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Princess Ignored her father on Father's Day

catsmom01's picture

He didn't get a card, a phone call, a text...nothing. He took her out for mother's day to dinner, bought her a plant...I was sure he'd at least get a card but what do I know.

Seems she's punishing him I guess. She's mad because she wants him to pay off her $9,000 in student loans. My boyfriend thinks she has defaulted and they're intercepting her tax return from her part-time job. She texted him about it, wanted to come see him to talk about him paying it off, but wanted to do it when I wasn't around. LOL. This is the only time she's ever wanted to stop by. He didn't respond to the text, so she never stopped by. I was home anyway. LOL.

hereiam's picture

How does he feel about not hearing from her on Father's Day? I hope he was not too hurt and knows the reason why.

She really needs to grow up.

catsmom01's picture

He was very hurt. She has a kid, so...she has a lot of power to wield. Ever since she had a kid, the government and family has given, given, given even more so than they normally did for her. She just expects it now. She's even more entitled.

Bethany's picture

I have a similar situation--only SD is 36 and is FURIOUS with us for telling her we don't support her getting pregnant by an unemployed man who has no car, no education and was fired over 2 years ago. In the meantime, he now has a toddler by another woman and JUST had a newborn by ANOTHER. Got SD pregnant 8 weeks after the newborn, but she lost it. Insanity! SD already has a child by ANOTHER man and she refuses to get any child support from him as "they're friends". Of course, WE have been footing the bill. NO MORE. She totally ignored him on Father's Day. Disengage. No texts, no phone....nothing. My husband supports me in disengaging. I know he;s hurt, but he also helped create this monster by paying her way. She also blew through an 85,000 inheritance in 2 years! We are DONE.

In thinking about it, a 36 year old woman IGNORING her Dad on Father's Day??? He payed her way,co-signed a car loan (which she pays LATE) and she acts like THIS????

I so hear you.

sammigirl's picture

I have a SGGD8 that is already this spoiled; it should be stopped when they understand the word "no" at approximately 1 year old.

Daddy's can't say "no" to their DD's. I've accepted the fact that it will not happen generation after generation in our family.

catsmom01's picture's much easier to discipline a toddler and teach them the meaning of the word NO than it is a 24 y.o...who has a kid of her own!!!

catsmom01's picture

Very true. My boyfriend's son is also punishing his father...refuses to take his calls and hasn't spoken to him since November. My bf has no clue why. This is a 28 y.o. acting this way.

catsmom01's picture

Yup. He supported his ex 100% and she never worked even before they had any kids. When they divorced as part of the settlement he bought his ex and her new boyfriend a place to live. They've never had a mortgage payment. Must be nice!

catsmom01's picture

You're darn right it should have been stopped a long time ago but DADDY just COULDN'T bring himself to discipline her. Princess is 24 and has only gotten worse since having her kid.

Plus princess is a recovering drug addict. Everyone around her lives in fear of upsetting her because she may get mad at them, ditch them, not speak to them, withhold the grandkid, and go back to using. They have to keep her happy and tell her what she wants to hear.

Daddy isn't playing that game and she's punishing him.

thinkthrice's picture

Sounds like the entitlement of the Girhippo. She "forgot " to report that she raided all 3 skids college funds that Chef alone had paid into for her greedy self on her taxes. Then tried to stick Chef with the back taxes, penalties and interest. She asked Chef if he "wanted to go for coffee" IOW she wanted to manipulate him into paying when I wasnt there. At the time I was completely supporting Chef due to crushing CS that he was guilted in to OVERpaying.

HELL, no. Especially after I did a years worth of back and forth paperwork with the IRS (innocent spouse) to get him out of that jam. She saw every letter of paperwork I did ( this was their last joint return) and said NOTHING for a year; then swooped in to get him to pay the amount settled on after all my hard work and aggravation.

To my horror, Chef was vascilating in the face of the Amazonian Girhippo; telling me "well we can pay it $50 a month!!!!!"
I put my foot down and demanded that she send the amount in full to my address made out to the US Treasury. ( I didnt trust her to send it in directly) Wouldnt ya know she EASILY whipped up a cheque for that amount due to her moneybags family.

notsobad's picture

My exH cashed in joint RSPs, don't get me started on how he was able to do it without my input, and used the money to pay the GST owed by his business.

When my lawyer questioned him he said he thought they were his alone. His lawyer actually shook her head and said no, ex, RSPs even in your name only are joint property. He had to write me a cheque for my half and he was the one who had to pay the taxes. I got the money tax free, it's nice when you see Karma at work.

catsmom01's picture

Good luck to you. He almost paid for her to go to college but had a feeling how it would end up and he was right... she failed out first semester. I know...I hope princess keeps punishing him for a long time! Lol.