Husband of 2 years maintains that his 15 year old daughter has a "sacred human right" not to meet me...
DH and I have been together for 5 years. We were engaged 4.5 years ago, when his two daughters were 5 and 10. We were married 2 years ago, and started living together the day after the wedding (which was my preference - having had a long-term live-in with a BF before, I decided I wanted to try the traditional arrangement this time).
Initially, DH agreed that I should meet his two girls (90% of the time it was me bringing it up, and I only started to talk about it AFTER we were engaged) with whom he was living in the house formerly inhabited with his ex, who visited regularly (but DH was never involved with those outings and maintained a respectful, friendly, but firm distance).
But he always dragged his feet about me meeting the kids, giving one excuse or another ("they are so busy at ballet or choir or figure skating or karate"; "I don't want them to act out some childhood logic and "blame" you for the divorce" etc.) until I flat out insisted, after 1.5 YEARS OF ENGAGEMENT, at which point he arranged a movie theater excursion with the youngest (the eldest, about 11 at the time, was "busy" as usual).
The young one, "S", then 6, was utterly rude. Did not say "hello" without a (weak, non-committal) prompting from DH, refused to say "goodbye", and was generally clingy and petulant. DH indulged it all.I never said a negative word about her behavior to him and only showered her with praises.
The next time I met "S" was an entire year later, again after much pleading and many tears from me, after a year of constant puzzlement and anxiety over what the "real" reasons were for DH's apparent deep reluctance to integrate us in any way. On the one hand, I freaked out thinking this was a sign of various undercurrents on his part that he wasn't processing or sharing but on the other hand, I thought perhaps it was some cultural difference I was failing to compute (he immigrated here from Russia when he was a teen; the EX also came here from Russia in her 20s; as a family they only really had social bonds with other Russian immigrants - the wife worked for a Russian company here and my husband, an introvert, kept only a small group of mainly Russian friends - and I thought maybe there is a some code of conduct, some extreme distance that the step-figure is supposed to take that I wasn't properly appreciating).
I also rationalized that perhaps the kids were still traumatized from the divorce (which although from all accounts was utterly peaceful and un-traumatic and occurred simultaneously with his ex moving out to an apartment 10 minutes from his house, 2 ENTIRE YEARS before DH and I met, perhaps was terribly traumatic for the kids in a way that they internalized and didn't communicate to DH), or were highly sensitive/anxious children in general and needed special considerations.
So by 3 years into an extremely committed, exclusive, engaged relationship, I had only been introduced to the younger daughter twice.
We have now been together for FIVE YEARS. I have met "S" on a total of FOUR different occasions (all on my encouragement). A few years ago, his eldest daughter, "C", then 12.5 years old, told him, during a conversation where he was again saying that he wants her to meet me (on my encouragement to discuss it with her), that she decided that she will not meet me . She flat out refused. He said that she said something to the tune of "I don't want to meet her. Mom doesn't have anyone yet" and that she didn't open up more about it and that he "didn't push" because (and this is verbatim): "what could I do?! She doesn't want to talk about it. And if she doesn't want to meet you, I'd have to FORCE her, which would be abusive."
This has been one of the biggest issues in our relationship. I've said that it doesn't seem healthy to me that he would let his pre-teen daughter dictate my role to such a degree and he said, and again this is a quote: "C has a SACRED HUMAN RIGHT not to meet you if she doesn't want to meet you.If you want to meet her, I would in effect have to "force" her as it would be against her expressed will. And I will not force her." He also now says that he thinks that I am "immature for feeling jealous" of their exclusive relationship. (To clarify, I asked DH if he felt he would literally have to wrestle the girl into the car or something as his verbiage sounded rather theatrical (that any meeting between us would require "force" and was "against her will", etc) and he said that, No, it wouldn't be literal force but that he considered insisting that she meet me when she said she didn't want to qualified as "emotional violence that possibly rises to the level of abuse".)
So now we are 2 years married. They live with the ex since about 3 years ago (that house they were living in went into foreclosure and DH and I live in the tiny walk-up apartment that I moved into after leaving my bachlorette pad in NYC when I met DH). DH gives the kids $7,500 per month (as they apparently also have a SACRED LEGAL RIGHT to live exactly in the conditions they were used to pre-divorce while we struggle dearly with his enormous debt and in the job he has that he assured me years ago would be a temporary financial set-back).
Part of what hurts so much about this is that DH promised me that we would live in a financially secure home that would afford having our own child. I had total faith in him on this. He is a true genius, was a math prodigy, had an Ivy law degree by 23, had a number of very lucrative technology jobs in the past (and blah blah blah) so there was no reason for me to doubt his ability to provide for a stable home. But that isn't what has happened. Claiming depression (missing the kids, his debt, the foreclosure, his start-up failing and a series of big lost business deals), he hasn't gotten (or really even looked for) the lucrative position that would be required (and I'm an adjunct professor at a community college and make very little - AND THIS WAS ENCOURAGED BY DH WHO SAID IT WAS IMPORTANT TO HIM THAT I BE ABLE TO STAY HOME WITH OUR CHILD WHEN WE HAD ONE and important to him that I pursue my career without the pressure of making a lot of money).
And now I'm turning 38 and there is no end in sight. Resentment toward his kids (one who he allows to be rude to me and who I've met, again, a grand total of FOUR TIMES and the other who refuses to meet me) and towards him has built and I feel terribly guilty for it but I've really started to feel like he has prioritized them over our future together and it is especially painful when he allows "C" to dictate the whole dysfunctional lack of integration despite my years of deeply perplexed and urgent pleas. My "clock" has nearly run out, his kids live really well off us...and I feel like it is all at the expense of having a child of our own.
I don't know what to do. I feel so angry at him and what I think is his indulgent attitude towards them. I think if we had the money to be comfortable and to have a child, I wouldn't mind his insistence to not integrate me with his kids nor be as bothered by his indulgent, strangely protective, attitude towards them in regards to me. But somehow the fact that most of our money goes to them, his offspring whom he seemingly feels the need to protect from me, and whom he furnishes with a cushy life at the expense of our own, makes it worse. It's like some archetypal, primitive, Cavewoman has awoken in me recently. Suddenly, I think probably thanks to my upcoming 38th birthday, I feel furious. Should I not be upset that I am so excluded? Should I not feel like his priorities are not with me, with us, and are instead with his two kids from another woman? I feel like a horrible person for feeling angry but I do. Please help me gain some perspective. Advice??
He has shown you over and
He has shown you over and over who comes first...and it's not you. It won't change and the only person you should resent is your DH for being a spineless coward. He has two wives already and both of them are not you. He's made it clear that his mini-wife daughters are the only important women in his life and you're just there, in the background, when it suits his needs to use you.
You need to find your self worth and dignity and decide if this is the way you want to live your life. He won't change so you need to decide. Live as third best to your own spouse or break free and live life for yourself, the way you deserve. You are young and there is so much more out there that is a million times better than what you've settled for.
Time for you to have a
Time for you to have a reality check.
You are nothing to him, you are only there to fill his needs that his children can't. So you are now just a cook,cleaner and for sex. You are his ATM for his children.
If this was me I would think I have wasted enough of my life with this loser and now divorce him and get MY life back.
I would rather be alone forever then be a third class citizen in my so called marriage.
I'm afraid your husband
I'm afraid your husband sounds like a total control freak and is encouraging his daughter to act like one too. If your overriding desire is to have a child with someone, leave now and find someone who will act like a normal human being. I can see you in 10 yrs time, with your husband still taking up the same position - (these types tend to not change) and you past your childbearing years, feeling even more angry.
This is a really incisive
This is a really incisive observation. Thanks. Yes, he is quite controlling. He has always been able to manage people and situations with his mind, which is truly exemplary and utterly persuasive (watching him finesse legal battles can be downright awe inspiring). He is quite insecure though (beneath a veneer of authoritative zest) and came from an abusive childhood. His controlling personality, while no doubt born in part from negative qualities, often comes from a truly protective nature. We met during a tragic time in my life (my brother was lost to suicide) when I really needed to feel protected, taken care of, and DH provided that. He straightened out many situations in my life that I didn't know how to navigate (and oftentimes neither did my family, who he has helped out legally and logistically and, truly, emotionally, especially for my father) and was always, ALWAYS, there when I needed him. And he still is. He will drop everything and do just about anything for me. I know I can rely on him. He helps, tirelessly, with the book I have been writing for years - negotiating deals, building the website, strategizing pitches, everything. So I guess, with all his positives, I just don't know if I'm wrong to feel so angry about how he is about his kids.
Thanks so much for your input!
Sacred human right? Your
Sacred human right? :? :jawdrop:
Your DH is a sacred human ass.
He needs to man up, grab a big ole handful of man sack and grow a spine. He is letting his children dictate his life..... and yours. He gets visitation. He needs to take it and HE and YOU decide what the spawn will do when on visitation. PERIOD!!!!!
"Mom doesn't have anyone yet." WTF does that matter to DH's visitation?
Okay, here is what I would do if I were you. Schedule a short trip for you and for DH on each of his visitations and tell him that the kids can come but he has no choice. See if that gets him to man up or yet again marginalize you as his live in F-buddy and subservient priority in his life.
If he does it again... you need to kick his ass out. This idiot is little more than an epic and sacred Ivy League Techno Genius waste of skin. My grandfather was fond of telling me that if it looked like a dog, smelled like a dog, and barked like a dog, ... it must be a dog. You need some of my grandfather's advice. Quit letting this idiot ruin your life.
Take care of you.
Good luck.
Sacred Human Ass you cracked
Sacred Human Ass you cracked me up, Rags! }:)
SHA...another great name for
SHA...another great name for men who lack all testosterone....and related apparatus.
Yes, speaking of ultimatums.
Yes, speaking of ultimatums. I'm thinking of just saying: "If you don't arrange for your daughter and I to meet then either a.) you can't see her until she agrees to meet me or b.) you continue to see her at the expense of our marriage.
But I doubt myself here. Am I giving this 15 year old more power than she should have by basically staking our marriage on how she behaves? She wants to drive a wedge between us (or perhaps she feels she has to "be loyal" to her mother who may be messaging her that she would be hurt if she were to integrate with me and DH - DH doesn't speak about anything personal with the Ex since settling the child payments/arrangements b/c he has a suspicion that, although she never said as much and claims to him that the divorce was mutual and never protested his initiation of the separation, she may harbor feelings of wanting to rekindle and/or resentment over the divorce and he doesn't think that speaking with her about anything that could provoke such a conversation with her would be respectful to me, so he avoids it). "C", this elder daughter, wants him to have to choose between her and me. So aren't I just playing into that drama of her creation?
The guy sees his kids one
The guy sees his kids one hour a week to play taxi cab and one lunch a year. You married the guy after three years, two years ago. You knew the CS order. You knew the kid's refusal to meet you. You knew the guy's mega debt.
Why the ultimatum of a or b now? What do you really think you'll accomplish by demanding by threat he force a 15yr old teen to finally meet you? It's been five years. You live in NY. Three more years and he'll be paying for this daughter to go off to college. Do you honestly believe that if he forces the girls to meet you and spend time with you that he will suddenly decide it's ok now (he'll get the big job position and money will roll in)to get pregnant and have a child?
You say, yourself, the lack of involvement with his daughters wouldn't likely matter to you if there were money for an 'our' child. IMO that is the issue that needs addressed . Are 'we' having a child together are not. I'm willing to bet he still would not desire a child even if money got better and his girls and you became best buddies. I don't believe the guy has been honest and straight forward with you all these years. This isn't about a teen girl refusing to meet you. I seriously doubt her suddenly being forced to will solve all that ails you and what you believed you were getting when you married this man.
Well, there is another twist
Well, there is another twist to the story that may partly explain why this has gone on for so long.
About 2 years into the relationship, I found a notebook while staying over at his house. Inside, it had about 5 pages written by his ex. She was writing a supposed "dear diary" entry about how she found out about "his affair" with me and how she hated me, etc. My husband and I were shocked. This was before they had settled on child care payments and he felt that she planted the notebook (she had moved out years earlier and the side table that I found it in was one I normally used and was always empty except for my stuff). She had a legal address separate from his for years already and friends and family all vouch for that. What DH and his lawyers thought was that she planted it in the attempt to try to use a threat of a legal battle to get more $ out of him. And there's more. We thought that the aggression of the notebook may signal that she may try to blackmail him for something (that would have also screwed her legally, too, but may have been worth it to her for revenge purposes if she didn't get the $ she wanted from him). So with that development, we realized that the calm of her demeanor may be a facade and that for whatever reason (fear for not ending up with enough money for the kids, sudden jealousy when realizing we were happy and engaged, etc.) she may have bad intentions. So we decided to not confront her, to not push integrating the kids out of fear it would inflame her.
Also, the child payments were not court ordered but mediated by lawyers out of court. At the time, it was basically by the formula in NY state.
"Also, the child payments
"Also, the child payments were not court ordered but mediated by lawyers out of court. At the time, it was basically by the formula in NY state."
I live in Brooklyn. If the judge didn't ORDER him to ay that much, then he is doing it simply because he WANTS to and he knows darn well you will accept any lie he tosses your way.
