Beautiful Friday.....Sigh
I am beat. I am run down. I am home today trying to take it easy. Work is fine. Home life sucks the big dick of life right nw. Nothing is resolved. Nothing is being done. I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't. I want to scream at the top of my lungs at DH and the Skids. WTF? Here is what I got to hear this morning. Enjoy.
1) SD13 was upset yesterday mainly because of you. (I told him it's convenient to use me as a scapegoat.)
2) Why don't you try to be nice? (Tell SD13 t stop eavesdropping and maybe her fee-fees won't get huwt.....)
3) Please don't mention SD13 not taking a shower again right now. (When she goes for 5 days and is on her period? Damn straight I'll mention it!)
4) No, I don't know what's going on with SD19 and her hedgehog, besides it's two months away (until college is out).
5) You just think my kids are fucked up (Wow, DH got one right).
6) Thirteen years old can't remember to do things on their own, that's just how they are.
7) What if I called your parents and asked how YOU were at age 13 with hygiene? (Go ahead, DH, try me.)
:: crickets:: (When I mention she never has homework. Grades are slipping.....oh well, wait until next year in HS).
Every damn thing I bring up, DH has an excuse for. Now SD13 is going to therapy again for the first time since October. SHE had to ASK DH to make the appointment. I think she's going to go in there and say that evil Moon isn't supportive of her.
More later....
~ Moon
The shower thing is
The shower thing is ridiculous. First thing my Skids do when they walk in my door is shower.
So you aren't supposed to say anything about her not showering but she can't shower unless reminded?
BINGO! DH said SD13 has
BINGO! DH said SD13 has taken her showers. I replied, "THIS week. For the first time."
So sorry you are going
So sorry you are going through so much difficulty Moon.
There is definitely something wrong with your dh it's just crazy that he is so out of touch with reality. I would agree that your only option is to disengage but I also know that that's not always an easy thing to do.
I know I have little tolerance for the stuff you're going through and I'd have left him by now. The total lack of respect is paramount and that's just a deal breaker for me. Life is short no one should have to live this way. It isn't healthy for you.
I have been disengaged as
I have been disengaged as much as I can be, until a greasy, unshowered skid is sitting at my dinner table. I don't cook anymore.
I'm going to fully disengage and not even speak to them. I need to protect myself. I have had it with this crap.
I owe no one a damn thing. Except for myself. I am NOT the problem here.
You AREN'T the problem but
You AREN'T the problem but until you extract yourself from the situation as much as you can, you will and forever shall be the scapegoat.
I repeat what misSTEP said,
I repeat what misSTEP said, YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM!
I know what you are going through...didn't have the exact same scenarios, but the constant disrespect, me being told that I needed to lighten up and try to be nice to HHB, be being told to just leave certain things alone (like HHB leaving her mess all over my kitchen), that I scared HHB (probably along the same lines as your SD13's hurt fee-fees), etc. At least HHB showered, but she had plenty of other hygiene problems and I was always the bad guy if I brought them up! Like when HHB took off her shoes in the car on a road trip one time...girl never wears socks with her CLOSED shoes, and her feet stink to high heaven all the time! The moment she took them off, that fowl odor ran through the car, and I told her to get her smelly feet off my seat and put her shoes back on. Oh yeah, I was the bad guy for that one! She got all butt hurt because I said her feet stunk and she had to spend the 3 hour drive in the car with her shoes on! Same then when she didn't brush her teeth, and you could smell the stench of her mouth from the front seat of the car. I started to put good smelling lotion on my hands before we left the house, and kept some in my purse so that I could put my hand over my nose and block out the smell, because again, if I said a thing, HHB would get all butt hurt and say I was ALWAYS picking on her! Well then, maybe brush your teeth and wear some CLEAN socks, oh, and wash your clothing more often so that you DON'T STINK! We shouldn't be required to put up with stench...oh hell no!
Before HHB left, I got to the point I would avoid being anywhere around her as much as possible! There were some times, like Sunday mornings, I couldn't avoid it. I wouldn't try to engage in conversation with her, I wouldn't look her way...I acted like she wasn't there. Crazy thing is, neither HHB nor DH even noticed! I left it like that, and if she left her crap around, I told DH to tell her to clean it up! He was so tired of telling her himself and hearing me complain to him about it, he just started picking up her crap for her. Sure, didn't teach her crap, but at least it got cleaned up, right?
