Sleeping arrangements with your SO
I know happily married people that sleep in separate beds, even separate rooms.
My own grandparents havebeen happily married for over 65 years and for as long as I can remeber they have slept in separate rooms because my grandpa only sleeps 5 hours a night and watches tv.
And I've seen on here people even living in separate homes.
So, my DH is making a BIG DEAL out of nothing, I think at least.
I have never liked to be touched when I sleep. By anyone ive been with. It makes me not sleep.
I will cuddle on the couch and have occasionally cat napped with DH arms around me (I commented he is the only one I've been able to do this with).
However I can't let him cuddle with me in bed or I won't sleep. I will even get my own blanket in the winter. This offends him.
We still sleep in the same bed. (Which I told him I feel is huge that we are able to sleep in the same room, same bed) but BM apparently only slept with him enough times to produce offspring so he feels this is a relationship problem. (But our sex life is fine and very healthy).
I've even tried cuddling a little at first and rolling over and it's not enough for him.
So he tries waiting til I'm asleep, them coming to bed and trying to cuddle after I'm asleep,... he ends up waking me up (half the nights) which pisses me off and starts a fight...
Anyone have any advice, comments, anything I could say to convince him, or solutions to our situation?
I sleep in a different
I sleep in a different bedroom. My DH snores, farts, burps, hisses, kicks, flails, etc. You name it, he does it. And I'm a light sleeper so it kept me up all night long. I finally moved to another room. Our sex life is fine, our marriage is fine. I just can NOT sleep with all of that noise and movement!
It's actually more common than people realize. I think your DH is getting upset because he's comparing it to when he was with BM. Have a calm discussion with him and tell him that it's not because you don't love him or that you find him unattractive - you just simply cannot sleep.
Cooooookies, our hubbies must
Cooooookies, our hubbies must be brothers and we must be sisters, lol! DH and I sleep in separate bedrooms. My DH also snores, farts, burps, hisses, kicks, flails, etc. And...I'm a light sleeper, too! I swear that a gnat will wake me when it blinks. This has absolutely NO effect on our sex life and marriage.
My parents slept in separate bedrooms. Dad is a morning person; Mom was a night owl. Both of them snore and would wake the other.
OP, maybe your DH should do some research on this or even talk to someone. This really is NOT unusual.
Haha we must be I sleep
Haha we must be
I sleep with a fan on every night just to drown out all the noises.
I sleep with a fan on, too!!
I sleep with a fan on, too!! Do you have tinnitus? That's the main reason I use the fan.
Yes I have that too. I can't
Yes I have that too. I can't stand it being so quiet that I can hear my heartbeat. It's just weird.
Perhaps we are twins separated at birth!
He also only has his parents
He also only has his parents and grandparents as reference.... they all slept in same beds whole married life... so do all his brothers and sisters...
So again he thinks it is just an "us" problem...
And yes, he is comparing me to BM ALSO....
Because I am trying to
Because I am trying to compromise in many different ways and he is not.
Because he is not seeing my need for sleep as a physical need and instead wanting to view it as something emotional and relational that I have control over that I just need to "get over" and then we will "be ok as a couple" once I get over my deal.
And the fact that he doesn't already see that I'm in the same room and same bed when I don't want to be and to me that is already a huge step... yeah I think he's making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be because I could be in another room. I could not cuddle at all.

I'm the same as Alzeka and
I'm the same as Alzeka and Tuff.
If DH isn't next to me in the same bed completely entangled with me cuddling, I don't sleep.
We both fall 1/2 asleep with me on my right side, him holding me, then I roll over and cuddle him and we both fall completely asleep.
Through the night we will roll side to side, if I want to roll over I roll and tap him twice on the arm, he will roll too. If I roll back the other way he feels me move and follows, we are always rolled up tight together all night. Sometimes when I have pain I will use a pillow to support myself, if I roll and take the pillow with causing it to land between us, DH will ask why I used it to "seperate" us last night when we wake up.
He can't sleep seperated either
Suggestion for you, though kinda drastic.
Tylenol PM?
Non habit forming, safe, effective. Created for people who wake up due to chronic mild pain. Might help you stay asleep through the cuddling.
Start by taking just one at night maybe. You can buy the Walmart brand for 88 cents.
Drastic, but an idea
Thanks for the idea, but I
Thanks for the idea, but I already take a daily medicine that I cannot add Tylenol to. My liver wouldn't process it and it would be toxic for my body. Thanks, I've tried to come up with "knock out" things in the past.
^^Agree^^ My mom takes
My mom takes tylenol PM nightly to help her sleep. My dad snores like a freight train but she cannot sleep without it now. She says it lets her know he is still alive.
