I don't know how ....
You all cope with the daily grind of step family life.
My wife and I have been married 40 years next June with one son and 2 grandsons but many of our family members are in stepfamilies and we see their turmoil !!
And to top it off...they will divorce and remarry AGAIN,and AGAIN !!!!
Why do that ?????
Can anyone answer that question ??
They marry for lust and not
They marry for lust and not love....
The younger generation never learned consequences and how to resolve problems, they all got treated like special little snow flakes and if something does not suit them then get rid of it, this is our society today. I you look at longest marriages in Hollywood they classify 10 years as very very long, there's only a hand view that can say, been married for 40 years..
The generations after us will be terrible, maybe not as many divorces cause they simply do not get married anymore, they simply just make babies and demands the state to pay benefits..
Who's to blame.. society self, we allowed it... you kid comes home crying cause the Jones's kids have cell phones, immediately you run and buy your kid one... regardless if you can afford it or not...
How do you cope with step life, easy disengage from the skids, not your kids and not your problem, when you enter a new relationship it should not be for financial gain or to update your FB status, not to have an instant family... you enter into a relationship because of the person and you have to be financially independent..... have self respect and before moving in or jumping in bed with a new person, make sure it's the right one..
^^ this perfect. one sd was
one sd was hooking up with a very kind but naive young man. in two weeks she was sleeping over in his apartment. in one month she was living with him. in three months she was the live in maid cook and house keeper for the young man and his room mates.
she made herself indispensable. in a year they were engaged. in another year married and now have a baby.
i just wonder when karma will catch up with the nasty way she treats people. she treated her father like dirt until she learned bm was not going to give her any money and her father was an open wallet. she was an utter b%tch to her own mother at the wedding.
imo sil married for lust as she slept with him on the second date. the poor naive young man instantly thought it was love. i am terrified if she divorces her h that she will want to move in with her father and me.
Because they have no clue
Because they have no clue what they are getting into.
I hear you, though. This is one of the many hidden effects of divorced families. . . that it can really suck for other family members, especially grandparents too. If you have several children who are divorced and remarried, it can almost feel like one day you are in and the next day you are out. Also, when parents first get divorced and start dating, many a times the one they first turn to are their parents. And, they expect their parents to watch the kids or cook or clean for the kids while they are out working or on a date. Or, they may even expect to move back in with mom and dad.
We have gotten to a place in society where we accept divorce, and you can get divorced now for just about any reason, but, wow!, the far-reaching and lingering affects from this can be astounding and really are not all that well researched. Here, of course, we talk about how we as step-parents, mostly step-mothers, have to deal with the fallout from someone else's divorce. But, many other family members have to deal with this as well. Grandparents, in particular have to watch their children split up, are practically be forced to take sides, have to deal with the Gkids going through all of this, and so on. Then, yes, if their adult children remarries, then suddenly there is this new spouse AND new family. Yeah, I hear you.
It reminds me of my EX
It reminds me of my EX husband. He was always unhappy and it was always someone else's fault. He lost his job because co-workers were jealous. He was out of shape because the place we lived was not conducive to outdoor activity. He got a ticket because it was a speed trap. He didn't get the job because XYZ... never his fault.ever.
So, he changed jobs a ton of times because he couldn't get along and in reality could talk a good game but wasn't as skilled as he portrayed in the interviews. It didn't help that he was comparing salaries with coworkers who would then get bitter because he made more than them while having 1/4 the skill level. And, we moved to Silicon Valley because that is where IT is AT! And it's nice weather would have us outside and active and etc.. etc..
The problem is that no matter where he was, there he is. He was the issue. No matter how many jobs he held, or places he moved or people he dated (cheated on me)... he couldn't get away from what was truly his problem... HIMSELF.
So, why do people repeat the mistakes? Well, a lot of times it's because they are 100% relying on outside sources to be the catalyst to change and improve their lives when in the end, it's their own shortcomings that torpedo things. Like my EX who had champagne tastes but couldn't hold a steady job so we would get overextended which would cause money stress.. which led to marital stress. which led him to see other people who weren't so "bitter". Of course they weren't bitter, they weren't trying to figure out how to pay the car loan that you took out when we were a two salary family and now you are job searching and I'm covering everything?!!!
And, people often time have a situational bias and justification for the small red flags in a relationship. The newness and fun of a new person is a rush and they ignore things that they shouldn't. That's why I think on here we often see people that tell posters to divorce or leave the person they are with because it's clear from the OUTSIDE that the flaws being described are going to almost assuredly be fatal flaws for that relationship. BUT.. people cling to their bad decisions like they are life rafts after the titanic.
People shouldn't stick with a bad decision just because they have so much invested in making that decision. Cut losses is always an option.
DH admitted that the first
DH admitted that the first time he married, it was partially because she got pregnant on purpose, but partially because he was a sex-hungry teenager. It was for lust, there wasn't real love there, she did it for selfish reasons as well. And BOOM, instant recipe for marriage failure... Beyond all the other things BM did too...
Lust is big though... DH and I had a discussion on "love" the other day... He felt it's become meaningless because it's used for nothing all the time, and I think that things are just misclassified all the time... You like a food and you decide you love it... A narcissist uses a child and it's mistaken as love, two teenagers in high school are lusting and they call it love.
