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lack of privacy

SugarSpice's picture

my dh has long been enmeshed with his skids particular his daughters.

i learned during an argument that dh has been confiding our marital problems to one adult sd. its about retirement and investments. evidently he confides in her about issues with the home that should only be for adult friends and not ones children. she calls him almost every day and is constantly texting him throughout the day. she is and adult and is married but refers to her father as b ff.

i am beyond livid at this betrayal of confidence to say the least. i am sure sd is giving her best friend advice on what to do about me.

i am speaking to an attorney this week about divorce rights and i will know where i stand.

sandye21's picture

Sugar, This kind of betrayal would be a deal breaker for me too. You are taking the best route, in my opinion - finding out where you stand in the event of a divorce. Hope you find a solution which will be in your best interests. (((HUGS)))

Unlovedwife77's picture


SugarSpice's picture

thank you, sandye. i have tolerated so much bs in all the years of the marriage and stood beside dh when the skids were growing up and giving him grief. for background he was left by his first wife when she left to marry the lover she found was he was overseas in the military. bm moved several states away and took the children. he was broken to the core so much he took to drink and almost lost his job.

enter me and our marriage. i stood beside dh during the teen years and older years when the skids were jerking him around on visitation, threatening him with never returning if they did not get their way (expensive items, electronics and clothing, etc) and being general brats. on one occasion one of skids did not respond to the phone calls (in essence long distance visitation) for months on end. it was humiliating to hear him call each week and leave a whiny begging voice mail for the skid to call him. then of course as a birthday approached this skid all of a sudden called dad to chat about their day. imagine that.

and this is how i get repaid. utterly no boudaries at all. it sick beyond words.

Acratopotes's picture

Sugar that's one of the many reasons I'm freshly single....

Certain things you do not discuss with your child, you discuss it with your partner, like finances, mortgages, future plans etc..... cause no child will decide on my future, they have their own to worry about.

I'm still very very sad cause 14 years down the drain, but on the other side it feels like a major weight has been lifted from my shoulders, it's not easy but guess we will get through it

SugarSpice's picture

i separated finances in the first year we were married when i saw how dh saw my income as his income. the best thing i ever did. now that i am seriously contemplating leaving it is good to know where i stand legally and financially.

Dovina's picture

As others have said it is an act of betrayal. I totally empathize with you. Daddy's with enmeshment issues are "crazy makers". Things become so skewed and you start to question whats appropriate and whats not. I hope you find peace in whatever decision you make. If your future is discussed with anyone else but you that is enough to want to jump ship. Sounds like your relationship is too crowded. Good luck

disrestep's picture

Your DH should be discussing retirement plans, investments and finances with you and not his daughter, especially if he knows you and his daughter do not get along. Honestly, I cannot see that it would be any of her business. Does she mange his money? If not, none of her business. I don't discuss my finances with my parents and they don't discuss their finances with me. Unless his daughter is employed as his financial advisor, he should be discussing this with you, his wife. It is important couples communicate about their finances and retirement plans with each other. Is he retiring with his daughter? so why the bleep does she need to know about your household's personal finances? Point being - she does not need to know.

We all know the obvious: most couples retire together and plan their futures, which includes discussing their finances with one another or their financial advisor/investment firm/attorney and keeping each other in the loop. It is not normal for one spouse to go behind another spouse's back and discuss their marriage or finances with anyone unless the other spouse is consulted and it is 100% okay with the other spouse, especially if the other spouse is not fond of the person it is being discussed with. It is clearly disrespectful what he did.

I feel bad for you. If my DH did that to me, I would be talking to a good divorce attorney also. Not worth it. Sounds like his daughter is his mini-wife.

SacrificialLamb's picture

""Some people want support and validation for themselves, love the attention and possibly love playing the victim as well, so it's just addictive for them to go out and complain/discuss personal matters with no regard to the one who's privacy is being violated."


And no one is better prepared to give daddy the validation he wants, give him the ego boost he wants, than his adoring DD who wants insight into his household and marriage that she can use as leverage.

An SD who has a competitive relationship with her SM is not unbiased in her "advice" she gives her father. She wants ammunition and leverage. She wants upset and strife in the marriage (My OSD42 even asks her father now if we are "fighting" after she pulls some stupid stunt, because us fighting is her goal). Until DH pulls his head out of the sand and realizes this dynamic, he is giving his DD exactly what she wants at his wife's expense.

DH should be allowed to love his daughter but with BOUNDARIES around his marriage.

JLRB's picture

Curious Georgetta, I find it odd that you would take the time to make comments in a forum for Adult Stepchildren Issues if you are not a stepparent. Until you experience the treatment that the rest of us have at the hands of these so called "adult" stepchildren, you have no idea how it feels. There are certain things that are none of our stepchildren's business, and finances is the big one. Most of us here have stepchildren who would like nothing more to have us out of the way so they have free and clear access to Daddy's money.

SacrificialLamb's picture

She is just a troll on this site generating hits and she is far from a therapist. A lot of therapists are not well versed in step life. But CG does not even understand boundaries, which is a core part of therapy.