There have been a few times he has stopped breathing in his sleep and she had to revive him. So to her, his snoring is comforting.
I hate snoring. Luckily DH is a soft snorer and it doesn't bother me. We start out snuggling but then I have to roll over. He doesn't get is just our routine.
Sometimes he will joke and ask if I want seperate beds like Lucy and Dezi....Heck no. I had to sleep without him a few weeks ago due to a work trip and it was the longest night ever.
Some people just don't like to be touched when sleeping. Its not that there is anything wrong with either of is just different habits.
I think DH needs to loosen up a bit in your case and stop being sensitive and you could probably give a little as well.
Start out snuggling and then seperate. However, just make it clear that if you are already asleep when he comes to bed...snuggling is off the table.
Maybe go to bed a little sooner so he can get his cuddles in before you are ready to fall asleep and then seperate. Its not the end of the world. I would take that problem over most stephell issues anyday.
^^Agree^^ My mom takes
My mom takes tylenol PM nightly to help her sleep. My dad snores like a freight train but she cannot sleep without it now. She says it lets her know he is still alive.
There have been a few times he has stopped breathing in his sleep and she had to revive him. So to her, his snoring is comforting.
I hate snoring. Luckily DH is a soft snorer and it doesn't bother me. We start out snuggling but then I have to roll over. He doesn't get is just our routine.
Sometimes he will joke and ask if I want seperate beds like Lucy and Dezi....Heck no. I had to sleep without him a few weeks ago due to a work trip and it was the longest night ever.
Some people just don't like to be touched when sleeping. Its not that there is anything wrong with either of is just different habits.
I think DH needs to loosen up a bit in your case and stop being sensitive and you could probably give a little as well.
Start out snuggling and then seperate. However, just make it clear that if you are already asleep when he comes to bed...snuggling is off the table.
Maybe go to bed a little sooner so he can get his cuddles in before you are ready to fall asleep and then seperate. Its not the end of the world. I would take that problem over most stephell issues anyday.
Thankfully my hubby and I are
Thankfully my hubby and I are on the same page. We like to cuddle before we fall asleep then we roll over to our separate sides. We have a nice king size bed so we each have lots of room. We can't sleep in tangled in each other. Our joke is, we don't need to cuddle because I'll see you in the morning. And we have to sleep with a fan on. White noise. It's embarrassing to say, but I am the snorer. Deviated septum.
My DH would sleep completely
My DH would sleep completely wrapped around me all night if I let him. I don't; I can't. I just can't sleep that way so I completely know how you feel. I get hot, I move around a lot, it's just uncomfortable. I know I can hug him and love on him anytime. At night, I want to sleep. Well, most of the time.
My DH respects the fact that I can't sleep that way and doesn't take it personally but it wasn't always that way, he did take it personally at first. Then he realized that if it was about him, I wouldn't be with him at all and he started giving me some space. The less of a deal he made out of it, the more I cuddled with him at night. Now, he sometimes rolls over away from me first. I think he's found that he likes his space, too, and since we've been together so long (19 years) he feels pretty secure in our relationship (he still infringes on my side of the bed, though!).
Way back when, I made a joke about the cuddling by putting my finger on my DH's chest and said, "Hey, we're cuddling." Now that's the running in-bed joke, that he can lay his finger on me but that's all!
Somehow, your DH needs to get past his own insecurities and respect that you need your sleep and can't sleep with someone all up on you.
My husband saws down trees in
My husband saws down trees in his sleep and blows bubbles (literally bubbles). It is the most annoying sound you have ever and started suddenly 2 years ago. Since then we sleep in separate rooms. I can still hear him some nights from a room away. He is a sweetheart about trying to let me sleep. We are very affectionate and loving even so.
The ex factor always has implications in this though. All I can suggest is reassure and erasure again until it becomes his mantra. It's what I did and do with my H. Ours was the intimacy thing. He would never tell me he was in the mood because she used to rebuff him so much. It took me 3 years to convince him I could be half dead/ just had a fight/ 2 broken legs and I would still want his attention. He still falls back in to that rut but is so much better now than in the beginning. Lots of reassurance!
What matters is not whether
What matters is not whether you share a bed or not but meeting each other's needs. Try to find a compromise.
My parents no longer sleep in
My parents no longer sleep in the same bed or room for that matter because of all the noise/waking issues. But they don't really like each other, either LOL. They are just kinda roomies and too broke and smart to start over.
Anyway, it sounds like your man has an insecurity about this that needs to be addressed. It could be caused by the BM, or any number of things that have colored his picture from the past. Figure out what it is and then you can figure out how to deal with it or work around it.