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Another ruined weekend

goldieRet's picture

Ladies, I am so sad and angry that all my weekends are being ruined.

On Friday DH picked up SS with a plan to talk to him about the text exchange during the drive. SS instead got into the backseat, put on his headphones and pretended to sleep the whole way home. DH even stopped at side of the road but SS refused to come to the front. DH said he couldn’t do anything short of yanking SS out physically. But how things are right now, he just let it slide.

Then there was an accident so it took them almost 2 and a half hour to get here. SS was pissed off to put it mildly. The rest of the evening he was barking at DH for everything. Then he said he forgot his toothbrush and underwear. This used to drive me crazy even when we used to do weekly visitation. SS would always forget stuff. But now DH can’t just drive to BM’s house and pick them up. So he runs out to buy what SS is missing. And the whole times SS is treating me and DS like ghosts and was only interacting with DD.

When DH gets back I tell him that SS is being very rude to DS and me by ignoring us. DH questions SS about it and SS just snaps saying he is tired. And DH leaves it at that, giving me a look like what else can he do.

Early Saturday morning I get woken up suddenly by SS yelling “I don’t want it.” This was because DH was giving SS the puppy for the hour of alone time that DH and I agreed to. Saturday was already turning out to be a bad day.

We all get in the car to go for breakfast and SS is still pouting from the puppy thing. Then a song comes on that DH and SS always sing along to with goofy voices. So DH thought he would lighten the mood and do the sing along. But then DS and DD join in and SS gets PISSED OFF. He yells out saying, “This was OUR thing!” DH immediately stops singing and looks super guilty. And my poor kids feel bad about it too. I was really angry by then. I clearly said, “SS, you can’t stop people from having fun.”

No response from SS. If I wasn’t driving I would have turned around and strangled him and DH. We drove the rest of the way without talking anymore. And even at breakfast it was really awkward for everybody. Another experience was ruined.

The rest of Saturday SS and DH spent doing bowling and ice skating. DH asked if my kids wanted to go along and they did but I thought maybe DH and SS should get some alone time. And they had a good time because DH was in a really good mood when they got back and SS was talking to DS again. But DH said he didn’t bring up the text more than once with SS because SS would just walk away and get mad.

On Sunday DS and DD were invited to a friend’s birthday party. So SS gets angry again. And he refused to go even though the friend’s mother said he was more than welcome. He told DH that it wasn’t fair that he has to miss out on stuff with his friends but DS and DD don’t. DH told SS that he would drive him back for any parties but SS said he doesn’t want to waste his weekends driving. DH got frustrated and asked SS what he wanted then. SS didn’t give any answer.

To make him feel better, DH took SS to Kung Fu Panda 3 which they both enjoyed. I was going to take DS and DD today to get half price tickets. When they got back DS and DD were home and playing with the puppy.

SS sees them playing with the puppy and his mood instantly flips. He calls DS stupid for baby-talking to the puppy. DS turns around and says that SS is just jealous that the puppy likes him more. SS gets even more mad and then proceeds to ruin the ending of Kung Fu Panda for all of us.

DS got so upset he actually cried. DH made SS to apologize but it was too late. DS is not as excited anymore for the movie today even though it is his favorite.

Everyone went to bed angry. I couldn’t wait until DH drove SS back. I work like a dog on the weekdays and live for the weekends. But I can’t even get some peace on the weekends now.

hereiam's picture

I understand this kid is hurting, however, he's been given way too much power. He is getting the attention he craves, even if it's negative.

Everybody just needs to carry on as usual, SS will either get tired of being the odd guy out and join in, or keep pouting, but everybody else's lives (and fun) do not have to stop.

DH and the kids should have kept singing and having a good time. Everyone should have went on with breakfast as if nothing happened and enjoyed their meal and each others company. Include SS in conversations and the fun but if he does not respond or responds negatively, ignore. Keep acting natural, trying to include him but also trying not to let his bad behavior affect the whole family. It's not easy, I know, and it takes practice.

He got mad about the party and missing things at home, your DH offered a compromise, SS declined. DH should have dropped it. He needs to stop asking SS what he wants when he doesn't get HIS way. His way is not the only way and he does not have the final say. He doesn't want to be driven back for parties or whatever, fine, that's the end of it. And by not saying anything when your DH asks him what he wants, he does feel like he has the power. He is holding your DH hostage, emotionally.

He may have started out just reacting to the hurt of not seeing his dad as often but he's learning that he has a lot of control and has people on pins and needles.

goldieRet's picture

You put it perfectly hereiam. We are giving too much power to SS over how he makes us feel. Unfortunately, the pretending to be normal thing would only work if DH was on the same page. Without him helping me, I really don’t think it would work.

hereiam's picture

True, everybody is going to have to be on the same page; your kids, too.

Try to get your DH to see that it might be the best way to get his son interacting again, in a positive way. He has to take the power (and the victim mentality) away.

goldieRet's picture

In that moment no, I did not ask DS to apologize. SS was being mean to DS and making fun of him, which caused DS to say what he did. Within moments DS was in tears about the movie. I did tell DS on Monday that SS is going through a lot of feelings right now and try to see it from him his perspective.

