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Visit From OSD & 3 SGS's

jam's picture

My dh informs me that SD and her 3 boys ages 8, 6, & 3 are coming for a visit & will be staying 4 days. Said she would be here Saturday and leave on Tuesday. ( I NEVER look forward to their visits )

First off SD is suppose to be here Saturday. I know that from past experience she can show up anytime between 9am and 10 pm so I let my dh know that I was going to Church with my son, daughter-n-law, 5 year old grandson and my daughter. Yes my family goes to Saturday church. My family & I go to church, come home, we all eat and visit. My family leaves around 6pm and yes, SD has still not arrived. She shows up around 7:00pm and my dh helps her drag in their belongings. Not only did sd bring their cloths for their visit but she had 4 huge trash bags of cloths that some friend had given her. (she sorts through all the cloths to separate for her 3 boys on Sunday. Cloths all over the living room)

Saturday the first day is a typical bull crap day as far as SD is concerned. In the past my dh wants me to fix some big meal for everyone and then they would not show until super late and guess what? They had already eaten and so all my hard work would be in vain. Not this time. My family and I came home with pizza. I also heated up finger foods in the oven. (tater tots & corn dogs). The pizza was gone by the time SD & sgkids show up. They ARE hungry and eat what is left. They even did so without complaint.

Sunday. I get up early like I always do (4am). After taking care of a few morning household chores, I take care of my indoor dog, indoor cat, and go outside & take care of my chickens, I come in and take a shower & get cleaned up. My dh got up around 5am and tells me he is going out to the shop and work on sd's van. DH tells me that sd's driver window will not roll up and there were warning lights that he wanted to check. DH is a mechanic and a sort of jack-of-all-trades type of a guy. The sgkids get up around 6am and are very loud and rambunctious. By 7:00am breakfast is ready and everyone eats. SD informs dh that she and sgs8 are going to church. dh tells her he is working on her van & that he has it torn apart & that she will have to take one of our cars. Okay, get this, sd is okay with taking one of our cars but chews dh out telling him that she brought the kids over for him to spend time with, not to work on her car. DH just simply takes the chewing.

Side bar about the van. Originally my dh purchased the van for me and I loved it. A year later my sd graduated college for her masters and dh gave her my van as a graduation gift. I then went about 4 years without a vehicle. I had transportation as we live on a farm and I could drive one of the farm trucks or make arrangements to take my dh car but I did not have my own car until about a year ago.

In the past my dh & I had arguments about the van. I told him I did not believe he ever really purchased it for me but had sd in mind. I loved the van but it was given to sd and every time I would see it, it was so trashed out. So now sd is going to take one of our cars to church. My car is the newest & nicest and I know my dh wanted to offer it up to they royal family but thankfully he offered his car. He knew I would NOT want sd using my car.

Sorry this is getting so long. It just seems there is sooo much when it comes to skids. Seems there is always another underlying story with each chapter, such as the van.

Another side bar. While at the breakfast table, the middle sgs6 starts calling me by my first name. I had always been (grandma-jam) and my dh had always been (papa first-name). After the birth of oldest sd's 3rd son (which she named after her father), sd calls dh to tell him that the boys had decided they wanted to simply call us grandma & papa. I knew that my dh ex was behind that. she did not like the baby being named after dh and refused to call him by his given name and did not like the kids calling us grandma-jam and papa-first name. I had told my dh at that time that kids don't just change the name they call their grandparents. Anyway I informed dh that I did not care if the kids called me grandma-jam or just grandma. Seemed the name change did not stick in the beginning but I had warned dh that I would not tolerate being call just Jam. So sgs6 calls me jam, I say "that is grandma-jam", again he calls me jam and again I say "that is grandma-jam". Finally sd corrects sgs6. DH is totally oblivious or just ignores it.

I worked my butt off while they were at my home. Cooking, cleaning, watching & entertaining sgkids. Each morning sgs3 would get up before sd and he needs his diaper changed. Sgs8 wet the bed Sunday nite and monday nite and sd had put sgs3 on top of the bedspread in guest room and he wet all over it. So I had bedding to wash 2 days in a row along with everything else I do.

