
Calypso1977's picture

for some reason, the kid is coming on saturday morning and and my fiance is forcing her to sleep over.

i dont want to deal with her. i dont want to see her, hear her, smell her, etc. i wish i had somewhere else to be. i just want to relax in my own home and spend time with my fiance.

i know i shouldnt complain, its rare she's around and even rarer she sleeps over (despite the parenting plan stating she's supposed to). but it sucks.

Calypso1977's picture

but that's the thing. i should have to find an activity or spend money. i work a lot of hours. i want to be home and relax. worse, the cousin might be coming over too. that means 2 kids and twice the noise. although id take 5 of the cousin over 1 of SD any day.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I hear you. I hate having to come up with something when I really just want to relax. Supposed to be my home, too, right?

Another idea is be more obnoxious than they are. Maybe this is the weekend you can your grandmother's recipe for sauerkraut. You need at least 24 quarts for the winter, right? Stink up the whole house and drive THEM out!

MissDirected's picture

Oh yes!! And boil chicken! Boiling chicken is so foul!
And personaqlly I enjoy really, really loud music when I cook. I also tend to sing it at the top of my lungs! Disco maybe? Or some cry in your beer country? If all else fails, blast some good old fashioned opera!

MissDirected's picture

Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Go to Redbox or binge netflix! Lock yourself in your room and only come out when you absolutely must go to the fridge - at which point, you make like a squirrel and hoard enough snacks to last for a really long time, along with a bottle of red wine (Red because it doesn't need to be chilled!). And make it a point that you're locking yourself in, then when they leave, make a big production of "How great it feels to be able to come out of your room!"

Calypso1977's picture

we have a den with a TV which is where SD is supposed to go. sometimes she does, sometimes she doesnt.

its more just her presence. its like the air is so thick with tension when she's around. this winter i did the hide in my room thing with a good book, but it makes fiance angry (he doesnt get why im not out with the "family") and its really just better for me to leave altogether. but i dont want to have to.

im thinking of doing a day at the casino. that will at least kill saturday for me. sunday is all set.

dood's picture

Amen, sister... the house just always sucks when the skid is here... no stranger to the tension thing and the notion that hiding or leaving is the only real way to deal.

And don't get me puking on the big, happy family facade - geeze shit, get OVER it DH we are never going to have that special Hallmark moment. EVERYONE knows it, 'cept you.

Good luck with it!

dood's picture