HRNYC, I see you are still trying to make me out to be a evil stepmother.

Please put down the disney movies and stop accusing me of trying to chase SS away. I have always cared for him and still do. But his behavior lately is making me very frustrated.

goldieRet's picture

Of course I understand why he thinks it's unfair. I never once said it wasn't. But the reality of the situation is what it is.

Again, please tell me what I should do (me personally), to make this situation better. This is not a sarcastic question. I asked this same question of you in my last post and you conveniently ignored it.

Since you think I am the cause of all this, please enlighten me.

goldieRet's picture

That is a perfectly good point. DH picks SS directly from school and always asks SS if he has everything. Maybe from now on he should go through the bag before leaving.

But my main argument with you is when you originally said this,

"But soon enough the SS will cut down his visits, then OP can be happy."

Why do you say that? Why do you accuse me of being an evil stepmother?

Indigo's picture

Not suggesting DH physically go through the bag, merely ask the questions all parents ask: "Toothbrush, check. Deodorant, check. Change of clothes, check. Homework, check. Violin, check. Swimsuit, check. Underwear, check." All of us. Parents have this mental checklist and many of us, literally run through it with our kids as they move through multiple activities and houses.

Because they are KIDS. Their prefrontal lobe cortex's not fully developed, which is why they are kids! Child not having adequate items to move though his weekend is you DH's responsibility. This sets the SS up to be uncomfortable, unprepared and virtually guarantees a horrible time by many.

goldieRet's picture

That is what he does. And SS says yeah yeah to all of them. Maybe physically checking is what he needs to do.

Stepped in what momma's picture

The kid is 13 YO ffs, if he can't pack himself by now then what is daddy cakes going to do, drive him home to get his stuff that he forgot?

goldieRet's picture

Thank you for the support anotherstep. I do not know what I did to piss HRNYC so much.

goldieRet's picture

DH moved to make himself happy too. He makes extra money that he can save for SS. And by the way, my own children see their father far less than SS does. They did not get their way.

And do I sound very happy right now?

goldieRet's picture

I'm just going to stop responding to you after this. It's clearly not just me who has an issue with you.

twoviewpoints's picture

" So he runs out to buy what SS is missing. And the whole times SS is treating me and DS like ghosts and was only interacting with DD. "

"When DH gets back I tell him that SS is being very rude to DS and me by ignoring us. DH questions SS about it and SS just snaps saying he is tired. And DH leaves it at that, giving me a look like what else can he do."

I'd have thought after the locking himself in his room stunt, you'd of learned. Dad leaves house, SS goes with him

At least SS interacted some with your daughter this time. Can I ask what BD did or didn't do to get 'positive' attention from SS during this stretch of time?

goldieRet's picture

I think I am at a stage where I don't even care anymore. I know SS wouldn't get into the car. Why deal with the frustration of seeing DH trying to force him you know?

SS always got along better with DD. I'm not sure why. DS gets sad about it sometimes. But some people connect better than other sometimes.

Stepped in what momma's picture

^^^ I agree ^^^ DH needs to take SS EVERYWHERE with him so they can spend the TIME together that SS is demanding.

goldieRet's picture

Even if SS stopped coming over, the dark cloud would still be here because of DH. DH will never be happy if SS stopped coming. I am going to push DH into getting SS into counselling. I don't see how else it can get better.

Amcc13's picture

Goldie everytime I see your posts my heart breaks a little. I don't know how you keep going through all this.
Ss has way too much power and your dh does need to step up. It's getting to break point for you and your children where you all can't even be in the house together and you will not want stepson in house. Things are no win no matter what you do- I mean invited to party not good enough, will be driven home not good enough. This kid just wants cause trouble. I get that he is hurting and feels excluded and that is why he is lashing out (song thing was very poignant) but enough already - why should you and your kids endure that?

I think if it were me I would do something in the following vein ; you can take from this what you want

Confront dh. Tell him ss power play has gone on long enough. He will step up and parent ss he will sit him in the kitchen till he explains the text and confronts his attitude - no more I tried to talk to him or what can I do scenarios. You don't want anyone to have to endure this any longer.
If he doesn't do this, extreme disengage yourself and your children and the puppy from ss when he is there. By extreme, I mean it , don't be in the house: take puppy for walks To park, visit friends, take your children to movies or events, heck take them to library . When you are in house give your children and yourself permission to treat ss like a ghost. None of you respond to him none of you engage with him, do nothing for him. Until such time that ss attitude improves or dh starts to parent continue this cycle. And take the door off his room so he can't lock himself in with puppy like last time.
Basically make things so difficult for dh that he has to step up. And why shouldn't you enjoy your weekends with your kids? Take them off have fun leave the spooky brat and his slave to his own devices

I am afraid that is the best advice I have to give Hun. I am thinking of you and I hope you can sort things a bit more

BlackDragon's picture

Usually I only lurk on this forum. But your stepkid is breaking my heart.