Disneyfan, what does this
Disneyfan, what does this even mean? Why would the court order anything other than formula ever? What are you trying to say? I've never heard of court ordering less than formula unless that would basically put the other parent below poverty line which does not seem to be the case. My DH was ordered to pay waaaaay more than formula because he was told by the judge that unless he'll be homeless the children need to be provided like they were before. So he's paying mortgage on there old joint house still and plenty of cash basically all bills for the ex and kids.
Need answers from poster on all these good questions from everyone.
I'm guessing the amount
I'm guessing the amount negotiated between the lawyers for OP's DH/BM was part of what was originally put in divorce decree. A judge signed off on it. She says it was roughly what would have been state law/guidelines.
Formula is just that per the laws and guidelines. Not written in blood. I imagine whatever your DH is paying is not just CS but the overall agreement to settle divorce. Mortgage and extra bills (especially pertaining to BM included) would not be a standard CS order. CS, healthcare, daycare, yes. Mortgage , past outstanding debt, no. Is your DH also paying temporary (or longer) alimony?
Yes, this is correct. A judge
Yes, this is correct. A judge signed off on it. His payments are essentially slightly lower than formula and will go down to $3,200 in 1 year from now, which is also better than formula (which would have had him paying his current high amount until the kids age out).
BM had the choice of going by formula and risking possibly getting the amount reduced due to the potential of a decreased salary or going by contract out of court which mandates that he pay the agreed on fees regardless of whether his income decreases or not. So she chose the safety of that settlement rather than the risk of getting less if his circumstances changed dramatically enough to decrease the monthly payments.
So if DH ever makes significantly more, she will, as per the contract, NOT be entitled to getting more whereas if she went with court mandated formula, she would be entitled to more if he made more.
He could have volunteered to
He could have volunteered to pay more.
When my son's dad lost his job, he and I went to court and agreed on a lower amount. The judge asked me about 4 times if I understood what I was agreeing to. :? (He honestly could afford the amount he was ordered to pay for both our son and his daughter).
Once he found another job paying close to what he was making previously, we went back had had the courts put a new order in place based on his income.
Even if the judge signed off on it, that doesn't mean the amount he's paying was ordered by the courts.
Didn't the OP say he is no longer earning the amount he earned previously? If his salary dropped, how the heck is he even coming up $7000+ a month to hand over to someone else?
His salary hasn't dropped
His salary hasn't dropped since then. He was making over 200k when it was signed. His debt payments are exorbitant as well and he took over her debts (which had been agreed upon between them when they first separated), however that was apparently not material in deciding his payments as courts apparently really don't give a damn about a bio-dad's debts, new wife, or new children and are barely considered in light of the priorities that the first family gets. And as it is a contract out of court, he has to pay it no matter what, according to the payment schedule outlined in the contract. Luckily, in 1 year, it will go down substantially.
"Yes, speaking of ultimatums.
"Yes, speaking of ultimatums. I'm thinking of just saying: "If you don't arrange for your daughter and I to meet then either a.) you can't see her until she agrees to meet me or b.) you continue to see her at the expense of our marriage"
Why do you need an ultimatum? :? The man spent FIVE YEARS showing and you telling where you stand in this. You have to know that an ultimatum won't work out in your favor.
"So now we are 2 years married. They live with the ex since about 3 years ago (that house hey were living in went into foreclosure and DH and I live in the tiny walk-up apartment that I moved into after leaving my bachlorette pad in NYC when I met DH). DH gives the kids $7,500 per month (as they apparently also have a SACRED LEGAL RIGHT to live exactly in the conditions they were used to pre-divorce while we struggle dearly with his enormous debt and in the job he has that he assured me years ago would be a temporary financial set-back)."
Is this $7,500 court ordered, or is this an amount he pulled out of the air? If it isn't court ordered, why are you wasting so much time worry kids not wanting to meet you, when you are struggling due to your husband's stupid choice?
It seems to me that your day to day lifestyle and inability to have a child due to this, would be more of a concern than meeting/ spending time with 2 kids who clearly want nothing to do you you.
If you think about it,by staying in this marriage, you are doing the exact thing you are complaining about your husband doing. You are putting his kids ahead of your own wants and needs~a financially secure lifestyle and children of your own. WHY???????
Thanks for the responses so
Thanks for the responses so far! To be fair, I need to clarify:
-What I make in income doesn't go to his kids and never has. That's something we both agreed on early on.
-He only sees them once a week, taking a one day PM shift of driving them around for an hour from school to all their after-school activities. Only once a year does he hang out with them for a full afternoon. The last time (for example) was this past Father's Day where they went for lunch and a museum.
-I have always encouraged him to see them more as the rate he sees them doesn't seem healthy to me (and as he says not seeing them is one of the reasons he is depressed) but he says that his depression is due in part to not getting enough emotional support from me (i.e., my "immature jealousy" over his exclusive relationship with them) as the reasons he doesn't see them in a more designated, intensively bonding, way because he wants to avoid making me jealous...and the fact that it makes him despondent to see them b/c it reminds him of how he will never be with them again in the same way he was when they were all living together.
-Our relationship has degraded to such an extent I rarely want to be intimate with him and I am in fact not terribly supportive of him because I resent him so damn much.
-Whatever I say I want (other than family integration) he tries his best to make happen.
-He IS very doting in so many other realms : flowers every week without fail; makes sure I'm always comfortable, draws me a bath every night, often makes dinner, always does the clean-up, does all the grocery shopping, doesn't expect me to contribute to the house income (whatever I make is "mine" to do with what I please).
-He is always available and supportive to me in every way except regarding this issue with his kids and also regarding his own jealousy issues (he gets very jealous if I do anything with a friend without him).
I don't know if this sheds any more light on the issue :?
Why do you want to have kids
Why do you want to have kids with this man???
He's not parenting or spending quality time with the 2 he has. The kids aren't refusing to see him. Mom isn't withholding the kids or sabotaging their relationship. Yet, he makes the CHOICE to see them once a week for a few hours?
Then he turns around and blames you for his choices. This man is not daddy( or husband) material.
I felt like he was partly
I felt like he was partly correct in blaming me - bc I am jealous of the exclusivity and have felt hostile to the fact of such a large chunk of his paycheck going to them and that that is wrong of me and that my jealousy has indeed made it hard for him to see his kids.
So for a long time, I've felt that it is largely my fault. There were also circumstances with the ex that made his lack of time with his kids also "make sense" for a while (I posted a little earlier about his fear of her blackmailing him in a catastrophic way that could lead to them both going back to Russia)
When it is put this way, it
When it is put this way, it indeed does not look good. True. There are just so many other layers that goes into a relationship that can't be well communicated in a forum post, as I'm sure you know. But this advice does help me. Thanks.
Hmm. What does it mean "earn
Hmm. What does it mean "earn his keep"? Sorry if I'm being dense I've just never understood the term.
I am in shock..... if Aergia
I am in shock..... if Aergia refused to ever meet me it would not have bothered me one bit, but no instead she wanted to meet me and immediately turned my life into hell..
your SD's are fine, leave them be, so what if they do not want to meet you, if you have neighbors who refuses to meet you and greet you are you going to sit and cry tears because of it? Don;t think so, thus way are you upset cause bratty little girls do not want to meet you...... be happy lady be very happy....
your husband supports you and is always there for you, he's not taking your earnings to spoil the kids, he pays his share...and yet you are not happy?
If you have no kids of your
If you have no kids of your own, I am not certain why you would settle for this..lady, find somebody who thinks your rights are sacred, geez, that is just sick stuff. He sounds too sickly enmeshed to change at all and you might have to start planning accordingly. Can you live with him telling you they are royalty over you? Seriously? Why would you? I would never utter their names problemo...daddeee dearest, you got it!
I agree with Acra, however, about meeting these self indulgent kids he and the ex have modeled nicely. Tap dance and happy dance you do not have to waste your time and emotion...they are telling you who they are...believe them. Go on with your own life, them them alone, think of it as nothing to do and do not let them have space in your head.
I've just felt that his
I've just felt that his refusal to integrate us and his facilitating of her refusal to acknowledge me points to deeper issues at play that should concern me.
For example, his reluctance to hash out the issues with them signifies a high level of guilt on his part and/or shame about me. Why else would he be so deeply reluctant and allow for this dysfunction to take hold (i.e., not seeing his kids much, refusing to integrate us, allowing the daughter to not respect me enough to even acknowledge my existence by meeting me)?
In a way, I feel I've been messaged "You are not good enough to meet my daughter or be a part of my daughters' lives and I have therefore had to limit my time with them because of you". This is what I've felt for a while but have always rationalized it away.
what about his message with
what about his message with this is:
Hon I have a evil Ex and daughter, I do not want you to meet them cause I simply just love you too much ?
Thank you for marrying me cause now I do not have to spend all my time with them, I have a new life...
Why do I see this message, cause you mentioned DH is always there for you... if the message you got from this is true he would never be available for you
As they say, long-time
As they say, long-time listener, first-time caller. I was in a similar situation for a while. It definitely sounds like your DH has some complex issues with SKs that he needs to resolve. That said, maybe provide more details on income and other aspects of the situation. My DH is in finance not legal or technology but sounds very similar. I'm assuming that with IL law he makes over 200, just saying, so with 90 to SKs he got off easy. How much alimony does he pay on top of that? Mine got to keep 25% of his 300 --- 75, and lived in a studio in Stamford while making payments for old house in Greenwich and 150 cash which eventually went down but is still like 40% of total.
Is your DH frequently unavailable when you need him because hes taking care of SKs? I met both of my SKs about 2.5 years in. None would talk to me for a very long time other than hi and bye. But it got better eventually. I read somewhere it takes on average 7 years to feel integrated allthough it may be different for SKs who live with SPs rather than others who don't. My SKs were 13 and 11 when we first met and they were just obnoxious at first. My mother is a therapist and said to expect them to act out at first. The important thing is for your DH to talk to them afterwords and make sure they know it's not acceptable to behave like this towards you but you shouldn't parent until they see you as such which they will. That's my $0.02 and it worked out for me eventually. My DH doesn't see his BKs that often still, but we do things sometimes all together and it's very nice now. My younger SK suddenly warmed up once she started dating I guess and got more wise to the relationships, it was 4 years after I met her. Until then it just went from rude to civil gradually. The older SK actually followed shortly after the younger SK. One thing I gotta tell you is that no matter how peaceful the divorce is, the SKs will still blame you for the parents breakup no matter how little sense it makes. My DH was separated from his XW for 4 years and divorced for 1 before we even met but when I eventually got to talking terms with the SKs they said they didn't think about that even though that's what everyone told them. My parents are both from divorced families (I'm not) and they both said to me early on that's how children feel no matter what happens or you do or say, just let it work itself out.
One thing is that if your DH is not present for you because hes always away with the SKs that's really bad but it doesn't seem to be the case. What my mom told me to do is really try to look at the SKs as any other relatives of DH so I sat down one day 3 years in, 6 months after I met the SKs and they wouldn't still talk to me and thought of them as his second cousins. Because I decided that if they want to be seconds cousins to us that's fine by me and it helped a lot. Before then I was super jealous of DH and was thinking that maybe he wants to get back with his XW or whatever. Does your DH spend a lot of time with his XW?
But I'd say definitely talk to him about all this and lay it all out and the important thing is if he's taking you seriously or just dismisses you.
Thanks for your advice. Yes,
Thanks for your advice.
Yes, he was making a bit over 200k at the time he signed the contract w/ the ex. Per child support formula in NY, his monthly payments would come out to about $4k per month...IF that were enough to "maintain" the kids' quality of life, which it did not. So a $7,500 figure was reached in order to have their lifestyle maintained and as you mentioned, that is pretty good deal and had she challenged it a judge probably would have raised it. He does not pay alimony - they were technically never married during their 10 years living together and raising kids. He has taken on all the debt they accrued together, however, and combined with his own debt, we have about $5k per month and no savings.
And no, he doesn't spend much time with them, other than driving them around to all their activities once a week. He says depression (in part caused by my jealousy over the exclusivity of their relationship and resentment over our financial situation) makes it hard to have enough energy to be a big part of their lives - seeing them is emotionally hard for him b/c they used to be very close and aren't any more due largely to being so busy (they are highly booked over-achievers, both national merit scholars, etc etc) and no longer having the downtime in between activities that when living together added up to lots of meaningful interactions but when living apart don't happen.
I've seen that depression
I've seen that depression type thing with my DH. Trying to keep up with all the info. So citizenship is not an issue. Did you actually see the support order? What I can suggest from our proceedings (it was obviously my DH's but he was still dealing with it 4 years after separation and 2 years after we met so I was down in the trenches with it at the time) is that if you expect his salary to drop then he should've gone for the judgment but unless you see it dropping a lot, the payment would stay the same until skids 21. You're way better off than we were at first after his divorce at 5k. But what I'm missing is that how are you only keeping 5? If he's over 200 as you say so 210, with 40 out for taxes, that would still make you keep 80 not 60 after 90 to them? How much was his ex making when they first put in the court order? That can make a big difference. Also how are you calculating? If she didn't work formula should've come out to something like 6k because my DH's buddy just split up with a 200 income and that's not the 7500 but also not the 4k. You have to do your own math but sounds like 3 years at 90k? That's 270. And then another 10 to go you're saying at 3200? That's another 384k. So that's 654k total. But if you took basic 25% of 210k for 13 years that's 682000. That's if his salary doesn't go up and their expenses don't go up. And it's at basic 25% but basic 25% only works if BM provides a living space from her income otherwise he needs to fork over for living space as well. But clarify about 4k and if BM was working.