SugarSpice's picture

evidently two of his daughters are confidants.

one took issue with me over some petty matter and then used that matter to catalogue all of her complaints about me.

it appears these two disapprove of the "treatment" their father receives at my hands. they need to keep in mind bm cheated on their father and then married her lover.

NoLongerGuilty's picture

Good Lord your comment here mirrors my life right now!! I honestly don't know if my husband discusses anything financial or other wise with his daughters, but both of my stepdaughters dislike me, saying I "Lead him around by the nose" and are jealous of my two adult children for reasons unknown. They are VERY close with their BM, who also cheated on their dad and then married her lover. Their BM is a two-faced, manipulative narcissistic woman who needs to be the center of attention. I'd get out of this marriage but made a commitment; HOWEVER, if he started discussing OUR finances or marriage behind my back with his daughters, that might be a deal breaker. Total breech of trust. Good luck, ma'am.

TwirlMS's picture

The husband is supposed to be our most trusted friend and confidant. Our household business kept private.
If he took the liberty of exposing private marital issues and ensuing arguments with his adult daughters, then he has some serious apologizing to do.
The daughters want very much to see the demise of the marriage , how are they supposed to give advice on how to save it?

I feel sorry for you Sugar, because I know what that feels like. This spring, while I was borrowing DH's laptop, he forgot to close out of his mail. I accidentally stumbled upon some e-mails DH sent his daughter. I was shocked and livid that he was sharing details of an argument that happened a year ago, to get her opinion. I was mortified and it was actually something ugly that DH said to me. He wanted her feedback that it wasn't so bad what he said. Of course her reply to him was, "you did nothing wrong". HA! #1 He said it in anger, and #2 he said it to hurt me.....and that makes it wrong.
I called them out on it for what it really is. Gossip! The two of them were gossiping about me. I later read DH an article on this subject to refresh his memory on just how grievous the sin of gossip is, since his daughter indulges in it regularly.

After hearing this, he did see it for what it really is and no longer wants to participate in it, and he repented. We did get past this through our study and pursuit of having a marriage with God as the center. Not anyone else. He can take his laments to God as our judge. His daughter is not.

SacrificialLamb's picture

My DH heard he did nothing wrong for years from OSD. As if she were some kind of judge about appropriate behavior. He later figured out that these were all instances where she benefitted. When he later told her that yes, he did something wrong, she went ballistic crying trying to convince him he did nothing wrong. Of course, so he would keep it up. She was then in her late 30's. Just weird, juvenile, needy behavior.

SugarSpice's picture

i siriously doubt dh will awaken to just how unhealthy the whole situation is. when his x left to marry her lover she took all the children from him cross country. he never saw them except when bm felt like it and youd better believe she had him by the balls. he idealized his children and in his eyes they could do not wrong. of course being raised by bm gave them all sorts of sick ideas about boundaries.

it is still the same. one daughter is spiteful and giving grief to her own mil and one is on drugs. only one child had a steady job and family, happens to like me, and is not sick in the head.

sharing intimate details and sharing marital problems with ones children is the betrayal of trust.

ldvilen's picture

I think one of the biggest mistakes non-steps (and even some steps) make judging the action of SMs, is they forget to take intent and circumstances into consideration.

Sure, off the cuff, a father speaking with his daughter about retirement finances doesn’t sound all that bad. But, what some are missing from this scenario is what is dad and daughter’s intent. The 2nd para. makes it clearer that the intent is not well here. Clearly SM feels something is being done behind her back, “dh has been confiding our marital problems” to someone outside the marriage, and it is not a therapist. Very few wives, step or not, would go for this.

Circumstantial evidence is defined as: pointing indirectly toward someone's guilt but not conclusively proving it. When it comes to issues with her DH or SKs, this is pretty much usually all SM has. And, even if SK comes right out and says, “I hate you,” or “I’m out to get you,” others will make excuses for SK’s behavior. This is one of the biggest issues with steps—it is rare to have solid evidence that proves you are being railroaded. It is far too easy for anyone to brush off these circumstances time after time and make excuses.

This is why I always say a SM has to go with or do what works for her, because even on a site titled, “Where Stepparents Come to Vent,” you’ll find posters more than happy to hone in on one comment in your post and to use that comment to make it look like you are the one with the problem. Gaslighting.

Even in the US judicial system you can convict someone based on overwhelming circumstantial evidence. I say if our legal system allows it, then SMs can do so as well. Because, after being told to suck it up and take it year after year after year, it usually does come down to the proverbial ‘last straw on the camel’s back’ that makes a SM finally see a much clearer picture, and to be able to move on from there, whether that be to leave, see a counselor, see a lawyer, or so on.

SugarSpice's picture

this is wise advice and well written. marriages with steps die by degrees and finally there is a last straw done or said by a step kid of a clueless spouse.

SugarSpice's picture

to all who can relate and understand what i am facing, thank you.

it is indeed a matter of in tact families and mini wives, and who is considered an ally or not. very big difference.

those who are not steps or who cannot relate cant really see the issues clearly. this is a board for steps and there are obviously many who can relate to sense of betrayal i feel.

i always say you cannot relate until it happens to you.

