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question regarding returning to court

krich1990's picture

Ok so a little background. My husband was given custody by CPS due to bms meth use and neglect in feb 2013. May 2013 he recieved temp full custody with mom only fetting supervised visits and ordered to gollow CPS orders. September 2013 ge recieved full custody, bm is possessory conservator, which means only visitation. The papers stated she was to complete parenting classes in 6 months, take a hair follicle test within 24 hours of being asked by my husband to every 3 months, and supervised visits in our home only for a year, with mutually agreed upon visitation after a year of clean drug tests. After the year, we made her complete a 4 month step up plan. In january 2014 we let her have standard every other weekend with split up holidays that werent so long.

Fast forward to now, shes still bat shit crazy, still harrassing, so we are taking her to court to get her every other weekend set in stone. She h passed all drug tests but took them super late every time, never completed parenting courses, misses numerous visits, and has paid zero on her half of medical costs. Hes in speech, occupational, and behavioral therapy and that adds up quick. She is stating that she will be rebuttling with 50/50 custody.

Does she even have a chance of that? Hes never even been with her more than 2 days, thats all she can handle, and refuses to miss work to have a visit.

krich1990's picture

Oh and now apparently she believes when we do go to court they will lower her child support, which is only $100 bucks. Im just dumbfounded. The child support she pays $10 per month on

krich1990's picture

We have a good attorney, the one who got my husband full custody in the furst place. All we want us her current visitation put into paperwork. Last hearing, 2 years ago, he stated all she could ever do was come back and modify to eow, so im hoping thats still the case.