I must say you don't need to feel guilty no matter what. If he doesn't see them that's on him unless you told him not to which I'm sure you didn't and that's a marriage breaker for sure. And even if not breaking the marriage if he then stops seeing them at all then you wouldn't want a kid with him anyway. It did take me a long time to turn around and see things differently but I guess reverse psychology, once I stopped worrying too much if I have a relationship with SKs as long as they didn't bother me and didn't cut into my time with DH it started working itself out on it's own.
Hi Biscuits.Thx for your
Hi Biscuits.Thx for your thoughts.
He's giving about 35% for skids to maintain their general lifestyle and all their exorbitant activities. No alimony.
Did you actually see the support order?
Yes - I saw the entire 40 pages of contract. A judged signed off on it. He did not expect his salary to drop. Based on his career thus far, he expected it to increase. That's why he went for out of court contract rather than in court. The X chose this option, acutally, she thought it was more secure for her (he is locked in to the CS amounts as prescribed and cannot get a reduction no matter what--and can't get an increase, either, which is in our favor if he gets a higher paying job).
How much was his ex making when they first put in the court order?
Less than 15K.
how are you only keeping 5?
Yes 25% of 220 is about 4g/month but that didn't maintain their standard of living and the house went in to foreclosure so in order for all of their activities to stay the same and in order for him to provide for the living space, he had to do $7500. So that is about 35%. Then taxes. Then debts (ccards and people). It's between 5 and 6, depending on the month (he currently contracts).
Yes but drawing baths and
Yes but drawing baths and buying flowers isn't what makes a good relationship. My DH never does those things yet I love the man with every fiber of my soul. Why? Because the big stuff, the key to a solid foundation is there: commitment, respect, boundaries, make each other a priority.
You don't have that. If flowers and baths were enough, you wouldn't resent him so much that you don't even want to have sex with him.
In the end, he puts you last with the big things:
Financial stability - he'd rather give an obscene amount of money every month to his ex so the little princesses have a cushy life. No child needs $7500 per month in CS. No one. Yet, you guys are struggling and you're expected to be okay with that?
Respect - his ex and two daughters are running the show. What they say, goes. What you want is okay as long as it's little things he can buy from the store or take 2 minutes to fix. If anything you want interferes with what his First Family're expected to zip the lip and behave like a good little third class citizen.
Priority - The first family has that. Time, money, wishes, authority, financial stability, demands. You are only a priority if it is convenient for him and doesn't upset the first family.
This isn't a relationship. He is, in all respects except location and sex, still married to his XW and two daughters. You are the warm body in his bed and convenient roommate when it suits him. A roommate that just better shut up and do as she's told with the leftovers he decides to hand out.
On top of all of that - he's trying to make you feel like it's all your fault. That he doesn't do his part for you because you act wrong or feel wrong or do this or that wrong. That's called it. That is mental and emotional abuse. He makes you feel bad or crazy for wanting things that a good, healthy relationship should have.
You are not wrong for wanting a real relationship.
^^^There's a perfect synopsis
^^^There's a perfect synopsis of your situation, provided by Cookies!
And I hate to throw this out there, but is there any possibility you have been used to get easy Green Card or Citizenship status?
No, he escaped communist
No, he escaped communist Russia and was given amnesty here and in the early 90s was given full citizenship.
Thanks for you advice! Food
Thanks for you advice! Food for though, for sure.
About the CS, per NY formula, he was making over 200K at the time and would have had to pay about $4k per month...IF that were enough to cover the kids' standard of living before the separation. Except it wasn't. By law, he has to maintain their quality of life and they are both enrolled in serious figure skating, horseback riding, AND intensive ballet training at Alvin Ailey AND the X doesn't make anything on the books (they ACTUALLY wake up at 530 am to make it to the rink by 6 and then go to school and most days directly to Alvin Ailey or karate or model UN or meet with President Obama or whatever the heck else these wunderkinds do). So yes, while it is a lot, for his income bracket and their expensive pursuits, it really isn't crazy. Plus, he isn't paying alimony. So while he has enormous debt expenses and we live off just a little over 5K/month, debt isn't apparently considered a mitigating factor in CS proceedings and apparently we made off pretty well with the contract. Maybe I've heard wrong but I thought it was within the bounds of normal for his income and their lifestyle. :?
Apparently, debt isn't
Apparently, debt isn't considered a mitigating factor in CS calculations? That's what I've read, been told?
That really depends. Is this
That really depends. Is this the debt the BM brought into the relationship with him? If yes or whatever portion should be hers to deal with. Otherwise no. And was she working when they made the agreement? My DH and his newly divorced pal both were the only income in the house the entire time, so they got all debts to pay. Basically the judge's idea was - keep going after the divorce like you did before the divorce other than you now also have to get yourself your own place and pay for it. DH was paying all bills before so it's same after because if ex was at home taking care of house and kids that's what she still needs to do all the same and kids need to dress and eat and do things all the same. One thing they didn't allow on the financial disclosure is family vacations they all used to take together so at least thank whoever is in charge upstairs that DH is not paying to send his ex on a cruise.
It is debt that they both
It is debt that they both accrued together over the 10 plus years they were together. They always had an understanding that if they ever separated, he'd take all the debt and leave her with none. So he honored that.
She was nominally working at the time of the agreement. Assistant teaching part time in a special needs class.Made very little.
Nothing about this
Nothing about this relationship seems emotionally healthy.
He IS very doting in so many other realms : flowers every week without fail; makes sure I'm always comfortable, draws me a bath every night, often makes dinner, always does the clean-up, does all the grocery shopping, doesn't expect me to contribute to the house income (whatever I make is "mine" to do with what I please).
is how emotional abusers manipulate those that they want to control.
We met during a tragic time in my life (my brother was lost to suicide) when I really needed to feel protected, taken care of, and DH provided that. He straightened out many situations in my life that I didn't know how to navigate
is how they get those that they want to control.
His controlling personality, while no doubt born in part from negative qualities, often comes from a truly protective nature.
He wants you to think that it comes from a place of good, that he wants to protect YOU, but that's not what it's about.
I'm an adjunct professor at a community college and make very little - AND THIS WAS ENCOURAGED BY DH WHO SAID IT WAS IMPORTANT TO HIM THAT I BE ABLE TO STAY HOME WITH OUR CHILD WHEN WE HAD ONE and important to him that I pursue my career without the pressure of making a lot of money).
See how he's chosen your career path for you, which keeps you financially dependent on him, but makes it sound like it is in YOUR best interest?
I swear, reading some of what you wrote sounds like it could come straight from a psychology book about abusers. Or a how-to book by an abuser.
All of this.... This is spot
All of this.... This is spot on. Read it and pay attention to the signs.
Also, his comment about his
Also, his comment about his daughter having a "sacred human right" not to meet you. This is an easy way to make YOU feel wrong for wanting to meet her. Even though it's absolutely normal given the length and seriousness of your relationship. He's making YOU feel like the crazy one, and he will continue to make you feel like the crazy one anytime you want something that doesn't suit his picture of the relationship.
T"his is an easy way to make
T"his is an easy way to make YOU feel wrong for wanting to meet her"
Good point.
So one would have to ^^ never
So one would have to
never get flowers, not make baths, not make dinner or clean so as to prove he's not an abuser? Talk about cracking up. 
is not how he "got those that they want to control" - did he know about this before you met?
She, sorry about being insensitive but unless he knew your brother and caused the tragedy, this
No, he didn't know my brother
No, he didn't know my brother or me or that I even existed before we got together. We met a few months after he died.
So much food for thought.
So much food for thought. Thank you so much for taking the time.
Still hoping to get an answer
Still hoping to get an answer on the citizenship/marriage issue.
This could actually be a sham marriage and that ridiculous amount of "child support" is actually being banked in a joint account for his REAL family ... the ex wife and the kids.
Could also explain why they don't want OP to get involved with the kids - they know she will be expendable after the requisite amount of time passes.
Maybe they divorced just so he could get married and get some sort of status?
Oh... and one other thing. This enormous debt he has - could she be liable for it if he decided to kick her to the curb once he's "safe" with his status? Not sure what the laws are in NY but it could also be a factor.
Hi, I responded to a few
Hi, I responded to a few other posters on this
To sum up, he got his citizenship in the 90s.
Yes, I saw the entire 40 some
Yes, I saw the entire 40 some odd pages, which was signed off on by a judge. I was also part of the meetings with his lawyer while negotiating his CS.
Thanks for your ideas I
Thanks for your ideas
I don't actually give him any money though. I make very little and teach only one class a week and have been spending the bulk of my time working on a book. So he supports us almost fully. And whatever I make goes towards, to be honest, girly indulgences like exorbitant skincare and whatnot }:)
Citizenship is a good
Citizenship is a good question - did you suspect it is an issue? A lot of good questions raised here but I have to say that most comments make assumptions that the way I read your post you did not speak to at all. You're understandably emotional on the issue but what are the facts? What percentage of the income goes to X, not what number? Does his X work or did she when the court order came in? Do the SKs now live better than they did before the support order? If she doesn't work and less than 50% of his total goes to them, it sux but is the law. My first marriage but have girlfriends who are divorced and some with children and it's not easy financially for both sides after a divorce but if the children are 100% with the mother and she doesn't work, he'd be paying way more than half to them until they're 21 in NY (have friends from there). May not suit you and it's your right not to want to be in it if he can't provide for you. I also read your post as saying you do have the career you want, but clarify - you do have the career you want and he encourages you to have it even if it makes no money, or you wanted a different career with more money but he "encouraged" you to have one without money using nonsense reasoning? Trying to be the voice of reason in what seems to be avalanche of comments not based on facts that you provided. I may be in a few that say it worked out for me eventually even though the going was very rough for 2-3 years into marriage at first. But at the end of the day it's how you feel. I have to agree that ultimatums won't work though.
Thanks for your response To
Thanks for your response
To answer your questions:
Just under 35% of his gross income goes to CS. He was making about 220k at the time they made the contract.
Apparently his debts do not significantly play into these settlements.
X doesn't get alimony on top of it b/c they were never married.
X only worked part time at a very low wage as a teacher assistant when they drew up the contract (under 15K/year).
Kids have the same level of activities now as when they did before the separation (intensive ballet at Alvin Ailey; horseback riding; figure skating, etc. same quality of clothes, food, outings - Broadway tickets once a month- vacations abroad etc).
Kids don't live in their former giant house though so have technically gone down in that sphere as they are now in an apartment in Scarsdale (they used to live in a house valued at a million smackers) and have to share a room (the horror).
Yes, this is the career I want, as it is one that allows me to write and otherwise do as I please other than one day of the week teaching. He has always maintained that he does not expect me to contribute to the income and that whatever I make is mine to do with what I want.
I asked the question
I asked the question separately above but yes debt does not play into formula and settlement at all unless he puts BF below poverty line. I know it's bad but when judge calculates he calculates just for the BF not for you or whatever children you may have after. From what you said it seems - forget about you - he got to keep 60k after paying all CS and after paying all debts. That is nothing like the poverty line so nothing you can do there. The way I was told is the formula is "basic obligation" that is for kids that just sit around doing nothing other than average and that it's complicated over 150k income. So look at Do your own math but I put in 220k and 15k for BM and no maintenance and basic comes out to 4600 if you select no maintenance and apply statutory percent after cap which is good cause sometimes it goes higher percent after cap. And then you start adding medical and education like all school trips and activities. My DHs friend was calculated that he must pay 2/3 of mortgage irregardless of how the house is occupied because you just deduct the BMs share but otherwise stays same. So you're lucky BM didn't insist on "staying in same house because children have friends and school and neighbors here. Obviously at his and her income as you posted he was paying 100% for everything. My DH had to pay for a horse - a HORSE!!!!! more than we had left to spend on our food because skids were already doing it. A HORSE!!!
I don't know how much your activities come out to, but I'd say between medical and school trips and I've no idea how much other stuff costs but add at least 2000 per month. Basic plus adjustments - 6600. For 13 years you said? Would run 1,029,600 total until they age out. IF income does not go up or they decide they need a tutor for college prep because that's education which is separate on top.
LOL! Mr. Ed is in da houz!!!
LOL! Mr. Ed is in da houz!!! That's so sad it cracked me up. But yea, they are Scarsdale kids. They are both at Alvin Ailey, both ride horses (for feck's sake, these horses have SACRED HUMAN RIGHTS, too, ya know), and both competitively figure skate and need to be maintained at the Scarsdale level of life they were used to. I agree that it's a blessing the X didn't demand the house - the only reason I think she didn't was because she wanted to move to a place the kids would be placed in the best public Scarsdale school and their house was on the border and they'd have had to pay for them to go to the school she wanted them in unless she moved her address.
I'm with Bisquits, not with
I'm with Bisquits, not with Cooooookies.