TwirlMS's picture

In addition to the harm that this causes the marriage, it is also harmful to the daughters. Research has shown that girls drawn into marital conflicts tend to show lower levels of personal maturity.

SugarSpice's picture

it also harms the daughters ability to form relationships with men their own age. marriage collapse and relationships crumble due to the girls being too hung up on their father.

TwirlMS's picture

Good point. I sometimes wonder if the reason SD's marriage ended in divorce had something to do with her still clinging to her parents instead of her own husband. A lack of bonding with her own husband.

Dovina's picture

My SD clings to her daddy and goes to him with all her problems. I am certain her husband is resentful that his wife needs dear old daddy to rescue her. One time when all four of us were together SD and her husband, So and I, SD's husband said to SO "why are you two always talking on the phone?" He was really irritated. SO shrugged it off and gave an angry look at SD's husband. SD seemed smug that her two guys were fighting over her. Its not healthy.

SugarSpice's picture

I-m so happy i know this situation well. one sd screamed that dh was supposed to love her more than his own wife. this is because she had no life and no boyfriends and was using her father as a surrogate boy friend. i was unhealthy to the extreme.

this same sd is no longer a teen and a grown woman who is married. she has no boundaries and considers her father as her best pal and confidant. she makes kissy icons with her text messages. i wonder what her husband thinks about all this closeness. i am sure the sil likes this because dh buys all kinds of things for him like hunting and sporting goods. the young man is starstruck with all the goodies. in time this will wear thin when the sil finds his wife is more into her own father than him.

what terrifies me is when this marriage eventually fails that sd will come running back to daddy and she will attempt to claim her "other" husband who also happens to be mine.

Dovina's picture

Sugarspice that is my biggest fear. The thought that SD's marriage will end (high probability for that) and we will never have a moment of peace Sad We have worked hard to maintain boundaries. But Disney Daddy will come to the rescue if SD is in peril.
Our SD's are one in the same.

SugarSpice's picture

if sd moved in with us after a divorce that would spell the end of my marriage to dh. its like here you can have my husband. hes your father but you both can live happily if not healthily together. have a nice rest of your life.

TwirlMS's picture

My SD did exactly that. One month after her divorce, she moved into our house while we were on vacation. That was my first ever thread on this message board when I panicked because she said it was only going to be for a week, but then for the next two months, she was still here with no promise of her moving out. She was perfectly happy to be the third party in our marriage from the get-go. DH and I had only been married four months when that happened. She should have known not to even ask that, and DH should have known that was too much to expect from me, to give up our happy newlywed privacy for a then 32 year old daughter. It caused our first ever fight.

I managed to get a couple from our church to talk some sense into him at how unfair this is to me and how unhealthy it is for the start of our marriage.

I am happy to say that 5 1/2 years later, we are still married and the SD is living an hour away. We have had our trials for sure, but we have survived the attacks from interlopers that want to do us harm.

SugarSpice's picture

how terrible for you as a newly wed to have to tolerate a third person in your home!

its good that the problem is now fixed. some skids just dont want to grow up and need their daddy to the point where they see their sms as rivals. it really is unhealthy.

TwoOfUs's picture


And even if this were their mutual daughter and an intact family - confiding "marital problems" to your children is never appropriate. If they are the children of both of seriously messes them up and makes them feel divided loyalty. If they are your kids and your spouses's a serious betrayal of trust and, while the skids may get some nasty, superficial enjoyment out of feeling like they're 'winning' compared to stepmom, it's actually not healthy for them, either.

CG - as many have pointed out...this is not about dad innocently and nonchalantly telling his daughter how healthy his retirement accounts are or mentioning that they're hoping to travel together more when they're both retired. It's about him relaying fights and arguments they've had about money to daughters who want to see SM gone. Big, big difference and completely inappropriate.

Loose lips sink ships...make no mistake about it. These SDs are looking for information they can use against OP in the future...her DH should absolutely in no way be enabling such behavior.

TwirlMS's picture

The husband should never be sharing any information about our personal finances or our marital fights. Sharing any information about our finances with SD makes her feel a false sense of importance, like she's a partner with us, when she's not. She is not qualified to be our financial advisor. Even if she was a professional money manager, would not make it right because she does not have the owner of the estate's (our) best interests at heart. The SKs are not going to be the executor of our wills either, we're hiring a neutral third party.

Every vacation we took she would have a jealous meltdown right before we left town. Better not to talk about it. She always referred to our first home together as a married couple as "dad's house". Well, we sold that one three years into the marriage and now built one from scratch using both of our funds equally. She knows this one is NOT "dad's house".

"Loose lips sink ships". Good phrase. It originated during World War II, meaning: Avoid careless talk concerning secure information that might be of use to the enemy.

CANYOUHELP's picture

Mine shared marital problems with them initially too, until he realized his marriage was about to end-- because of it. All indications are that he stopped after my reaction, though they continue to probe, without a doubt. If I found out he was sharing info. again, this marriage would be over too. I refuse to live with a man burning me down to my enemies. Life is too short to live with a man who's loyalty lies with other women.