{{{{HUGS}}}}} TO YOU! Shame you can't run away every weekend! Yeah, wouldn't that get DH wondering.
Can't, you totally
Can't, you totally understand! The littlest comment hurts their feelings and we're supposed to "be the adult!"
Mom said I could sneak away to her house any time I wanted, even when I said I didn't want to impose.
Might have to do that. For the entire summer! LOL
Sorry you're dealing with
Sorry you're dealing with this, Moon. {{HUGS}} I stopped cooking, too, and avoid the dinner table altogether because I literally cannot stand to see PrincASS eat (GAG).
IMHO, if that skidmark sits down at the dinner table looking like a grease monkey, get up and leave. Say nothing.
If the 19yo brings the hedgehog into your home. Say nothing. Buy a duplicate cage and place in her room with the door open. Take the bloody critter somewhere far away and release it (or have a friend help) and throw away the cage.
Be polite, but distant. Treat skids like you would strangers.
Oh, and if MissStinkyPants needs a shower, Say NOTHING. Just constantly spray air freshener and light a bunch of scented candles.
"DH can you turn on the
"DH can you turn on the Scentsy? It smells funny in here....." }:)
DH had the nerve to tell me this morning that SD13 doesn't stink! That's when I told him she was on her period and didn't shower for 5 days!!!!!! :jawdrop:
Rather than ignore his
Rather than ignore his comments confront and engage him on his platform.
1) SD13 was upset yesterday mainly because of you. (I told him it's convenient to use me as a scapegoat.)
So, what exactly did I do to upset her? She can be upset all she wants but if you and she are going to blame it on me then you damned well better be able to tell me specifically what I did to upset her. So, what exactly did I do to upset her? If all you have is "she is upset" because of me then both of you can STFU.
2) Why don't you try to be nice? (Tell SD13 t stop eavesdropping and maybe her fee-fees won't get huwt.....)
I am nice. I just do not ignore the facts of behavior I refuse to tolerate. So, how exactly do you and your daughter want me to be nice? "Be nice" tells me absolutely nothing coming from the two of you so give me specifics of exactly what I am doing to not be nice and specifically what you want me to do to be nice, or .... STFU.
3) Please don't mention SD13 not taking a shower again right now. (When she goes for 5 days and is on her period? Damn straight I'll mention it!)
My dear husband, a 13yo menstruating young adult who does not shower for five days smells like rancid monkey crotch. I refuse to allow that to go uncommented in my home. So, you and your daughter need to deal with her rancid monkey crotch odor issue or ..... STFU if I have to confront the issue. Step up and parent your kid daddy, or STFU about how I address the rancid monkey crotch about her disgusting hygiene habits.
4) No, I don't know what's going on with SD19 and her hedgehog, besides it's two months away (until college is out).
Well my dear husband, you had better deal with it before the 2months is up or I will. That toothpick holder rodent will not enter my home. I will not negotiate, I will not compromise, and you either deal with it or STFU if I have to.
5) You just think my kids are fucked up (Wow, DH got one right).
Just give out a sweet voiced ... "Bingo!!! But, if you step up and parent they don't have to remain fucked up."
6) Thirteen years old can't remember to do things on their own, that's just how they are.
Maybe not in your kids gene pool that is the case but trust me, I have had many, many conversations regarding 13yos and holding them accountable. You don't hold her accountable. So, if she "forgets" (don't forget the quote fingers)things such as showering for 5 days while menstruating then she has a problem and either has to be addressed by effective parenting or by major medical testing. One or the other.
7) What if I called your parents and asked how YOU were at age 13 with hygiene? (Go ahead, DH, try me.)
Take out you phone, dial your mother, hand DH the phone and say "Knock yourself out big guy, my mom will answer in a second so ask her if when I was 13 and menstruating if I did not shower for days on end. If you are going to make me the bad guy in the toxic and nasty bullshit you tolerate from your children then be prepared to have your ass barred on it so I suggest that you address this crap with SD-19 and SD-13 or ... STFU while I deal with it.
As others have already said, you are not the problem. DH and his completely inept parenting as well as the character deficits of his daughters are the issue. He is trying to deflect and blame the results of his inept parenting on you.
Next time he pulls this shit throw the questions and comments at him and finish with ....
"You can blame this crap on me all you want. But ... how is that working out for you? You are like the idiot who asked Mrs. Lincoln "Other than that how was the play?"".
