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SS and DH cancel bday party... Stale mate?

goingcrazyhere's picture

As the mom i normally plan both my BS and SS bday parties every year.. This year was no different. Planned my SSs entire party invited my entire family and my husbands etc and with recent events with SS beating up my BS and the big blow out that started after that... SS has stated he doesn't want to come over. I asked DH to try to talk to him and at least ask him if he wants his bday party still and DH refused to ask him. It's like they are both playing stale mate.

On one hand I agree with DH it is not ok to feed into SSs behaviors and reinforce them by falling for the whole guilt trip. We are the adults and he needs to own his actions etc.

On the other hand I'm not planning another 6th bday party.. And canceling sucked! Especially trying to explain to the extended family that our kid hates us and refuses to come over...

SS told his therapist that he hates me, my son and our unborn baby ( I'm 33 weeks preggo)
He also said he hates sharing attention between my 3 year old and himself and he knows that the divorce is real now because his dad is having another baby.

He also thinks his dad will completely ignore him once the baby is there...

In reality we have tried everything to give him more attention, give him alone time with his dad etc use positive reinforcement techniques... And all it leads to is his continued hitting and attacking my BS... And lashing out at him...
Whenever he is here I plan the weekend taking him into consideration more than my BS whose only weekends with us were the same as SS...
We are now switching weekends if SS ever wants to come back...

I just don't know what's right for everyone. SS needs to be with his dad and his dad needs to be with him.. But DH says its not ok for SS to think that BS, new baby and I should not be there when he comes..

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I-m so happy Listen to tog, seriously. This kid is being given an unbelievable amount of power to his (not yet developed) emotions. Your DH shouldn't even BE going at a stalemate with him. A 6 year old? Damn, you do as we say and if you do not like it, tough cookies, that's life until you hit 18.

Aeron's picture

So the kid beats up your son and your concern is that explaining to people that a 6 year old is now having a hissy fit so there won't be a party? Why in heck would you still want to throw a party for a kid that physically abuses your child? Why would it ever occur to you to plan another one after canceling the first?

Listen to tog here. There is No reason that visiting should be considered the choice of a six year old. At six he does what he is told. Why do you keep catering to this kid with such awful behavior? Your husband has a better idea at least in not asking the kid about the party, not wanting to feed this nonsense. Now he needs to tell his kid this stuff isn't his choice and not engage in a power struggle with a Six year old.

Disneyfan's picture

Wow, once this kid figures out that he is in charge, he's going to give all of you pure hell.

goingcrazyhere's picture

I agree with all of you and yes he targets my son but he's still a kid and I still feel bad for canceling his bday party...

So you are all suggesting we make him come over ( on the weekend my son is going to his dads)...?

We have tried that in the past, he will act out and get mad if he is forced to come time he decided he wanted to break my sons toys and hide them under the bed and then smear play doh into the carpet all in the last 5 mins before he was going back to his moms...

It seems like forcing him to come over makes him more destructive and angry and he is smart enough to avoid any consequences as we usually find out stuff happened after he leaves...

He dumped a whole Starbucks hot chocolate on my husbands back seat and hid it with his booster seat one time deciding he wasn't going to tell anyone...and it wasn't till days later my husband found out...

We are both graduate students and have demanding jobs there is no way we can stay on top of a 6 year old 48 hours a day...

goingcrazyhere's picture

Is it normal for a 6 year old to say statements like: " I know my parents divorce is final now because he's having a baby with someone else not my mom" I've know him since he was 3 and I honestly think sometimes he knows what to say and who to say it to... To get the reaction he wants.. I just don't understand how a 6 year can understand the complexities of relationships to say something like that..

Aeron's picture

We're suggesting that this really young child not be given grown up power and responsibilities. Of course making him do something he doesn't want to do is going to make the kid angry, dad needs to help him learn constructive coping and that as a kid, as a Human, he doesn't always get what he wants. Now on the flip side of that - if his dad is unable to spend time with him, the kid shouldn't be there. Dad has visitation to spend time with his child so if the kid is going to have to go play by himself all day then yeah, it's better to leave him with his mom.

I'm not sure how a kid can dump a whole cup out in the car and you guys don't notice unless I guess the kid picked up a corner of him booster and poured it straight under.... But whether he's punished in the moment or the next time he visits, there are ways to discipline. In that case, little guy gets no more food or drink in the car.