I'm kind of in your boat but 3 skids. One off to college and big age difference between 2 young ones. Does your DH refuse to have a child with you? My DH is in a super high stress job and you need to be super supportive or get out, not saying which is better, but no ultimatums and nothing will change if you're in-between. Something definately weird if he does not see his kids more, but are you supportive of him seeing them without you? My DH and me got to the point of seeing a couples therapist and a child psychologist - the younger was easy but the teenager was making our life hell. We were told that he definately needs to see his kids more but without me mostly so they don't feel like I compete with them but he needs to tell them that it's important to him that everyone get along. Does the BM create problems or is she supportive of them spending time with you? What bisquits is saying is right about what goes to them if it's true - so make sure you see the court order, make sure citizenship is not an issue, but then just get over it, get over the part about what goes to them altogether. Separate skids and money that goes to them from you and your DH. If he's spending too much time with them and doesn't have time for you, then you have to deal with it all at once, that's what we've been told. But it's not been an issue for us. So we were told that he needs to deal with them first, that's the law. If your DH is not an above mentioned idiot who gave too much money (our attorney advised us 35-40% of total until skids are all of age which NY sets at 21 - is that where they live?), then that part is fine. Subtract skids from the equation, subtract what goes to them from the equation, and just build your relationship with him based on the 2 of you and your combined remaining money. If that's not enough and if he's a lazy bum who doesn't support you emotionally then deal with him as such but same as you would deal if it's just him you and whatever money he brings into your house. After couples meetings we sat down and did a fresh start and talked about plans and it got a lot better. Sounds easier than it was but 6 years in and happy. Dealing with the younger one now who's a teenager and I'm worried if teenager acting up is just a teenager or is now taking the turn working out unresolved issues with me, but hoping for the best, and it definately helped a lot right away when I was told to get on with it and not worry about what time or money goes to skids and XW so long as that's what the court said.
But as everyone eager to know more facts.
Thanks for your thoughtful
Thanks for your thoughtful advice!
Does your DH refuse to have a child with you?
*He does not refuse. He has wanted to. It was me who said that we first needed to be able to afford getting out of this tiny 3rd floor walk-up before having a child and deal with his debts (which suck up thousands a month) via filing for bankruptcy or raising his salary significantly. He agreed with this, said it was reasonable and said he'd file but never did out of concern that it would hurt his job prospects (he works in finance). He hasn't gotten a higher paying job (there is a bottleneck at around the 200K level that is tough to get through).
are you supportive of him seeing them without you?
Yes, all along...Until recently when he allowed his youngest, 10 yrs old (the only one I've met - which has only been 4 times in 5 years) to be rude to me while undermining when I (calmly, kindly) set a boundary after hours of her abrasiveness ("S", if you said that on purpose, I would consider that rude") by saying "Of course she isn't being rude" and then later saying in private that I was "wrong" to have told her I considered her behavior potentially rude. If he hadn't for years prevented us from all hanging out together, I don't think I would have been so sensitive to her meanness. But taken within the context of so many years of him, in my mind, behaving like I'm not good enough to be around them (bc he prevented it), it just felt like reaffirmation that he was indeed undermining me then as I suspected he was for years as exemplified in his refusal to integrate us.
It is true that I started to feel jealous and resentful after a few years bc I felt he was placing priority on their comfort over my distress over why he wasn't allowing me to be around them. However, I always explicitly told him he needs to see them more, regardless of my presence (or lack thereof). He excused his absence in their lives by saying that in his state of depression it was "too painful" to be around them for long as it just reminded him of how close they had been, when it was just him and his kids living together in that house.
Does the BM create problems or is she supportive of them spending time with you?
I have never met her or communicated with her. Initially, she told DH that she does not ever want them to meet me but that phase lasted only a week and apparently fully recanted her declaration - although this was all done in the span of time prior to the CS being signed, so she may have taken back what may have been her true feelings (ie not ever wanting me to meet them) out of concern that making trouble would stall the settlement. I wrote above about finding the crazy notebook she wrote (which was never addressed by DH who says he doesn't want to stir the pot and engage her in any way as the notebook seemed to prove that she may have been planning something vicious).
is that where they live?
Only to tell you that I
Only to tell you that I really really feel for you because until our situation started to improve itself I was ready to jump off the roof into the pool after draining the water out. As in catching up what did I get wrong?
DH is paying way way less than formula plus add ons at least if you calculate total he would have paid over the years. They worked it out so he pays a little more now but a lot less later and maybe a lot less still if income or "needs" (can't help putting in quotes) go up.
You have the career you want. Hard as it may be but if separated kids thought on how you put it integration out DH is very supportive.
Not an immigration play and DH is not lying about the amounts you've seen the documents and heard what the lawyers had to say.
Do you have any concerns about him wanting to go back with her?
Like 2nagry said if you separate skids question and your own life question does it basically come down to
# You're frustrated because you don't have the life you want with 60k to split between the 2 of you?
# You feel there is something going on between him and the ex which is why he wouldn't make the kids spend time together with you?
# You're super supportive of what he wants to do for the 2 of you and you're resentful why?
Why do you need to spend time with the skids other than to prove to yourself that you're worth meeting them? It's their loss if they don't want to or whatever else is going on, why does it have to be your problem?
Only you know what's going on but as I said my DH took years to finalize after we met so I saw things and theirs court was amicable but still the BM only met me once I think to make sure I don't shoot the skids on the spot and I wish we hadn't met. DH is always going to pick them up on his own and bring them back. It may be a problem or it may not and it wasn't for us I figured it's better the skids don't see her giving me the evil eye she would if I was there. During the 4 year of 5 year court everyone just everyone decided to take sides even if no one was asking and skids felt that one way or another. So I think I said my mother is a family therapist. What she said and most of our friends agree with and I just have to say I listen more to friends for who it worked out and less for who it didn't. Either the ex has no problem with you or she does. Either the skids have no problem with you or they do. If she or they do then forcing the issue will never never never help and will make things worse temporarily or forever. I mean forcing things with them. The ex will always have issues no matter how amicable it was and is and whoever blames whoever for what. At best she's just going to think what you have that she doesn't that he left her but is with you. Until she's married and has more kids or has skids of her own and maybe even then she'll think you won't be as good a mother to skids as she is because she needs to think that regardless of who or what you are. Especially if you have signs she may be for whatever reason more specifically disliking you. What do you care why? Sad for all, but she's a divorcee that doing math on the skids ages probably won't ever have a family with her own BKs and their dad all in one so unless she's mother Theresa she's jealous of you forever either way best case. If skids don't have anything against you then it'll work itself out. If they do then your DH needs to work it out with them but if you force it it won't help. You need to work out with him if you can separate the issues like Angry said and if it's not enough what he does or earns for 2 of you then deal with it with him like that.
Be careful what you wish for.
Be careful what you wish for. Many of us would give an eyetooth never to have met our SDs.
The not having your own child and living in a garret and losing your attraction to him--that's a different story.
True. Maybe I should just
True. Maybe I should just enjoy not knowing them. Maybe it is actually healthier this way.
It will be vastly more
It will be vastly more peaceful. Guaranteed.
I know, this might be the
I know, this might be the best strategy of all; in my case it would have been much better-had he taken this route..They did not want me around to begin with, (just like many others whom they ran off in his life), so I am not certain why he ever wanted me to meet these delightful, loving and self-less personalities.
They only wanted to meet me--- to exclude me anyway, LOL.
Just saying....
The funny thing is that if
The funny thing is that if you completely drop the expectation of having a relationship w/them, stop making conversation about his kids and really just stop caring; they'll likely feel the void and show up. And remember that at any time your DH could become full time caretaker due to any number of factors.
Be careful what you wish for...
try to look at it this way.
try to look at it this way. you have met the one and she is rude - the other one is invoking her right not to meet you - if it were me I would not want to meet them - they are pretty "spoiled" if you ask me - so for you think of the drama they would cause you and your marriage if they spent weekends with you. I agree with you kids should not dictate to the parents - the parents should have the control it is our job to teach them. its not you - don't take it personally - no matter who he would be with it would be the same - i was once told that all kids want there bio parents together and it does not matter who the parent(s) get with the kids never really approve they always see you as the reason the bio's are not together. My advice to you is drop it and think of it as a blessing - its not you it's them and you actually live in peace right now. if you do have a baby you can focus on your child without having to worry about them, and sadly you may not want them in your child's life - your hubby may need to think about that - cause that child will be part of you and if it were me i would be like you don't want me you don't want my child. but if you read all our stories and the hell we all go through you have a dreamy situation if you ask me..
SheWho, I needed to go all
SheWho, I needed to go all the way back up front AFTER typing out my whole thing because I reread it after I was done and realized that it may seem like an attack on you. I promise it is not, please keep it in mind. I hope you will understand after reading my actual post that some of your positions seem at odds with others, and some seem very skewed in one direction, so I naturally but unintentionally started playing the devil's advocate in some places. I feel for you. I've been there somewhat and it makes you feel like garbage when it happens. But it doesn't always mean what you think it means.
PS: My wife taught me to preface before I go into the debate mode.
I guess it takes a guy to ask about the emotions just in your relationship. }:)
I agree about there being no point in making them meet you. I don't know if that's abusive or not but precisely what are you trying to achieve by ultimatums?
My concern is about how it is just between you and DH on its own - do you love him? Does he love you? If not, get out just because of that. If you don't know, figure it out and go from there. It sounds like a very complicated situation, but you say you're not intimate with him. You resent the skids. You feel like the DH priorities are not with you and yet he's always there for you, supports your career, takes care of you. So you're just upset about money. I don't mean to sound like you're a gold-digger, I know it's emotions about him working hard I assume and you not seeing the results, but just trying to zero in on how do you really feel because it seems you kind of contradict yourself on some points. That's understandable but still you need to figure it out on your own. Is he emotionally supportive of you and your friends and your family outside of issue with skids?
I'm both a BF and a SF. Married another woman with her previous kid and now we also have one together. As comments and replies unfolded I'm just in envy of all the amounts of money talked about, but looking at just your situation, in which exact ways are his priorities with skids and ex over you if you now also say he's paying way below average for situation, he's there well enough when you need him, he lets you have his own career. I'm in technology, not law or finance, but I lost my job in the middle of all my proceedings 10 years ago and that did not help our situation, but we got through it with the current wife. Finance got totally wiped out as far as jobs go. No clue about law, not my circles. You say he's controlling. In which ways other than letting you have your own career, letting keep all your income while he's clearly struggling and as a guy has the weight of responsibility for kids and for you on his shoulders? Everyone I know would've said get off your butt, go work, and contribute. You said he helped your family a lot. Do you feel he's not invested in the marriage with you? Is he avoiding meeting your family? Is he avoiding meeting your friends? Just asking, looking for signs of a double life, emotional or otherwise, that some pointed to. Don't see any. Heard of people having a second family on the side and then doing weird things to hide one family from another. But you say you did meet at least one of the skids. Is he aware you're together? If yes, then obviously the DH is not trying to hide your existence from skids or ex or the other way around. Did you know ex and skids existed before you got engaged or married? If yes, you're already better off than some.
My current wife's and mine divorces were different, one was mostly by judge's ruling, the other by mediation and settlement. From looking at all comments on what was talked about so far, looks like his lawyers negotiated in a way that made it a lot harder on your DH initially and a lot more stressful but provided for a fixed amount that goes down over time regardless of his income. Sounds to me like he was trying to provide for a definitive and comfortable future by taking the early hit in exchange for stability down the line. Of course you may wonder stability for whom - just him or him and you or him and you and your child together, but you need to decide if you want a future with him and if you do, it feels like that is what he may be trying to build. You say that he behaves as if you're not worthy of being a mother but wants to have children with you. You need to sit down and decide - is he a psychopath who wants to have children with a bad mother (get OUT RIGHT NOW if that's what you think) or he's just flat out lying to you or you're reading the wrong thing into the wrong thing. Guys think differently about things than women - for us, loving a woman and wanting to have a child is purely emotional. For women, it's about practical considerations. Kind of kidding, kind of not. Talking about it because have been through exactly this with current wife. Integrating her child (living with us), integrating my child (mostly not living with us), having or not having our own child. Can she work and so face situations where I will be the one picking up and parenting "her" child? What are we going to live on if she doesn't work? Can we afford "afford" to throw a third child between of us into the mix? It's not about the total sum of thoughts and emotions that goes into a decision, it's about the path they take from origination until the decision is made. Guys think logistics at work - run out, stake out your deer up wind or down wind, use a spear or plop the deer over the head with a rock. Then they come home, drop the deer in storage and just want home warmth and hopefully love their woman and want love, sex, rock-n-roll, and a child to bear the family name. Gals have to sit at home and make sure it's warm and fire doesn't go out and last deer is cooked and they think home stability logistics first. And if he didn't bring a deer home it must mean he likes the deer more than wife, not that there's a 5-day storm out and there are no deer out. I mean things do just happen. You talk about his refusal to acknowledge you. If he told the skids and ex that you exist - he acknowledged you. If you want more than that, maybe nothing wrong with wanting more, but maybe don't say he didn't acknowledge you. Guys don't think the way gals do AT ALL - don't tell him that you want him to "acknowledge" you and then expect him to bring the skids around and say "here's your new mommy". Again just bringing it up because it kind of came up for me. For us, skids on both sides acted up and we were both gentle and let a lot of things go for a long time each to our respective skid. Have to agree with one of the posters though - it is important that you trust him to bring it up with the skids and not let it go with his own children. Maybe it was easier for us because we made a symmetrical situation so we could relate to each other more and how just styles of parenting can be so different without either one being wrong if it's solid all around, so each one instinctively knew to parent their own in private to start but not parent the skid full throttle right off the bat. Or at all really for a long while.