TwirlMS's picture

Oversharing with people things that only we as a couple should know. DH and I have had long talks about it.
I have tried to teach him that discretion is the better part of valor. He sees it as being secretive.

I would cringe every time the 401K topic came up and wondered why does he go there, because it sounds prideful. Then he would tell friends and relatives about our future plans. Recently he told a young couple about this car we put a downpayment on that is a year away from production. Personal finances is no one's business and it really does make people feel uncomfortable to even discuss.

DH has a problem with keeping his mouth shut. and it ends up embarrassing me. He has this competitive streak. I get really disappointed when he starts having loose lips because it shows he has a lack of control over his tongue. It's something he needs to work on.

SugarSpice's picture

its almost like man having a mistress and spilling his secrets cause his wife "does not understand him." we have an argument and dh goes running off to blab to his daughters. its a form of betrayal. now they think they have a right to giving their input into our marriage. they still have not lost their desire to see us divorced. its really bad luck when other women ,including daughters, meddle in the marriage of another woman.

after all their own mother was a home wrecker and slept with married man. her lover divorce his wife and they married. fast forward and twenty years later the new husband cheats. what goes around comes around.

sammigirl's picture

SugarSpice: Do you remember 3 years ago when this exact same thing happened to me; I posted extensively here, because I needed everyone's support. The betrayal is when private issues are discussed behind your back and you find out how vicious it has become.

Bottom line: I immediately had Law Enforcement escort my DH to SD's house, I obtained a Court ordered Protective Order the same day, rekeyed the locks the next morning, and within two days had retained an attorney and obtained a Court ordered property possession order. DH could not contact me via third party or in any way. He had to be escorted to our home to obtain his tooth brush and a change of clothes, via Law Enforcement. He could take absolutely nothing, but his personal need items. Neither order could be lifted until we had a hearing with the Judge and at that time it was my decision. You have to have good reason for these orders; DH had history to substantiate the orders.

My Purpose: Let DH and SD have all the time (24/7) together they wished. I handed SD her father and obtained peace and quiet for myself. Let me tell you it opened their eyes. My DH threatened me with divorce and I told him to bring on the papers, I would sign them. After 35 years of marriage and a financial statement presented to DH's attorney; DH decided living with his DD, and what it would cost him to split the property, was not worth it all.

Results: Our marriage is totally different. It is not a loving marriage like it was. There was 15 years of betrayal that I discovered had been going on between DH and SD. I took the steps to flush my house out and get rid of all the toxic people in my life. My DH is a different person, I no longer engage with my SD and her immediate family. Neither DH nor SD and family have any doubt where they stand. If I have to do this again, it will be the last time. I gave my DH a second chance and that is ALL he gets. He knows that. I also know they text and talk, but if I get wind of any of it, it's over. DH is trying to fix what he broke, it will never be the same for us.

Suggestion: Take care of yourself. Take control of the situation strongly and stand your ground.

The pain betrayal brings is beyond repair, I am very sorry for what you are going through. Keep us posted.


SugarSpice's picture

sammi, thank you for the support. i prefer that dh meet with his daughter outside the house. any where but here.

she has spouted off and wanted her little meeting with her father and she used it to catalogue all of her complaints about me.

this is the time for me to back off all the way. this little meeting was a betrayal beyond repair.

my marriage is not what it once was when the skids were small children. once they hit the teens they thought it was o k to move me to the back ground of their fathers life.

i have stood my ground and dh can meet with sd whenever she wants but not under my roof.

sammigirl's picture

SugarSpice: I say, you do what you have to do to protect yourself from any further heartbreak. It is the betrayal that will never heal; I know, I'm there. I will NEVER trust my DH again, concerning my SD and her family.

I trust my DH more with BM, then I do with SD56 and her family. They are evil, despicable people and will stop at nothing to get back at me for disengaging (only because they didn't think of disengagement first).

Of course, to this day, DH and SD56 think they did nothing wrong by betraying me; they refuse to apologize. I told DH it would help fix our marriage, if he and SD would sit down and apologize for talking behind my back. My DH even told me "I never told a lie, while talking behind your back"; no apology to this day almost 4 years later.

My DH had no clue to the magnitude of what he did to our marriage. But I will tell you, he is learning as time passes and I enforce my boundaries. I really believe he is getting the idea of the magnitude, with 3+ years of my standing my ground, and it gets easier to enforce each day, with no intention of me giving up. I am not a forgiving person and I never forget, especially when I let this go on for 30+ years, before my tolerance was beyond repair.

I understand your pain. Just try to heal from it and take care of yourself; it takes years to even comprehend this behavior and it is never again the same relationship.