As busy as the two of you may be, you might want to find some time for some parenting classes if the solution that presents itself to a kid getting angry and destructive is to not see him. I would support his dad seeing him outside the house until dad can learn to parent effectively and get the kid's aggression and violence to the 3 yo and probably the newborn soon too, but for dad to just let this kid decide to not see him is a total cop out. This isn't a teenager that's calling CPS, running away, doing drugs or getting violent with the adults. He's 6. He is still trainable.

His mom may have talked to him at length about divorce and relationships but yea, a savvy 6 yo could see that a new baby means no going back.

Strengthh's picture

You just can't watch them close enough if they are hell bent on destruction. You may have to use the bathroom. You may look down at your phone for ten seconds. That's all it takes.

My SD did stuff like this. She would destroy things on purpose. Like she acted like she was going to the closet to put her shoes on and tore apart one of my daughters flip flops. Or she would put gum everywhere. She would sneak gum in on her body and hide that she was chewing it. For years my husband said how could I accuse her when it could have been my kids. Funny how when visitation stopped in the home, I stopped finding gum.

This boy is hell bent on terrorizing you and your son. I also threw a birthday party for my SD, 7th birthday party. I even made a high school musical cake. This dates the story, but she specifically wanted a home made high school musical cake. Cause that's what I made for my daughter. Then she proceeds to insult the cake in front of all the guests. Acts butt hurt cause this cake wasn't as nice as my daughters. Her dad and other relatives tried reasoning with her. That it was the exact same cake. It really was. But when a child is hell bent on terrorizing the family , I would give up. I should have gave up years before I did. But like you, I had feelings of its only a kid, with time and love and attention she will adjust. Some kids don't. Especially step kids who have some place else to be -their mothers house. And who have been given all the power.

I remember your story now, all I can say you can't watch that boy enough to keep your son and your new baby safe. Cause he's watching you too, waiting for the seconds you go pee or whatever then he makes his move. It doesn't take long to hurt some one bad. A life can be ended or seriously damaged in a few seconds.

goingcrazyhere's picture

Lol sounds familiar I've done two bdays for him and this would have been my 3rd... Each time he acts like nothing is good enough and or he's miserable... Last year it was a soccer bday party I even invited local kids his age so he could have friends his age... He sat inside the whole day wanting to watch tv... Refused to take pics or play with the other kids or anything...

Punishing a child who has apathy towards everything is very hard... There's nothing motivating enough that will make a difference Sad

We haven't seen him since that weekend he got caught karate kicking the 3 year old.. We have changed weekends now for the kids so he won't be here when my son is here but don't know what will happen when baby comes... He hasn't come to visitation for the past few weeks and when I asked his dad to call him to say happy bday SS ignored 3 year old who was so excited to wish his brother a happy birthday. It was heartbreaking.

goingcrazyhere's picture

Lol sounds familiar I've done two bdays for him and this would have been my 3rd... Each time he acts like nothing is good enough and or he's miserable... Last year it was a soccer bday party I even invited local kids his age so he could have friends his age... He sat inside the whole day wanting to watch tv... Refused to take pics or play with the other kids or anything...

Punishing a child who has apathy towards everything is very hard... There's nothing motivating enough that will make a difference Sad

We haven't seen him since that weekend he got caught karate kicking the 3 year old.. We have changed weekends now for the kids so he won't be here when my son is here but don't know what will happen when baby comes... He hasn't come to visitation for the past few weeks and when I asked his dad to call him to say happy bday SS ignored 3 year old who was so excited to wish his brother a happy birthday. It was heartbreaking.

Strengthh's picture

The real reason you can't punish him and neither can his dad is he has been given all the power by his parents. If your H even tried, he would demand to go back to his mom's house. Not that your H would even try. He will do what his son wants to keep him around.

A child that has ALL the power is a dangerous thing. Dangerous to your son, your new baby. And ultimately it's deeply harmful to him. Deep down he knows he is six, and he's carrying a lot of stress and responsibility being given all that power. Your best case scenario if you stay is you will be terrorized by this boy til he decides he is done with all of you. And hopefully your kids won't get seriously hurt in the process.

My SD is 12, and she only sees her dad if he is somehow spending money on her, or doing what she wants like getting a ride somewhere. And she calls the shots. She tells him where she wants to go, what she wants him to buy her, where she wants to eat. And he better do it, and the minute the activity is over, she doesn't want to be with him. If you read here, you will see this is very common. They do not have a true parental relationship. They only want the parent around for what they can do for them. Then as adults, it's either they are mooching somehow or if not mooching , they have no time for their dad.