blue hair emo lesbian 14yr old ruined marriage
Let me start by saying I'm a 42years old who works hard for my family. Been married for 4 years and always paid for everything. My wife stays home sleeps till 10 or 11 every day. She has 2 kids by two different guys. I have one kid. From start of relationship my son took to my wife. Not same with her children did my best always spent equal on all kids. Tried do everything right. Well me and her son bonded. But me and daughter never have. Her daughter now 14 has bright blue short hair and where's boy clothes has a girlfriend. Yes 14 acts like know everything. Honestly makes me want throw up. Always tried do right thing's for girl nothing helped. Asked wife told me her daughter not looking for dad. Father's day comes around this year ask wife why either kid wished happy father's day. Want to remind my wife does not work and really doesn't keep up on house. My wife then told me I'm not their dad. Honestly makes me sick looking at little girl or boy. She wants be called Eli. Really love wife with all her flaws not that I'm perfect but she has issues. I want out marriage can't do it. Wife doesn't work trying get her get job. So we can separate. She looks about hour a week. How do I get out. I'm desperate.
Ps afraid she's going trash my house. When I tell her I will call cops she says I hit myself say you did it
My wife stays home sleeps
My wife stays home sleeps till 10 or 11 every day.
Gee, where do I get such a gig??!!
think, I'd be happy with just
think, I'd be happy with just 7 hours solid sleep
I don't remember what that is like.
(No subject)
Did you just say that,
Did you just say that, Sueu2?? Niceguy is not ruining his marriage by being judgmental! That's crazy shit to say! He never said that her being a lesbian is the problem and he's not blaming lesbianism on the marriage problem. He mentioned many other things that most people hate about 14 year old girls! The fact that you are so uptight in focusing on people "disliking lesbians" makes me wonder if you are a lesbian yourself. And that's fine. But you appear to have a problem with your own sexual orientation.
Oh, and a 14 year old really is so clueless on many things in life so the blue hair, lesbian, acts like she knows everything, refuses to give stepdad a chance...all that IS A HUGE PROBLEM for any marriage. Especially when Stepdad is paying for everything and supporting the entire family, most of which is not even his!
Clearly his wife was looking
Clearly his wife was looking for a sucker, not a man to play daddy to her kids.
If the lazy wife has any idea how he feels about her daughter, then yeah, bring judgemental can cause issues in his marriage.
(No subject)
Ty and yes daughter is
Ty and yes daughter is disrespectful and steals stuff from house. Wife let's daughter stay out friends sometimes till 8 or 9 school nights. I believe wife parents out of fear. In 6th grade daughter was a cutter. Since then if makes daughter happy she gets to do it.
Install webcam all over the
Install webcam all over the house and record everything so you have record she hit herself. Document everything and start to build your case to get out of this mess. Do you really want to spend another 4 years like this?
I just can't believe anyone
I just can't believe anyone would contemplate staying in a relationship like this. She's using you. I don't think you needed to come to a site like this to find your answer. Get out before you ruin not only YOUR life, but those kids too. Not a good situation for ANY of you. Especially the young girl.
Just few extra things. Wife's
Just few extra things. Wife's daughter steals from house. Is disrespectful to me has attitudes if doesn't get way. Daughter was a cutter in 6th grade. Since then wife has patented out of fear. Basically daughter does what wants.
Lol sorry extra post didn't
Lol sorry extra post didn't think posted first comment.
Also we are separation
Also we are separation modern. Wife's family doesn't want take her in. She going to go live with daughters dad. Who drinks and calls daughter middle night calling her loser less tha 4 months ago cause they dnt get along. This point feel bad go there but can't pay for family that has no respect
If going to live with her ex
If going to live with her ex is an option, then she has been involved with him the whole time. She just used you to support her and her kids.
I have a gay friend at work.
I have a gay friend at work. He Think I'm within right to feel way do. Was willing accept daughter but daughter never accepted me.
Not trying say got gay friend
Not trying say got gay friend so I ain't homophobic to a point
Just saying he understands worked with guy 7 years. Then again ain hanging out in gay bar. Just not my scene
There's an entire paragraph
There's an entire paragraph about the 14 yr old girl not liking you and that you don't like her hair or gender preferences. You're upset that she wants to be called Eli, so the hell what. Why do you care so much about this girls choices? You're not her father, she doesn't want another father. You can be a supportive adult in her life without forcing the father issue. You cannot expect an instant perfect blended family especially when there's hormonal teens involved. It seems a bit odd that you are so preoccupied with her sexuality and acceptance of you.
Then there's a PS that you're afraid the wife will trash the house and hit herself. <---- This is what I'd worry about, not the teen's rejection.
Since your wife made the threat that she would hit herself and blame you I would file a report on that. I would also record her saying that so you have a record.
Quit obsessing over the daughter.