I also see a lot of comments that don't mean anything to me even though I'm trying hard to understand. "This is an easy way to make YOU feel wrong for wanting to meet her" - I get it CAN easily achieve that effect, but that does not meet that this is WHY it was done. Just ask him if that's the purpose or not. How did it come up? Did he just snap at you one day and laid it out there? Did he find the time to make sure he says it to you? Then maybe yes, he wanted to make you feel wrong. Or was it you asking him over and over again until he told you? Then maybe no, he didn't want to make you feel in any specific way.
I do see a big issue with you meeting the kids being so slow and far in between, but I do not at all see that this is necessarily his fault or your fault. My parents were divorced, too, and there are 4 of us siblings and obviously our parents behaved the same with all of us and mom's new husband behaved the same with all of us but our reactions and how long it took for all of us to be civil and then friendly is just so different like we're from completely different situations. So I've seen all this drama you talk about play out 4 different ways - as a child, as a parent, as a step-parent, as a divorcee and you just need to focus on you and your DH. But going back to my concern - it sounds like maybe you just don't love your husband or maybe he doesn't love you or you feel he doesn't on its own merits and you're using the skids situation to explain things to yourself or justify getting out. If that's what's happening then GET OUT! For your own sake I'm saying. I'm sure you're totally honest in everything you're saying, but here I am, reading things you said at different times during the same day, and they contradict one another, I assure you. So this just means that you don't know what you want or need and you have to figure it out first before you blame him for not meeting your needs - how can he possibly if YOU don't actually know what they are?
I don't want to go all righteous on you, but why wouldn't he have doubts about you as a mother in terms of future for the two of you or a step in terms of future with the skids if by your own admission he cooks, he cleans, he shops, he works, he pays the bills, and even has sex by himself? I don't know if you're religious and I'm actually not really religious myself, but I did look up vows for fun while writing this here: But assuming you had some vows or just some general affinity for the standard understandings, is he having/holding/comforting/keeping you in in sickness and otherwise? Are you reciprocating? Where in any of these are "and solemnly vow to integrate prior children lest my spouse reads into it and promise to eternally lie, cheat, and steal until my spouse gets more deer hide than my prior children or I breathe my last breath out in the hunting fields"? I am not saying it's your fault, not in the least, but why would you expect him to treat you as a wife as future mother of his children if you de facto not his wife. Again, I mean emotionally. Doesn't that mean you don't want to be his wife? Shouldn't you then tell him "I don't want to be your wife"? And if you don't want to be his wife, then maybe you just shouldn't worry too much about not meeting the skids just for that reason if not any others? I know it's surely all not that simple and surely I'm missing a bunch of stuff that's happening, but come on...
So before we all jump off the roof into an emptied pool (wish I had one), I'll just say you need to figure out where YOU stand first, then where you and he stand, and then start figuring out where and how the skids fit it. Unless you think he's just got ulterior motives altogether and is flat out lying to you, then just talk to him after you figure out what you really want. It will work out eventually.
Like I said up top, I did try to counter a lot of your points that didn't seem conclusive, so please don't take a lot of what I said personally - but do try to check your own perspective on things. Check it a lot. Keep checking it until you have all the facts straight to yourself as opposed to perceptions heavily weighed by your own history that has nothing to do with him or skids - that was one of the big problems both for myself and my wife. And then if you still have the same view of things, then RUN!!!
"I don't know if that's
"I don't know if that's abusive or not but precisely what are you trying to achieve by ultimatums?"
I thought I explained this. I feel he is deeply disrespecting me and alienating me from his most important relationships. The ultimatum would force him to stop that. I feel that in allowing his daughter to dictate whether or not I am even given the acknowledgement/respect of meeting her, DH is giving significant ascendancy to his daughter's desires over mine. And this is painful and perplexing and makes me feel, rightly I think, that there are major issues that he is not resolving/processing with his x, the kids, and me. The collusion with her refusal to give me the most basic respect of meeting me is troubling and has been for years. I don't think it is hard to imagine (although for you it apparently is) that being in a serious relationship with a man for 5 years, and married for 2, and not being allowed to meet his daughter due to her preference - not to mention only having been allowed to be a part of 4 of his interactions with the younger one and only after years of confusion, pain and tears over it on my part - is painful and troubling. The ultimatum would resolve this (or at least be the beginning of the resolution process) in an insistence to be acknowledged...or, if he refuses, it would give me the information I need to definitively decide to separate from him.
In a very fundamental sense, his kids are products of his love for another woman. Perhaps this basic reality is hard for you to appreciate. But that is what it is. And I could handle that. I was 100% on board with integrating their needs and his past into our lives FOR THE FIRST 2 YEARS...until it became apparent that he wanted an exclusive relationship with them for whatever reason...even despite how sad and hurt it made me feel. But I guess I should just be overjoyed at how great it is to not even be allowed into his most deeply important relationships?
After years of DH failing to integrate us in even a minimal way despite my pleas and on ON TOP of his allowing one of the daughter's to not even meet me after years ...after years of this, the reality that these kids are such a huge drain on our finances started to make the pain even worse because their expenses basically have prohibited us from having our own kids...despite his promises that he would be able to provide the same quality of life for them as he does for us and our future kids. But I guess I should just STFU "get off my ass" and work more, right? Well, your attitude is presumptuous. Not only do I have serious medical issues that make working outside the home more than I do very difficult, but before we were even engaged HE PROMISED THAT HE WOULD PROVIDE A LIFE FOR US THAT AFFORDED A CHILD. There was no reason for me not to believe this as in the past he had more lucrative positions. AND BECAUSE I TRUSTED HIM TOTALLY. But now, on top of coming very close to the end of my biological clock, we are still living in my tiny apartment, we are still in (his) enormous debt (I have absolutely ZERO debt and had zero debt even coming into the relationship), and he still refuses to even make his daughter give me the respect of a handshake. I'm sure better women would have no issue with this, would have no resentment towards the skids in light of these things, but I have developed resentment nonetheless.
But you suggest this is all perhaps "about money" and you used the word "gold-digger".
Yes, it is true that he makes the vast majority of money. But I hardly spend any of his income on non-necessities for myself - almost everything like cosmetics, to my haircuts, to my clothes - I PAY FOR. He offers but I usually refuse and use my income for that.
"Is he emotionally supportive of you and your friends and your family outside of issue with skids?"
Yes and no. He is a very jealous person. He does not allow any communication with my Xs (I had a few and I maintained good friendships with them) except for one, when on one occasion when he reached out to me in distress and DH said I could have a correspondence; he doesn't allow me to hang out with my former boss (a 65 year old man who was a dear friend of mine for a decade) without him present because he believes he is attracted to me, he gets jealous when in correspondences with my (female) best friend (who lives over sees), I sign of with "LOVE" or when I discuss my marriage with her, and he has a huge problem if I ever do anything with a friend without him, especially if is during the time when he is home and otherwise available to hang out with me. So I basically have no social life unless it involves him. The American level of disclosure bothers him. In Russia, spouses really don't confide to others about relationship woes in the way we are accustomed to here - and it is true that Russian culture frowns on spouses having any friendship with exes. In general he explains his jealousy as cultural and also coming from a previous relationship in which he was cheated on which he says makes him extra sensitive. He is supportive of my parents. He is supportive of my other pursuits. But socially, he is not supportive of me hanging out with other people unless he is also present.
One of the issues I have with his stance is that it is a double standard. He maintains and exclusive relationship with his own flesh and blood - I am de facto a persona non grata and yet I cannot have relationships with others that are exclusive.
Thanks for the link to vows. We had an Orthodox ceremony and did not speak vows. The only thing one says in a Russian Orthodox ceremony is "yes" when the priest asks if you are willfully marrying on your own accord.
"you now also say he's paying way below average for situation"
Don't think I said that. He is paying 35% off his gross for kids. He is also paying off debt that he and his X accrued (he took all of her debt as part of the separation). We are left with between 5-6k per month have 70K of his debt and zero savings on his part (I have saved about 10K from my job)
"You say he's controlling. In which ways other than letting you have your own career, letting you keep all your income while he's clearly struggling and as a guy has the weight of responsibility for kids and for you on his shoulders?"
What an epic tragedy. A father has the "weight of responsibility" to support his children and pay of his debts. Those are decisions he made without me. And for the record, I have the same career I had when we met. "Letting" me keep my career isn't necessarily a badge of honor, is it? I was able to support myself and still can with my (small) income. We are living in the tiny apartment I had since before we were engaged (one that he promised we would not have to live in). We are living here b/c his giant house that he should never have bought in the first place went into foreclosure after we met (and a long time before he put a dime towards supporting me). His major expenses are his kids and his insane debt. But I guess I should also be helping to pay off his business gambles he made before we met and the nearly 8K he doles out for his children? Wow. Didn't realize these were my responsibilities. Poor guy. He procreated, made incredibly stupid business decisions based on hubris and arrogance and racked up credit card debt living a high life with his X...but I should feel bad for not contributing more his responsibilities? I pay for all my "extras" (clothing, beauty, etc). I am very frugal. But your suggestion is that I owe him some money? That I should help pitch in for children he had with another woman, children who he refuses to allow me to get to know, and show more sympathy for debt he accrued during his lavish lifestyle with another woman? :jawdrop:
"Is she aware you're together? If yes, then obviously the DH is not trying to hide your existence from skids or ex or the other way around. Did you know ex and skids existed before you got engaged or married? If yes, you're already better off than some.
She is aware we are together and he told her we were engaged when it happened. He says he isn't sure if x or kids know if we are married. They didn't come to the wedding b/c he was afraid X would be upset. He may have mentioned it to kids but may not have out of fear it may provoke the X. He doesn't remember and doesn't want to bring it up with them.
"Sounds to me like he was trying to provide for a definitive and comfortable future by taking the early hit in exchange for stability down the line."
Yes, he tried. My issue is that I will be almost 40 by the time the payments go down by a few thousand per month. The plan had been that he would get a new job years ago so as to make having a child more likely happen (after 40 is hard, especially with my medical conditions, not to mention it significantly increases the likelihood of complications for the child's health) but he didn't try very hard (due to what he says is depression but what I fear is partly just not caring enough about us to have a comfortable life with me and a child).
So the bottom line is that I feel deeply disrespected by his behavior. He encouraged that I trust that he would make enough for us to at least be able to give our own child the quality of life his other kids have. That hasn't happened. I don't have a child. He supports them but there isn't enough for a child of my own. He is IN FACT supporting those kids but not allowing for us to have one, all the while messaging me for years that his children are more important to him than I am, not good enough to be around them, and more important than making it possible for us to have a child. But I guess I should stop being a "gold-digger" and work to help pay for his children from another woman.
Oh, and for the record, I do all the laundry, cleaning (except the dishes, which he does b/c he doesn't like that I don't pre-wash them prior to loading the washer) and 98% of the cooking. He gets the groceries which is nice but mainly b/c he doesn't like me going to Whole Foods, which I do when left to my own devices. So he does it but mainly as a money saving thing (he insists on buying the biggest version of everything and always in bulk and I find that unwieldy to deal with especially given we live in a walk up.) But yes, he does get flowers every week, he does do the dishes, and he does do 40% of the grocery shopping - all the bulk stuff and things that would cost a lot at Whole Foods (the remainder we either do together or I go)
To clarify this entire thread
To clarify this entire thread I started:
I think my basic question is this:
-In the context of the situation I've described (DH is *not* leading a double life, it is not a marriage for a Visa, we met 2 years after his separation from the X, his daughters are children), IS IT REALLY "OKAY" THAT HE ALLOW HIS DAUGHTER TO NOT EVEN MEET ME? Especially given how painful this is for me?
-Is it "okay" that he blames me for not seeing his kids more due to my "childish jealousy"...when he, by insisting on an exclusionary relationship with them, helped foster a situation that made me feel jealous because he excluded me and allowed them to exclude me?
I have never done anything but encourage him to see them, regardless of my enforced lack of involvement, and never said anything negative about them except once, when realizng the extent of how costly their needs for extracurricular activities were, when I said that such elaborate indulgences seemed like the indulgences of "spoiled kids". Other than that, and voicing distress that their nearly 8K/month costs were not being offset by the better job that he assured me he'd get to mitigate their costs and furnish a lifestyle that would comfortably afford our own child, I've never voiced criticism of them.
I don't know what his resistance is really about, but it hurts me a lot. I know he isn't leading a double life. But allowing his daughter to not even meet me, to give ascendancy to her "SACRED HUMAN RIGHT" not to even meet me over what I feel is my right to be given the respect to even meet her, a child, my husband's flesh and blood, is so painful and puzzling. Should this really NOT bother me? It is hard to delight in the lack of drama that so many of you have because I feel I haven't even been given the respect that would even allow the circumstances for such drama to arise. Maybe this lament doesn't even make sense, I don't even know anymore.
