sd tried to sneak money out of our house, even it was her own money... weirdo
So dh told to gather all her things to go back to bm's house last night. He was in or formal dining area and I was in the living room.
So she went to her room and came back out with her report card, and had it to where it was awkwardly covering what she was carrying in her hands... She is an awkward child, so I didn't think too much about it. But I saw a cord hanging down behind the paper, I asked what that was, and then she said it was her pedometer but then I noticed she hasn't moved her other hand (that supposedly wasn't holding anything). So I asked her what she had in the other hand. She quickly said nothing! I thought maybe she brought candy or something to our house, or maybe she had candy hiding in her room from Easter Christmas or Halloween and she was going to sneak it to bm's... in wasn't about to have drama over that, so I had her show me... it was money! So I told her to go show her father so he can make a judgment call.
I wouldn't have cared either way. But apparently dh told her that he wasn't going to do the book fair, and that if she wants a book from the book fair he can order it offline a lot cheaper, so no she can't buy it with her own money (this must have been the conversion when he picked her up from school).
So sd
#1 attempted to defy what dh told her
#2 being sneaky (dh basically called her a thief)
#3 lied about not having anything in her hand
Dh made her out the money back and stay in her room for the rest of the time (5 minutes)
I don't know if he told her that she was going to be grounded any further than that, but for the three things listed above, I would have taken a priveledge or something more severe than a 5 minute time out for a 10yo at old doing the things listed above.... keep in mind the fact that she told bm adamantly she didn't eat the missing 1/3 of the cake until bm at down and watched the video and told her she saw her do it.
And also told dh that her
And also told dh that her dough Vinci set was not play dough. And that once she was caught she lied and told dh she didn't know, then she told him that she DID tell him it was play dough. (When she got it she insisted that she knew what it was,because she played it at a friends house. it was just some painting stuff)..
So this isn't a one time deal... she is constantly lying
I'm not, and you can say that
I'm not, and you can say that all you want, but there was play doh on her floor.
I'm not, and you can say that
I'm not, and you can say that all you want, but there was play doh on her floor.
Boys are different all right!
Boys are different all right! I have 2 boys and 1 girl. Can you guess which two were involved when I had to utter THESE words:
Don't pee on your brother!
Yeah, we just ripped up our
Yeah, we just ripped up our 2nd room of carpet where we will put hardwood flooring down. That carpet was really nasty! The rest of the house is hardwood, Thank God!
Lol, #1 sd was walking out
#1 sd was walking out with like $40,
#2 just because dh tells her no doesn't mean bm will, keep in mind sd does have 2 parents that she earns allowance from.
#3 I kind of think that dh had a feeling that the money wouldn't really go toward books, just the candy.
#4 there is no "book day"
Aw Dtzy, you're a big ol'
Aw Dtzy, you're a big ol' marshmallow inside!
Where the hell am I back
Where the hell am I back tracking? Yes there is a book fair, I think it lasts 3 days, there is no "book day"
Where the hell am I back
Where the hell am I back tracking? Yes there is a book fair, I think it lasts 3 days, there is no "book day"
Cat, it's not up to me, she
Cat, it's not up to me, she is not my child. And honestly the book fair isn't a big deal that everyone is making it out top be. My kids never participated and they never cared, they'd much rather but books cheaper online... if you are given a dollar limit, you can get more books that way.
Cat, it's not up to me, she
Cat, it's not up to me, she is not my child. And honestly the book fair isn't a big deal that everyone is making it out top be. My kids never participated and they never cared, they'd much rather but books cheaper online... if you are given a dollar limit, you can get more books that way.
Same here. I was always the
Same here. I was always the one handing out money to skids for fun at school or on weekends. I knew what it was like not to have fun or do anything you really wanted to do. I hated book fairs because I was the kid that never got to buy anything.
I never cared about book
I never cared about book fairs, and I was the one that we didn't have enough money to buy books... maybe That's where I got my philosophy of buying online is cheaper and better... dh grew up in a trailer park eating sharing a mac n cheese box with his brother and father... you can bet your bottom dollar he never participated in a book fair either, so maybe that's why we share the philosophy....
This poor kid just can't
This poor kid just can't catch a break. Yes, she was wrong for lying, but damn, the dude wouldn't allow her to spend her money on A BOOK.
Unfortunately, I agree with
Unfortunately, I agree with PPs and the kid. It's HER money, she's 10 years old, and she wanted to buy books at school. Jesus, what do they cost, between 5-10 bucks? And you can get them on Amazon for like 4-8, a total savings of a dollar or two? SO not worth this argument.
The constant lying is an issue, but I'd argue that being in such an over-controlled environment is going to make the lying WORSE, not better. Your DH is helping to create this problem.
I'm gonna quote Star Wars here because it's relevant and I love Star Wars.
Keep a grip on her, yes, but not so tightly that you lose her.
"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."
I would have not cared if the
I would have not cared if the child bought her own books wroth her own money, but dh already told her that he would order the books on line cheaper. So I think it was more the fact that he ALREADY said no, so instead of listening to him, she went against what she said.
When I say order them online for her, I mean she gives dh money and he orders it, so she would still be buying it herself, he would just find a better deal. I think that if she said, "but I really want to bring my own money so I can get the books now" he would have let her.
the punishment isn't for wanting to spend the money, it's for lying,being conniving and deceitful.
If kids were allowed to just defy parents azipnytime they perceived an injustice, we would have a bunch of entitled beats running wild... oh wait we do! That's why we have this board....
Using your own money to buy
Using your own money to buy on line isn't the same. The kid wanted to buy them at the book fair because she wanted to fit in with the other kids. She wanted to be included in the excitement of going down to the library, gym,lunchroom....with her class and picking out a few items.
