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Great kids BUT

tempocrazed's picture

I have been a stepfather to two boys for 15 years now. The youngest is 21 and the other is 25. Neither one of them have ever liked spending time with my family (who have welcomed them as if they were biological). Their biofather left their mother and moved 1500 miles away when they were young. I tried adapting them after I married their mother, but they wanted no part of it. They wanted to keep their father's last name because they were afraid of upsetting their grandfather. I gave these two everything. My love, a car each, a house, and taught them about life. We went fishing and hiking together. I love both of them dearly. Now the oldest is married and they are expecting their first child and I feel left out. The boys biofather moved back and they hang out with him talk to him and ask his advice on child names. I'm very frustrated by this. I've tried talking to my wife about it, but she just laughs it off as it's no big deal. I've gone to telling everyone that this is her grandchild and not mine. I mean it really isn't my grandchild and I don't believe I'll have much part of his/her live. I feel used! Unfortunately my wife had her tubes tied before we met and her and I don't have the money to undo it. We have talked about it and she seems ok with it, but when I told her that I could get the money then she avoids me. I don't think she actually wants more children. I guess I will just stay depressed the rest of my life. I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tempocrazed's picture

Not looking for a pay off. Just the respect that I was there. You know what I mean?

hatesteplife's picture

Good luck getting that. Like someone said, nature over nurture. I've done everything for my stepdaughter and given her love and money and things when her mother kicked her out and didn't contact her for years. But guess who is the "hero"? I never get thanks, happy birthday or even a "how are you"?
I don't have bio kids either. Being a stepparent really sucks for most of us.

furkidsforme's picture

I've been a full time step mom to my SS18 since he was 4. FOUR!!!!

This past week, my father died very suddenly and unexpectedly.

My SS didn't say one effing word to me about it. Oh, he knew. But he didn't even say so much as "sorry".

My DH ripped him a new a**hole and he later said he was sorry he hadn't said anything. He came to the service, begrudgingly. I know for certain if his father had not put the fear of god into him, he would not have said a word and would never have attended.

Don't expect much better. I pay half of that little shit's college, too.

tempocrazed's picture

I'm glad to hear that you still introduce your stepdad as your father. My stepchildren have never called me Dad or Father to my face. My wife says that when they want something from me and don't want to ask their selves, they ask her to ask "Dad". Because I've never heard it I am skeptical.

ldvilen's picture

I remember when I was dating and starting to get serious with my now husband, this would have been about 17 years ago, I had a couple of girlfriends say to me something along the lines of, “I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t want to marry a guy that had children already.” One even elaborated and implied something like, “I deserve better than that.” Anyway, at the time I didn’t give it much thought, and just felt, heck, we were in love, what else mattered, right?

Strange how 17 years later I’m finally beginning to understand what they seemed to almost instinctively know—you will never have a traditional marriage whenever you marry someone with children from a previous relationship. All sorts of weird, odd scenarios can come up that would never come up in a traditional marriage—yes, biodad can appear out of the blue and want to reestablish a relationship with his kids after years, after you spent megatime and megabucks and megaheart on them, etc. And, even though it is good that biodad and his kids are connecting, now you feel like chopped liver.

I’m one of those who if I had to do it all over again, I would. But, I would like to get the word out there for those thinking about marrying someone with children that: 1) You will never have a typical marriage no matter how much in love you are—that has nothing to do with it, and 2) One day you may be in with the SKs and the next day you may be out, and it can occur any place, any time. You could be fine with them for 13 years, and then suddenly it seems like they turned on a dime, and you may never even know or figure out why, and it probably has very little to do with you, even. It will have to do with them, as in your example, biodad came back into the picture and piff!

This is where you need to be able to focus on your marriage and find value in that, because in the long run, you may not get much from SKs, or as stated above, sometimes not even your own kids. Everyone deserves to have a first marriage and a first spouse and first kids, but not everyone can get that, unfortunately. Those of us where it is our first marriage and our spouses second or third marriage, feel the burn more, I think, because since it is our first marriage we go in with very naïve eyes and expect everything to somehow work out just fine.

tempocrazed's picture

I have a friend dating a previously married lady with two boys and he's always asking me questions. Like "is it worth it or would you do it again?". I tell him I wouldn't change anything, but it is an uphill battle all the way with the children and I wish him the best.

Last In Line's picture

Her youngest is 21? I promise you she is ready to have an empty nest, not to buy into 18+ more years of having someone else in the home.

You are jealous of the bio-father because he waltzed into the lives after the tough stuff (raising kids) was done and they welcomed him back. I think most people would feel jealous, hurt, etc. But he's their father, regardless, and they want a relationship. It's a story you'll see here over and matter how sorry the bio-parent is, the kid still puts them on a pedestal. Put your resentment aside unless you want to drive your wife away over this. You and your wife will likely have plenty of time with grandkid most likely--you'll be high on the sitter list.

tempocrazed's picture

My wife is 8 years older than me, so that could be something behind me wanting to have a child. I can understand that it's a little late to start over and been told by friends and family that I should use my money to just travel and do what I want, but the feeling is still there.

tempocrazed's picture

Great comments. We have two dogs. They are a lot of work. I love my wife. I am just saying that we had talked about having another child together when we had no money, but now that I can get the money it's a different story. I'm not going to leave her for it. It's just frustrating. I can choke down my feeling. As far as the grandbaby goes...I piss her off everytime I say that it's her grandbaby and not mine. She doesn't get and doesn't want to hear it so I will just keep my mouth shut. I guess nice guys really do finish last. (I was a badass when we met. Maybe she misses that).