio mum needs to suck it up and deal with her kids when its her
days, no buts. When your fiance is over accommodating then bio mum sees
she can get her way. She is being irresponsible dumping the kids on their dad and running off with boyfriend and your fiance is an idiot for saying ok everytime. You deserve to have the rules and court order followed unless extenuating circumstances exist which in this case there are none. If the girls don’t like the new boyfriend because he is creepy, they can wreek hell on bio mum life
You don't deal with the X.
You don't deal with the X. You destroy the X when she gets toxic.
One of the few advantages that an NCP has is that they do not have to take their court ordered visitation with the Skids much less any additional time.
It is time for you and your DH to say NO to BM when she wants to dump the StepSpawn off on you for the holidays. Your DH needs to enforce the CO on BM with ZERO deviation. She keeps the kids on her time and DH needs to refuse the occassional visitation just to drive home some clarity into BM's manipulative skull.
As for the picky eater StepSpawn... you already know the solution.. they eat what they are served or they go hungry.
Regarding enjoying the last 4mos of your engagement.... it isn't the engagement you should be worried about enjoying. It is the rest of your life. The odds of things getting any better after the nuptials are somewhere between slim and none. Your FDH is a ball-less pushover with his X and with his daughters.
What is the appeal of spending the rest of your life with this shallow and polluted gene pool?
Take care of you.
Oops. This is an old thread.
Never mind.