Instead she has to sit on the side (or stay in the classroom) while the others pick out their stuff. If she's lucky, her teacher will feel sorry for her and allow her to pick out two things from the dollar table. (I end up doing this each with my students)
Or better yet, if she tells her mom what happened, hopefully mom would give her money.
If the entitled beast were created as a result of parents implementing stupid rules (for example telling a teenage girl she can't have a boyfriend), then the parents are at fault.
Did your girls purchase items from the book fair?
I already answered this
I already answered this question, go find it
This poor kid just never gets
This poor kid just never gets a break.
Here's what I do when my niece wants to spend her money and I take her shopping. I explain to her about sales and what she can get where cheaper so she can have more money left to save, or to buy other things, getting more for her money. Then I let her decide. It's her money and that's how one learns.
There are times to get things cheaper online but not ALL of the time. Sometimes, it's not about the money but the participation and the experience. Book fairs are fun for kids.
According to you, she is constantly lying and constantly overeating. I wonder why.
And she doesn't have friends
And she doesn't have friends or get along with other kids. The kid has to be sick and tired of constantly being the odd man out.
Well I think when you can hey
Well I think when you can hey a book for half the price, it might be best....
this is our typical response to school book fairs... "let us know what you want and we will get it off of Amazon cheaper for you"
All the girls are allowed to buy clothes, book, toys accessories they want with their money... typically books we get of line, toys and accessories sometimes are off line, clothes and shoes we go to the store to get... this is how is been since the girls began getting allowance.
Personally I don't care if sd blows all her money at the book fair, it's up to dh... not me
If you don't care, why don't
If you don't care, why don't you just disengage and stay out of it?
I don't care, re read my
I don't care, re read my post... my question had nothing to do with the book fair...
reread all my replies... do I say I don't think sd should participate in the book fair? No, I continue to say I don't care either way.
I am trying to disengage,but
I am trying to disengage,but it's hard when I think it may be candy and all I can do is picture bm calling and bitching about dh saying we don't have that kind of food here and here sd is bringing it from our house... I really was only trying to keep drama from starting... now I all a question here about something and bam, here comes the fucking drama
I don't believe for one
I don't believe for one minute that you make your girls miss out on anything at school (or any place else).
Umm. Let's see the last time
Umm. Let's see the last time they participated in a book fair? Oh wait, never... thanks for playing, try again next time
What? I don't get what you
What? I don't get what you mean...
Um, I did not discipline sd
Um, I did not discipline sd at all. So there toy go, not knowing what you ate talking about.
My asking her a question was merely out of trying to keep drama out of my house... please reread my post... I could just imagine bm flipping out about sd bringing candy from our house... so I wanted to make sure that wasn't what she was hiding... when I realized it wasn't I referred her to her father
Wait, you were downing BM for
Wait, you were downing BM for baking a cake 2hen th e kid is trying to lose weight, but you guys allowed here to have Easter candy...????? :?
Either this kid is not as big as you claim she is, you and your husband are just bad as BM or all of yall are nutters.
A cake for no reason
A cake for no reason (nobodies birthday, nobodies graduation, nobodies "i did good this week", nothing)
and yes we bought a 2.8 oz bag of frozen jellybeans split between 3 girls, a Cadbury egg, and a small hallow bunny Each. But it was easter. It was a special occasion. And no, sd hasn't even eaten all her candy here. Only the ears are gone on her bunny, and it looks as if she had only had a handful of jelly beans... I think she ate the Cadbury egg already.
Meh, the candy thing I can
Meh, the candy thing I can sort of see, actually. There are two other girls in the house. You can't give those two candy and not SD, that would REALLY be mean. You could make the argument that NONE of them should get candy then, but why should those two miss out? Were it me, I'd likely give all 3 a small amount of candy for Easter too. Not like there are any more "candy holidays" until Halloween! A few times a year is reasonable.
If that child is as big as
If that child is as big as you have claimed all these years,there no way she should have had that candy.
And plenty of people bake just because. Not everyone needs a reason to make special treats for their families.
Drac0 posted in another blog
Drac0 posted in another blog today that they mean "I give zero cents".
I always figured they meant, "Posted something I didn't mean to, and this is how we erase."
I hit reply more than once.
I hit reply more than once. Once I delete what was there, I just type symbols instead of duplicate
I hit reply more than once.
I hit reply more than once. Once I delete what was there, I just type symbols instead of duplicate
You ate so hilarious ditz,
You ate so hilarious ditz, you act as though we are this child's only source of money... apparently bm agrees wroth us on this because if she didn't, she'd fork over the money to sd, and she wouldn't have to sneak any money any where.... isn't that what is even more hilarious? That even her mother doesn't see the importance of this book fair?
The book fair isn't nearly as big of a deal as you ate making it out to be, my kids never batted an eye about not buying book, and neither did i. I don't care maybe sd stuffed the money down her underwear when she sat in her room for 5 minutes... I don't care, add long add it wasn't candy that would start WW3 between her mom's house and ours...
From a previous post: "just
From a previous post:
"just because dh tells her no doesn't mean bm will"
From this post:
"apparently bm agrees wroth us on this because if she didn't, she'd fork over the money to sd"
So which is it? You're changing your tune to fit your response, but you can't have it both ways.
Basically I'm saying the same
Basically I'm saying the same thing,you ste taping it out of context... if bm disagrees then she could have given her money, or allowed her to take her own from bm's house. But no, she didn't so she had the same feelings on this matter... so sd found it easier to try to SNEAK money out of the house, but she got caught.