Now I have to share Tuesday morning with you. I get up like I always do, fixed breakfast. DH and sgs8 and sgs3 where in the office watching video's. I go in and announce breakfast is ready. SGS8 runs to the table and sits down. I continue with my slaving, and set the table, now sgs3 is at the table and I bring in his high-chair and place him in it. I now am bringing drinks to the table. Dh sits down and asks where everyone was. I say, I don't know. He then says sarcastically "well are we going to eat in shifts", again I say "I don't know, and he sarcastically implies that I have breakfast ready and if the others are still in bed that they can do without breakfast. I am feeling like I am between a rock and a hard place. Feel like I am the bad guy if I don't go ahead and feed the 2 sgkids that are hungry and at the table and the bad guy if we don't wait on princess sleeping beauty. I was so angry and walked off to my bedroom and locked the door. I NEVER lock the door. Shortly after I go in the bedroom, sleeping beauty and sgs6 arrive at the table ready to eat. Dh comes to bedroom door and finds it locked and goes back to the table. I ask God to help me put on a fake happy face and go sit at the table with the royal family.

After everyone finally leaves, dh & I had a huge fight. I worked my butt off but if there is one little hick-up, it is some how my fault.

I am so thankful that sd and sgkids live far enough that they are only at my home 3 or 4 times a year.

So there, you have my rant. Would appreciate some kindness along with the "totally ignore the royal family, and why do you put up with the crap".

Thank you for listening.

sammigirl's picture

Do not make them so comfortable. I did the same for years; then I began sitting out the cold cereal, cold sandwiches fixings the other two meals. They had to get their own bowls, and fix their own sandwiches; then I asked them to "please" clean up the kitchen after each meal. I didn't go into their bedrooms, until after they left. Next time ask your SD to wash the bedding and please take care of the nasty kid clean up. Seriously! Once you ask, the second requests get much easier. If your SD doesn't like it, she can get a motel room with a maid.

Now that my Skids and sgrandkids are grown; they come to visit DH anytime they wish; I DO NOT hostess them in any way, not even offering them a cold drink; this is DH's problem. If meal time comes about, we go out to eat. They don't stay over, because I don't even put the coffee on the night before, like I do for DH and I, without them.

I am civil, but I do not, and have not for years, been their slave/maid. Next visit, don't make them as comfortable, without saying a word or arguing with your DH. I keep my life going as if they weren't even coming. If I have something on schedule, I keep it on schedule, just as you did with Church. Good for you. Last but not least, don't lock yourself in your bedroom; this is your house. Have a talk with your SD, while your DH works on her car; let her know your boundaries and house rules in a civil conversation. I'm telling you this, because I made the mistake of being their slave/maid and wished I had not been so nice, because it didn't pay off.

Good Luck, it is not easy; but if you set boundaries, it gets easier. I, myself, do not like the visits either. I can do without them totally. You can set boundaries that make them more tolerable. Don't be a floor mat, like I let myself be for 30+ years and then have it blow up.


jam's picture

I agree sammigirl. Believe it or not, I am working on disengaging and it is a work in progress.

So far, I have blocked my dh's ex's side of the family from social media which includes my ss & msd. (we are currently estranged from ss & msd). I had a church friend tell me "Rejection is protection!" I love it. I am thankful for the estrangement and have made plans in my head what I will do when they come marching back into a relationship with my dh. I have already learned the hard way regarding ss marching back into a relationship with dh. SS had some imagined reason that placed the blame square on me. When & if ss and msd come back in, my plan is my dh HAS TO FIX HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM, before I want any part of it.

I am friends with OSD & her dh & his family on fb but I do not follow them and I have them all restricted. After being ignored for so long I accepted they really did not want a fb relationship anyway and gave them what they wanted. SD also ignored my text messages and so I decided she does not want to hear from me. So when she sends her text messages (group to me & dh) I let him answer and I do not replay at all.

For the most part I do not talk about the skids to dh and when I do I ALWAYS regret it.

When OSD used to come with her family I even gave the kids their baths. I no longer give them their baths and it apparently is not that important with OSD as she does not either. I used to make nice gifts for sgkids and OSD. I no longer do. I have to admit I find it very difficult to NOT change the 3 year old's diaper as I love the little guy. On one morning he got up and came to me & told me his diaper needed to be changed.

I have gotten where I can go ahead with any plans I have instead of dropping my plans anytime the skids decided they were coming over or they had some last minute plans at their home.

I definitely need to work on the boundaries. Each step seems to be such a battle. When I stopped giving the sgkids their baths, it offended osd & her dh, not to mention my dh. My dh always comes up with some excuses to give osd money. We would fight and nothing changed. He gave sd $1000 dollars in an ira first year we were married and then gave another $1000 the next year. Recently he mention giving her 10k when we sell the old homestead. We had a big fight and I then simply told him to do what ever he wants and that each time he gives to his kids I am doing the same for mine. That seems to shut it down.

