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The wackiest gifts we've received from the skids

sandye21's picture

OK, I threatened to do this in another post so here it is - time for the most wackiest gifts we've received from the skids. During the holidays we get so frustrated and hurt and angry because the skids are acting like jerks. For some reason the holidays bring out the very worst in them - and us. I would also like to ask what you would REALLY like to give to them if you had the opportunity. We need to give ourselves a gift - the gift of laughter. So here goes:

SD is one of the stingiest people I've ever met so usually, I was never graced with one of her gems but the last Christmas we spent with her she gave her Dad a nice calendar. It appeared she was rushed to find something for me so she made a last of the minute dash to her cupboard and reached for anything that fell into her hand - which was an outdated bottle of pancake syrup and a minute jar of jam she had made. And guess what? She used my wrapping to hold them.

I would have loved to have given SD a book on manners, along with an outdated box of pancake mix.

TwoOfUs's picture

Oh, I get the usual token gifts.

Lotion, a candle...etc. Once, SD got me an oven mitt shaped like a cat, which I thought was pretty cute. Also a superman shirt from my SS and a travel pillow, since I'm on the go for work a lot. Fairly thoughtful...also fairly certain that these more personal items were completely DH's doing since, as the skids got older and became completely responsible for getting their own's been more like candles and chocolate...generic stuff.

What would I get them if I could? A one-way ticket to anywhere they want to go... Wink

JustAgirl42's picture

WTF?? :jawdrop:

Exjuliemccoy's picture


Cover1W's picture

LOL. Me Too!
SD10 would love one, but SD13 would just not use it like her current toothbrush. Then I'd have to make sure the heads were changed out regularly and the things cleaned b/c DH won't do that.
So then I get to "no" pretty quickly.

hereiam's picture

Gift? From my SD? You're kidding, right? Twenty years and not so much as a handmade card. Nothing for her dad, either.

Buzz's picture

My young adult skids have never given me anything thoughtful or memorable, but that’s fine with me.  They used to sneak rolls of toilet paper when they visited, so one Christmas, I gave them each a 12-pack of toilet paper.  They loved it!

keepitsimplestupid's picture

The first year DH and I were together (pre-marriage) I got a really pretty light blue sweater.  Of course, I could tell it was from DH because there's no way the skids would know my size or favorite color, and the gift was wrapped with OUR wrapping paper.  LOL!  Since then, nothing, zip, zero, nada. 

Since I receive no thought during the holiday season from the skids, I return the favor.  For a few years we were married, I did the shopping and got them really nice gifts.  Not anymore.  The holidays are much more relaxing now. 

Oh!  And since I stopped visiting the skids during the holidays (and they don't come here), the "personalized calendar" gift from SD has stopped.  She'd put the date of every family member's birthday, wedding anniversary, etc in this calendar, but somehow she'd miss my birthday and our anniversary.  Funny that.  But since I'm not there to rub my face in her blatant passive-aggressive BS, the calendar is no longer DH's gift each year.

Skids ... gotta love 'em, NOT.

sandye21's picture

Yes, the gift that keeps giving for the whole year and letting you know every day that you do not exist in the Skids' world.  Just wondering what you did with it.  It might have been fun to write BIG on EVERY ONE of the months "THREE MONTHS UNTIL OUR ANNIVERSARY" and "FIVE MONTHS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY" and make sure it was in a place where she would notice it.  LOL

SD would give DH one of those calendars that she made every year.  I never put them up.  But now I wish I had.  LOL

CANYOUHELP's picture

Pancake syrup, you cannot make this mess up, can you?

I used to get the same black scarf (she must have bought a ton of these), if lucky; other times nothing, now nothing. We live in one of the hottest locations in the country.

The pancake syrup would have been more useful.

KatieM's picture

I have sensitive skin and allergies, so SS gave me the strongest smelling lotions, shower gels and and liquid handwash soaps from Bath & Body Works over the years. I had to keep it in the guest bathroom or give it away to someone who could use it. SD gave me gift cards, which she now tells DH she considers to be "cold and impersonal".

hereiam's picture

Maybe she was just crazy.