But if bm doesn't agree then sd would not be sneaking money and she would be ordering book at the book fair today
I didn't even do anything to
I didn't even do anything to sd! What ate you talking about?!
OK, I told SD to go tell her
OK, I told SD to go tell her dad... I didn't even speak to dh regarding the matter, stayed in the living room while sd went into the formal dining room and talked to dh... so you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I see nothing wrong with not buying books from the book fair... if bm disagrees with how dh handled it, she can send sd with money... she is not my kid. I'm trying to disengage. That's why I let go and let dh deal with it.
Listen, you have no fucking
Listen, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about for the umpteenth time.
I am trying, TRYING to disengage.
I did not go over anything that the child did I simply told sd to go tell dh what she was planing on taking to bm's...
Yes, I asked her what she had, and no, show me, I think I said, no the other hand. So simple 3 or four sentences no interrogation. Dh probably HEARD what I asked sd from the other room. The rooms are literally like 10 feet away. It's not a huge house, and I wasn't whispering. Just like how I heard what dh told sd and sd tell dh what happened... so I don't really know how you are playing this make believe version in your head. .. but you don't know anything about me, and i'd appreciate if you kept your dann accusations to your goddammned self
Only if the "shit" isn't made
Only if the "shit" isn't made up accusations can it help, sorry. Nobody gave me anything that helped because of all the false accusations flying around that's all that was Pais attention to.
As for you saying "then delete my replies" I can't sorry... so all your immature false accusations that are simply just your trying to get me to leave this forum again will stay so that I can read them again and again... and remember how you can't give any actual advice because you are nothing but someone who spews false accusations and your band of bullies follow you ever where you go... kinda like that movie mean girls or jaw breakers. .. careful not to choke on one of those things
Lol, hun you have proved my
Lol, hun you have proved my point for me thank you, I've already answered all of your questions, so you ate more than welcome
No,no,no, BM is the one to
No,no,no, BM is the one to blame for the eating/weight issues. Dad does everything right.
Under this name it's 50/50,
Under this name it's 50/50, it wasn't that much time under the other names.
You and your delusions are
You and your delusions are slightly humorous, but only slightly
I don't see how I am being
I don't see how I am being mean, I referred get to her father so he could either let her take it or not... he could have said, "ya sure" it was up to him... not me
Wow you really are a ditz...
Wow you really are a ditz... I only wanted to make sure she hadn't hidden a stash of candy away and was bringing some to her mother's. That was the motive behind my "interrogation" that seriously consisted of "what is in your hand, no show me"
Then when I saw it wasn't what I thought it was, I told her to go tell her dad. I sat away from them, in the other room so that she didn't have an audience. So I really am not seeing how I am mean.
Sorry, you're wrong, and I'm
Sorry, you're wrong, and I'm just getting tired of your God dammned accusations
Why would a kid who needs to
Why would a kid who needs to lose weight even have candy? Since you allowed the candy to be in your home, doesn't that make you just as bad as BM?
Then when I saw it wasn't
Then when I saw it wasn't what I thought it was
You should have left it alone.
You say you were worried about candy (which I'm confused about why she would have candy at your house when you are so "concerned" about her eating), so when you saw it wasn't candy, why did you send her to her dad?
The kids all got a small
The kids all got a small amount of candy for a special occasion.
I sent her to her father so that he can make an informed decision. if anyone saw my children looking suspicious,I would want them to send them to me so I can make a decision on what to do, even if it was just to send them on their way. Any aunt, uncle, cousin, friend. I'd expect that courtesy
Please stop with the Miss
Please stop with the Miss Innocent, I-was-only-trying-to-help act. Nobody is buying it.
ETA-replied under nunay1983, not dtzy.
This, right? I thought that
This, right? I thought that was a bit weird
Hahahahaha! Oh my God, you
Hahahahaha! Oh my God, you are the one who got her in trouble and you think it's a bit weird? You are somethin' else.
LOLOLOL I think she intended
I think she intended to use her other name to post that reply.
Which other name? I'm so
Which other name? I'm so confused! At first when I first signed on you guys acted add if I was one person. Then I left because of an argument between me and dh. .. now I'm back under a very similar screen name, so nobody would get confused.... and you guys are acting as if I an trying to trick you into thinking I am someone else. I even made a post explaining my screen name change... you guys are seriously delusional
What fake account? You guys
What fake account? You guys are in serious need of help one person grabbing at imaginary straws and you guys grab it and run... why? Because you have nothing better to do. You guys talk about bullying... yet you guys are the biggest bullies ever... you have nothing but false accusations to run with... how sad
You'ce been the passive
You'ce been the passive aggressive,mean SM for years. Sure, there are times when you post things that make folks think you really care, but it's clear that you really dislike/hate that kid.
Based on what you've posted over the years, it seems like she really wants to fit in and be accepted just like your girls are. You seem to really be happy when you know she will be excluded and/or unhappy about something. (The girl scout blog comes to mind).
This man needs to wake up and see you for what you are. He's so busy trying to play super dad to your kids, that he's pretty much tossed his own kid to the side.
He likes to pretend he is
He likes to pretend he is "fair", and "treats them the same", yet he allows sd to keep play dough, when he made my oldest throw her's out... hmmmmm.... wait that just disproves your point... wait they get allowance for doing chores and keeping their rooms clean. Sd's room is nevery clean, sd never does laundry, dishes or tales out the trash because dh does dishes for her, we somehow make it out of the house and it's too late to take trash out, dh tells dds to take sd's clothes and lie them on her bed for her when she's not there, yet sd still gets allowance. DD's get yelled at for making a mess in their room, dh makes sure dds don't forget the pots and pans when doing dishes, and trash gets taken out since we aren't in a rush to get sd home.