DH needs your foot so far up his ass you could inspect his tonsils from the bottom side until he steps up. I could not tolerate this crap and I have no idea how you do.
Take care of yourself.
Rags, once again I am
Rags, once again I am crushing on you like I did my big brothers.
He is on the phone with the
He is on the phone with the school guidance counselor. They had a field trip yesterday that dealt with the topic of bullying. Then SD13 gets home and is all upset. So much so that DH met me in the driveway when I got home and told me not to give her any crap, because she's had a bad day. SD13 is hell bent on using her boy name now and not waiting until the next school year.
Oh and that's supposed to solve all of her problems and teenage angst?
DH had said, and I agreed, that we would continue to call her by her given girl name, because that's who she is to us. I told DH this morning that's what I would continue to do.
DH is talking to GC now about what if she starts to use her boy name now and gets challenged by boys? She's the smallest girl in her class.
This clearly is going to continue to be a problem. So what if I don't support using her boy name? Either does her father.
~ Moon
Can you smack some sense into
Can you smack some sense into PigPen12? He HATES taking a shower/bath and does everything he can to prolong doing it in the hopes he can avoid it altogether. A couple of months ago, he "showered" and we all went out. It wasn't until we were out in public and PigPen was walking in front of us that DH realized PigPen still had dirt from his cheek down his neck into his shirt. Apparently, he stood under the shower but never washed. I have 2 brothers and neither of them had a problem bathing regularly.
This is what SD13 pulled last
This is what SD13 pulled last summer. Got in the shower but didn't use soap.
Well said, Just Wow.
Well said, Just Wow.
I have mentioned to SD13
I have mentioned to SD13 before that she will most certainly get picked on in HS if she doesn't shower and clean herself. She looked at me like a deer in the headlights. I don't think anyone was home.
I told DH to speak to the therapist about SD13 saying she is depressed and to bring up her lack of hygiene.
That was after he texted "Bye" to me from downstairs and I texted back, "Legs broken?"
Then he got in my new car and took stinkbug to therapy. That's my new name for her: StinkBug13 or SB13.
At least she showered last night. Only because I reminded DH to remind her. My house looks and smells like shit because no one cleans after themselves or takes care of the dogs. I do my best. The basement and LR are horrible, but I haven't hung out there in months except for once or twice.
Agreed. Too bad he can't read
Agreed. Too bad he can't read this stuff.
We have only just started
We have only just started arguing, because rather than being just disengaged, I have started speaking up more -- since about Novemebr or so. Esp with SD19 and that damn hedgehog issue. Yes, I am quickly running out of energy. I can't seem to think clearly in the moment because I am so upset and angry that DH is blaming ME. Then, if I DO speak up and put it on him, he leaves the room. That is my choice. Speak up and tell him to get his ass in gear, like people here have stated, or just get the hell out. Instead of an apartment for the summer, maybe I can go live with my parents. They have a huge home. I'd be at one end and they are at the other. I would have an awesome commute, too! I would pay rent, etc and take the summer OFF
What to do? Sigh......
~ Moon
That sounds like a wonderful
That sounds like a wonderful plan. Go stay with your parents and chillll out.
I know I don't know you and I'm new here but I'm very concerned about you.
Thanks for your concern,
Thanks for your concern, dood. Click on my name and then my bookmarks. They start back in July.
It's been a wild ride.
I've read a lot of them, and
I've read a lot of them, and noticed because I do like your blogs and your style
I know that you are acutely aware of how screwed up your situation is, but I wonder if you are a bit sort of 'used' to it - I think it's worse than you 'think', in a way because you've been in it so long. I wonder what would happen if my SO's ex wacko died... It's one of the things that worries me the most, because it would be the end of my relationship with SO. There is no Conceivable Way that I would allow his skid(s) to move into this house... his DD is dead to me, and I don't particularly like his DS and do not trust him and would absolutely never allow him to live in my house.
I think your DH is a complete shit and I just hate knowing you're living through this... SOMEONE ELSE'S NIGHTMARE!
It sounds like you have means and options to leave and I really, really hope that you DO leave. Maybe that will be the kick in the ass all these people need, maybe it will be the straw that sends them all directly down the toilet where they seem to be headed, maybe YOU will regain yourself and learn to leave this circus behind... but something Major needs to happen for YOU.
Wild ride doesn't even begin to explain the crap you live with. As I read it, I'd take the Hedgehog and leave the others. That creature sounds like the upshot in your circus.
