adult sd has a very hard time keeping a boy friend. the men she dates its a catalogue of disasters. she puts out quickly and then gets heart broken when the young man up and leaves. i guess bm never taught her the lesson on prudence in dating and relationships, and having pride in yourself as a young lady.
she has bad manners and wears flip flops/thongs every where, even dining in a nice restaurant. men in ties, and there she is in rubber footwear.
after valentines day, she visited dh and me. dh gave me chocolates as a gift in a fancy red velvet box. obviously a valantines gift. i had it in the cupboard and out of sight.
crass sd comes over and starts to rummage through our food because she is hungry and does not ask permission. after all she is an adult and does not live with us. she no longer lives here because i asked her to leave after she told me to go to hell to my face.
she comes across my box of chocolate and proceeds to open it up, exclaiming how good them look and starts popping them into her mouth. i was so stunned that i said nothing as she took several of the chocolates and ate them.
did she bother to ask? crass. no manners. and she wonders why young men are not impressed with her after a few dates.
Hahahaha! Chocolate ExLax
Hahahaha! Chocolate ExLax FTW!
What an awesome piece of
What an awesome piece of advice! I always find myself wishing I had said something I think of AFTER something happens and kicking myself for not saying it in the moment. THANK YOU!
This hits so close to home.
This hits so close to home. SD 26, when the household has something she likes she thinks its all for her. Some examples I bought a 5 pound bag of Cuties (tangerines) DH had none. BS had 2 I packed in his lunch. BD had 3 she packed in her lunches over a few days. I had 2. SD ate the remainder in 3 days. Last bag of Cuties I bought she ate the whole bag except 3 BS ate. 2 days. She bought a bag dad probably reimbursed her, ate all but 2 in 1 day. At dinner she searches for the biggest piece of meat she may even eat 2 pieces. She out eats BS 17 all of the time. She did the same thing with apples a few months ago wth...
She has been working on getting into shape for the police dept and has lost weight but before that she would drink 2 gallons of milk in 3 days. I stop buying it. DH buys it now.
She eats whatever she wants that I buy and she buys her special food or treats and hogs it all herself. She hordes Top Raman noodles (SP)? Like I would even eat/serve that crap. don't mean to offend anyone but I can't stand that stuff...
I love some Raman!!!
I love some Raman!!!
"Is this about slut shaming
"Is this about slut shaming or do you have an adult step child living with you when your husband should have kicked her out of the nest? Sounds like your HUSBAND is the issue."
these solutions are
these solutions are hilarious!
its not that i have no backbone to say anything. i just want her to make herself fat and more miserable. let her self esteem take a plunge. she can eat all the chocolates she wants. in all the years she lived with us when bm kicked her out when she turned eighteen she gave me nothing but misery. and she still worships bm.
why should i help her by pointing out the result of bad manners and gorging on chocolates. people will laugh at you and men will be turned off. let her keep on the way she is so she alienates herself from people.
this is worth even more than a gallon of prune juice.
i am glad i kept me silence. i said to myself keep eating dearie. the more the better.