Double standards? Aren't you
Double standards? Aren't you the one who says. since there was a perceived injustice that the child should defy the parent,but the parent isn't allowed to expect a child to have a legitimate reason for needing books right that minute?that if the parent says let's wait to order them online and the child agrees that then the parent has done due diligence? If the child really wanted to use their money they couldn't just have said, "well is really like the book when everyone else gets one" and all would have been fine and dandy... the child lied, the child deceived, the child should be punished. We hadn't known about the book fair until last night, sd only last night mentioned it to dh, he made a split second decision,and it was no. The child asked no further but then tried to sneak money out of the house. And she knew exactly what she was doing
How is it he didn't know
How is it he didn't know about the book fair?; He has the kid 50% of the time. Surely the PTA had the kids take home brochures and reminders. The front of the school had to plastered with those big behind signs the company sends out. HOW could a dad that has his kid 50/50 miss all of that.
This would make sense if dad only had the kid every other weekend and Thursday evenings for a few hours.
And instead of taking your
And instead of taking your kids and leaving, you stay with a man you believe is verbally abusive to them. :?
Has been, past tense... thank
Has been, past tense... thank you
He likes to pretend he is
He likes to pretend he is "fair", and "treats them the same", yet he allows sd to keep play dough, when he made my oldest throw her's out... hmmmmm.... wait that just disproves your point... wait they get allowance for doing chores and keeping their rooms clean. Sd's room is nevery clean, sd never does laundry, dishes or tales out the trash because dh does dishes for her, we somehow make it out of the house and it's too late to take trash out, dh tells dds to take sd's clothes and lie them on her bed for her when she's not there, yet sd still gets allowance. DD's get yelled at for making a mess in their room, dh makes sure dds don't forget the pots and pans when doing dishes, and trash gets taken out since we aren't in a rush to get sd home.
I was the kid that never had
I was the kid that never had money, never got to participate and never got to buy anything at the book fair. It sucked. My mom did not have money, we did not get allowance. If I did get money for my b-day my big a**hole brother would steal it. From what I remember the whole class goes together. Each student walks around looking at everything. Being able to look at the things you want, adding up what they cost and they paying for it helps teach a kid how to handle money.
Being the kid that does not get to participate sucks.
Is there a back story that I
Is there a back story that I am missing?
Yes but she has deleted her
Yes but she has deleted her other blogs and usernames.
I think she currently has two
I think she currently has two user names. I think that weird comment uo there was supposed to be posted under her other name.
Could be but a lot of the
Could be but a lot of the back story that Willow is missing has been deleted. cha. Her story cha. Her story does sound a little familiar but I can not place it.
Oh I get it. lol
Oh I get it. lol
Edited. Never mind. Just read
Edited. Never mind. Just read the rest
It's hard on kids who can't
It's hard on kids who can't participate, regardless of the reason. My ex and his wife used to pull this kind of thing, and all it did was earn them the nickname of "life suckers" from the kids (and not just mine - hers, too!). A better way to handle the whole Amazon/cheaper book thing? IMO, explain to the kid that the books will be cheaper online, so maybe take enough money for one book, and then the rest could be ordered. Win/win.
But to label a child "a thief"/punish her for taking her own money? Screwy.
That's not true here, the
That's not true here, the children go through and look at all the books, make a list of the books they want. Then bring the list home parents/kids send money in envelope with list and later that week books show up in their book bin... the only way a kid would know if you did or didn't get a book was if you told them, or they saw you didn't turn in an envelope
I didn't get sd in trouble...
I didn't get sd in trouble... all I food was tell her to go to her father
What do you mean? I only have
What do you mean? I only have time in between clients to check my phone and post sorry if I actually have a life
Exactly and I work with
Exactly and I work with clients, which part ate you trying to make false accusations about now?
What happened to your in home
What happened to your in home day care center?
I don't have a home daycare
I don't have a home daycare center! Never did what the hell! I went from being a medical assistant to a stay at home mom years ago, as per dh's request. but then he started playing the it's his money card so I started working from home.
She doesn't want to like her.
She doesn't want to like her. That is very obvious.
How So?
How So?
Ok. THAT was A LOT to read
Ok. THAT was A LOT to read through.
At first I thought you caught her trying to buy candy and lying about a book fair. Then ... wow.
First, it's none of your business what her MOTHER bakes her FFS. I bake my kids cakes FOR NO REASON other than momming.
Second the fact you can list EVERY bite that child took of her Easter candy down to which part of the rabbit is disturbing as Hell. Ask me what the skids ate of their candy. Ask. I have NO IDEA! Never even thought to ask much less inventory.
The book fair. If the worse thing my SS12 did was but books I'd be happy as a pig in shit.
Last year my SD10 wanted to use her money at the book fair. I said I could order it or give her money but she declined. Then I realized, it wasn't about the BOOK. It was about her establishing autonomy and feeling I independent! She was proud to use HER money to shop for HERSELF and not rely on asking us.These moments are important to a child this age.
And you probably shouldn't make personal attacks on dtzy. She's been doing this a long time for a kid far more trouble than your skid seems to be and has turned things around in her home. So before tossing out words like ditzy, chill out and just consider what people are trying to tell you.
I don't know exactly what she
I don't know exactly what she ate when, I just know that when I went and put hey clothes in her room I noticed the ears on her hollow bunny was gone and I know that she had eaten some jellybeans at some point, but not many are missing (no I didn't count)... all the kids ate the Cadbury egg on easter because they hadn't had one before and wanted to try it... you make it out as if I'm doing nothing but staying at her the entire time she's here!
dtzy, she's always been this
dtzy, she's always been this way. I remember under Sheldon where she was so happy her husband verbally abused the kid and told her how much better, smarter, prettier HER bio daughter's were than the SD.
