SS12 still sharing tiny room and bunk bed with his sister :(
BM greatest mother of all fuck you, you have no kids and know nothing still stashes SS12 (mature for his age ) in a tiny room he has to share with SD 8 and they share twin bunk beds
They have their own rooms at our house but are only there Eowe
At what age do you all think it becomes inappropriate for kids of different gender to share a room ?
Tx -!
~ that what you allow will continue ~
At these ages I'd want
At these ages I'd want children of the opposite sex in separate rooms. However, I'd rather have them share a room (with separate beds) than one of them sharing a bed with BM.
Check the foster care rules where you live. They can give you a guideline of what the state thinks is inappropriate. The age that foster children of the opposite sex can share rooms varies, but in general is under six.
However, realize that the age applies only to foster children. The state will likely not care if they are your biological children.
If mom can't afford a three
If mom can't afford a three bedroom apartment or house, then the kids have to share regardless of age.
Here (NYC) the only time rules on kids sharing a room come into play is if the kids are foster kids or if the family lives in public housing or receives assistance with housing. If the family is paying market rate rent, no one is going to tell them they have to X number of bedrooms.
Sadly , BM rents in a very
Sadly , BM rents in a very affluent area.
If she would simply rent in a middle class neighborhood , she could rent a 3 bedroom for what she pays now for a 2 bedroom . Image is more important . Tx for the replies !
Those laws do not apply to
Those laws do not apply to people who aren't receiving government assistance. You can't force people to rent/purchase a larger home than they are able/willing to afford.
Maybe sharing a room means mom is able to enroll to enroll the kids in a better school district.
They have an roof over their heads, beds to sleep in, food...then mom isn't doing anything wrong.
In NJ, they would not be
In NJ, they would not be allowed to share a room. My friend has a son and a daughter. She was living in a one bedroom apartment, and let the kids have the bedroom (there were 2 twin beds) while she used the couch during the weekends they spent with her. (She was willingly NCP because of her circumstances. She lived in the same town and had them every weekend). XH took her back to court for more money, and while he did not get more money, she was required to get a bigger apartment so the kids could sleep separately. At the time this happened, the kids around 6 (girl) and 10 (boy). Thankfully her circumstances improved that she was able to get a 3 bedroom townhouse a couple years later.
Check the laws for your state. Some may care.
I agree and will not call
I agree and will not call anybody about it. if I were BM I would rather rent in a middle class neighborhood and have 3 bedrooms than 2 rooms in an affluent area . Schools are good either way . Just think the image of your address should be less important than your kids but ce la vie . Thanks for all the feedback .