Anyway, again, I have a lot of work to do with the boundaries and it seems so hard. Thanks for the advise.

sammigirl's picture

Good for you on making even grounds with all the kids; that does put a stop to it.

Keep up the work. Not only does it take lots of time and energy to set boundaries, it seems like I have to remind my SD and SGD what they are from time to time. Ugh....but I stand my ground and you are doing well.

Merry's picture

I much prefer SD and her family visiting my house than me going to theirs. DH shops and cooks, makes sure their beds have clean sheets, and puts clean towels in the guest bath. He's no housekeeper and his work isn't always neat and tidy, but it's clean. This has never been an issue for us. SD takes care of her kids. I go to work and SD and DH spend their time together. Everybody is happy. Gives me time and energy to do enjoy the grands -- and I do. The oldest and I usually spend one evening baking something he picks out from one of my cookbooks.

Used to be that DH would cook, then dramatically announce that he wasn't cleaning up. Ok, King of the Universe, so be it. I would put the food away and leave the dishes. If he wanted to use the kitchen the next day no choice but to clean up. We had a discussion about that exactly one time.

Roles reverse when my DD visits. That's the way it should be. Our chromosomes don't dictate the kind of work we do around our house.

sandye21's picture

Jam, Does DH clean, cook and entertain your family when they come over? If not, your DH is living by a double standard, and it is not right. DH should not expect you to be a maid and short-order cook. As Sammi suggested, if DH will not communicate to SD what the rules of the house are, you are going to have to do it. There is absolutely no reason why she could not have pulled the wet sheets off if the beds and washed them. If DH gets mad because you are not being the 'Suzy Homemaker' he is demanding you to be, let him know that from on you will be having the same expectations of him when your family visits.

I HAVE been through this in our marriage. When SD and her husband visited I served as an invisible cook, maid and scapegoat. SD never even lifted a finger to put her plate in the sink after a meal. When my family visited DH would escape to another room and stay there. I finally had to put a stop to it.

jam's picture

You are so right Sandye, however my poor sd simply can not wash the bedding as she is 9 month pregnant with #4 (please note this IS sarcasm). :sick: There is ALWAYS some bull excuse for SD. She is in college, you don't know how hard she has to study, she is pregnant, she has a baby to care for, she has two kids, she has three kids, she has a job, She is pregnant & caring for a family, IT NEVER ENDS!!! I need one of the "smileys" that is pulling her hair out! Smile

Oh, and my family loves my dh. My dh does help with cooking when my kids come over and also helps with cleaning. He loves visiting with my son & his family and he is always kind to my daughter. We have done a lot for my kids too. I actually think my dh is more comfortable around my kids than his own. I think he is afraid of his own kids. My kids appreciate everything we do and my dh's kids DO NOT appreciate anything we do.

JLRB's picture

Jam, I could've wrote this too: "Oh, and my family loves my dh. My dh does help with cooking when my kids come over and also helps with cleaning. He loves visiting with my son & his family and he is always kind to my daughter. We have done a lot for my kids too. I actually think my dh is more comfortable around my kids than his own. I think he is afraid of his own kids. My kids appreciate everything we do and my dh's kids DO NOT appreciate anything we do."

My DH's kids don't appreciate anything we do for them either and it's getting old. Their visits to our home are rare, but always so uncomfortable for both of us. I always feel like I have to watch everything I do or say for fear of being judged by them in some way. It's not like that at all when my kids are over.

Rags's picture

I understand your fury over this. That your DH is this clueless must be infuriating.

Take care of you.

fairyo's picture

Jam I have three grandskids- they are a little bit older than yours but not much. For all their lives my DH and I would take them for days out, take them away for weekends, have them stay here etc.
I enjoyed their company for the most part. However, six months ago I disengaged from DH's family. He took it badly, but it saved my sanity and sense of well being. Now I see the issue was not them but him. We are still working through this- I have not seen those kids or their mother for three months. They have not been to our home for more than six months. I never said I didn't want them to come here, but that if they did he would have to do the main caring. He stopped asking them.
It hasn't been easy- sometimes we barely spoke, but I stood my ground with the help of people on here. I deserved respect.
I think you have to work your own way through it, but make your plans well in advance of the next visit.
I had a plan for how I would manage the visits from DH's family but they never have come back!
Maybe one day they will, and how we will manage Christmas I don't know, but we will deal with it when we have to.
I think you have to put yourself first- every single day you have to remind yourself of the things you love and appreciate about yourself. This is difficult I know, when you have been conditioned to care for others. One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given was by a pastor who told me to start loving that person in the mirror. I started that journey to well-being all those years ago and have never stopped. It does not make you mean or selfish, if anything it makes you more aware of the problems other people are facing but accepting your own limitations. On an aircraft you are told that in an emergency you should put on your own oxygen first, then you can help others. Find your oxygen, without it you won't help anyone.

jam's picture

Thank You ALL!! I have read your responses and appreciate them GREATLY! I don't know where to start.