And signing her up for things knowing she would fail so they could gloat about HER daughter's being better. One thing after the next.
I'm not one to be team skid either. But this was one who pulled at my hearts because this girl has developmental disabilities and they are so horrid. A true Cinderella story.
Wonder if OP will quit pretending she isn't Sheldonfan.
That says a lot that I
That says a lot that I remember this stuff because I wasn't active on STalk for a LONG time but that story stayed with me.
You know what, I don't care
You know what, I don't care that you don't like me, I really don't... but if that is who you keep trying to hey people to believe I am, then you are so messed up in the head! That's messed up!
Don't forget the time when
Don't forget the time when SD'S birthday was the same day as Sheldon's daughter's play. The poor kid was upset because her birthday had to take a back seat to the other kid's play. (they were going to celebrate the next day)
Dad and his parents just had to attend the play. Can you imagine how that poor kid must have felt to realize that her dad and grandparents would rather attend her stepsister's play than celebrate her birthday?
Instead of Sheldonfan telling dad and her in laws to skip the play, she posted her about her being a selfish,entitled brat.
After several posted dad for his poor choice, she back tracked and said dad had planned to take her out dinner after the play all along.
When I started posting again
When I started posting again my SS was seeming as if he was doing better. He is just acting out more and more with BM not being as active in his sports as I am with my child and the upcoming birth of BMs new baby boy.
FFS kid quit taking it out on me, my kindergartener, and my special needs kid, and the poor dog!
I want my husband to PARENT. I want peace.
Even now, it wouldn't cross my mind to set a child up for constant failure. And SMs who really ARE ugly to their skids just make it easier for all of our husbands to toss out "You just hate my kid"
She has it on her dresser is
She has it on her dresser is not like it's hiding... it's out in the open... I don't watch her like a hawk... I find it odd that bm says she is worried because sd is still gaining weight but in the same breath says she baked a big chocolate cake. When dh asked oh, was it someone's bday she said no, it was a just because cake,she baked it for no reason
I didn't do anything, people
I didn't do anything, people are asking about the freaking easter candy, I'm not playing easter bunny police I was answering freaking questions wth cat!!! What's wrong with you!
Can't do anything when they
Can't do anything when they don't give us the info in time. My daughter waited until the last day of her school book fair to realize she wanted a book then hulked out on her teacher and the aids ( autism )
I'm pretty sure the staff will let ME know well in advance from now on.
Take her to a Barnes and Nobles. Maybe reward report card with money for grades ( so she feels like she earned it ) then let her choose what she wishes for and let her pay for it.
Don't feel bad! It's not
Don't feel bad! It's not like you forbid her to buy books, you just didn't have the cash at the last minute. She's not scarred for life, promise.
Think of it this way too,
Think of it this way too, next year she will know to tell you ahead of time. This was a valuable lesson learned in not procrastinating.
It isn't as if you habitually deny her experiences and she knows you didn't have malice in your heart so I'm sure she's fine. You won't be summoned to Dr.Phil over this in 20 years lol
I'm sure she will enjoy whatever you plan to make up for it.
OP, you didn't happen to go
OP, you didn't happen to go to SeaWorld did you?
When dont i? It's only a
When dont i? It's only a short drive from our house... why?
Hi Sheldon
Hi Sheldon
Didn't Sheldons SD have
Didn't Sheldons SD have developmental disabilities too?
Ohhh you got the Sheldon card
Ohhh you got the Sheldon card pulled on you too?apparently if you ate new you ate Sheldon. ... lmao! No wonder they are all up in flames over this post!
LOLOLOL You're really talking
You're really talking to yourself now???!!! Didn't Mapper and Luckymomme do that as well? LOLOLOL
But it was funny when she
But it was funny when she answered herself on the wrong profile earlier lol
I still can't believe I'm
I still can't believe I'm seeing a SM bitching over CAKE!!!
No child abuse. No neglect. No addiction to drugs, booze, sex, or gambling.
Bitch baking dare she!
I do believe my favorite
I do believe my favorite 'WTF?' moment in OP's post came when she gave the excuse this SD might be sneaking left over candy from not only Easter but also Christmas and Halloween over to BM's.
One of the last postings OP made before she took her break was on an on about dining out with SD and what an how SD ate. A regular non-stop eating machine, or so to say per the OP. But now? Now this little piggy (?) seems to either 1)seldom eat much of the candy given to her and/or 2)is given so fricken much of it SD still has hordes of it left months and months after the holiday.
Too funny. And the OP expects everyone to believe all OP was doing is trying to be helpful an stop drama by demanding to know what SD ha in her hands. LOL. Nope. It was just OP once again hating on the little girl and trying to get SD in trouble with Daddy. And what does OP do next? Come here an whine she doesn't feel Daddy gave enough punishment to SD (five minutes in bedroom), she feels Daddy should have handed out more.
There's something going on
There's something going on with her speech. Sheldon/Stepmominhiding claimed it was just baby talk. Also the kid not speaking correctly ON PURPOSE because BM thought it was cute.
Its a book fair... give the
Its a book fair... give the kid 10 bucks and tell her no candy. My son loved bookfair. I always gave him money and he usually spent some of his own...a child that reads goes far and she will feel bad if everyone else gets something... this is usually a fundraiser.
Shame on you guys... its a book fair and how sad she had to sneak her own money.
Oh you got me wrong, we 100%
Oh you got me wrong, we 100% promote reading we have a huge book case full of books we have bought, the kids have bought and people have gifted to the kids. They ate more than welcome to buy books. We actually take them to half price books when we know that a book fair is upon us... but if they want a book in particular that we can't find at half price, we order it offline.
