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Husbands EX married cousin and is back in the family

Mrszim's picture

I have a very complicated situation. My husbands ex wife married his cousin and is part of the family again. My husband is an amazing man - he is a veteran with 5 deployments overseas. He has sacrificed so much during his deployments and military career. He has dealt with 2 previous wives both whom cheated while he was away with the military. My husband has always provided for his son, he paid child support and then some as he would split cost of his son participating in extra curricular activities. My husband was eligible for 90% coverage for college from the post 9/11 bill. He decided to transfer this benefit to his son who was heading off to college. Well this is where things get insane. I have jumped through flaming hoops for my husband as the process to apply for the VA benefits and then transfer them is not an easy process. His son and his mother never included my husband or myself in the college visits to pick a school, never invited us to orientation once he chose a school, We have sat down with her and his son and asked on numerous occasions to be included as we receiving the fund to pay for it. Decisions were made to allow his son to move off campus and is now locked into a lease but has decided to change schools. So our account is linked to his housing which we are paying for and he is no longer living there, plus when his transfer is complete to the new school we will be linked to that as well because all the VA monies come to us to pay for his schooling. We had and situation arise recently with our credit cards as we had fraudulent charges and had to have them closed and wait for new cards. I had my own bills going unpaid and his son rent was unable to be paid on time. I received the new card 2 days after the rent was due I immediately contacted the real estate company and paid the rent. I recently had dinner with one of my husbands other cousins and was blind sided when she asked why I was not paying the college bills for his son. I was very angry to hear this and tried to control my response, I explained that was not the case and that it was really non of her business as that is between my husband myself his son and ex wife. She has crossed the line with me, I don't feel I need to defend myself as I am right with the big man above and my husband however it is very difficult to be in the same room with his ex at this point. I struggle to find joy in being with his family as she is at every family event and holiday because she is part of the family again. I also have noticed a decline in contact from my mother in law and sister in law and other family. HELP PLEASE any advise is welcome.

RodgerDodger's picture

^^^^^THIS!^^^^^. So other stepmoms know this can happen a lot -- His son and his mother never included my husband or myself in the college visits to pick a school. They will pick a college w/o any say or input from dad and go with an expensive one and then expect him to pick up the tab. Just say no. End the madness. It'd be one thing if dad had any say in choice but if he didn't, say no.

notasm3's picture

If these in-laws are bringing grief to your life then just let them go. That advice works in most situations. Life is short - do the things that do bring joy to your life.

SweetMom's picture

Simply cut off all ties. What a crazy bitch to remarry in the family. Not to mention the family marry the enemy. Crazy! How could your husband be so laid back? And you're not allowed to something you are paying for? Oh hell no! Bm should not be allowed or she can pay for it