My grandmother gave weird, crazy gifts. Not out of spite or meanness, she didn't have a mean bone in her body, she was just nuts. God, I miss her, she was so fun (and funny).

robin333's picture

No Fruit. It's "Oh SD, I think you meant this for BM. It's her size, not mine".

sammigirl's picture

Or give it back to SD next Christmas; my SD could wear an XXL, no problem. This is too fun!

TwirlMS's picture

My SD36 gave me back the first gift I ever gave her, unopened. I got the message.

I gave her a gift bag the first year DH and I were engaged that contained a beautiful Swarovski Crystal ornament. Three years later, she gave it back to me. I was delighted and thanked her profusely.

hereiam's picture

Just reading all of this I get so mad at my (and everyones) DH for not slapping the heck (I don't mean physically) out of these SDs.

Exactly what I've been thinking, what do all of your husbands have to say about these passive aggressive gifts?

I mean, neither my DH nor I get anything from his daughter, so, at least we are on even turf. But if she ever gave me any of this crap or something that I had given HER, my DH would have her ass. Not that she would ever have the moxy, but....

CANYOUHELP's picture

My husband get gifts just for him; for me, nothing ever. It would be better if neither of us received gifts, but regardless my husband lets adults wipe their feet on him and makes excuses for their horrible behavior. I think he is scared of them, they tell him what to do, it does it, he never questions it.... It is my husband who needs to be slapped, they only do what he graciously allows.

KatieM's picture

I have to say opening Christmas gifts with the skids is the thing I most dread. That and the yearly family drama SD causes due to her love/hate relationships with SS and me. This year they aren't arriving until a few days after Christmas, so we'll have a nice, peaceful one. That is, unless SD phones and texts DH with drama during our holiday dinners with our friends and my family.

sammigirl's picture

Oh yes; SD won't be here for Christmas, but the texts and phone calls will be all day. I am having family and friends in all day, so I'll ignore. SD will be in town (10 miles down the road) for a week; so I'm sure it will be a week of drama. Can't wait! :sick:

notsobad's picture

KatieM and Sammigirl, you should both secretly block the skids #, just for the day and then unblock them early the next morning.

Then there won't be any calls or texts and when they come flooding in on boxing day you can feign surprise and comment on how unreliable these new cell phones are these days!
Or, if you can, put their phones on vacation mode through the provider! I can log onto our provider online and put our phones on vacation for a day, a week or a month!

sammigirl's picture

DH has his cell phone glued to his heart. He would call SD, if he didn't hear from her. I don't care if they talk all day; it really is pathetic. I enjoy the guests and ignore it.

Salems Lot's picture

A key chain that was free inside a bag of dog food.... YSD didn't have a dog. I did at the time, but it wasn't from the brand I used to buy. LOL. I still have it! LOL
At least she was thinking of me.
This was before SO moved in with me, after which I received nothing. That year YSD brought in a gift for SO which she purchased from a school rummage sale and told me she couldn't buy me anything because I wasn't a real parent.

Older skids never bought anything for their dad or I except once, OSD bought us each something the last Christmas before she was fully PAS'd.

I started taking the skids shopping for SO. I would pay for the gifts and had the skids wrap them.

The last time YSD bought something for SO on her own was 3 years ago. She brought it over a couple of weeks before Christmas. She had it hidden in her knapsack and waited for her mother to leave before taking it out and putting it under the tree. She even looked out the window to see if she actually pulled out of the driveway. I sat there and watched her. She said "That's for daddy but I couldn't put his name on it. Sorry I wasn't able to buy you something". I told her that was okay.

After that year, he received nothing. That first year YSD told us everything she bought her mom' step dad and sisters. Personally I didn't care for myself, but I felt for SO when she brought up the gifts she purchased for her step dad.