Oh, Moon, I know what you
Oh, Moon, I know what you mean about the house smelling like crap! HHB and her never washing her clothing or bedding and her room being right next to the intake for the A/C-Heating system! Even though her room has gone untouched in 3 months, the smell seems to be diminishing in there. I guess enough fresh air gets cycled in there, and the door stays closed now. I still wouldn't touch anything in that room without industrial strength rubber gloves and while wearing a mask!
Sounds like you need to go about hiding your keys again! No way in hell would I allow DH to use MY vehicle when he has his own to cart around the brat! DH started pulling that crap with me when HHB lived here, and I finally had to put my foot down and say if he wanted to taxi HHB around, he could use his gas and put wear and tear on his car! I could care less if mine is more comfortable!
At this point, I totally wouldn't blame you for high-tailing it to your parents' for the summer! As much as I HATE you having to leave your home...could you at least take your dogs with you to your parents? I surely wouldn't want to leave my pets behind...they would never get cared for. Before HHB decided on her own to move out, I was very much on the verge of finding the door myself. I'm still trying to see DH differently now that HHB is gone, but it is so hard! I've watched him be a push-over Disney dad for the last 2 years, and I found myself losing so much respect for him!
My pets would stay with DH.
My pets would stay with DH. They would be cared for but THEY (DH and SDs) would have to clean the house!
So, to elaborate further on
So, to elaborate further on #2 from my shit list above, ...EAVESDROPPING...Wednesday afternoon I came home and DH was in the kitchen. We were chatting and the house was very quiet. I asked where SD13 was? DH said she was in her room, she had had a bad day at school. Stupid me, being compassionate only because I care about my DH, asked what had happened?
Evidently the class was divided into girls and boys in gym and SD13 wasn't allowed to be on the boy's side for activities. Keep in mind she is 5' tall, 105#, very petite. Anyway, DH said she walked out of gym class and ended up crying and was very upset. I asked if she got into trouble for just walking out? Did the teacher come speak with her, etc....? As usual, DH doesn't know.
We carry on our conversation quietly at the kitchen table, and then suddenly out walks SD13 from the next room, a goofy grin on her face. She starts adding to our conversation about whatever it is that we are talking about now, regarding her. I was so pissed at how rude she was!! To just APPEAR out of nowhere! I had been home for 5 minutes and already StinkBug13 shows me how nice and respectful she can be. The girl is clueless!
ME: Did you just come downstairs and WALK through that room, or have you been there this entire time?
SD13: I've been in there reading (lights out, shady, it's dark in there, whatever).
ME: I don't appreciate you eavesdropping on your father and I having a conversation "SD19!"
(I called her by OSD19's name because SD19 likes to think if anyone is talking about her, it's her business. She is paranoid that someone might not love her or think highly of her, ODD bitch. Anyway.....).
DH doesn't say anything, probably humming "Its a Small World" to himself in true Disney fashion, and SD13 just stands there, speechless with a goofy-ass grin on her face because I've reprimanded her.
ME: The next time you hear us having a conversation, you leave or make it KNOWN that you are here. Your father said you were upstairs in your room. And why do you have that grin on your face?! (I was firm!)
SD13: Duh-uhhhhhhh ::crickets::
ME: You know, SD13, your father and I are having a tough time adjusting to everything with you wanting to be a boy, too, just like YOU are. You seem to think it's funny or something?
SD13: (cue more ::crickets::)
I recall that when SD13 was eavesdropping, I was being compassionate and reminded DH that when we met with the school guidance counselor, it was DH that suggested we wait until the fall when HS started for SD13 to assume a boy's name at school. DH agreed with me and I told him I was on board with whatever happened. I told him that we had both agreed we would still use her girl name, because that's who she is to us.
Well, come to find out, it wasn't the fact that SD13 wasn't on the boy's team in gym that upset her. NO ONE picked her to be on their teams. Boys or girls. For volleyball. She is SHORT. She was the last kid standing at gym and ran out of the room upset. I said that maybe the girls didn't pick her because they thought she wanted to be with the boys? Or vice versa? That's when she said that no one chose her, and that no one knows she wants to be a boy?!?!?! :jawdrop: I don't believe that to be true amongst 13 year olds. SD13 used her boy name, wrote it on her papers the first week of school, a mere few days after declaring her new identity to DH and I.
