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I hate this situation - grad party please advise's picture

It's been awhile since I have posted, I tend to come back here when shit gets rough in my step life.
It's been a few years, MANY obstacles and when I look at it from a birds eye view....NOTHING HAS CHANGED,depressing. The past few years in therapy, the lies, manipulation, SDstb18 and the ex. Yes, I know it's DH, it's all his fault and I'm more resentful towards him then ever.

I have a brand new baby girl who makes my heart sing, brings joy to my life. SD and I have not gotten along in 3 years. Long story short shes made up lies, played victim, stole my things, said mean hurtful things to me and is a royal bitch to my 11 year old. Because of me she refused to stay here 50% of the time and started her pattern of only coming around on holidays and to collect on her birthday. It hurt to see DH so hurt but to be honest it was nice not having the drama and anxiety surrounding her visits. The entire atmosphere of my house changed when she was over.

Guess who started her visits back up almost daily?? yup! SD! Since my angel was born almost 2 months ago sd "loves babies" and has turned my home and my life upside down. DH gave her a key and everything. DH bows at her feet and couldn't be happier that shes back around again. I couldnt be more miserable. We went from a visit every couple months to abt 5 days a week. If shes not holding the baby shes hovering over me and sending dh to check on me to see if I'm done feeding.I hate my life right now.

SD sends a text asking if we want to help plan her grad party.....apparently DH already agreed to do a JOINT party. WTF is there to plan? everything is already planned, they just want us to pay. Of course its the same day as our friends wedding we have to miss bc SD wants her party at night for her special lighting shes getting....FUCK MY LIFE.

I'm expected to help, to "try" since shes back in our lives and "trying" so hard, this fucking grad party is being treated like a wedding and its at BMs house. DH has no balls and said SD didn't want separate parties and shes done so good so she gets what she wants and its uncomfortable for him too but its his kid so thats what he has to do.

What do I do? What can I do? We have fought nonstop abt this, I'm full of anger and resentment.I hate my life right now with him. I'm sick of sucking shit up hoping it will get better and it never does. I met SD when she was 12, she will be 18 in 6 weeks and nothing has changed. Nothing.


dood's picture

Holy crap. I'm sorry for what you're living with. There is no way I'd go to that house. That's a completely unreasonable request. I don't think I have any great advice but suffice it to say that I personally would not go.'s picture

I have of course considered not going, But I think I need to be ready to deal with the shit storm that would follow, right or wrong thats how it will be. If thats the case we might as well break up now, thats why I'm so angry and upset to be in a fucked up situation. *I always have t give and try harder because.."she's just a kid"
I would rather light my hair on fire then go, if I don't go it will make things that much worse- I will be the asshole, DH and I will hate each other and it will give SD fuel.

classyNJ's picture

Can you go to the wedding alone? I would rather be with my friends than go to BM's.'s picture

We have to travel for the wedding so it's not impossible but not ideal to go alone, alos it's our mutual friends but DH is way closer to the groom then I am so it would be a little awkward for me to go alone.

Rags's picture

Send her far, far, away for university. Cost should be no object. Give yourself a break and the chance for you, DH, DD-11, and the new baby a chance to bond and have a calm and un-usurped chance to be a family without the toxic presence of SD or the remote manipulation of BM. Banishing SD to the far reaches of the realm while maintaining the façade of caring support and excitement for her would be a great tactic at this point.

Congratulations on the new baby.'s picture

Thanks Rags, I always appreciate your advice Smile

Unfortunately, My high hopes of her going far away came crashing down when she announced her excitement of going to our state college when she didn't get into Dartmouth (eyeroll). She will be 10 min away. Fuck my life again.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I just had a baby 7 months ago and step daughter was cuckoo crazy over her but now the newness has warn off and she's back to visiting every once in blue moon.

dood's picture

Sounds like either way you'll be compromised so get sick and stay home with your baby. Some sanity that way. He had no right dragging you into that hell without discussing it with you first. I still wouldn't go blow up or not.

QueenBeau's picture

Say no to the party and no to SD holding your baby. U can say no. There will be backlash but if not u will regret being miserable during this time with ur baby.

Send her and her daddy to a daddy daughter day lol. She's there to visit him not parent the baby.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I agree. Do not attend the party. SD wont even notice you're not there. I have an SD19 and we had to bow to her two years ago when she graduated. Her BM had died a few months earlier, so of course I did the right thing.

You just had a baby. The baby will still BE a baby at graduation time. LOL You need your rest. Do what I did for Easter. I told DH that Sunday morning that I wasn't joining in on the festivities at SIL's house. I didn't want to be around SD19.

~ Moon

twoviewpoints's picture

I think it's was pretty predictable that DH would be attending the graduation ceremony for his daughter, when he received the wedding invite. Regardless of the relationship the last few years with SD, HS graduation is one of those big milestones. New baby two months ago and a rekindled interest in visitations with Dad or not, graduation wasn't going to be skipped by Dad for a wedding.

As far as the party thing. I think Dad should decide what cash he wants to put towards the party, donate the cash and let BM go on to be host. It's at BM's home. BM and daughter have planned it all and co-hosting means more commitment and bull. Donate the decided upon amount and then just go as guest. Guest with no obligation other-than show up, wish the honoree well and leave when desired. Set-up, clean-up and all the required crap in-between avoided.

It would work for baby and you also. You can take separate cars and leave when baby gets tired or needs to be used as a emergency exit plan excuse for you when you've had enough. You can manage to appear and slip away within little more than 30 minutes. Dad can stay if he desires. You can also just last minute announce baby has had too long of a day and baby (and therefore Mommy) need to be home and not attend. Babies get needy ya know and nothing makes it better than home being rocked and put to sleep by Mommy. So there you exit plan and a oops sorry baby and I can't make it alternative. Dad might have to do the party but baby and you don't and you can gracefully decline/leave without making it about SD or hearing the 'you hate my kid' crap.

SDSTB18 should be coming to a close on those visitations with graduation. She's an adult now. The girl needs to work this summer and then school in the fall. She can be treated as the adult she's about to become. Meaning she calls before making an afternoon drop by and accepts the fact now/today may not be a good time to visit. She can wait for invitations to be issued for Sunday lunch (or whatever your lifestyle calls for). She can be treated as any other guest in your home making their exit when it's obvious it's time to go now and not over stay the welcome.

And the get-away little trip you were looking forward to (the friends wedding) , you expect a make-up get-away weekend for you and DH. yeah, it won't be a wedding but it can still be planned and enjoyed. Everybody deserves a break and a get-away. Graduations don't totally cancel normal life needs nor Dh/wife relaxation weekends.

Merry's picture

What if you told your DH that you just aren't up to going to the party, given the hassle of finding a sitter or bringing the baby along? It can be about YOU and his other child (remember her, DH?), not about SD and it doesn't have to be a shitstorm of you just not cooperating for his spawn's sake. Offer a nice dinner to celebrate her graduation with her at your house sometime later. Something.

"DH, I'd really like you to support me in this, and we can celebrate with SD ourselves later."

No way would I be going to that party.

MidwestStepmom's picture

I've gotten to the point that I tell ss to go away, or go wait in his room for his dad. He does this hovering thing and with him raiding my underwear I don't want him near me. You need to stand up for what you want.