Wifeypoo's picture

Rotten meat. One year my SD sent us some steaks. Sounds great except there was no ice packs or anything to keep the meat cold...but it's the thought that counts lol. :?
About 3 years in a row she sent us a digital photo frame. Not that there's anything wrong with that but three years in a row?

Thumper's picture

What gift?

There are some people in this world I don't want a gift from.

My MIL would box up junk from her hoard. One year it was 1/2 used bottle of bubble bath with scotch tape around it.

(ok so it is the thought that counts, right).........

CANYOUHELP's picture

I think this present (half bottle of bubble bath), rates right up there with the outdated syrup and clam shell necklace.. Oh, I almost forgot the ash tray on a rope, whatcha bet the SM did not even smoke..every SM's dream.

Wow, we SM's are treated just wayyyy too good at Christmas.


notsobad's picture

My Grammie used to do this.

It wasn't out of malice, she thought she was being helpful and loving when she'd send us our care packages. Never used things but samples she'd get in the mail or from different stores.

We'd get testers from AVON, little lipsticks, perfumes, small trial packets of creams. And other more inappropriate things like panty liners, tampons, and one year condoms!
My Mom would have to open the gifts first to make sure there wouldn't be anything embarrassing on Christmas morning.

When she passed and we were cleaning out her house, she had drawers and drawers full of crappy trial, give away things. We laughed and cried.

CANYOUHELP's picture

It is sweet because she was your grammie and you knew she had you protected in her all things.

notsobad's picture

Yes, that's true. It's also the difference between someone who loves you and someone who doesn't.

sandye21's picture

Oh Yeah! I forgot about the pictures. One was a big 8 x 10 with no frame, of course. SD got more obnoxious as the years wore on. At first I found a nice frame for the picture and hung it in the living room. A few years later I hung it in the hallway. Then behind a door in the hallway. When we moved I stuck in a moving box and it miraculously disappeared. DH once asked where the picture was. I replied, "Oh, in a box somewhere." He never looked for it and I definitely won't.

This has nothing to do with SD but it seems everyone has a tight relative. My Sister used to present me with gifts which she purchased at liquidation store or grabbed from her stash in her closet. Once she gave me a blouse with so many ruffles my little head was buried. Then, there was the knit top - when I stretched my arms out the sleeves tightened like one of those little things that trap your fingers. Then there were the dusty wine glasses. LOL

sammigirl's picture

I always put SD's (loads and loads) pictures in my DH's antique memory chest. I don't have to look at them and he thinks I'm saving them for "him". I invested in a replicate antique chest and gave it to DH one year, to keep all of his kid's precious memories in; then I never have to display or look at them and he loves the idea they are tucked away for "him".

Yes, it's full and I am going to look for a bigger one or an additional one. My plan is if I am still alive, and anything were ever to happen to DH, I will immediately give all that junk back to SD, chest and all!

What a good SM I've been saving all of these family treasurers. }:)

notsobad's picture

I've been lucky, I've never gotten used things. I seem to get a scarf every year. Which isn't bad, I do wear scarfs but not a lot of thought either.
I don't read too much into it. I'm hard to buy for, I tend to just buy myself what I want when I need it.

I'm wondering what you all say when you open these crappy gifts? Is it in front of a group of people or at home alone?

I'd honestly be tempted to post it on social media, full of pictures of the new gift for DH and the used stuff for you, with description and lots and lots of passive aggressive thank you for the thoughtful gift!

sammigirl's picture

My DH has to watch his blood sugar; so low and behold SD56 and SGD 31 (mother/daughter) see that he gets a large basket of candy and sweets, addressed to DH only. What air heads!

Luckyone's picture

My SD is a smoker and at age 28 has awful wrinkles around d her mouth. She is pretty, but not for long.

sammigirl's picture

My SD has always given me yard sale stuff. Old books, with the price 50 cents still on them. Half burnt candle. Old picture frames. Stained serving platters. She even gave me a snack platter made out of a mashed whiskey bottle, UGLY. Last gift she gave was "ole" Mary Kay products from a yard sale, price 25 cents still on the bottom and they smelled old and rotten. Of course DH gets six-eight gifts under the tree that adds up to big bucks.