It was nothing off them to
It was nothing off them to let her participate with her friends. She may promote reading and that is great, but this saving a couple bucks is BS. With shipping Amazon is not cheaper than the book sale. Those prices are good. It just feels like a control issue for SM to tattle about something that had no impact on her or her DH. That money was the kids and how great she wanted to spend it on books.... just sounds like a reason to micromanage this kid. Poor kid, she sounds like she need someone to be a hero for her.
Amazon prime offers 2 day
Amazon prime offers 2 day free shipping thank you have a nice day... try again next time
NUNYA !!!! That's not the
NUNYA !!!! That's not the point!!!!
Omg. The point is You robbed this kid of an experience.
You took a child trying to use her OWN money to buy a BOOK and criminalized it.
Don't you understand that?
I didn't do anything, I told
I didn't do anything, I told her to go and show her father... Her father is the one who said anything about it.
I think she's jealous because
I think she's jealous because SD has an involved father while her ex is MIA.
Everything she does screams that she's the type of bio parent who is trying to make her new spouse the daddy figure of her kids. Of course she says he's alwayss the oNE pushing for the 3 girls to be equal in his eyes.
But based on what we know about step life, that just isn't the norm.
He's probably some pussy whipped dude who has been manipulated into thinking that all 3 girls must have equal footing in his life/heart.
He knows darn well what Nunya expects as far as keeping SD in line goes. Instead of having the balls to tell her to back off of his kid, he goes all with the bull shit.
I have a feeling she wants to run the SD off. Once that happens her girls will have SD's dad all to themselves.
My heart truly breaks for
My heart truly breaks for your SD and for her having to deal with you as a SM. Not only are you doing a diservice to a child (you as an adult)but you are doing anyone else a diservice who comes in contact with this little girl who is bound to have issues after growing up with you as her SM and her own father who allows it to happen. (hopefully she can overcome any issues.)
How does it feel to be a bully to a kid? Because that is how I see you in your posts. A jealous bully.
Again, please, tell me what I
Again, please, tell me what I did... nobody has yet told me what I did workout mapping false accusations... I have not bullied this child... sorry
Keep in mind bm agrees with
Keep in mind bm agrees with it,or else sd wouldn't be trying to take money from our house because bm would have already given her money
Don't even, Dtz. First she
Don't even, Dtz. First she said if BM wanted to give her money for the book fair she could, then she claimed the kids aren't even supposed to BRING money to the fair, now she says BM is on their side. Every point you make she just changes the story.
"Every point you make she
"Every point you make she just changes the story.
Just like Stepmominhiding/Sheldonfan always did.
Sd goes to school from bm's
Sd goes to school from bm's house. .. so yes bm can give sd what ever money she wants before the school day. . And I said the kids wrote down what books they want on am order form then the patents or money and the order form in an envelope and the envelope goes back to the school that day or the next few the books "magically" appear in the kids Supply bin
How am I being contradictory?
How am I being contradictory? Sd took money,it was in her hand, when sd went to show dh, she said "I wanted to you my own money for the book fair", dh said, "sd we already talked about this, I said go to the fair, not down which books you want, I'll find them on amazon and we'll order them. Now go out the money in your room and sit in there until it's time to go" literally she only was there for 5 minutes.
That's how I know, like I said, he was 10 steps from me, I could hear him.
You completely leave it the
You completely leave it the part that I said trying, that it seems it is a 1 step forward 2 back... I'm not saying that my along what was in her hand was disengaging. I said I did it to keep drama out of my house....
And you again ate prong words in my mouth. I said that bm could have (not should have) given sd moneY. And then I said that the parents send money to school with the kid in an envelope along with the order form... none of this is contradictory, sorry, you go putting words in my mouth again
I never attacked you. You
I never attacked you. You have no clue what you are talking about, Either that or you enjoy tossing false accusations around. Nothing I said was a contradiction. You keep saying it, like the more you say it the more it's likely to be true. Everything I said = easy to understand, if you don't look for "hidden meanings".
Sd came out hiding money behind paper, yes I asked her to show me what she was hiding, just like I would do if my niece/ nephew,or my kids if they were doing the same. I told her to go all her father about it (I didn't know they already talked about it), So I didn't know that she would get in trouble. When I saw it was money, I sent her to her father (I didn't ask what the money was for). I heard her tell her father she wanted to take the money for get book fair. Her father did what he did. I stayed in the separate room to give them privacy, but I still heard what was going on.
As for the way that their book fair works:
The fair lasts 3 or 4 days (depends on when the weekend falls). The first day the kids (sorted by grades) walk through and make a note of which books they want. Then they tale the list home and parents will send money wroth children to school The next day. Then the next few days the teachers or librarian will put the books in the coresponding kid's book cubby.
This is how I have tried to explain it every time anyone has questions regarding how this all played out. I think it's pretty ridiculous that I have to give every single detail on how this played out And then when I part this I know that people are going to in one way or another tell me this contradicts something else I wrote about, when in fact this is what I've already said 100 times. I'm not saying that I'm innocent, but my intentions where good ones when I did this, Whether you believe that our not. I'm not the deciding factor on whether or not sd buys books from the book fair. But it has been a rule in our house that we don't get books from the book fair whether is sd's fair or dds' fair... it's also a standing rule we don't purchase school photos, we get them cheaper and nicer from photo studios (like 50 pictures for 9.00) and they turn out like 100 times better. These are standing rules in our house. These have been rules on both sides before me and dh married... neither of us made either of us do this to our kids. I'm sorry that you have a hard time believing what I posted but everything I said does make sense. You guys are just so busy trying to tear apart everything I post to see that.