Your step son is not being a manipulative butt to get more privileges, more toys, special dinners, etc. He is experiencing a serious identity crisis. He is not jealous of your kids - he is aware that he is being replaced by them.

Your kids have a pretty sweet situation with SS's father. They have a good father figure in the house 100% of the time. He's good with your kids. He coaches their teams. Heck, they even call him "dad".

But your husband is not your kids' father - he is SS's father,and you and your kids need to RESPECT that.

It is disrespectful of SS and his sacred relationship with his father for other kids to call him "dad". It is disrespectful of SS to hand him the c**p End of the deal with his own father and expect him to "just deal". It is not SS's fault that his parents divorced and remarried - it's not right that he is the only one having to make sacrifices.

You stated SS gets on better with your DD than your DS. That is because your DD is not a threat - your son is the one replacing SS in his father's life.

Please get this poor kid some therapy before his fear and anger consumes him. Your DH could use some therapy to learn how to better understand his son and how to constructively deal with his feelings.

And as for what you can do? Look, I know you're probably pretty happy with the Brady Bunch thing you have going on with your kids and your husband when SS is not there. But the Brady Bunch thing is killing SS right now. Scale back on the family stuff on the weekends and give SS some respectful distance. The best thing you can do is respect SS as his own person with his own needs - needs that might not mesh right now with your idea of what your family should look like right now.

BlackDragon's picture

I suggested therapy and that she respect her SS's feelings and his place in his own father's life.

Why so defensive?

BlackDragon's picture

What did I say that was insulting? I only presented the situation as I believe OP's SS is seeing it. I never accused anyone of anything, other than perhaps blind oversight.

I'm not going to get into a stupid flame war, so this will be my last post. I only felt the need to post out of concern for this kid.

OP, if you take nothing else from this ...eclectic mix, let it be this:

Urge your husband to get this kid therapy. He is hurting.

sickofitall's picture

I am mostly a lurker too but I will say SS is a manipulative brat. This "sacred" father son relationship thing is bull. He has been calling his SD dad from before this. Seems hypocritical to me

BlackDragon's picture


luv2luv's picture

Goldie I think the reason you're being accused by some of being callous is because you seem to struggle with empathy for your SS.

You and your DH made a call that seeing him less < better jobs. That's fine. You can decide for your family how much time one child should give up for the betterment of the other two. I know you said only 20 days over the year but in the school year it's far more. When it goes from 50/50 to 6 days a month that is a lot of time to lose with your dad, and summer vacation is light years away. So while I get that you and DH think the time given up doesn't matter I can see how the kid thinks it does.

All I am saying is I can see from his point of view how you and DH are definitely working to create a new family without him. You guys have this new life that is awesome and definitely does not include him since he is only there for 6 days a month now. Your kids get the sole benefit of having his father 100% of the time. And I know he has a step father but maybe he wants his bio father not his step father. I get that your kids love both but not everyone feels that way about steps.

That doesn't mean he gets to keep acting like a brat forever. He gets to be sad because even as a grown ass woman knowing my dad chose his skids' financial betterment over seein me would sting. But he will need to do what we all need to , find a way to cope. So I think therapy will be very helpful and you should definitely push your DH go take him to it.

goldieRet's picture

I think my frustration with the situation is being interpreted as being callous. That is not true. I do empathize with SS. It is why I have put up with so much disrespect for so long. If we had known that he had any issue with the move we would not have done it. DH needs to save a lot for SS’s college costs. And my new job would have allowed him to do that as well take me from a hostile workplace. But all the issues came up several months after the move. After we bought a house, made my kids switch schools, and after DH got a new job here. We cannot just move back. We would lose thousands of dollars that we cannot afford.

It is not my kids’ fault that they get along with DH. They are in the same situation as SS, except SS sees his father a lot more than my kids do. Also, my kids no longer call DH Dad and he does not coach DS’s team anymore. All at SS’s request. SS’s SF is a very nice man and last time I checked, SS calls him Dad. That is such a double standard.

I really wish I could start ignoring SS but I can’t. My personality doesn’t let me. I am too soft hearted for my own good. Even after this weekend I went out and bought SS’s favorite snacks. I have tried changing myself but it is very difficult. I used to have a very good relationship with SS and I am hoping that we can get that back. I don’t want to play into SS’s idea of me being mean to him.

I talked to DH yesterday and he said he has booked an appointment with a therapist for this Saturday. I am happy about that. I hope it will help.

Thank you LadyFace and Sally for the support.

Amcc13's picture

Could you bring up this double standard with dh and let him know how much it upsets you? The ss can call who ever he wants dad but your kids must be cajoled at his request.
I think some of the others have said it well- your kids have moved, started new schools , made new friends and that and yet they are still respectful.
And your right , most people of here would be delighted to have a good relationship with steps so your children and you shouldn't have to shoulder blame for that. In fact that to me is proof that you parented them well

I like the idea of him going everywhere with dad from now on. I still think you should make plans for you and your children on visit weekend to increase dad son time and to ensure you don't have to deal with him being arse