I say nothing, because I know my SD wants me to acknowledge and make drama out of it. I say thank you and dispose of the smelly crap.

I no longer buy any of my Skids any gifts, for any occasion; that's DH's job and has been for over seven years.

What would I like to give my SD. A banana peel on her icy door step and a trespass notice.

This year DH gave all of them a box of candy. I love it.

sandye21's picture

Sammi, the old books and stale Mary Kay beat the past-dated syrup. LOL LOL Ya, the banana peel idea sounds great. Maybe hire an ice cream truck to drive by just after the peel is placed on her porch.

CANYOUHELP's picture

The yard sale Mary Kay with the price tag .25 makes the ashtray on a rope look much better, Sammigirl.

sammigirl's picture

I get less and less of this stale crap; so maybe this year nothing; I actually hope she gets bed bugs for Christmas.

KatieM's picture

My SD brought bedbugs to our house one Christmas. We had to bring a bedbug sniffer/alert dog to our house three times to make sure they were gone. My most stressful holiday EVER!

sammigirl's picture

OMGosh; glad my SD will not be staying here. They think anywhere they stay is the "Holiday Inn", they don't even flush the toilet, just leave it for the maid. I'm so happy I disengaged and told DH, SD and family are not welcome in our home, unless he tells her she has to respect me as DH's wife.

My DH won't tell her to respect me, so she, nor her family, are allowed in our home, while I'm home. Now that we have moved away from SD, she is unable to "just stop by". So it is catching up with DH, SD, and SGD. Oh well, no respect, no visits here. DH can go to them at SGD's house, ten miles away.

Of course SD56 never is wrong and also is a beautiful princess. NOT. She is also a sun worshiper and also shows it; not pretty.

sammigirl's picture

We have to come here next week at this time and tell what we all actually got! Looking forward to it!

KatieM's picture

Looking forward to this. Replaces the sting of being marginalized with actual humor!

notasm3's picture

SS and his GF gave DH some presents last year. Of course nothing for me.

I did get a very nice gift certificate for my birthday this summer - but I would be willing to bet that DH gave SS the money to buy it. DH is always trying to foster a relationship between us.

SS30 was being very pissy about only wanting money or gift certificates. DH ignored him and bought SS a jacket and GF a robe.

I've decided that next year I will give them a gift certificate to a grocery store. DH will not know how much so I can make it be for $10 or $20. Now to decide on whether to give it from Publix or from an expensive place like Whole Foods or Fresh Market.

KatieM's picture

Anything made of plastic from the dollar store should be pitched into the garbage. Don't even donate it. On NPR there was a news story about how these deep discount stores have cheap, toxic plastics in most products. These toxic plastics produce unsafe out-gassing.

Luckyone's picture

If I ever receive a gift from SD (I won't), I will be sure to open it while standing in front of the trash bin with my foot on the pedal holding the lid open. Then drop and walk.

Thumper's picture

BUTTTT, my favorite gifts are the ones the bio's give, you know from the schools Santa Shops,


They are given with such sweetness and joy on their faces.

Such a contrast don't you think?

I would have loved that too from the skids just the same IF I was ever given anything.

PokaDotty's picture

Years ago, we used to refer to BM as fruitcake. One year for Xmas, as a super thoughtful SM, I had the girls make her fruitcake as a gift... Cracked me up for a long time. Smile

sammigirl's picture

LOL.... }:)

Salems Lot's picture

LOL I wish I would have thought of doing this! It likely would have just gone over BM's head.

amgor863's picture

It's been a rough morning for me. Stepkid issues... This thread has brought a smile to my face. Thanks to everyone for sharing.