This kid is so isolated and has maybe two friends. One will hang out with her a little bit because her mother is the Girl Scout leader and tries to include SD13 in things. (DH and I are grateful for this saint.) The other friend talks to her on the bus. They used to hang out every weekend together last school year, but no more. Her friend on the bus is the only one that SD13 told her secret to, and her friend didn't want to accept it, but is still nice to her. She just never invites SD13 over for sleep-overs. Ever.
I just don't understand how SD13 changed her identity overnight. Maybe DH and I missed it? There were no signs. NONE. She was a girl, wanted to buy her first bra, wanted to play with dolls, all at this time last year. I feel like she hates herself and wonder how she can beat herself up so much. She is regressing to act like a very juvenile child, whining for attention from DH by acting like an ass and a space cadet.
It makes me sick.
So, I think the reason SD13 was so upset the next day, on Thursday, when DH met me out in the driveway, was because I actually had the balls to reprimand her the previous day for eavesdropping. Also, because she heard what she heard, I am not "supportive?" Whatever. I might have to sell DH one of my balls. This is cray cray.
~ Moon
DH and I tell her this all of
DH and I tell her this all of the time. Our main concern last August was that she would be bullied at school. So far she has just been outcast because, apart from being a boy, she is extremely awkward. Her funny personality is gone and she is just.....weird.
SD13 thinks she knows what to
SD13 thinks she knows what to expect. She has no idea what will come her way in HS. Kids can be very cruel. I fear she'll get picked on, or if she stays below the radar then she'll whine that she has no friends. You know, because everyone is supposed to magically like her with no effort put forth on her part (sounds like woe-is-me OSD19). Try taking a shower first and respecting YOURSELF SD13, then people may come around and want to be your friend. DH keeps saying that "I" think she'll grow out of this, while he thinks this is it, she'll be a boy. I always reply that we'll never know until we know. There is no end in sight. This skid is just juvenile and ridiculous. I have barely said two words to her this weekend and I have never done that before. I am truly avoiding her in my own home because I am disgusted and frustrated with her. I have camped out in my room, doing my own thing. Works for me, except I'm "not supportive." Hey, I'm entitled to my opinion and I call bullshit.
Last night DH said the therapist wanted me in the next therapy session for SD13. At the beginning of the school year, I would have been all for it. Now? With a messed up SD13 who can't manage to keep her shit IN the bowl rather than ON the seat, who can't shower without being told, who has unlimited internet access with no boundaries from DH, who never does homework and has low Bs by the skin of her teeth because she can do-over an F on a test for a B or an A, who doesn't pay any attention to SDog in a wet diaper when she gets home, who asks for things from the store when DH RETURNS from grocery shopping......Do you really think I want to invest my time when I've had it up to here?
My reply to DH was, "Oh did she blame all of her problems on me and say I wasn't supportive?" DH said, "No, you're part of the family and the therapist wants us all there." The only thing I can see is me bitching about DH's head in the sand and no boundaries or life skills being shown to SD13. I could talk about lack of hygiene for a week regarding SD13. Then, I can see the therapist excusing it, ENABLING it as typical teen behavior, esp for someone who is going through a transgender identity issue. I personally don't want to be bothered with time off of work and all of that crap right now. I am still too worried about that damn hedgehog coming into my home. I know SD19 will just prance in here in May with it and I will have a heart attack.
I would have to pull a Rags on the therapist and say with regards to SD13 and no hygiene, " Maybe in YOUR gene pool it's 'typical,' but not where I come from!" }:)
~ Moon
It seems that your actions
It seems that your actions are gaining a positive response from DH. Well played.
He seems to be responding to the absence of his bride and is starting to push Fungus to do what he should have been forcing her to do the whole time.
DH is also missing the point and root cause of the situation. The Funger is the one creating the situation with her behavior and it is her behavior that is putting DH in the position of Bad Cop. The fix is to give Fung clarity and increasingly hold her accountable for her actions.
Well played. Keep up the good work.
IMHO of course.
If SD13 truly wants to be
If SD13 truly wants to be recognized as a boy, she needs a therapist who specializes in gender identity issues to help her face reality! People...especially teenagers...will not be nice about it! Like someone isn't right, but it is the world we live in! I have a transgendered friend...born a male, but identifies as female. She has legally had her gender recognition changed (has not had a sex change, but there is apparently a way you can legally have all of you ID information to indicate you are the other gender). Her drivers' license says female, her name has been legally changed, etc. She has lots of issues being accepted!! She has had to file a harassment complaint at work because her boss has refused to acknowledge her as female, and has insisted she dress as a male at work. Half of her family has disowned her. She deals with crap every day! These are adults! Imagine how teenagers will treat SD13!
