DH's Daughter - now this makes more sense
Previously I posted about DH's daughter's "up cycle" with me and how it was really over the top this time. Well....looks like that may have not been what we thought
When I mentioned the picture to dh that his daughter had sent me of SGS, DH was pleased but confused, and said he hadn't seen my name on the email. I said that it wasn't an email it was a text, and showed him the picture. DH was even more confused and said he hadn't received that, why were all those other kids in it, which one was SGS, and what did his daughter say when she sent the text
I said she had sent nothing with it, just this picture of all these kids in their Halloween outfits, and that one was SGS, yada yada
I said to DH that maybe she meant to send it to someone else and sent to me in error, since she does not text me ever, especially pictures of SGS. No, that is reserved for "blood" only
So DH shows me what he received from her. Two beautiful close up shots of SGS, in his Halloween outfit. The email was sent to FIL, DH, BM, DH's sister, and YSD. All the BLOOD family of course. I was not on the list
So, this is making total sense now. DH's daughter is being the same as always. Loves to pretend I'm included by having SGS call me Grandma Disillusioned but the regular pictures and updates on him that she sends out I'm excluded from. A little thing but just another way of insuring I know I'm NOT family, always an outsider
Not that I care. It's actually a relief to finally get what it going on. I'm way more comfortable staying as far away from her as I can.
Yes I agree LadyFace. She has
Yes I agree LadyFace. She has no idea that she, and little SGS, are missing out of in life by mistreating people who would otherwise always have been there for them!
the skids love to post images
the skids love to post images all over of their "real"family in which i am not included. even the relative that is a meth head is given a prominent place in those photos. niceto know i am not one of the "real" family.
"The email was sent to FIL,
"The email was sent to FIL, DH, BM, DH's sister, and YSD. All the BLOOD family of course. I was not on the list."
Devils advocate here }:) Can you imagine the hell SD would catch from BM if she did include you on the "BLOOD FAMILY ONLY" list?! She has to know DH and you talk and likely thinks he will show you the pics she sent him. Maybe she wants you to be included in some small way but doesn't want to stir the pot with her mother. BM's can be quite sensitive about their grandbabies and the new wife coming in to steal their glory. Step grandma is a fuzzy role to take on. The "real" grandma may be threatened by any notion that you are grandma too.
You can reply to the text with how adorable sgs is without getting sucked back into the drama.
BM has no problem with me at
BM has no problem with me at all still learning
she has actually supported me over her own daughter - mostly because BM and her SO have been down the same road with SD
DH's daughter receives no pressure from BM to exclude me, quite the opposite actually.
DH's daughter excludes me all on her own, because she is jealous and insecure. As is DH's sister. Now she encourages DH's daughter to treat me poorly too...
I was off, it's the SIL. I
I was off, it's the SIL. I think you're spot on Ms Wine. Behavior that is rewarded continues. If SIL is encouraging the hate campaign against OP while BM, and especially DH are silent then it's taken as consent.
Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
It's funny, DH and I talked
It's funny, DH and I talked about this very thing. Today DH's daughter sends him a text with the name of the new baby (due soon) DH replies congratulating her and saying it's a nice name, then suggests she also let me know and says he thinks I would appreciate it.
DH tells me his daughter didn't respond to himn
She did send me the text, he gets all happy about that, then is disappointed when I all I said to her in reply was "good name"
I asked DH, what else did you expect?
I told him I appreciated him speaking to her on my behalf, and that was the only reason I sent that much. But as far as being fall over back-wards nice to her, when all she does is exclude me and quite openly, no that is about as much as she'll get from me
winesthecure and still
winesthecure and still learning, DH's daughter has excluded me for quite some time. DH's sister has always hated me and has never tried much to cover it up. Even if this weren't the case his daughter would be the way she is to me, but yes his sister definitely encourages her to do so