Most of my gifts from steps have been the tokens mostly from the dollar store. One year SS19 gave me a knick knack featuring two dolphins. His parents were into sea life and my DH nickname was fish. Not sure if he meant that the previous marriage is not over or what. He claimed it meant that me and DH were now married. Due to so many issues with this kid, including insincerity, were weren't sure if he was being honest. I didn't let him ruin my Christmas. It is hurtful, however, to see him and his siblings leave with nice gifts for their friend's families...

ItsGrowingOld's picture

I've gotten, um, let's see..... nothing in the 12 years I've been with DH. Oh wait, I got a robe from DH's daughter's the first year we were together. DH picked it out and put his daughters name on it. I told him not to bother in the future and save the money.

The next year I took the girls (8 and 10 at that time) to Target to pick out items they could donate to Toys-for-Tots. I've never seen two girls more excited about shopping. We left Target and went straight to the local drop off spot. They told me they felt sooo good doing this for other kids that would otherwise get nothing.

My last good memory of christmis with these girls is 11 years ago. Sad.

Kes's picture

OMG, I haven't posted on Steptalk in the longest time, but came here today as its the festive season and always raises memories lol! One Christmas, my step daughters have me a very small bottle of speciality vinegar that had dust on it! I reckoned it had come out of NPD BM's store cupboard and they'd dredged this up as suitable to give to the wicked stepmother.

Cover1W's picture

Two years ago, SD13 (then 11) gave me a really crappy necklace she made.
She knew it was terrible, because I overheard her telling her sister that she was giving them (she made some "necklaces" and "bracelets") to people she didn't want to give a gift to. I said 'thank you' - set it aside and threw it out with the trash.

still learning's picture

2 years ago ss26 got us each a cheap christmas pen. I got one that had a christmas tree on it and Dh a snowman. ss31 got DH a puzzle of a pin up girl and took great pains to shove it right in my face after DH opened it. ss31 then said in the most Beevis and Butthead way, "Hee hee, if you want a peek at her you'll have to work for it." The puzzle sits in a corner dusty and unopened, the pens worked for a few days then were done.

TwirlMS's picture

This year I found the perfect gift for SD36. Four jars of mustard in a gift box.

I found it at Menards and immediately thought about her. Every holiday that I hosted she always went into my refrigerator and whipped up her own mustard sauce and added it to my meal, as if my meal wasn't good enough and needed her to doctor it up.

I wonder if she will get the joke. :?

(As a bonus to her requested list she sent us)

TwirlMS's picture

I had it in my car, all wrapped and when the time came, I couldn't do it :O
I don't have the snark it takes, I admit it,. I have this hope that maybe if I set a good example for her, that her eyes will be opened that I am not the enemy.

I decided that it would make me feel better to do something really nice for her, even though she doesn't deserve it. I stopped at the grocery on the way to her house and bought her a bouquet of flowers instead. I don't know when the last time anyone's ever given her flowers, since she's been divorced 4+ years.

I hope this doesn't get me ejected from the SMs anonymous club.

TwirlMS's picture

My son appreciated it. Smile We had a jar of it the next day with leftover ham at his house.
I never let on who it was originally intended for.

FieryEscape's picture

My SO has his 2 girls full time ( except every other weekend ) . I was disappointed to see he didn't encourage them to even make cards or something ( anything ) for their grandparents , aunts and uncles that we would be seeing on Xmas. They didn't give him anything either .
A do a lot for them , so even a card would of been nice , but I didn't expect anything.

As an adult , I hate getting gifts unless it's cash Or gift cards. Candles and bath and body works stuff is fine to. I hate hurting feelings so I always say I like what I get , even if I hate it. I like what I like and usually just buy whatever I want lol.

Year ago , one of the worst gifts I've ever gotten for Xmas was a shirt that was way too big and had this huge faux fur detectable collar. It was from an ex's grandparents .

I guess it really is the thought that counts lol.

