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Husband delusional !!!

LONGTIME SM's picture

I don't understand why these men continue to think that there is a chance that they can have one big happy family with their aggressive and rude adult "children" once their spouse has gotten fed up and disengaged.

My idiot of a husband actually thought that I would consider going to lunch with his hateful and aggressive adult "children" so that he could bestow their Christmas gifts upon them. I'd rather do anything else!

I haven't seen or spoken to them in over 5 years because of their hateful and aggressive actions and words towards him, myself, and our younger children. Not to mention the fact that his adult son sent my underage daughter a sexually explicit text that mortified her!!!!! I can not forgive or forget that.

He attempted to pressure me into going and actually told me that they had changed and grown up. I informed him that they were in their mid 30s when I last spoke to them at which time they had called me names and screamed at me so they were as grown as they were ever going to get. For some reason he wants to believe that all of a sudden they had an ephinany just because their 40 !!! Please spare me.

I know for a fact that he has never even broached a serious discussion about their prior behavior with them. He has no idea how they feel or whether any such maturity has taken place. In fact he seems to fail to acknowledge that if I were to show up to the little lunch he has planned his adult babies would probably not even stay or more likely would make a scene. That's how Ill behaved they are.

I do not plan to attend and let him know exactly that but I'm aggravated that after all of this time he thinks that we will magically become a big happy family. It will never happen as I am done being exposed to toxic people. Anyone have any success in stopping these fantasies that seem to periodically crop up in our husbands heads?

So aggravating that he doesn't get it.

Stormyweather's picture

No success.. At least you are still married.... We are currently separated because he thinks his daughters feelings are way more important than his wife of 3 months are!!

Sorry... Im feeling quiet cynical tonight!

tigerlily74's picture

Eugh. I totally commiserate as I can see my own situation becoming yours in a few years time.

My DH just spent an afternoon with SS32 and his family who were in town for Christmas - to which I was pointedly not invited. So I went shopping and came back with four dresses and two pairs of shoes - all on DH's account. He was forewarned, of course!

still learning's picture

I've had success, but only because I put my foot down hard with ss30 which almost ended our marriage. DH can see and bestow gifts on skids all he wants but I always have other plans. DH finally stopped inviting me along to meet ups with ss30 after 2 years of me declining. DH would love for all of us to be a big happy family but it just isn't going to happen.

stepinafrica's picture

These men are willing to do anything except require acceptable behaviour from their kids. I always tell my dh parent your kid and then we can talk.

sandye21's picture

It's been 5 years since I saw SD too, and I hope DH doesn't decide to try to push her on me again - because the only way it's going to happen is if he informs her in front of me that she is to be respectful of me as his wife. Being that SD is a narcissist, I doubt that is going to fly with her. Like you, I don't care if he wants to see her, just not with me.

Yes, your DH IS delusional. Just tell him you need to buy new clothes. LOL

Exjuliemccoy's picture

When the father/husband won't step up, speak up, or act as a leader with his kids, there's only so much any of us can do. A man who is unwilling to problem solve within his own relationships forfeits any right to expect a happy family.

*Sigh* It's the silly season. People watch Miracle on 34th Street and start dreaming of a Curried & Ives holiday.