Baggagecarousel99: I will start with you. I am sorry if I came across as implying you were unkind. You told the truth! I am a big girl and there is much advise that is given on this site and each of us glean the advise we can use and recognize the advise we can not use even when it is blatantly obvious as the most needed. Your words were not unkind, they were BULLS EYE! My heart goes out to you with your struggles as well. It is so very hard.

My dh is a very kind person. He works very hard. He holds down a full time job and works all the overtime asked and we both run a farm taking care of cows, baling hay, etc. I am now retired. I keep a very clean house, keep the laundry up, cook, and I keep our books. I too am very kind and have been very good to my dh kids and recognize I have been repaid evil for good. My dh helps when my family is here and he has no problem giving discipline and has even given my bgs5 a spanking or two. My family says "Grandma & Papa's house, Grandma & Papa's rules" and then reinforce it with my bgs5. We are comfortable around my family.

We are not comfortable around my dh kids. My dh is so "I REALLY WANT TO CUSS" afraid of his kids that he sacrifices everything for a relationship with his oldest daughter. There were times that he did what I call "sacrificed my kids so that he could blow sunshine up the butts of his kids". He would give some information about my kids. example: while visiting with sd & her dh, he tells them that my son's is a good hard worker but that his job does not pay much and goes on to say how they (sd & her dh) have looked under every rock and shook every bush to better themselves :sick: My dh kids have huge college debt and do not want to work a full time job. Its kind of funny, my son once made a comment that he did not take a shine to working over 40 hours a week and my dh did not like the statement but then his kids come along with they did not really want to work over 20 hours a week. My son IS a hard worker. He did not go to college but has a decent job. My bs38 can put a roof on house, build a house, do all the electrical wiring, etc AND has done wiring for us (free of charge), put a roof on a house we needed to sell (free of charge), built us a nice chicken house (free of charge). Ask me what his kids have done for us? Nothing!!!! They are too "CUSS CUSS" helpless. I confronted dh and let him know that he blows enough sunshine up his kids butts and that I will not allow him to sacrifice my kids any longer so that he can FIND some sunshine to blow AND I let him know I WOULD confront him right smack in front of the royal family.

Sandy: It is very possible I am the scapegoat. I do know of time's that I clearly was the scapegoat. I also know that we would not tolerate for one second anyone else coming to our home and treating us with such disrespect. It is incredible how blind my dh is when it comes to his kids. He is an expert at finding the excuses.

Fairyo: I am thankful to be estranged by msd & ss and thankful osd & her family are not here much. I really don't get much of a warning when they do come and I do try to prepare. I have the premeditated thoughts about "if they do this, I will do that, and if they say this I will say that". You know, the wasted time spent on trying to beat them at their passive aggressive bull crap games.

Somethingwicked: you are right but please do not be alarmed. I was being transparent. Yes I have had those terrible thoughts but I do recognize they are not healthy. I really am trying to disengage. At one time I made it obvious that I was disengaging but I ran smack into incredible resistance from my dh so now I am trying to figure out how I can fly under the radar and disengage. A passive stand like you mentioned.

One thing I had tried was to find a counselor but can not seem to find one that specializes in step families. Guess I gave up trying to find one. That was about a year ago. I just really do not want to go to any ole counselor as I am afraid I would get some worthless piece of crap advise telling me about the poor children of divorce and the pain they endure :sick:

Rags: yes, it is infuriating!

I just need to figure out how to get through this maze of disengaging undetected. Maybe what I really need to do is grow a set of balls. Seems that my dh has retractable balls and they retract anytime his kids are around.

fairyo's picture

Yes, he should. When my grandskids were here before they were toilet trained I never changed a nappy. If, when they were toddlers and had accidents I would help them if DH wasn't around or couldn't, but otherwise he did all that toilet stuff for them. You certainly shouldn't be buying their night-time protection- I would expect the parents to supply these if they were staying with me. Make some simple changes, Jam, if you feel big ones are too much- but you do have to make some changes and stop being angry at yourself.