It's sad that parents don't really teach their kids the joy of giving and that Xmas isn't just a gimme gimmie present grab.

sandye21's picture

"It's sad that parents don't really teach their kids the joy of giving and that Xmas isn't just a gimme gimmie present grab." Usually, I didn't get anything from SD, and that was OK with me. DH usually gave her money and never received anything either. Now I can see why she didn't learn how to give, but felt entitled to receive. She was never taught about giving. The more I read on Steptalk and look back on my own situation it is plain to see that most of the problems I had with SD stemmed from bad parenting by DH and BM.

I just wonder if many of us on this site were not exposed to divorced parents. I wasn't, and I think that was why I didn't notice the red flags. Another thing - I was taught that marriage was forever so I was too afraid of another failed marriage to take action for 20 years. Looking back, it would have been a lot easier to set boundaries early on in the marriage.

Giving is a reciprocal thing. It doesn't necessarily mean in a material way either. The greatest gift SD could have given me was tolerance and mutual respect. The greatest gift DH could have given to SD was to teach her that Christmas was about love and unselfishness.

uofarkchick's picture

I agree with you on this. But I've seen glimmers of hope. I ask a kid in WM yesterday to help me get something heavy that was at the back of a bottom shelf. He not only got it for me but put it in my cart. Bless his heart.

sammigirl's picture

Ok, what did everyone get THIS YEAR?

SGD31 brought us a nice basket of goodies; all sugar for DH, who has to check his blood sugar once every morning; so he really needed a basket full of sweets; she knows I don't care for sweets, so she got me a candle and a bottle of sanitary hand wash.

SD56 and SGD31 (mother/daughter) are junk food addicts; so they think everyone else loves baskets and baskets of sweet stuff.

Now the kicker; everything was outdated on the sweet packages and the candle that was in a tin, the tin was dented; I could not get the lid off. There was sanitary hand wash that part of the label was missing; guessing yard sale items.

SD56 showed up the day after Christmas with a gift card to go to a steak house. Not bad I must agree. So it could have been worse.

It was the thought, I know. Gift card nice, basket of sweets we can do without. It's the same gift from SGD every year.

Not complaining. Lol...

sandye21's picture

"-- a candle and a bottle of sanitary hand wash." What do you plan on doing with these gems? Maybe re-gift it back to her next year? Thanks for the laugh, Sammi. The steak dinner was nice though. I'm sure she had second thoughts about how the candle and sanitary hand wash came across to DH.

Usually I never got anything from SD, and I was happy when that happened because if she DID give me a gift it was similar to your SD. Since I've not been in her life for 6 years I can only hold on to the 'fond' memories - NOT! LOL

Miss T's picture

SS26 did not get me anything. Didn't expect anything from him, didn't want anything from him. We're sort of in a "let's pretend each other doesn't exist" mode. He got DH a pair of gloves--probably in the $20 range. DH got him a tool box--probably $50 or so--and they've been hanging out together for the past 24 hours, probably paying for one another's ski lift tickets, restaurant meals, etc. At least I hope the cheap little b*****d has been picking up the check once in awhile. Meh. Not my problem.

TwirlMS's picture

Since SD doesn't have a husband or kids, we and her brothers family are the sole recipients of her gift giving. DH and I got 3 gifts each from her. I got a couple of recycled gifts, a candle and a Christmas CD from an unknown jazz musician. It's so awkward to oh and ah after receiving obvious recycled things, when you really want to do an ewww. The 3rd thing, Christmas hand towels, I liked.

DH got three pairs of cheap looking shoes. She should have just stuck with one quality pair.
Not a good gift because a person needs to try shoes on first. I guess I should be glad she didn't drag him around town doing shoe shopping like a mini-wife.

sammigirl's picture

SD gave her Dadeeeee.....shirts for Christmas, his birthday, and Father's Day every year for God only knows how many years. They were cheap shirts, looked horrible after the first wash. I finally told DH they were not a good quality and looked bad after the first laundry. I pointed out the flaws, so he didn't think I was making it up.