I'm not going to apologize for anything I've said here. I only reacted to what certain people kept putting over and over on my post. I stand by my reply that certain people have no clue what they were talking about, because I said one thing and they acted as though I was lying/or manipulating what happened. Certain phrases such as "I know women like you" and such and my reply was justifiable.
I never attacked you. You
I never attacked you. You have no clue what you are talking about, Either that or you enjoy tossing false accusations around. Nothing I said was a contradiction. You keep saying it, like the more you say it the more it's likely to be true. Everything I said = easy to understand, if you don't look for "hidden meanings".
Sd came out hiding money behind paper, yes I asked her to show me what she was hiding, just like I would do if my niece/ nephew,or my kids if they were doing the same. I told her to go all her father about it (I didn't know they already talked about it), So I didn't know that she would get in trouble. When I saw it was money, I sent her to her father (I didn't ask what the money was for). I heard her tell her father she wanted to take the money for get book fair. Her father did what he did. I stayed in the separate room to give them privacy, but I still heard what was going on.
As for the way that their book fair works:
The fair lasts 3 or 4 days (depends on when the weekend falls). The first day the kids (sorted by grades) walk through and make a note of which books they want. Then they tale the list home and parents will send money wroth children to school The next day. Then the next few days the teachers or librarian will put the books in the coresponding kid's book cubby.
This is how I have tried to explain it every time anyone has questions regarding how this all played out. I think it's pretty ridiculous that I have to give every single detail on how this played out And then when I part this I know that people are going to in one way or another tell me this contradicts something else I wrote about, when in fact this is what I've already said 100 times. I'm not saying that I'm innocent, but my intentions where good ones when I did this, Whether you believe that our not. I'm not the deciding factor on whether or not sd buys books from the book fair. But it has been a rule in our house that we don't get books from the book fair whether is sd's fair or dds' fair... it's also a standing rule we don't purchase school photos, we get them cheaper and nicer from photo studios (like 50 pictures for 9.00) and they turn out like 100 times better. These are standing rules in our house. These have been rules on both sides before me and dh married... neither of us made either of us do this to our kids. I'm sorry that you have a hard time believing what I posted but everything I said does make sense. You guys are just so busy trying to tear apart everything I post to see that.
I'm not going to apologize for anything I've said here. I only reacted to what certain people kept putting over and over on my post. I stand by my reply that certain people have no clue what they were talking about, because I said one thing and they acted as though I was lying/or manipulating what happened. Certain phrases such as "I know women like you" and such and my reply was justifiable.
Sd goes to school from bm's
Sd goes to school from bm's house. .. so yes bm can give sd what ever money she wants before the school day. . And I said the kids wrote down what books they want on am order form then the patents or money and the order form in an envelope and the envelope goes back to the school that day or the next few the books "magically" appear in the kids Supply bin
Why on earth would BM have
Why on earth would BM have already given her money when you said they don't actually spend any money AT book fair? You said they make a list and send it home, they don't buy the books at the fair.
The fair is approximately 3
The fair is approximately 3 days long, it gives the kids time to look at books, make a list and the next few days the parents send money in an envelope, so yes, bm would send sd with an envelope of money. if that's confusing, I'm sorry
Why would mom send money
Why would mom send money during dad's visitation time? The book fair took place during dad's week so he should be the one handling this not mom.
I've never heard of a school book fair where kids only have one day to actually shop. Sure each class is assigned a set time To attend, but the kids are free to pop in AND MAKE purchases during lunch time and recess. There are kids that will buy something each day.
They tend to make the larger purchases when they are there with their classes. However, they buy the fun stuff (pencils,bookmarks, stickers....)during lunch/recess.
Book fairs are a huge fund raiser for schools. I just can't see any school limiting kids to only spending money on one day.
We don't have one week on one
We don't have one week on one week off there are other ways to have 50/50
I am not the one who sent her
I am not the one who sent her to her room. I don't intend on punishing sd, I just wanted to suggest other options to dh. Yes I would have done what I said to my children, but apparently nobody else agrees, and I'm fine with that in itself... it's the harassment I am having trouble with
This child is always sneaking
This child is always sneaking everything. She sneaks spiral notebooks and pencils to the car. The child sneaks candy home to get moms and hides it. The child sneaks everything.
She sneaks because of the way
She sneaks because of the way you all treat her.
The way dh and bm treat her.
The way dh and bm treat her.
Also the only one who keeps
Also the only one who keeps thinking her punishment has to do with the cost is you. Nobody in my house is concerned about that. She was being punished for
1 dh told her a clear concise no, she defied it
2 she was sneaking around trying to hide things
3 she lied
Period dot
I am having trouble wroth
I am having trouble wroth disengaging, I have admitted that! Yes! I already said that. You are saying something I already did!
Doesn't it get through to you
Doesn't it get through to you that no matter what name you sign under people are still ALL telling you to leave this little girl ALONE?!
Go back and read everything
Go back and read everything you have ever posted about your SD here.
Im not trying to be mean. But seriously you need to re-evaluate your life choices and how you are dealing with your SD. What is it making you feel this way about her? I'm inclined to think its more you and YOUR issues then it is that SD is a bad kid. I havent really seen anything that you have posted that leads me to believe that she is so bad that she deserves your constant nit picking, bullying, criticism, overall behavior to her.
Lord woman don't give your FB
Lord woman don't give your FB to anyone you don't know and TRUST!
Haven't read all 8 pages of
Haven't read all 8 pages of this post, but I have a "strange" SD too. Any time I explain any details about this one, it starts looking like DH and I are the crazy ones, when in fact, SD is just plain sociopathic in all her dealings in normal life situations. It's impossible to explain.