SheWho, I was waiting to see
SheWho, I was waiting to see when you'd reply to DDad's novella.
Hate to say it but I think you may have misunderstood DDad. I think a few of us are saying that a different perspective may be needed. Let's say he wanted to meet your parents and your parents refused to meet with him for whatever reasons. Maybe they hate anyone from communist countries. Let's say you were telling your friend about it. Would you have told your friend "I am not allowing DH to meet my parents" or "My parents refuse to meet DH". Do you think he is lying that he asked SD and she refused? If not then call it what it is and go from there.
I don't know where you see a double standard. If you had kids (skids to him) and he insisted he meet them but didn't insist his kids meet you that would be a double standard. I think that an important point is that you were allowed to meet at least one skid so the story is not you're not allowed to meet skids or skids not allowed to meet you but you are allowed and they are allowed.
What are you now talking about your relationship with your Xs? Who would allow that? What do you mean by communication? How does he not allow that? Have you always been open with DH about talking to exes? Was he saying it's not a problem but later changed the ways? I don't know in which culture it is ok. Are exes all in solid relationships now? Have you introduced them all and let them all get to know each other with your DH and your ex's current partner before having communications separately and your ex's partner approved? If not then I can only tell you that I and every one of my girlfriends would've kicked our DH to the curb long ago if they did something like that. And the topic actually came up more than once. It's different with family. Do you think he would have same issue if he hadn't met some of your family. It probably even came up as it usually does.
I am not forgetting your DH not forcing the other skid to meet you but it's night and day from DH not allowing the sides to meet. I have seen that situation too for different reasons and it's much worse for all than what you describe. I don't think anyone is saying that it should not bother you. All step situations always bother everyone involved. But I think what DDad was saying about ultimatums and everything else is that you seem to be building and evaluating your relationship with DH by the skids situation and there seems to be no reason to do that and seems like you may have problems in the relationship itself that you need to resolve by itself. You're saying you don't know what the resistance is about. Resistance about what? Resistance to forcing the other skid to meet you? What many of us are asking is what is the point of forcing and saying it never leads anywhere good. If the skid infringed on your time or his attention to you then it would make some sense. But if it's not and you're saying it's not then it can only make his relationship with the skid worse. It will certainly not make it better. What are you expecting? That DH forces the skid to meet you she does and suddenly sees how wonderful you are? Not a snowball's chance in hell. It may not make it worse but it may and will not make it better. If it makes it worse he will resent you for it. Maybe he will be understanding and not resent you but it will not make your relationship with DH better. I'm not saying I don't understand where you're coming from. But let's say he does value you enough and you make the ultimatum and he forces a meet. Let's say it makes his relationship with the skid worse. So now you proved to yourself he values you but now he's angry at you because he has an issue with the skid that did not exist prior? Why would you want that even if it did what you want it to do?
I don't think DDad was saying your DH is living an epic tragedy at all. He was saying that it looks like your DH is in a tough spot aside from the skids issue. I think DDad was also talking about your own situation not being clear to yourself like you said in one place your DH is paying all bills for both of you but then say "my apartment" things like that. You're looking at it like financially the skids are intruding in your space but maybe you need to look at it like your DH is providing you with your shared space. Maybe take him up on it if he's offering to pay for your girlie things though just to feel better about it. You also keep changing the numbers now to 8k per month. What DDad was also saying if I got it right is controlling people would tend to not let you somehow keep the career where as you say you can still support yourself so DDad was not saying you cause the DH tragedy or any tragedy but just that he made sure that you can keep your job and your savings and spend all money you make on yourself.
To your basic question though a few of us are saying don't think of it like it's ok or not ok that he doesn't force the skid to meet you. It may be ok or not ok as you said many other issues and sides always exist. We're saying you haven't mentioned anything that would say that it's certainly not ok and there is something horrible going on that needs to be stopped. Nobody is blaming you for how you feel but it always happens in step situations. It is not ok in any case if he blames you for not seeing his kids but is he constantly bringing it up that he's not seeing them and it's your fault or it's just part of some discussion you had? That would make a huge difference.
From where I sit it just doesn't look like he's certainly insisting on an exclusionary relationship with the skids it looks like they do. And if that cut into your time or him emotionally taking care of you then maybe you should look at it like he's choosing them over you but you keep saying that it doesn't. So time and presence and emotional support wise he's providing you with no concerns on your part and he may provide them with what they need or maybe he doesn't provide them with what they need but why would you care about that? Let's say you have a child with your DH - why would you want to have 2 more children who are not yours to take care of instead of just focusing on your own one? In the ideal world sure everyone would be friendly and great and all but it's obviously not an ideal world already - from what you say you married DH at 36. First marriage. So obviously was not smooth sailing all your life before. Obviously he's divorced so same. Going back to what DDad was saying about it all being about money was not to say you're all about money. It was to say that the issue looks like it's coming down to your DH not providing life comforts to have a child. No one is arguing with you on that we don't know any better but we're saying that would be same issue if DH was not divorced and there were no skids in the picture. I'm suggesting as many are that you separate the issues - divide and conquer. Simply putting together what you and others said looks like you knew about income and skids and support orders and settlements up front. All these courts take years so even if some of it was sealed after you were together it started way before. Tell us if we made a mistake with numbers or ask but as it stands it looks like the support order is fair all things considered and he didn't offer more than was asked or rolled over as soon as the ex asked something so I'm simply saying there is nothing he can do about it. You're upset about it he's upset about it I bet the skids are upset about it and everyone else. The household splits many expenses double everyone is losing financially. So just let that part of it go unless we all got something wrong.
As for him blaming you that isn't right if he keeps bringing it up that's his problem to resolve and you shouldn't have to encourage him to see his own kids.
But you'll be much happier if you focus on what you want with him and not on what you want with them or with all of them. He should probably talk to them more so they know you're not going anywhere maybe. But if you're sure that he's not really neglecting them because of anything that you really did then don't blame yourself don't worry and they'll either come around eventually or stay out and either should be fine by you.
Just work on situation between him and you as that is what seems like bothering you by far the most really.
Methinks you may need to read
Methinks you may need to read some of the walls'o'text - I've been weighing and parsing initial post and all clarifications for hours and feel like there isn't really an outflow of resources over what's reasonable and necessary. I feel that maybe a large part of the issue is indeed about resources and with these two adjustments to your perspective the entire situation may look totally different.
Will add my vote to
do not force, nothing good will come of it;
but disagree that things are never going to change, have my own experience and others';
if things can change, they're more likely to change by talking it out in great detail than by forcing the issue - the latter may drive each of you to dig in even deeper, especially if there's indeed a power struggle of some sort;
these things do sometimes take a long time to settle in, which in some ways the OP says she doesn't have, so that's an issue, but I think the OP is projecting just that one issue on many others;
finally, if I had to pick one approach over the others, I'd suggest the OP try to find a way to have it not bother her rather than spend time and energy worrying about it.
As some of the others who commented, I do NOT see ANY major tragic issues in the relationship other than the OP wanting to have a child and perhaps/probably rightly feeling that the financial situation is putting a major damper on that. Can't say that I fault the DH and would dare to very cautiously suggest that maybe the OP is introducing additional strain into the relationship by projecting the one issue into all others and in many dimensions. DH does not come off as controlling to me - maybe not the most easy-going person and perhaps there is some major power struggle going on that we have not been enlightened on. Perhaps if indeed there is a lot of projecting and a power struggle, things could improve if OP separated the issues, and re-evaluated things and plans in conversation with DH while making realistic goals and expectations based on current financial situation clear and coming from a more objective perspective.
"you met with one child and
"you met with one child and in that first meeting corrected her."
No, this happened the last time I met her which was 1 month ago. She had been rude many times during the day and in a measured way called attention to it after DH failed to.
Thanks for your thoughtful
Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Heavenlike
Probably around the same time
Probably around the same time that spelling & cursive fell. I know at our local schools students who have spelling difficulties are allowed to type everything and use an autocorrect/autofill program.
My oh my, walls'o'text.
My oh my, walls'o'text.
Took me a while to catch up. What I've learned since last looking at this post is that the XW doesn't seem to be butting in, at least not openly. I know this is a venting site so guessing that not so many totally happy people here but have to say your situation definately seems so much better from all sides than most that I see here or elsewhere. It's awful that you don't feel like you can have a child at your age but as I read all responses and more information, I'm more and more convinced there aren't many issues but the one which is that your life just between you and DH is not where you thought it would be by now - not saying who's fault it is or that it's either of you. I also have to say that as someone else recently noted, it looks like the facts just keep changing and changing to make your "situation" seem worse and worse even though it seems better and better than I initially assumed as I read on. I'm sure there is nothing malicious on your part behind this, but have you considered if at some point you just switched from trying to solve the actual issue to just feeling wronged and occupying yourself with time and effort to make your DH wrong for the situation you're in regarding just you having a child of your own? Do you think you can deal with each issue on it's own or that's just not possible for you?
Not sure what "facts just
Not sure what "facts just keep changing and changing".
If my "situation", as you say, appears, as I continue to write, to seem "better and better" than I initially presented, how is it that at the same time I keep "changing and changing to make my situation look worse"? You are saying that I intentionally made the narrative look worse than it is... And then continued to try to make it look even worse while presenting facts that made the narrative look better? So either it could be true that I'm a seriously piss-poor storyteller coming to waste my time on an internet board or it could be true that I'm being honest and the appearance of discrepancy in narrative is due to other factors.
The latter is accurate.
The only things I have done are 1.) elaborate and 2.) share my own fluctuating perceptions of a complex drama that has not only many moving parts but many gray and undefined areas that I am still struggling to resolve.
If I knew exactly what I felt about things, if the chaos and disharmony of it all were crystalline to me, I wouldn't be here asking for input and help in processing it.
I posted here because I am confused. If I've confused anybody else in the process of exploring this, it is not intentional.
And yes, I do find it hard to "just deal with each issue on its own" because I approach this (and most everything else) as a gestalt. Like a ball of knotted necklaces. Rather than trying to follow each strand, each proposition, and free it from the mass, I find massaging the whole clump more effective in discovering order, and, eventually, narrative truth. All the issues, all the parts, are part of the whole story. Touch one spot, and the whole web vibrates. That's my style in problem solving. Understood that it may be vexing for some. Apologies.
For what it's worth I think
For what it's worth I think that we all think that you're honest. But also have a lot of misdirected anger. It's hard to tease it all out but I think when some of us disagree that it's just because you haven't made your point clear and you try to reinforce it (honestly) by adding details but to us they don't reinforce it. At the same time when you provide direct clarifications they all make the overall picture look better or not as bad over time. I feel you're certainly too much in your own head. That's not to say there are no real issues underneath but what's in your head is not next to or under the real issues but over them so that's why it needs to be removed first. It's not easy but that's what my advice was - maybe separating into individual issues will make each one easier to remove. Or at least spend a good deal of time trying to look at them separately.
I read and re-read the whole
I read and re-read the whole thing just now. Wow. SheWho, I posted on Monday evening, not sure if you read it. Most of what I said and asked has been covered since, but one question I'm not clear on - do you have any concerns he wants to get back with his ex? I may share the concern in the above comment - you express yourself with a lot of anger (understandable) but over time it feels like it's shifting even more towards just anger. Between that and DDad's head bitten off for not much of anything maybe you really should consider that it's about just powerplay and your unfulfilled hopes at this point than real divides in the dynamic? Hate to pry but are you from a stable family yourself? Just brainstorming here but to be honest the thought has crossed my mind that maybe you have your own experience that makes you think some of the things that are happening are about him choosing sides when maybe it's not about that at all a lot of the time?
Yes, it is true I'm being
Yes, it is true I'm being quite reactive and snippy. Totally counterproductive. Apologies to all. DH and I have decided to take time away from each other (I initiated it) and the experience has left me extremely raw. My birthday is tomorrow, our life feels like it is in shambles, I have immune problem that has flared up, and I'm just overall at a very low point.
Again, apologies to all.
Yes, my childhood was quite stable. Parents are still together. Which still doesn't mean I'm not having some kind of meltdown, of course (stranger things have surely happened).
I am by nature anxious and rejection-sensitive. I'm sure that plays a huge part in my perceptions.
That's awful. He now refuses
That's awful. He now refuses to spend time with you on your birthday?
No, he is not refusing to
No, he is not refusing to spend time with me on my birthday!
I really didn't type that!
I said that I initiated us taking some space. My birthday is tomorrow but I never said he refused to spend time with me tomorrow. We don't have any plans so far for it but if I asked for company, which I likely will, he will be here with me for it. This separation period is not hostile
Well then as I just said
Well then as I just said elsewhere maybe you should take a break from this and enjoy yourself and make him give you a really good time in every way including you know what I mean.
Apologies for being crude but like I said I'm working night shift after a nice long evening of chardonnay with a friend of mine so it just popped into my head. People who say that sex never solved any big issues never had great sex.
Haha. Yea, I'm a bit boozy
Haha. Yea, I'm a bit boozy myself, too. Just finished a half bottle of some ludicrous, low-brow "champagne" dubbed "Sweet Bitch". And, yes, perhaps some good ol' rolling around in the hay will do DH and I good
Don't just say it! Shave it
Don't just say it! Shave it and promise yourself you'll go for it! :jawdrop:
Hey Bisquits, thanks for the
Hey Bisquits, thanks for the reply
Would you have told your friend "I am not allowing DH to meet my parents" or "My parents refuse to meet DH".