DH told SD, last birthday, the shirts were not good shirts and not to buy any more of them. I was shocked, he told her. I was even standing there, when he told her, so he didn't even blame me. She has not bought him another shirt in six months; none for Christmas this year.

She bought three pair of shoes for him, from the store she was working parttime, two years ago. Two pair of them are still in the boxes in the closet. SD always buys things on multi numbers. Whatever! SD is a compulsive shopper, so guess that would explain it.

This year she bought gift cards for us; first nice gift in 20 years.

TwirlMS's picture

These cheap shoes SD gave him are going to give him blisters. The dress shoes were so stiff he couldn't get them on without a struggle.
She's the blister on the heel of my marriage, I say.

I guess I should be glad she didn't give him some odd knickknack that I would have to display in my new home. I happily got rid of a bunch of his junk in a two month long garage sale when we moved.

KatieM's picture

SS30something stayed away, so no gift exchange occurred with him this year; every year we have contingency plans for if he shows up or doesn't show up. This year he didn't respond to DH's invitation. Frankly I am relieved.

SD30something came after Christmas with SO and SGD1. We got a mediocre photo calendar (could have turned out much nicer if SD had just chosen some nicer photographs and put some effort into it) - includes photos of SGD, SD, SS, DH...excludes me entirely and will be hanging in basement if at all. Nice sweater for DH, tiny 1.6 oz container of lotion and lip moisturizer for me. Grandma and Grandpa ornaments. Scented candle, which we will burn outside next summer due to carcinogenic properties...DH has cancer, in remission.

SD is narcissistic, and since SGD was born, everything is perceived as revolving around the two of them and sometimes her SO. SD's idea of gifts are becoming limited to photo mugs, photo pillows, photo calendars, photos, and photo seasonal cards with photos of herself, SO and SGD on them. For some reason this makes me very unhappy. I'm going to have to buy a special chest to store this stuff in for DH, like one of our ST members did!

KatieM's picture

Just had a thought...I'm going to get some photo calendars, mugs, pillows and seasonal cards made, using photos of me and DH together in each photo, and these will our gifts to SD next year for SD birthday and Christmas gifts, along with cards made of same photos. See how SD likes it.

sandye21's picture

Now I can't WAIT for Christmas. LOL LOL It just never occurred to me before but wouldn't it be great to give them the same type of gifts they got for us? Can you imagine the expression on their little faces? LOL

notasm3's picture

I've never gotten anything for Christmas from SS30. Last summer for my birthday I got a GC to a manicure place that I go to. Very nice, but I would bet money that DH gave him the money and told him to do it. SS would have no clue where I get my nails done. (and it's not something I do on a regular basis).

SS30 never gave DH anything until he hooked up with current GF who has a job, house and car. Two years ago DH got a picture of them that he never brought in the house. I found it in the car. I put it aside and tossed it when we moved. Last year DH got a knife which he liked. Nothing for either of us this year that I know of. I know I got nothing - if DH got anything I haven't seen it. I would never ask.

I honestly don't care at all. I'd rather they not get me anything.

marblefawn's picture

My husband exchanged gifts with his family first and I heard one relative gave everyone fancy soaps.

A few days later, when it was time for us to exchange with SD alone at our house, she unwrapped the new computer case she asked for. Then she ran upstairs and came back down with a "gift" for me: that damn bar of regifted soap "wrapped" in the computer case she'd just opened from us. I took the soap out of her new case, baffled, and she immediately put out her hand for me to give back the case.


sandye21's picture

OMG!!!  Wasn't that sweet?  One of the posters asked what our DH's reaction was when we opened these gems.  Maybe I was too stunned and too intent on being nice and not ruining Christmas, but I  don't recall any embarrassment on DH's part at all.  Oh well - I'm the one who received the best 'lasting gift' because I haven't seen SD's sorry a$$ for a very long time.  LOL

Really glad this post was resurrected - had a good laugh.  We'll have to do this again.

marblefawn's picture

Next year's another year! A whole new chance for me to win this Battle of the Brats !!!!!!!