Love is misclassified ALL THE TIME. So a lot of time when people remarry it's for lust, and then it fails because it's for lust. A marriage based solely on lust isn't gonna work, when things get hard someone who's just lusting flees or cheats (this also depends on if you're loyal and your morals too though... Not everyone is gonnna cheat in the marriage just because it's based on lust. i.e. BM slept with everyone and their dog, whereas DH didn't sleep with anyone else and just beat himself up on not being good enough...) Whereas if it's based on love and partnership it's more likely to succeed because when it gets rough the parties actually want to work, because their marriage is about more than just physical attraction.
As someone who got married
As someone who got married for the first time in her late 30s and now has a mix of friends my age who are married, divorced, just getting married for the first time, getting married for the second time, I think there are also a lot of people who get married too young because they feel that it's expected of them and then realize later that they either settled to soon.
My DH has told me that he got married the first time because BM was his first serious girlfriend and MIL told him that at his age (mid-20s) he should be married. He wasn't marrying for lust, either. He told me that he was "repulsed" by BM. His father had also died unexpectedly recently, so he was grieving as well. His relationship with BM wasn't even great and lovey-dovey when they were dating, but he did what was expected of him and was miserable for 11 years. He also had kids with someone he didn't really like - hoping that having kids would "fix the relationship" - because again, having kids was expected of him. He would have stayed miserable for life to allow his kids to have an "intact" family, but BM met another man and filed for divorce.
For my other friends who are divorced and remarried, they all got married first in their mid-20s and I think you just change a lot from your mid-20s to your mid-30s. If your spouse doesn't change in the same ways, it can be difficult to make things work.
I'm so glad I waited to get married because I feel like I had a chance to really live my life. I traveled, I explored, I tried new things, I lived in foreign countries. My other friends who got married in their 30s did the same. I would give that piece of advice to anyone younger...your settled life can wait. Make sure you go out and do a few things that you want to do, just for you, before you settle down.
Ya know.. I really find it
Ya know.. I really find it very difficult to believe a lot of these "hooey" stories about how the guy was "repulsed" or "miserable from the start" of relationships/marriages.
I mean, what's wrong with saying the truth and that is that at one time, I was attracted to this person and thought that they were the "one".. the ex either hid their true colors or the person didn't realize the extent of their shortcomings and flaws till after they got hitched and/or had a kid.
For example, my EX... I obviously dated him because I was attracted to him at one time and he was charming and while there were "redflags" I really minimized them and overlooked things and rationalized that "no one is perfect". It was only after 6-7 years together and his cheating that I drew the line and asked for a divorce.
I just call BS on someone telling me that their spouse "repulsed" them. I mean, now maybe that you look back with the wool pulled away from your eyes you are repulsed by the thought of that person.. but unless they were a one time random drunk hookup... they probably DID find that person attractive at one point in their lives.
Normally, I would agree with
Normally, I would agree with you, but I believe my DH in my case. I think he had low self-esteem and thought he couldn't do any better than BM. I also think that (although he has not admitted this), that he might have been a virgin when he met her. He would never admit that to me, but he's just said enough to make me think that might have been the case. He told me he was repulsed by her physically. She was about 150 pounds overweight when they met and gained more weight after they married. He was about 40 pounds overweight when they met and he gained massive amounts of weight after they married. According to him, he was trying to eat himself to death because he was miserable. They both had bariatric surgery two years before they divorced (I think part of the reason BM wanted to divorce him was that he lost more weight than she did after the surgery).
I do think that he thought he was in love with her at one time, but I also think that he was settling for the first person he really dated, because he thought it was about time he got married. He told me that he thought about filing for divorce during their second year of marriage, but didn't because he didn't want to seem like a failure.
Some of that may have fed
Some of that may have fed into what happened, but I also think people want to rewrite history a bit and are embarrassed in hindsight. I'm sure he wasn't as "repulsed" back in the day..lol. But now, looking back, he is and hates to admit he got with that..lol.
There certainly can be other factors though. I also felt in my early thirties that it was "time" and that no one was perfect, so I thought everyone must compromise on something right?
He was actually kind of
He was actually kind of embarrassed to tell me he was repulsed by her the first time they slept together. I did say to him, "if you were repulsed, why did you continue dating her?" Part of this conversation came up because he made a rude comment about how someone who was overweight was unattractive and I told him that considering his history, he should be less judgmental and how would he have felt if he heard someone making a comment like that about his ex wife, when they were still married.
I do wonder how much better his life and his self-esteem would have been if he had dated around more, but then he wouldn't have met me. He waited until he was a divorced dad to see what it was like to date different women.
When I met DH I wasn't really looking to get married, but I think I was also at the point in my life where I was ready to be settled somewhere (with a husband or without). Of course, I would rather that I was settled with a husband who was not tied - via his children - to a particular area, because I still have a bit of a vagabond heart, but we can move in 6 years...
I did it because my 20 year
I did it because my 20 year marriage was turning toxic. I remarried somebody that I’ve known since I was 14 years old. We got married because we deeply love each other. Yeah, the step blended family crap does caused a lot of turmoil. But intact families also have their own special form of turmoil. It’s all about picking the hill you want to die on.
Good point. Being the ID
Good point. Being the ID Discovery fan that I am, I hear more than you'd think about "intact" families where one or both of the married-with-children couples are screwing around behind their partner's back with the co-worker or next door neighbor, and/or into swinging w/multiple partners. They are doing this all with young children and with everyone in the neighborhood hoodwinked into thinking that they are the perfect couple. Next thing you know, they wind up on an ID Discovery show because they thought murdering their spouse would work out better for their family than divorce!?? Personally, I'd rather have a couple of divorces and remarriages in my family than a few murders.