I'd say "my parents refuse to meet him. Good point. Thing is, I feel that her resistance isn't really explainable b/c there is no "reason" for her hostility (since they separated 2 years before I came along) UNLESS DH is in some way colluding with, or creating, such resistance (albeit implicitly, by virtue of messaging her that I'm not deserving of respect/acknowledgement). That's the thing. I feel like there is no reason she'd so firmly refuse to even meet me UNLESS she has a reason to. And since there is no reason I can see that I caused, the "reason" must be coming from either DH or BM (or both).
And that is what troubles me. Why? B/c why would either (or both) of them be messaging SD that I don't deserve respect (messaging implicitly or, perhaps on the part of the BM, explicitly) UNLESS there was hostility towards me? And why, if the separation was as mutual and smooth as DH has always claimed, would there be hostility towards me? The presence of such hostility speaks to a grave misrepresentation or misperception of DH's split which calls into question how much I can trust him, or at the very least, trust his judgement (as in how could DH be SO wrong about BM's hostility?)? Was he lying to himself about BM's level of mutuality? Was it really not so mutual? What does it mean that he was so "off" in his perception that there was no BM hostility?
My point is that it is clear SD has serious hostility towards me. And if the way DH claims the separation went (mutual, without a hitch) is true, the reality of SD's hostility doesn't make sense. So why would she decide making her Dad sad by not meeting me (he claims this but from my posts you can see I have doubts about this)? WHO is benefiting from that and why? And for goodness sake, why couldn't he have just said, "I'm sorry you feel that way, and we will continue discussing it, but you need to know that I need you to show my fiance/wife the respect of meeting her."
"I don't know where you see a double standard"
The double standard is that he does not allow me to have exclusive relationships but he has them (with SD15 - and, although he did arrange for me to meet SD10 on 4 occasions, it was only after much begging and over 5 years time and is therefore what I'd call rather exclusive). Yes, he didn't explicitly disallow me to meet his SD15, but I feel his lack of attentive parenting contributed to her hostility and allowed it to foment. There is also a double standard in that he doesn't tolerate my jealous feelings (and in fact blames his lack of a relationship with his kids on said jealousy) and yet demands that I am in lock step with his jealous demands: He gets upset if I spend time with anyone One-on-one if he is available to also be there. And he also freaks out if he even gets a whiff of anyone I know saying anything that could be construed as negative about him to me. Example: A childhood friend said she thinks he's controlling for not wanting me to hang out with her one-on-one. Her mom and mine are best friends. Somehow my Mom let that slip (she had a few glasses of wine over a dinner and mentioned it in some other context, rather innocently) and DH was upset that I "let her say such a negative thing" about him and didn't demand an apology from the friend or demand that she never say negative things about him. He doesn't like me to talk to anyone about us (negative OR positive). He doesn't allow friendship's with my 2 xs either (which I mentioned, sorry for redundancy). One of the 2 Xs I remained friends with through the years (prior to DH not allowing it) is married. The other one, since severing our friendship, I don't know about. And yes, he said early on I wasn't allowed to communicate with them at all anymore (save for the time I said one was severely distressed). And I agreed. But I do have a much more liberal take on being friends w/ Xs and would be ok with such a friendship of DH's IF I WERE ALLOWED TO MEET HER and I have never asked a SO to stop being friends with an X nor asked DH to stop (although he did so on his own volition). Additionally, I have asked to meet BM, an X who he does communicate with her (strictly child related but you asked how I mean that he has a double standard and the fact is that he has communications with his X while I can't communicate with an X who was a dear friend). So on two levels it is a double standard: 1. He communicates with his X. 2. He has exclusive relationships with their spawn (and it doesn't matter to me that it is b/c SD15 made it so b/c the fact of its exclusivity remains...not to mention my sense that this exclusivity was insisted on by SD b/c DH failed to foster a basic level of integration between us). To me the gravity of these bonds (the mother of his children and his children) and the level of "threat" that these deep bonds could cause (especially given their exclusivity) is in my mind far more profound than the threat of my friendship with an X who I never married, didn't love enough to procreate with, didn't build a life with, and who I had a relationship with over 15 years ago.
"Do you think he would have same issue if he hadn't met some of your family".
Absolutely. But to make the analogy more symmetrical the question would be: "If you had a child with your an XHusband, one who you were with for 12 years and built a life with, and that child refused to meet him, would DH have a problem"? The answer is yes. Especially if my financial support of that child made having a child with DH difficult/financially reckless.
"...building and evaluating your relationship with DH by the skids situation and there seems to be no reason to do that and seems like you may have problems in the relationship itself that you need to resolve by itself.
This was a good point. I think there *are* underlying issues and I think that these other issues ARE being acted out/symbolized within what troubles me with the SD situation and that I'm processing them through this situation. Dealing with this SD drama is a way of unpacking these issues.
"But let's say he does value you enough and you make the ultimatum and he forces a meet. Let's say it makes his relationship with the skid worse. So now you proved to yourself he values you but now he's angry at you because he has an issue with the skid that did not exist prior? Why would you want that even if it did what you want it to do?
At this point, I feel like those potential negatives of correcting the situation aren't what should be guiding my feelings. Nobody ever said doing the right thing was easy or doesn't have consequences that may be unpleasant. I feel like the onus was on him from the start to make a healthy integration (or even a meeting) possible. This should not have been left up to the child's whims. She was 12. He should have talked it through with her to the point that this level of hostility wouldn't take root. But he didn't. And if he did "force" a meeting (which never should have gotten to that point of "forcing" in the first place and which I see as his poor parenting that it got to that point) and he then did have an issue with the skid that didn't exist prior, isn't that something that he created and that he needs to work through? I don't WANT that discord there. But I do WANT him to insist that she acknowledge me... and I suppose I want that more than wanting to save him from potential fallout that his own poor parenting caused. Also, at this point, I don't care if she likes me. I gave the idea up. I'm just ill of him catering to her, whenever she wants him, and basically being emotionally violent to him by rejecting me despite how it pains him and me and I'm sick of him allowing that for both his and my sake.
You also keep changing the numbers now to 8k per month.
I believe I said "about" 8K/month at one point after specifically saying $7,500. If not, if I did not qualify with "about", then I was rounding up. $7,500 correctly rounded is $8k. Additionally, you mentioned I also contradicted myself by saying "my apartment". I was living in this apartment before we were engaged. It was therefore "my apartment". We are now living in the same apartment, formerly exclusively "my" apartment and now "our" apartment. Apologies for confusion by I assure you I'm not contradicting my narrative in this regard.
"It is not ok in any case if he blames you for not seeing his kids but is he constantly bringing it up that he's not seeing them and it's your fault or it's just part of some discussion you had? "
He is not constantly bringing it up. I don't see how him accusing me of this 3 times is somehow perhaps "ok" as long as he isn't blame I'm getting "constantly". But he is constantly saying he is depressed and I always say he would feel much better if he saw his kids more... to which he always responds that he can't because "you are not supportive enough and it takes a lot of emotional energy which requires you to be more supportive to me b/c it makes me miss them". So while he isn't "constantly" saying "I blame you", the reason he gives is his depression which he does explicitly blame me for.
"It was to say that the issue looks like it's coming down to your DH not providing life comforts to have a child.No one is arguing with you on that we don't know any better but we're saying that would be same issue if DH was not divorced and there were no skids in the picture.
Huh? It would be quite different. Because I would have married him if he could not provide the "life comforts" to have a child with me. I wouldn't have married any man if I didn't think he would be a good provider. I guess that's the cavewoman/gold-digger in me, but there it is. In any case, that is the understanding we had. He promised that he could provide to a certain level (by making up for some of what is going to his kids). Then he didn't.
Simply putting together what you and others said looks like you knew about income and skids and support orders and settlements up front.
I knew. AND he promised to make up for what he provides them YEARS BEFORE WE GOT MARRIED (and after he knew everything he'd be paying to them) so he would be able to provide the same for our child. To avoid this very situation. That didn't happen. If I had known he would not be able to provide, I wouldn't have gotten engaged to him.
So just let that part of it go unless we all got something wrong.
???This blows my mind. Why should I let that go when his providing for a child with me was a fundamental tenant to our even being married? This situation is the exact situation that I said I could not live with (him providing more to his former family than he can afford to provide to a family of our own) and the exact situation that he promised we would never be in? Sorry but to "let that go" requires a level of defeatism and masochism I don't have a taste for. I think it is a problem that needs to be corrected and I'm not okay with just letting the possibility of financially stable motherhood die for me. I either need to leave him or find a way to significantly increase our income.
The skids situation is so painful BECAUSE he is de facto providing for them and not for me and our potential child in the way that was promised. In the way I believed because he told me to believe it.
For years, I was so excited
For years, I was so excited at the prospect of meeting them. I so deeply wanted to know his kids, wanted them to like me, wanted us to all do things together.
I was so eager to see him within them, to see what these people who were part him, were like. TO SEE WHAT HE WAS LIKE AS A FATHER. But as the years passed and his reluctance never softened, this anticipation and excitement turned colder and colder. I grew suspicious. I was initially given excuse upon excuse but gradually started suspecting there were emotional realities that he either wasn't sharing or didn't even realize he had. I saw no other explanation.
Then, after we were married, his explanations became more about me - about how "my jealousy" was a large part of why he doesn't see them (to, ostensibly, prevent me from becoming jealous) and how his depression (which is apparently partly caused by my jealousy) is what prevents him from seeing them more.
The thing is, I was not jealous for a long time. Although, now, yes, I am. I started feeling excluded (because it took a full 1.5 years to even get to meet SD10 at a movie theater...and a full year later to get to see her again) because I was excluded. So now he does have a point, but I feel that it was created by his behavior, by his quite markedly exclusionary behavior.
I have thought that maybe I had subconscious feelings of jealousy that he picked up on and was "protecting" them from. I've deeply considered this. But I'm quite sure (as sure as anybody can be of their non-conscious life) my jealous feelings came well after we got engaged. Initially, after the time I felt it was healthy and natural that we meet (around the time we were engaged), his resistance started making me feel concern (we've been engaged for 6 months, isn't it good to meet his kids at this point?!) and then fear (What does it mean that I haven't met them? Is he not sure about us?) and then, after a few years of clear continued resistance from him, jealousy. Jealousy and fear about what all of his reluctance means. This went on for years.
Then, just a month ago, after getting him to agree on us hanging out w SD10 (one of the few times in 5 years I've been given that opportunity), after an entire 1.5 years passed since he "allowed" the previous visit, SD10 was often rude to me (saying she hates my cats, that they are "evil", terrorizing them by yelling at them, then speaking in Russian, which she knows I don't understand), I quite gently (frazzled though I was) told her that if she did these things "on purpose" that "I *would* consider it rude". It was after DH rushed to her "defense", denied she was consciously being rude, and later told me I was "wrong" to have said anything to her, that it wasn't my place, I kind of just imploded with all of it. To me, if a 5th grader is rather blatantly being rude in your own home, it is acceptable (even necessary) to set a boundary and assert that rudeness is not acceptable. I had let it go all day from her, DH was doing nothing, and I just couldn't take it.
So that's the "why now" explanation. That on top of turning 38 tomorrow and realizing how little time my biological clock has left and how the promises of financial security were not fulfilled.
A small comment for a change.
A small comment for a change. :jawdrop:
It would not be normal or at least common if you weren't quite jealous of them from the very beginning. Not to say that it justifies anything else. But if you think it matters if you were or not then definitely rewind and rethink. And maybe try not to think of everything as being excluded - you don't need to see children's movies or go to children's museums or shows with a child that's not yours. Children don't need to do those things with adults who are not their parents. Maybe you don't share my view of this and maybe you actually have an experience of this type with your DH but if you went to a facial with let's say your sister and didn't invite him and he then said how dare you exclude him from the facial - you'd tell him ne's nuts won't you?
(which reminds me of whether you have any siblings and whether you come from a stable home?)
Good points. 4 siblings. One
Good points.
4 siblings. One lost to suicide. My childhood was very stable. However, my mother became depressed after the birth of a sibling, when in my early adolescence (she was 34). Her issues resolved several years later. Parents still together. Happily so.
but if you went to a facial with let's say your sister and didn't invite him and he then said how dare you exclude him from the facial - you'd tell him ne's nuts won't you?"
Yes, it'd be nuts. But I just don't feel like it is an apt metaphor b/c it lacks the equivalent context. More apt would be: if my sister gives him 0 respect, refuses to meet him and we hang out, yes, after the hang-out he would be jealous. Not madly so but still jealous. And, really, my sister does not have the same emotional valence as the flesh and blood product of his love of another woman who refuses to meet me. And again, the reasons for her hostility vex me and do make me suspect there are unresolved issues between he and his X. Otherwise I don't see where the child's hostility would be coming from. And he is not taking skids on activities that would by their nature preclude my presence. And yet I have only been allowed to be a part of 4 of such excursions with SD10 over a 5 year period. And, by SD15's wishes, I haven't been on any excursions with her.