Major Blunder's picture

SD 26 gives gifts and does try and put thought into it ( remember she's the major drug addict ) , this past chirstmas she got me a child's size throw blanket with Captain America on it (since I like comic books ), no gifts for any other occassion.  On a regular basis she shows up at our house with stuff she has (found???) and tries to give some of it to us, I refuse as they are either stolen or retrived from a dumpster or some weird swap she has done with gawd knows who.

The last gift that SD 20 got me was christmas two years ago, a Walking Dead Desk Calendar (one of those little ones) wrapped in the bag from the discount store.  This past christmas nothing but DW got a piece of wood with "Best Mom Award" written on it in glitter pen.No gifts for any other occassion or acknowledgement for that matter.

Any decent gifts I ever got was due to their mother when they were younger, now I just hope to not have to see them on holidays or any day for that matter, that's the gift that keeps on giving !!!!!!

Mountains's picture

The first year we were married, we got the one joint Christmas gift (none since) and it was a Christmas wreath made out of used shotgun shells.  Well, TSA had a field day with it (this was several years ago not long after 9/11) wouldn’t fit in our suitcase and we couldn’t leave it at her house, she insisted we take it on the TSA confiscated it.  I sent a nice thank you and never said a word to her about what happened. 

sandye21's picture

You can't make this stuff up!!!  LOL LOL

CANYOUHELP's picture

Now, there are some doosie gifts described here, but this one and the sequence of events which followed--- made me laugh out loud. Hilarious.

notasm3's picture

Since the hideous home invasion while we were on vacation in March 2017 I have banned SS33 and his GF from my life 100%.  Prior to that I always arranged presents for SS, the GF and their child.  Nada now.  Nothing for any of them from me.

DH did get a $20 present for the GC and the same for his son at Christmas time.  I don't think he got the POS GF anything.  He loves his POS son because he is his son - the GF - well no.

I don't think DH has received anything for Christmas, his birthday or now Father's Day.  He certainly has never even gotten a phone call.  SS and the GF are MAJOR PISSED that I no longer want anything to do with them.  Not because they give a "you know what" about me - but because they want to use my things - my lake vacation home, my vacation home and my 3 timeshares.  They are taking this out on DH.  Too bad so sad.

Trying to be WIse's picture

SD35 gave her FATHER, my DH, a handmade little card that said her Christmas gift was the gift of "presence." Meaning, she would try to be more present in his life. Um...yeah. That's called being a daughter and loving your dad. That's not a gift, cookie.

marblefawn's picture

My husband never comes home with anything from SD on gift-giving holidays. She used to send him cards, but now it's always freebie "electronic cards."

I miss the paper cards she got him. One day I found a box of them he'd kept for years and read a bunch. Without fail, she always writes that she turned out so well because of him!

WOW! Half a compliment for him, and TWO self compliments for her! Sooooo classic SD.

Mountains's picture

Christmas Eve 2016 we received a box from World Market.  Inside was a tin of shortbread and the receipt.  The cookies were $2.99 and the shipping $4.99 ... no gift message just the receipt with SD name and address on it.  I sent a lovely thank you note with a PS that said "I am enclosing the receipt that was in the box in case you need it for your credit card records."  The tin of cookies sat on the counter until DH finally threw them out. 

Livingoutloud's picture

we never ever receive anything from SDs. 

Suemm44's picture

First Christmas his daughter put 4 cookies in a container and they were old. Next yr she gave us a banana bread and when we ate a piece it almost gagged us. We both hollered out omg and said it absorbed all our spit. I think she added poison !!!! Now it's gift cards thank goodness 

mother not to be's picture

One holiday my husband was talking on the phone to his daughter.  He asked me what size shoe do you wear, 7 I said.  I thought I guess I'm getting shoes from SD.

I got:  two left foot slippers a size to big,lol

I concluded that SD made a mistake by buying someone else who wears a size 8  2 left foot slippers and thought to dump them on me!!!