SugarSpice's picture

sammi, thank you.

by going behind my back and confiding to sd about something she had no business in knowing about, dh gave her permission to put in her comments.

i am furious.

i really resent this and as each day goes by, i feel my resentment growing.

its really hard to keep a good face about a happy marriage when dh has allowed another person to make comments about me. sd has come out and said i am disrespecting my husband who happens to be her father.

i also think dh has no clue what he has done. he is also damaging the relationship with this daughter and her ability to have relationships with young men. she has trouble with young men her own age and cant seem to find a stable relationship. she is quick into relationships and then is dumped or ends up dumping young men who genuinely seem to like her. her emotional life is a train wreck.

i dont know if its her mothers adultery and leaving her father, or her mothers second divorce (step father cheated) that might be influencing this young woman.

never the less its none of her business.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Agreed. They collide with these daughters like THEY are the spouses. With this event that dh and I shared for 9 years straight , after he invited them w/ o my knowledge. He kept telling me how much one of his daughters wanted me to go! Like they are the couple and I the outsider. But he can't see this. Never will.
My ex may be many things, but he has always made our kids respect his long term girlfriends. And my dh always puts it down by saying that ex rules by fear.
My kids know their place and to respect people that are important in their father's life.

Newimprvmodel's picture

What hurts most is when the person who is supposed to
Have OUR back, goes BEHIND our back. Really erodes any trust.
I believe that often what happens in these situations is that the spouse when caught MINIMIZES the impact on you. Essentially invalidating your feelings.
What do I need when I feel spouse does this? Simple acknowledgment and apology. And the continued denial only further alienates you.
In my case dh now is on Day 4 with his kids, who are estranged from me for years.
What does he do? Continues to text me daily that WE should all get together. To me that signifies that MY feelings regarding them mean not a whit to him.
I do think that stopping information sharing is next to impossible. Because there is no oversight police and these guys are enmeshed to begin with. It is however the first step to alienating your spouse and I
Am way there already.

SacrificialLamb's picture

You are going through the normal feelings of betrayal after daddy has been yucking it up with his kids for a few days. My DH is usually gone for 4 days when he goes to visit. Days 1-2 I am fine, doing my own thing. Day 3 I am thinking a little more about why things are this way, day 4 I am belligerent.

Don't respond to his texts. He is trying to bait you. He thinks he is having such a good time with these little angels - why would you not want to be doing this too? And be prepared for the fight of all fights afterwards. You are going to be feeling really fragile; he is going to be exhilarated.

SugarSpice's picture

i can always tell when dh has been talking on the phone with his kids. he is bubbly like he just too a happy pill.

then when he has to deal with me he is angry and controlling. it really is quite dramatic to see him come off his high from talking with his children.

he also tends to go into another room when they call like he is talking to a mistress. his voice gets sweet and sugary and he takes calls at any time of the day even when we are ready to sleep. he will then talk for an hour and be grumpy when he wakes up from lack of sleep.

yes and he always seems miserable to get off the phone with his angels.

Newimprvmodel's picture

SL you nailed it. He started getting nasty last night on his texts. Telling me that I would have enjoyed what they did yesterday "if you allowed yourself to enjoy it." That is a dig at me bc I have a fear of heights and basically they've did rock scrambles on a mountain! WTF. Then he started in by saying we need to work together on having one home, but it will take commitment on BOTH of us. Which is blah blah blah that I have been hearing for years. I resisted typing anything back other than glad you guys are having a good time.
But really?
So how do you disengage when your spouse is angry and unaccepting of it.
It is totally not appropriate for either them nor I to be forced together.

TwirlMS's picture

"What do I need when I feel spouse does this? Simple acknowledgment and apology."

Yes, I agree. And if he's truly sorry, he will turn away from that behavior and not keep repeating it.

fairyo's picture

Oh those daaaadddddeeee voices. When I first met him I thought, 'what a strange way to talk to your kids,' and all that 'love you bye bye stuff that he ALWAYS has to say? Meaningless.
It was a real revelation to me that I found others had to put up with this!

sammigirl's picture

Oh yes, I always love the "Bye Babe, love you". It is said on purpose when I am in ear shot. My SD56 has been the other woman in our marriage for 37+ years and it took me 30+ years to realize it, because I'm not a jealous natured person and thought this touching, so called hugging, and sweet talk was normal; although, I've never acted like this with my own Father (he is 101 years young). I only give him a shoulder hug when I see him and sit and visit over a cup of coffee.

In my case, it is a show of "I own my Dadeeee...., you don't". My SD56 is a controlling, jealous person and even hates her own BM. All the stories and incidents that have come about in 37+ years; I now know SD and DH did the same thing to BM. The day SD learned she could cause problems between BM and DH, she has entertained herself with the idea that SHE is in control of the games. I actually believe she caused DH and BM's divorce, with these games over the years.

I pay absolutely no attention to it now and let them know how silly they are, quite often. I laugh at them now. It infuriates my SD56 to think I don't care.

I love disengagement. I detest my SD56 and have taken back the role of Alpha Female and make no bones about it. DH doesn't like it, but that's his problem, I have my life back and am in control of my own home. We are actually doing better without SD stepping in our home. She has not set foot in our home for almost a year; I don't expect that will last.

Newimprvmodel's picture

But it doesn't end with the goodbyes. My dh and his daughter text and talk all day long. I am seeing him tonight after him being with his daughters since Friday. He will spend the evening with me looking at their texts. I will
Grit my teeth and say nothing. Unlike after their big skiing trip last Jan. That led to s big argument. Frankly I don't care anymore. I have enjoyed my week off!

