Loving Your Stepchild Like Your Own?
I find myself in weird places often times whenever my future wife (get married 10/22) shares things about her her son (3) with me.. I get excited but I don't have that "awe, my baby" feeling. We often discuss our future child that we will plan on having in about 3 years from now and I know for a fact that I will be in love with this child before he/she is born... does that make me a bad person for "possibly" loving my own child more than hers? I sometimes get down about the fact that she already has one, like somebody (esp a man) beat me to the punch and I've opened up about it. I just wish I could've been first...at any rate, this is my reality.. I've fallen in love with a woman who has a child and will be spending the rest of my life with her......and this child. Just wanna know is a real in love bond possible with him or is it impossible?
thanks for that
thanks for that
I love my SDs. I really do.
I love my SDs.
I really do. They cause me to pull out my hair sometimes and DH can drive me up the wall with his "parenting" style but they are good kids.
But like "my own?" No.
I don't have kids, never wanted them.
I love them like I love my niece.
I care about them but they aren't mine.
I can give them support and patience and listen to them but I'm not mom or dad.
It sounds like you've found
It sounds like you've found your place. I look forward to finding mine...maybe im too hard on myself and pressuring my own self... goodness. I guess i just want to be right for my fiance and whenever you get with someone with a child, you have to accept and love that child IF you love them.
I'll keep the champagne on deck for sure
It sounds like you've found
It sounds like you've found your place. I look forward to finding mine...maybe im too hard on myself and pressuring my own self... goodness. I guess i just want to be right for my fiance and whenever you get with someone with a child, you have to accept and love that child IF you love them.
I'll keep the champagne on deck for sure
It's like I do love him and
It's like I do love him and watch out for him...making sure he isn't hurting himself or is in any danger. But it's like I do things for him on the strength of her. Some mothers told me that, that isn't enough..that Im supposed to have a relationship with him of my own but I do struggle with this. Its so many barriers in my mind like for one his father....I cant stand his ass & I'm struggling with separating the two. I keep having to remind myself that the child is his own person, not his father. But thats a whole nother can of worms... I thank you so much for taking time out to write me back.
I have to say in all honesty,
I have to say in all honesty, the BD is not a jerk...however sometimes he can be an asshole to her when it comes to arrangements but they always work through it. No drama, no bs.... so to answer your question it is the fact that he is MALE and a former lover...who knows her in ways that I am still learning to know. I have started seeing someone because I struggle with this a great deal and I do want to be free from it. I know that I don't want anyone else.... maybe once my ill feelings for him clears then I wont have any negative feelings about the situation at all.
I just know that every time I look at the child, I think of the father. I want that to truth to be done.
I'm new to this site, could
I'm new to this site, could you please tell me what a POS and DW is? I feel dumb for asking but I really want to follow! LOL
But I am trying to constantly remind myself that the baby didnt ask to be here nor did he ask for me to be in his life. I hope he turns out okay and I just want to be happy in my marriage. NO drama from the guy however he avoids me at all cost, it just eats at me sometimes...well all the time actually that he HAS to be around.
POS = piece of shite DW =
POS = piece of shite
DW = darling/dear wife
Others you'll see are
DH = darling/dear husband
PAS = parent alienation syndrome
SD/SS = stepson/stepdaughter
BD/BS = bio son/bio daughter
BD or BF = bio dad or bio father, sometime boyfriend, depends on the context
SO = significant other
Hope that clears things up a bit.
I love my step-kids like a
I love my step-kids like a close friends kids. Definitely not like my own.
okay yes POS! I love it and
okay yes POS! I love it and will be using it often
thank you!
Some people are capable of
Some people are capable of loving other children just like their own. Some aren't. Some are only capable if there is no interference from the bioparents, some are capable no matter what, and some just don't. All of those permutations are okay as long as there's no abuse of mistreatment.
I'm sure we all have people who "love us like their own" despite not being related to us. I had Jewish next door neighbors that were "grandpa and grandma" to me and my sister, who loved us far beyond my (crazy) paternal grandmother was ever capable of. My language teacher is like a second mom to us as well.
I am awkward around other people's children, period. They like me, but I still feel super disconnected. Mine I adore and think are the best things since sliced bread. That's okay. I think the issue though is if her child calls you mom... he might expect to be treated the same as your biochild. It would hurt the kid, especially one so young, if he feels a difference when he is expected to treat you the way your child is expected to treat you.
That's my only warning and if you know you will feel differently, it might be worth having her child call you something else as to not cause that kind of painful confusion.
Gosh that last thing you said
Gosh that last thing you said is real. It makes me so sad... I mean I know I have it in me to be a great mom to him, just need to do some emotional growing up and learn to separate him from his father.
Just keep in mind, hon, that
Just keep in mind, hon, that you are not his mother. He has a mother and a father and it's not you. I read that she has her child call you mom? You might have her check her CO to see if there is anything in there that prohibits calling spouses mom or dad. Are you comfortable with it?
You are right, I just try to
You are right, I just try to see myself as support. But i'm fine with it....just want it to feel more surreal than what it is. Maybe its something I can grow into with him...
Oh.... I understand. I am a
Oh.... I understand. I am a childless SDad. I have no BKs. I fell madly in love with my bride and by association with my Skid (SS-24)too. He was 15mos old when we met and we married the week before he turned 2yo. I realized very early that to spend my life with this amazing woman I would have no choice but to accept her son as my own and raise him as my own.
