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Home # change

DaniAM73's picture

Has anyone had to change their home number due to BM calling and leaving disrespectful voicemails?

I have. BM would call DH and they would have a war of words. Then she would call our house. Leave a message acting as if she hadn't spoken to DH. BM would project and attack my character.

I finally had enough and picked up the phone. I told BM she knew full well DH was not here. We had war of words. I asked BM to stop calling my house and to leave me out of drama with SS12 and SS15 and DH.

Skids have cell phones and so does DH, so she can call them directly. Enough is enough!!!!

DaniellaR's picture

I can't remember the last time I had a land line lol. If everyone has cell phones then I would just cut it off. DH did block BM on his cell and email. She liked to have skids call at 3 am, Wake the baby up and tell skids daddy didn't love them and they were replaced when DH fussed at them for calling at completely inappropriate times. Ya know, something the parent should teach kids. And no, it was not an emergency at all, just creating a PAS opportunity. BM has a mailing address, skids have their own emails and skype accounts so skids know how to get in touch with DH. DH quit worshiping them and giving them whatever they wanted so skids have no use for him now though. Our relationship has never been better.

DaniAM73's picture

BM tells Skids DH doesn't love them too. I should consider getting rid of the landline.

DaniAM73's picture

BM had my cell phone number, but she is so dumb she lost. I do have hers. I only called her once, but that was to check her.

CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I've had to change my cell phone twice and so has DH. We thought we were past this but after our recent time in court, we are going to get SD her own phone and that will be the only number BM has.

Thumper's picture

We never changed our home phone number. Nor do we plan to. Oh but there was a time we thought about it. For the same reasons and so much more.

We like our number and we have had it for years. Plus I use it for work. AND we give our home number for contact purposes such as mortgage company and similar expenses, our medical doctors, plumber, AC guy... We do not give our private cell numbers to anyone just because we own them. LOVE our land line. Cells are personal/private use, land line other stuff.

I will frame it like this regarding the land line: WE don't pick up calls from numbers we do not know. OR when we are busy. We also 'sometimes' have the machine turned on, sometimes we don't. IT WORKS for us. IF a call comes in and the caller displays rude behavior--we hang up. It does not matter who it is.

IN the unlikely event of a true emergency 1. The police will arrive at our home or 2. Our lawyer will call us. OR a hospital will call, Doctors office etc.

We went thru so much abuse with BM and her entourage' that we made the decision to NEVER allow it again inside of our own private home. We had enough.

Sorry you are living this. It's awful. You do NOT have to allow it in your home. There are other ways to address issues that need attention. Usually the urgent ones are not done over the phone...when you get right down to it. School problems are addressed with administrators, medical are within the hospital setting, legal well, we know where they are handled.

Hope it helps.

I would have told her to stop calling too OP. . The ole' 'if only I knew then what I know now', is very true.

Thumper's picture


We had to block her from email, it was just awful and very stressful. Unhealthy for us to look at.

The vacation stuff too??? BM knew we were on a family vacation. She had the hotel name and dates BUT.... BM would call and leave message after massage on our landline voice mail. ITS" my time to call, call me back MOM LOVES YOU. 3minutes later, hey its' my time to call me back. I hope your ok, where are you'
5minutes later "ITS MY day to call, you better listen BUDDY and have my kids call me. Where are my kids"
7minutes.BMS' family members called "Hey, it's so and so, call me back when you get this message'
8minutes BM's neighbors,,,"Hey its so and so, we wonder how you us when you can"
9min. BM's people from church she never went to unless THEY would offer her picture of stability during custody case. "HI, it's pastor so and so's wife, WE are praying for you'

True story.
ohhh veyyyyy

DaniAM73's picture

Oh I believe it. One Sunday morning BM text to ask DH if Skids were up. Now she just literally got off the phone with SS15. I guess he told her we were in the kitchen talking and drinking a cup of java.

Ispofacto's picture

We bought a phone system similar to this:

You can set her number to silent-ring until it goes to answering machine, or you can block her number and she won't be able to even leave messages, but you have to set it to silence all first rings so it can check the blocked caller list. And you may have to block unidentified callers. Each handset has ringer volume control all the way down to silent.

Acratopotes's picture

Once again I will not change my number, I will record her..... might come in handy one day in court }:)

TinyDancer's picture

I've always made sure that I had an answering machine attached to the landline to record the calls. I'm saving them all for that day that they might pull their heads out of their rears and want to hear the truth of it all. The oldest is 25, I'm still waiting....

strugglingSM's picture

We have not given BM our home number and she does not know my number. She isn't even allowed to call DH on the phone under their parenting plan.

I agree with some of the comments above. I might keep recording her, just so I had the records in court.