So you say it is normal to be jealous from the beginning of skids, and yet after 5 years of so little allowance for me to be in their presence, after so much reluctance all along from him, can't you see how this jealousy would naturally build?
That's not stable home when
That's not stable home when an adolescent girl's mother is depressed for years, who are you kidding? Saying it with love.
Your sister does not have the same emotional valence to YOU because YOU assigned something to this situation that you don't assign to our scenario with your sister. It's understandable but it doesn't have to be so.
You choose to look at things in worst possible way. Such as saying "the child's hostility". Yes hostility is common but are you always necessarily personally hostile towards anyone who wants to meet you but you just don't care? No. So is it just totally perfectly fine and happiness inducing that she won't meet you? No. Is it a sign that there's a British period drama style intrigue going on there? No. Most likely something along the lines of her not giving a damn about you which you shouldn't take offence to. There probably are some issues of guilt your DH has just from not even being there and them not living with him which is ALWAYS the case and maybe something going on with BM that either BM shares with her or just being a teenage girl home with her mother she's probably very sensitive to.
I'll play an airport-magazine psychologist and say that between your mother and your brother you're very sensitive to feeling like you're "not good enough" as you put it somewhere which often happens and that's so embedded that you're trying to squeeze things into feeling this way because that's what "normal" is for you. You said earlier yourself that you're very sensitive to rejection so that has to come from somewhere and this feels like a more complete picture now. I'm really sorry if I'm totally off base here but this is just the vibe I'm getting. As well as you expressing over and over how the only way you see is to exit the picture or prove to yourself that DH doesn't care about you - like you didn't come into the discussion with a question but rather already made up your mind and are now just looking to have a bunch of complete strangers convince you to leave him or something. I'm certain there are real issues with you or your DH independently of each other or you two just don't find a way to click on some things but if you're trying to leave him then just leave him and you don't need us to tell you that. I do somewhat believe in things working out how one wants them to work out but you need to act towards how you want the things to work.
Sorry if I seem too hard on you but I'm working night shift and was just discussing with my friend earlier today how marriage doesn't seem to have the same dedication from people as it used to - back in the day people didn't talk about problems outside and didn't get divorced so they were forced to work it out. I feel like it made it hell for the 10% who couldn't work it out after all but 90% did. Whereas now everyone is talking about their problems way more with other people than with the person they have a problem with and unfortunately so many people want to feel like they have a better marriage than others that they're just likely to be "good friends" and "support" their friend in venting rather than sometimes call them on it and way more marriages fall apart than ought to because people just exit. Not to minimize your issues at all I promise.
To answer your question I don't see reluctance necessarily. With that said I can see how it would build and I can also see how you would just stop caring about it so much. I've seen it both ways. Not that I blame you for it building up. But while history is important it is also important so look at the current situation by itself. Maybe this would help and could work: ok you can't really think of all these issues separately but can you act as if you thought of them separately and see it that will move anything in either direction? Sure maybe it's impossible not to be jealous or not to think the financials have bearing on other stuff in the state you're in now. But can you talk to your DH let's say about the financials and while doing that think about what would a wife say where there are no skids and no money is going anywhere "else" but just not enough or whatever and then just say what she would've said and stop? Also something DDad said way back when it feels like - do you two actually love each other? Or it's gone by the wayside and you're just grasping onto practical reasons to cite in breaking up? If you do then do you know just how many people are actually totally indifferent to their SO?
And like I said I'm working night shift. What's your excuse for staying up? I guess today is tomorrow already so Happy Birthday! Maybe you should just take a break from entirely justifiable distress and just go try to have a nice day with your DH and enjoy it?
My excuse for burning the
My excuse for burning the midnight oil is anxiety about all this.
Gotta hit the hay for 4 hrs of much needed rest. Will attend to your post tomorrow or next few days. Thanks for all your insights in the meantime. I will indeed tomorrow resolve to insist on a shift of mood within
As a few posters said and as
As a few posters said and as is my experience and as I've read many times in different places most skids default is to dislike or hate the step-parents. Often for now reason at all. I've read and heard time and again that skids think of the SM as having taken the father away from the BM. Or taken it away from them. I don't recall if you said but does the BM have an SO? If not then they live without a man in the house and "their" man is elsewhere. I don't mean in a weird way but simply as a person who brings the safety aspect into the house. It is only natural for them to at least not want to think or be reminded of it. It means nothing on its own. Have you considered this?
Or maybe as you said there is a reason coming from BM. Maybe if she's generally reasonable then it was smooth. Maybe if she realized he doesn't love her then she also honestly stated that she thinks they should split up. Doesn't mean that it's not painful for her. I see it all the time. Just because it's really smooth and mutual doesn't mean she wants her kids to socialize with you. Or maybe she doesn't even say anything but they're with her all the time and may overhear or maybe she's talking about it with her friends or family and it somehow got to the children? There is a million possibilities but why do you want to focus on the one where it means he prioritizes you less than them?
I do want to know if you feel he may want to get back with the BM.
Double standard - I do understand how you feel but even with all you added I see no double standard. You say you have a much more liberal take on being friends with exes - did you introduce them all and let him get to know them? I don't know what you've been reading or smoking but you have a much more liberal take on it than everyone else in the world. I'm sorry to say but to be honest you're comparing apples to oranges. You can't just can't mix it all together. He has to have basic communication with his ex. It's different when you have to like if you have a business together. But you say being friends with exes. Social is completely different from business. I realize you're talking about non exes friends too but that's a separate issue. 99% of people don't socially interact with exes and for the better.
No, you don't know what he created or your SD created or the BM created or a million other people around them. Learned that the hard way. It's awful not to know and be wondering but you don't know.
You changed many numbers and aspects as conversations went on not just the $7,500 to $8k. Case in point you were saying for a long time that he's always available to you when you need him but now in last reply you say "I'm just ill of him catering to her, whenever she wants him". If he was always catering to her and she was actively trying to keep him away you'd be barely seeing him ever. I'm just trying to help here to have you get our of your own head because she would be staying up herself day and night just to invent reasons for him to do something for her. I don't think you know how good you have it. Does he often say you can't have something because she needs something? And I mean over what he's giving already which I already know troubles you. For your own sake girlfriend you have no clue to the meaning of catering to be honest.
This blows your mind - apologies, this is a miscommunication I wasn't clear. What I was trying to say is let go of the part he's giving to them as it seems reasonable and pre-dating you by virtue of how things were when they were all together and laws and all that. I'm not saying let go of the part where you feel he's not providing for you. I think a lot of us are saying don't think about his total income or which part of it goes where for the parts that he can do nothing about. Just think about the part that's left and talk about that part with him and that's all. If that's not what you expected or what he said or what you need or feel you need that's all fine and maybe a very serious and true enough issue but just don't mix it with everything else. I happened to be discussing your case with a friend just now and she told me this. Let's say no exes in the picture no skids no divorces. It's just you and him before you got married discussing your life plans. And he figures he's making 110 and will be paying 10 in taxes and leaving 100 for you and him to live on. And then turns out taxes are 60 and only 50 are left to live on. Sure you may be mad at him for not doing the math right but in which world would you be crying your eyes out that he respects the government more than he respects you if he's paying his lawful taxes? Sure you may be saying that 50 that's left is not enough and that may or may not be a deal breaker that's a whole other story what my opinion is on that. But it has nothing to do with how he feels about you. If said that he feels our roads are in a horrible condition and so he'll be sending more taxes in than required and then you could say he's choosing paved roads over you. But at least on the financial side you have said nothing at all that is even a choice and because of it you can't read anything one way or the other into the choice - it isn't a choice. But don't get me wrong and I'm sorry if I offended you at all I didn't mean let go of the motherhood or even without that of the financial stability for the two of you or more of you if you decide to have more. Just saying that unless he's sending more than he has to the skids way just think of all that's left as if it's all there is and nothing is going elsewhere and don't complicate it. I know it's hard and I'm not blaming you for thinking about it the way you do but just honestly saying there's nothing anyone can do about a reasonable settlement. And you haven't said what you think of the numbers. A lot of us were providing comments and links and when I thought of the formula he would've paid sum total over the years and how he just put it up front but a much lower total sum it makes sense to me.
I think the bottom line is
I think the bottom line is this:
He says he doesn't see them because of my jealousy and because he is depressed (mainly also due to me - he says my jealousy makes it hard to see them without fear of me being upset so he doesn't see them which increases his depression).
Whether or not he was initially projecting this jealousy from some unresolved convoluted complex of his own unprocessed unconscious (and I was not in fact initially jealous as he now claims) doesn't really matter, does it? I *am* indeed now jealous. And that is a problem for everyone.
The fact that he thinks it is my fault that he doesn't see them as much as he should is breeding dysfunction -whether this belief is true, or evolved into something true, or is not.
The solution here is that I remove myself from the picture.
Either that or: I stop feeling jealous. OR he stops blaming me (for jealousy I believe that he incited by excluding me but he believes was "always there"). I don't think these things are going to happen any time soon.
So without me, he won't have the excuse not to see his kids more. And I will have the awful weight of being blamed for the continued damage in his relationship to his kids removed.
Through the process of writing all this out, I think that I'm discovering that what my pain is really all about is this: I think he had doubts about me and was preventing his kids from ever becoming attached to me as a safety measure to protect them from having to go through "another divorce". That's why this has all been so painful.
I see no other good reason for his chronic refusal to integrate us. He was in a bind. He wanted me and yet, for whatever reason, suspected we wouldn't last together (whether for conscious/unconscious doubts about my merits within the relationship or conscious/unconscious doubts about his own merits within the relationship).
Nothing else really makes sense. These issues were acted out within the proxy drama of his facilitation of his kids' lack of integration.
Why won't you just remove
Why won't you just remove yourself from the skids part of the picture and that will let you focus on your and his part of the picture? I think it was suggested more than once before that perhaps you wanted to remove yourself from the picture for a while and are rationalizing it through the skids aspect?
Yes, I have been seriously
Yes, I have been seriously considering separating for a while. However rather than using the issues w/ the skids (and what I perceive is his facilitating the dysfunction) as a rationalization mechanism, I think that the skids stuff is actually the personification of our issues. In other words, I'm not using it to rationalize separation but rather as the vehicle that expresses the reasons why perhaps we should separate. In other words, within the skids drama lies the microcosm of all of our relationship conflicts. Or maybe you are right and I really should have no problem over his steadfast refusal to integrate us and that drama has little to do with our issues. Either way, It is almost dawn. My insomnia is fading. 'night.
I suppose among other things
I suppose among other things I was trying to say that perhaps the skids "situation" is a lot less "drama" than you think. And I'm not saying you shouldn't have had a problem with "his refusal" but I think a lot of us are saying it doesn't look like "his refusal".
That's to say that if there's
That's to say that if there's any possible truth to it not being that dramatic or not so much him refusing as being stuck between 2 women (you and SD) pulling the issue in different directions then maybe both you would have more energy to focus on thinking and planning with him about your financial future and stability and other things that are just between you and him while at the same time maybe he will be way more receptive to your needs and the stubbornness or whatever will not act up so much if he doesn't feel like you're coming at him from the wrong direction.
Caveat: By no means have I
Caveat: By no means have I read every word of this thread.
Just want to say a few things.
1. Yes, your dh is wrong to allow his kid to dictate the situation. But that makes him an ineffectual parent, not a mean person. Ineffectual parenting is why we are all here. Some of us divorce over it, many of us don't.
2. I can definitely see why it hurts you. You feel demonized in a way and that is hard to live with psychologically every day and cumulatively it's worse. On top of that, these agents of demonizing are somehow "responsible" for you being in debt you did not earn, money flying out the door, and essentially "causing" your childlessness. Yes, that's all painful.
3. I love your analogy of massaging the whole knot. However, that model presupposes you CAN untangle the entire thing and nothing less will do. Marriage does not lend itself to that. You've got to accept, forgive, avert your eyes, forgive, give A for effort, sigh, and forgive yet again.
Assuming the remaining 70-80 percent of the time you are happy/content/comfortable you will have a pretty good marriage. Having NO problem at any time--or making all problems dependent on each problem--is an unrealistic goal when both parties are human.
4. The girl not meeting you is painful. But given her level of hostility and her dad's ineffectual parenting, I believe you would be opening yourself up for far more pain if you let her into your life.
Is it possible for you to change your internal dynamic? Tell yourself every day you are so grateful not to have a teen girl in your house leaving soiled hygiene products everywhere, rolling her eyes at you, insulting you openly, finding new ways to divert Daddy's attention, dominating the entire atmosphere of the house? Sometimes the choice we get is between unpleasant and unbearable, not between bad and good.
Finally, I agree all your marriage dissatisfactions have been bottled up into the jar with SDs name on it. In other words, even if you got a few play dates with this girl, your marriage would still be unsatisfactory to you. Your life is not moving forward as planned. I recommend you forget this kid and concentrate on one thing--how do I see my life and am I likely to create that vision with this cast of characters?
P.S. Please drop the one about your dh not wanting to hurt his girls by letting them get attached to you and then possibly breaking up with you. That is conjecture of the extreme sort -- not allowed in court! He married you--take that for what it is. If he was so desperate to protect their fee fees from this kind of thing he would not have divorced their mother. That theory can't fly, if you ask me.