It worked out fine... however..... I experienced what I refer to as a mammalian withdrawal response from him periodically while we were dating and in the very early years of our marriage. It was not a rational thing, it was purely visceral. I did not like those feelings and my reaction to him during those episodes …. So… I fixed it. He, his mom, and I became the 3 Musketeers. We became a family in every sense of the work except paternal biology... Biology is over rated and many believe that to spawn a child is to be a parent. Nope, parenting is not biologiccal, it is behavioral IMHO.
Contrary to what many believe… love is not a feeling or an emotion. Love is action. Take the actions of love and the feelings will grow. This is a Steven Covey perspective that was the most important point I got out of reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People decades ago.
I cannot definitively or categorically state that I feel about my Skid (now adopted at his request) the same way I would feel about a biospawn. However, I do love him as my own. I chose those feelings when I chose to take the actions of love. They took some time to build but they grew large and strong. My son (Former SS-24) asked me to adopt him last year. So, we got paperwork that documents what has seems to have always been absolute fact... I am his dad. My actions... and his... made me his dad. The feelings grew for both of us due to those actions.
Don’t beat yourself up about your feelings. However, take the actions of love (hold his hand, read him bedtime stories, take walks with the kid and your bride swinging the kid between you as you walk, teach him to swim, go to his school functions, etc, etc, etc…..) . Treat him as your own… he will be yours. When you and DW have children of your own together……. Then you will know one way or the other… until them… grow the feelings with action. IMHO it can do nothing but make your experience as a parent that much better whether you have children of your own or not.
Good luck.
This was FANTASTIC feedback.
I do have a question though, was the child's father involved at all in his life? I want to believe that he wasn't because you eventually adopted the child. If he wasn't involved and around at all, could that be the reason everything flowed differently? If he was in the picture, did it affect you with developing this bond at all?
Yes. The SpermIdiot was
Yes. The SpermIdiot was always involved in my son's life and still is though on a very limited basis. My wife got a court judgment awarding her sole physical and legal custody before SS turned 1yo. She left the state shortly after that for university. We met a few months after that. When the small town grapevine in my bride’s home town reported that my bride was dating someone SpermGrandHag filed for change of custody in the SpermIdiot’s name and a nearly yearlong tit for tat battle began.
Ultimately we won. The judge issued that revised CO two weeks after we married. My bride retained full physical and legal custody and the SpermIdiot was awarded long distance visitation. Until my son reached school age visitation was 9wks per year (6wks summer, 1wk fall, 1wk winter, 1wk spring). When he began kindergarten it dropped to 7wks (5wks summer, 1wk winter, 1wk spring). That schedule held, for the most part, until SS aged out from under the CO when he turned 18. The SpermClan missed a number of visitations due to their idiot financial decisions over the years. When a number of visitations had been missed (usually 2-3) we would gladly pay for the entire airfare for him to visit his SpermClan. I made a commitment to my bride (and to the kid) when we married that I would never deny him a relationship with his bio-paternal clan. And… we never did.
My son made his adoption decision based on his own experience with his BioDad and the rest of the SpermClan and with his experience with me, his mom, and our extended family. My parents accepted him as their own on day one, my brother is his uncle and his closest cousins are my brother’s kids. Again… it is about the actions of love. This paternal-bio clan have had little to do with him since he turned 18 other than to badger him for money periodically to help raise the three younger also out of wedlock SpermIdiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas. He does see them occasionally though rarely though that is entirely at his own volition and on his dime. They don’t give a crap enough to fly him out for a visit.
I believe that this philosophy is a way to optimize relationships between Skids and Sparents regardless of the situation with the counter bio-parent in the blended family opposition and the situation with the opposition clan. If my Skid’s SpermClan had been reasonable, we would have treated them reasonably. Since they were toxic regardless of how we interfaced with them we did not tolerate any crap from them and brought the pain (legally, socially, etc….) when they gave us no choice.
Yes, the toxic crap dribbled on the Skid during SpermLand visitation did effect the relationship between my son, my wife, and I though not critically. His reaction to toxic SpermClan manipulations was more often than not confusion. He did not understand why I was not his REAL dad when SpermGrandHag would spout her toxic crap. He would get upset about his mom and I taking money from his younger half sibs and them not having nice things or enough food (more SpermGrandHag toxic manipulation). We addressed it with fact in an age appropriate manner. When he was little we just told him that he had two dads and that we did not take money from his Daddy (BioDad's) family. As he got older we gave him more of the facts including going through the CO with him showing him that the visitation and CS was court ordered and not his mom or I being mean, going over the CS balance sheet showing exactly what the facts were regarding how much CS was paid, and eventually during court battles when he was in his teens we opened the entire Custody/Visitation/Support archive (a file cabinet and half full) including SpermIdiot arrest records, divorce records, drug offenses, Private Investigator reports, court recordings, call logs, outstanding medical bills not paid by the SpermIdiot, etc, etc, etc.... When he was 22 and made the choice to ask me to adopt him he had lived his blended family life for 20 years and was fully aware and informed on the sitaution and all of the players.
So, take the actions of a caring and loving parent…. That is what you will be to the kid and the kid will be yours in all ways but biology.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.
I have stepkids but no
I have stepkids but no children of my own. I love my stepkids, but I imagine if I DID have kids of my own, that there would be a somewhat deeper emotional bond.
That being said, while you may have a deeper love for your biological child, I think all children in the home should be treated the same (to the extent possible). I don't mean everything is always precisely equal, but a child in the home should not ever feel like a 2nd class citizen.