SugarSpice's picture

same here. dh will even stop and text back or receive a call when we are watching a television programme. he knows we are watching the television but will launch into a phone conversation for fifteen minutes.

they text back and forth with all the lovey talk when signing off the telephone. one daughter sends smoochy emojies to her father. another one sends sexually suggestive joke greeting cards to her father suitable for a spouse or signif other.

all this daddeeee stuff is ultimately ruining any chance of the daughters having a healthy relationship with any man as they are too hung up on their father.

i am pretty well disengaged and usually laugh to myself when their bad decisions lead to horrid results.

fairyo's picture

I did a bad thing last night and sneaked a peek at OSDs facebook page (I blocked her ages ago, after discussing her posts with DH I said I might de-friend her, but he said that wouldn't be a good idea!) I don't do it often, but I maybe was a bit bored and I knew there would be a back to school pic of the grandskids on there. There was. Anyways there was also a few messages between DH and OSD about what a fantastic daddeee he is, and how he loves to hear her saying that!
My word I won't be back on there for a while- it was vomit inducing!
I'm not aware that they know I've blocked her, but I'm sure it wasn't done for my benefit- even if it was it had no effect. Not my circus and all that...

SugarSpice's picture

i know dh and the skids talk on the phone almost every day and i really dont want to know what they are saying. probably like what you are seeing. a lot of gushy and sugary talk about daddeeeee.

sammigirl's picture

When I first disengaged, eight years ago, I would sneak a peak at my DH's texts. It would make me so infuriated that it always ruined my days for a week. Then I woke up one day and realized I don't care any longer what they do.

For years, I haven't asked, looked, listened, or even thought about his texts, calls, or his visits, when they stop by. Now that I look back he left those texts for me to see; now I don't know what he does, because I don't even think about looking. DH leaves his phone lying around and I know he thinks I look; but I have no concern if my SD56 even exist, and know if I look, it will only be a big failure in my disengagement.

The past year, I've noticed a change in DH concerning this; he never mentions SD or her family, therefore, he knows I don't look or care about his private life with his kids.

Skids stop maybe 4 times a year to visit DH; I can't even remember their conversation the next day. I totally don't listen, and I sit in the same room. I detest my SD stopping by, but I am civil and look straight thru her

TwirlMS's picture

If "disengagement" means ignoring the problem, then I'm sorry I can't do that.

My SD37 is like a poisonous gas that was leaking into our home, and poisoning the occupants, little by little. The only way to defend it is to take a proactive role in educating ourselves and plugging the obvious gaping avenues. We even moved from our home.

With every text message it was like her barging right in our front door without knocking. She used to do that in person and by phone. I put a stop to both of those. We now live out in the country, so no more drop ins. DH now has a landline so no more ping-ping of the cell phone into our peace and quiet. I am so much relaxed now that those two methods of invasion have been blocked. Her intrusions were not healthy for our marriage. I didn't feel safe in my own home.

I did get to see from her texts (before they were turned off) and e-mails just what I suspected all along. She is not a friend of our marriage and is actually trying to cause problems. She complains, is bad tempered, and I have observed her telling lies in her text messages. Even DH doesn't know the level to which I am now wise to her, because he doesn't know what all I saw in both her texts and her e-mails.

I have actually heard a sermon about this advising married couples to have a shared account and passwords because there shouldn't be any secrets between them. It may just force SD to clean up her act and behave appropriately if she thought her nasty conversations might be discovered.

We still have our own account that we had before we got married and one shared account, but they are not password protected from each other. I don't read his e-mail other than the time he left it open, but it kind of puts an end to the gossiping Smile knowing that I could if I wanted to read whatever I want to, and vice versa.

sammigirl's picture

Believe me I have not ignored "the problem" for eight years now. I corrected it and it was ugly. TwirlMS: I am glad you have some peace. Since we have moved away from SD56 and family, our life is getting better with time. I'm glad for you.

I totally agree with a shared account and one password. My SD56 set DH up on their "Family" plan on her cell phone, when I kicked DH to the curb 3 years ago, to her house. They destroyed DH's cell and claimed he needed a phone and set him up on SD's. It was just a jab at me and it was very infuriating to me at the time; now I don't care. You can't control people and I've never had the desire to do so. This is what DH wants, so have it!

My home is a different story; my SD56 no longer barges in my home and I have made no bones about "she is not welcome"; although she is allowed (by me) to visit her Dadeeee...., but only under my boundaries. I have made no bones about it to any of my skids or anyone on my side of the family, including friends. This is MY home, I set the boundaries, and if DH doesn't like it, he's welcome to leave also.

The cell phone, I don't care; my home is off limits to anyone; under my boundaries only is the door open with warm welcomes. My SD and her family have been put in their place and with that said, they will stay there. I have no use for them and their is no doubt how I feel. My skids are just people to me and they are treated with respect and I am civil to them; I do not engage with them under any circumstances. They are not my friends and never will be now.

If there is an emergency, which we have had with DH; skids are sent a group text on what is going on and kept updated, no nice stuff or crying or whining. It's cut and dry and will only get stronger as long as I have to tolerate them.