I get the lying part of this,
I get the lying part of this, but the rest is just hogwash to me....It's HER money, she is buying books not drugs, not even lollies, FFS. Splitting hairs over the name of play dough is just lame....
You guys will be lucky if you don't turn this girl dysfunctional or worse suicidal with you riding her so darn hard.
I'm strict, very strict, but you even beat me.
It wasn't about the name of
It wasn't about the name of it. We don't allow play dough end of story
Um no, I said that we don't
Um no, I said that we don't allow play dough in our house. It's called dough vinci. It's still play dough. There is play dough on her floor. That's what my past was about, period dot.
Out of curiosity: what does this have to do with my original post?
I said she/he was a
I said she/he was a stalker... doesn't mean she/he is/was my stalker.
out of curiosity: what does this have to do with my ORIGINAL post? Or are you just pulling at straws again, since that's what you do best?
If it's her money then
If it's her money then shouldn't she spend it on what she wants? That's weird o of you to have a say so what she can spend her own money on. Even if it cost more at the book fair
I have no say on what she
I have no say on what she uses it on. That's up to her parents.
I started reading this last
I started reading this last night, and here is my take on this (I did not have time to post last night)...
In your defense on this and the bullying thread, you repeatedly say about how your DH agrees, both of you agree with the way both of you parent...what you really do not seem to acknowledge in either thread is that people are saying that maybe the way BOTH of you are handling the child is incorrect.
To me an analogy would be when you get two criminals who are committing a crime together...just because the two criminals think a bank robbery is necessary for them, does not mean it is ok.
Now, I am not saying you are criminals. I am saying that because two people agree on a course of action, does not mean the course of action is correct.
Numerous of your posts recently have appeared to show extreme reactions by both you and your DH towards minor infractions. From your posts it appears this child is depressed and sad. What EVERYONE here seems to be trying to tell you is that maybe you need to back off (both you and DH) and try a different approach. Counseling for the child, and you, and try to get to the bottom of why this child is acting the way she is. And approach with an open mind and recognize maybe what you are doing is wrong.
I have been a member here for several years, I am just not a big poster. I see attacks from other posters at times, but this is not an attack. Additionally, when everyone is saying the same thing, there is usually something to it.
Just the title of this blog says it all - sd tried to sneak money out of our house, even it was her own money... weirdo. That is not being a weirdo...the use of that word makes no sense. The fact she was so obvious about trying to take the money tells me it is not usual behavior for her...if she really was sneaky, conniving and deceitful she would have been far better at this and you would have no idea the money had gone. She was desperate to take her money, because none of her parents (at either house) were listening to her.
This poor child needs some help. Maybe even a counselor at the school she can talk to. She needs an outside and neutral person to talk with, and help her. My BS8 was in counseling for nearly two years after an abuse situation, and even though he loves his mom and dad, there were things he discussed with the counselor even though he never talked to us...because it was "his" person. If a kid has genuine issues, this can only help.
From your posts, her behavior is getting worse, so why are you seemingly not open to considering a new approach?
The bullying I'm talking
The bullying I'm talking about is the apparent attacks made toward my character, yes that is bullying. Me telling people they have no freaking (yes I used a harsher word) is not bullying.
Thank you for your suggestions. I AM trying a new approach of trying to disengage. My post was meant to ask what people's opinion (not about the book fair)but what would they do about a child who is constantly lying, cheating and being conniving. My question must have got deleted as I was writing and re writing this post. taking the child to counseling is a viable option. And I do appreciate you bringing that up.
Honestly it hurts when seemingly every time I post people bring up this other poster and compare bits and pieces of my life and throw what ever that poster did into my posts, and then people start attacking me. Yes in my exhausted and just "finally tired of it" state I did use profanity. But I did not attack anyone here the way I seem to constantly attack and provok me.
You attacked Ditzy because
You attacked Ditzy because she gave it to you straight, no chaser. Not once did she cuss at you or call you vile names.
No one has attacked you. Posters here truly feel sorry for your SD.
God damn, I'd lie too if I
God damn, I'd lie too if I couldn't even use MY OWN MONEY to buy a FUCKING BOOK.
Jesus Christ, lady!!! Do you think your family is fun to be in???? AT ALL??? My god.
There's frugal, and then there's fucking ridiculously cheap beyond explanation. Sure, buy it on Amazon and make some huge corporation richer. Or let her get it at the book fair and spend $2 more and support your school.
Yet I bet you're one of the first to bitch when the school cuts something, aren't you???????
This is quite a thread. My 5
This is quite a thread. My 5 cents worth is, was it really necessary for this to go as far as it did ? I completely understand strict parenting. I make generals look sweet. All a little girl wanted to do was take her earnt money and spend it at a book fair. Wether on books or something else is immaterial. Every one of us has earnt and spent money frivolously in our time. Your SD is not cheap/ slutty, she's not making out behind Bob's diner. Give her some trust.
The cake is a small thing and really what happens at BM is none of your concern, especially as it's a cake. Not cigarette, marihuana, alcohol, meth.
What alternatives do you offer SD to play doh? Pottery, water pastels, looming, beading? Give this girl a chance. Try be a little softer please.
Geez.. I feel so damned sorry
Geez.. I feel so damned sorry for your SD I wanna bitch slap you upside your head!!! Goddamn it woman! Listen to Dtzy! She knows what she's talkin' about!!
...and leave your SD alone!! FFS!!! She deserves so much better than you!!
I am now finding myself praying that your DH wakes up to your toxic bulshit and leaves your sorry ass!!! Fucken hell!!