What to do????
I haven't posted in a loooong while. I've been married a little over a year to a man that I thought was a completely different person. I have fixed his teeth, his back. Paid his bills, only to be told for the first 9 months of our marriage that we should divorce. Then the I'm sorry it won't happen again has graduated to " get out of my life" oh I don't mean that either. I'm exhausted. I've endured his parents and his fathers mal treatment of my kids. They don't want to be here. I've bought new furniture, air conditioning units, bent over backwards for what!!!!!???? I told my husband he needs to get a job, because oh yes I allowed him to quit his old one a year ago because he was getting written up all the time, now I know why. His attitude sucks ass. He has big issues with women and can't stand that he isn't smarter or makes more money. He has no formal education and I given him the opportunity to go to college and he won't get out of his own way to do so. His son is a delinquent and got kicked out of public school for the second time since I met him 3 years ago. His daughter had a baby 3 months ago and is a mess. Their mother died from years of alcohol and drug abuse this year in my birthday. They have been awful to me, all the while expecting me to just give give give. Nope. Not any more. My husband thinks that I should give my kids' child support to help his kid and I said no way. I told him he needed to go to the social security office and see about getting his kid survivor benefits, if it's even possible since his mother rarely worked. I have made my kids tow the line, I have one who is married with a college degree, second baby it's. One in college, high school senior with a 4.5 gpa, a freshman in honors and a sixth grater in honors/stem. My son has learning issues and he's made great strides to get better grades.
Yesterday was my straw that broke my back. I have pushed my kids to get jobs, they have. Anytime they need to use my car or something they pay for it. They get child support but, still pay out of their pockets for it. My husband went off on me yesterday because I made the comment in a fun and lighthearted manner that if his son was going to be getting taken to places to work that he could pay his dad gas money. Seems only fair. So I got the silent treatment followed by the nasty yelling and then accused of being mean to his son. But then he said all of this started because I didn't let him finish his story about the job his son had been asked to go. That this family friend was gonna pick him up and drop him off. I'm calling bullshit on all of this, it pissed off his son because I'm making him pay for his way and he can't put all his money in his toys. It's happened over and over and over. Then his "I'm sorry" is just supposed to erase this.
I feel like I am living with a narcissist jerk who is out for number one. His mouth and spouting divorce and get out of my life has eroded and already weak foundation. I'm trying.. god knows, but what the hell dude? 40 years old and you treat people like crap. Over it
What do do? Are you serious?
What do do? Are you serious? Give him what he wants and divorce him before you end up supporting him long enough to have to pay him alimony.
Why are you still there? Your
Why are you still there? Your site name choice is Survivor. I'm going to take that as you believe yourself to be a strong capable woman no matter what's tossed your way. That somehow you will make it through.
That doesn't mean you need to stay in a marriage that is dysfunctional with a man who screams at you and threatens divorce and orders you to leave the home nor whatever other shenanigans this man pulls. You're supporting him and allowing him to intimidate and at least verbally abuse you.
No man would be much better than life with this man. No?
Would this be the type of marriage you wish for your own children to have? You're teaching your children right now that how you and this man interact is acceptable and normal. Your profile states you are a nurse, you should have the ability to leave this situation and finance a new start for you and your children. You likely have access to resources at hand to be able to make an exit.
Only you can make decisions as to what you feel is best for you, if you're not ready to leave, you're not ready. But I hope you don't believe that you can 'fix' this man.
Simple,leave him and his
Simple,leave him and his beats. Nuff said......
What are you getting from
What are you getting from being married to this guy??
Kick him off the couch and
Kick him off the couch and out the door, ASAP. Chalk it off to an expensive experience "just over a year".
I'm guessing you will have no problem with taking care of yourself financially and have change left over, after booting this couch critter out!
Seriously, get moving by having the locks rekeyed while he is away for an hour. You can think of something to get him out of the house, for an hour; then if he comes back with his mean mouth, banging on the door, call Law Enforcement for "keep the peace" and "trespassing". Your DH can retrieve his tooth brush and a change of clothes, after making arrangements to be escorted by Law Enforcement; or you can pitch his clothes and toothbrush to the curb.
I've had the locks re-keyed and called Law Enforcement to remove my DH to SD's house. I made sure I had in my possession all bank funds and the garage door openers. It works and you have priorities, your own children, which sounds like they have great parenting from you.
Good Luck
Keep us posted and stay here for support.
Please, please, please
Please, please, please re-read your original post above. Please. WTF are you doing allowing this useless POS and his toxic crotch nuggets to take advantage of you at all much less to the extensive level you are obviously willingly allowing.? Really? :? :jawdrop:
Pass GO quickly (a Monopoly board game reference), do not allow them to collect anymore from you much less $200, call an attorney and file for divorce immediately and call a locksmith to rekey the locks. Put this POS and his toxic spawn on the curb with the rest of the garbage and you and your children of character put this shallow and polluted gene pool fading quickly in your rear view mirror.
Please. NOW!