TwirlMS's picture

Yes, I remember when your SD lived just up the block from you. I don't know how you ever could stand that for so long. My SD used to drop-in, knowing we had other plans with friends or were leaving soon for an event. She would deliberately try to lure DH into taking her someplace instead, totally messing up our plans. She would even fein some emergency.

Moving has been a good decision in both your case and in mine. Sounds like you've had some fallout from your DH being in the enemy camp though. Fortunately he came back, but you sound like you wouldn't have cared either way. I guess that's where I differ. My goal is to prevent it from ever getting to that point where I just want to throw him out.

When people violate our privacy, sometimes drastic actions are called for. She isn't the only reason we moved. More like a fringe benefit of us moving. We wanted a different floor plan for our upcoming retirement and we wanted some acreage that we could enjoy 4-wheeling and better boating. Moved from a lake to a larger body of water. We did these things for us, and whether SD was affected by it, that's not our problem. She has her own life to live and it shouldn't hinge on us.

I just got so tired of her constant need to connect via text. A constant dialogue was too much to take that even DH wanted to shut her up. I originally gave him the phone so that she would stop texting my phone trying to get to him. I'm not the post office. If she has an emergency, she can call 911.

SugarSpice's picture

sammi, i have the same situation happenning here. sd put her nose into my business. at her fathers invitation of course. he does not see what he did wrong. his complaining to her about my business invited her to put her opinions in. he criticised me to her so that gave her full permission to do the same.

i am furious. dh says he will not have his daughter over at our house and i said, good. this skid has keys to the house and when she is invited over she just uses the keys like she still lives here. she knows we are at home and he does this any way.

dh is too much in love with this mini wife to put her in her place or to respect my wishes.

i am also disengage to a major degree. i dont ask how the skids are doing unless her offers and to be honest i am not interested.

CANYOUHELP's picture

I only let him know what I want him to know and/or repeat. This is the way I protect myself; I doubt I will ever trust him not to run me down to his entitled if I make him angry enough. So, I learned long ago to trust him with only positive information; nothing juicy to repeat-to those he is soooo eager to please and who want to hear only negatives about me, my family. I get that he gets brownie points when he talks about me to them, therefore, I am guarded, and will likely always be.... If I find out he is doing it, this marriage is over.

TwirlMS's picture

These SDs are like wiley coyotes, howling at our doors when we've experienced a rough patch in our marriage. Thirsty for blood.

I believe DH knows what my expectations are, but in the event he does slip up, and he is human so it's possible, my solution is to call on our counselors, the couple that has helped us through a couple of other rough patches. My DH knows that if we hit another crisis, that is who I will call. The doctor (the counselor) not the undertaker (the lawyer).

SugarSpice's picture

sd is no longer welcome in my home. if dh invites her in with aq grin like a love sick school boy, i will make sure she is unwelcome. he can sit there like a silly sap hanging on her every word.

i told dh that its really bad when any woman meddles in the marriage of another women. i dont care if its the ex wife, the mother or mil, sister or daughter. i also reminded him of what happened when one woman meddled in anothers marriage.

bm was the home wrecker when she chose to have an affair with a married man. two marriages were broken up by this and bm married her lover. karma kicked her in the pants when second husband had an affair. what goes around come around.

after all i dont ask sd why she has so many boyfriends but none of them long term. none of my business. i wish she could keep her nose out of our marriage. i let dh know in no uncertain terms i did not appreciate his blabbing to her.

sammigirl's picture

SugarSpice: I had the locks rekeyed. Then when I gave my DH a new key, which was about 3 months later, and after he discovered his no longer worked, I told him under no circumstances was he to give SD56 another key to our home. I also told him if he did, she comes on our property, I will have her arrested for trespassing.

This is not a threat, it is a promise; DH knows it too. SD56 does not have a key and hasn't had a key for 4 years; of course we have moved to the neighboring State this past year. DH was not happy with it, but I stood my ground.

You have already told your dh you do not want him blabbing to your SD, now comes the rekey job.

TwirlMS's picture

My DH made the mistake of giving out keys to our last house. He never got it back from the SD. Worthless key now, the new owners rekeyed. Smile

Our new house is a 'smart house' where we can give temporary virtual keys to an HVAC person, for example, while we are out of town, from a distance as needed. I can monitor on my cellphone who and when someone comes in, and leaves.

I made it clear to DH in no uncertain terms, that no relatives need to have access to our house, and no one will be living here while we are away. State of the art security system. Peace at last.
If he does have the nerve to go behind my back and try to give out a virtual key to our house, I will know it right away on my cell phone monitor. He knows where I stand on that, and he doesn't know how to program it. He would have to use my cellphone to do it. Not going to happen. Smile

SugarSpice's picture

sammi and twirl, these are great ideas. i would love to rekey the door when dh is on a business trip. he would not have an idea i did this.

i thinks it is best if dh and sd just see each other outside the house and have their little meetings. i no longer want her in my home. she knows that dh will protect her from her silly comments against me. at this rate she will never have a serious relationship because she is so hung up on daddeeee. she dates a lot of men but they never seem to be more than a few dates.

dh says sd does not want to settle down. rubbish! this sd was playing house with one young man for a year before he send her to the kerb for snooping in his personal things. sd has no sense of manners thanks to bm raising her. she eaves drops on my phone conversations through the door or rooms.

she is getting what she deserves.

TwirlMS's picture

Yes. It's funny how these dads don't ever admit their daughters are undesirable to other men. It's always the guys fault.

My SD is a big time snoop. The one time we invited her over to our new house for a party, I was bracing myself for how she would behave. Everyone else minded their manners, but as usual, SD was opening up refrigerator doors, complaining about dust to the group when she thought I was in another room. For no reason she tried to open some patio doors that were locked because the landscaping and patio haven't been installed yet. Her own brother asked her to stop.

Every inch of this house has my taste all over it, I have chosen every little detail of it. There are no memories of DH's prior life here, except for one couch that we have in the garage, and I have that covered with a new fabric, lol. I got rid of his old furniture in a garage sale when we moved.

When there is a party, she has to be included along with the others, but at least she has gotten the message that this is my home, and she is just a visitor, along with everyone else. And it's by invitation only.

Sugar, if your SD still has a key to your house, I would suggest installing a new smart lock into that door, and sync it to your smartphone. It covers the space of the deadbolt, so that even if she has a key to the doorknob hole, it won't open. Just go out and buy it (about $150) just like you would a new kitchen gadget and bring it home, so it's not a secret that you're having it installed. Be nonchalant. That way, he won't look at it as an act of aggression, but a thing he is being informed about, that you need this upgraded technology so that you feel safe in your home. Then, her key will be useless.

SugarSpice's picture

twirl, thanks for the advice.

my house is also the result of my taste. when the sds lived here to go to college thanks to bm kicking them out at 18, they complained about my decor. who did they think they were? one sd was complaining about my kitchen tile choices as if it was her choice to make.

sadly the way dh has treated them he has given his children permission to meddle in the lives of me and my husband. he blabs every bit of news to them. no wonder they are mini wifes.

one sd in particular has no sense of manners. she dresses like a tart is unaware of it. that is her mothers fault for not giving the girl a sense of pride in herself. she sleeps with men on the first date. after a while her reputation got around and she found her self at a party where there were several young men she had slept with. she was so angrey she left. what does she expect?

sammigirl's picture

I listened to DH and SD56 for 37 years regarding stories about BM. BM did nothing right in her life according to these two. SD is a chip off the shoulder, DH's shoulder.

I do not know BM, but I do know SD undermined BM, since the toddle age. I realized this because, SD has undermined me since day one, 37 years ago. SD is married and has a nice family; now SGD32 and SGGD10 are darling, hateful images of SD56. I gave up a long time ago and am totally disengaged from them all. I am also disengaged from DH concerning his DD56.

I have NEVER met women of this nature. Where did they come from (my DH), who also is sneaky, gossips, and thinks his darling girls walk on water.

I have one name for mine "narcissist".

SugarSpice's picture

dh and i had it out again over this.

evidently dh still maintains he had a right to disclose my personal matters to his skids.

he has NO CLUE of the betrayal he has committed. this is a permanent wedge between us. i will never again trust dh.

his skids are emotional train wrecks thanks to bm and dh. one sd runs her husband ragged with her rages and tirades. another is into drugs and cant seem to find a stable relationship. train wrecks all of them.

mean while i laugh to myself to hear the latest disaster they bring into their lives. i get a front row seat.

notasm3's picture

Well then you should feel free to discuss his personal issues - like any instance of sexual failure or incompetency ever.

SugarSpice's picture

I-m so happy this is hilarious. i would also like to remind these skids of the time when their mother who was still married to their father, and her being a homewrecker by sleeping with the wife of a married man. and dont forget when she married her lover that the lover then cheated on her.

as if the skids have perfect families and only sm has things to gossip about.

sammigirl's picture

I'm here to tell you; this type of betrayal carries hurt beyond repair. I am a changed person, since my DH did this same thing to me.

He gets absolutely NO information to carry to SD. If I EVER hear one word he has repeated, which I know he does, I just don't hear it, yet; he is out of here to her house, again, permanent. They never stop, but as long as I don't know, I let it go.

I have completely removed from it all and will not let myself be dragged back into it. They are ALL on a "need to know basis" and I flat don't care any longer about what they think of me. They have labeled me, therefore, I live up to their label.

I am not a nice person to them and never will be, after the betrayal.

I've let it go and move forward, but I will never forgive or forget. They would like for me to re-engage and go back to being their subject of mistreatment. NOT....


SugarSpice's picture

sammi, both of us are in the same boat. thanks for the support. i dont ever trust dh in any matter any more because he throws common sense out the door where his skids are concerned.

one skid had made a total mess of her life with wreckage of failed relationships, drugs and poor choices. and dh wants this skids to house sit while we are on vacation. drugs and alcohol, a number of car accidents. fired from a job after sleeping with her boss.

i cant trust my home and property to this skid. not!