And I feel like I'm all of it, you will be blamed for all of SD13's bad days! You don't need to bear the burden of her decision and DH's lack of parenting and respect for you! May be time to consider options.
I can totally relate! My
I can totally relate! My Skids NEVER bathe! It's beyond gross. I stopped commenting on their hygiene, but I do comment that the furniture smells like poop after they are done sitting on it. I try and have no interaction with them anymore, which has worked fine for me. He FINALLY realizes that his kids are CRAZY! The oldest has been hospitalized for psy issues twice now (SD 16). Shs has been diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder. BM is the same I'm sure. I found that by working and just leaving the house, DH is now understanding that I am not the problem. THEY are!
Thanks for all of the
Thanks for all of the feedback. I think I am going to skip Easter this year, or go spend it with my parents. I don't want to see SD19 AT ALL, esp with her BoyF because she acts like an ass. I am learning that I can make my own boundaries and I don't have to tolerate people if I choose not to.
I am going to have to talk with DH. He has been very sweet lately, making dinner, bought me nice lotions from the mall, chocolates....Someone here posted that its nice to have those things done for you, but all it does is sweep the real issue under the rug. I know DH is hoping I will forget about the damn hedgehog and just let SD19 come waltzing in here mid-May from school.
I need to ask him to get the hell out for awhile, and just tell him I have had enough. I am tired. I have done so much for these skids, and you guys are right. I have been "in it" for so long that I am accepting day to day life as normal, when it's not. I don't think there's any way to get that man and his kids out of the house, though. Maybe me leaving to stay with my parents would be more feasible. I just know SD19 will act up again with her prissy depressed entitled self, and I do not want to take it. Do NOT. And that fucking hedgehog is not coming in here. DH needs time to find SD19 a place to go for the summer, because it's not going to be here with that hedgehog.
She burned her bridge and can stay the fuck out of my home.
~ Moon
Moon Best post of the
Best post of the day.
Thanks, dood. And let me just
Thanks, dood.
And let me just add this for good measure because I'm pissy and weepy tonight and because I just feel like it:
:* There you all

There you all about you. I'd throw in ice cream but that's just me. Weepy is often under rated.
Sometimes shifty stuff happens to nice, normal people
Forever and ever!!!! YOU are
Forever and ever!!!! YOU are the bomb diggity! I was using a paper cup in my bathroom while brushing my teeth the other day. They were cups with animals on them. It said "Find the matching hedgehogs" on it.
I almost shit myself and threw it in the trash. The next one had monkeys on it.
We all know how THAT goes around here........NOT my monkeys, NOT my circus!!
~ Moon
Soooo.......I feel like
Soooo.......I feel like something is looming. Almost feel like I should start another blog, but I just feel like I have to do something now concerning DH. There is an eerie calm before the storm here in my home, that only I can feel. Maybe it's because I am the one who will be steering the ship through this storm and determining the fate of this household.
DH and I are getting along well, but I have this time bomb ticking inside of me. DH hasn't addressed anything as far as SD19 coming home for the summer with that rodent. I want an answer already. I know he doesn't have one. I suppose that when I say "No," to celebrating Easter this weekend with DH at SIL's house, he will get a clue. Maybe. There is other family drama going on that will be the focal point of Easter and I just don't see the visit at SIL's as quality time with anyone. Quality time would be either DH and I together, or just me by myself. I've learned not to feel so depressed that it's a holiday and that I SHOULD be doing something significant. Those days are long gone now that I have SD13 FT in my home and SD19 being as ass from afar. Hell, I did my first posts her over the 4th of July.
I don't like confrontation or conflict. I can usually resolve something with a mature conversation. I have come to believe that I am not the crazy one in this dynamic. I have just entered StepHell in all of it's ever loving glory. I know that nothing will be resolved with DH and SD19 and the rodent without me raising my voice and beating the facts into DH's brain. I am a very strong, independent woman, and I don't have time for bullshit. However, I have endured plenty of bullshit, bitten off my tongue, and have grown it back over the past seven years.
Something is going to change. How, I don't know just yet. "You can't fix stupid," never seemed more appropriate than at any other time in my life compared to NOW. I can't fix this. I just can't. DH needs to remove his head from the sand and SD19 needs to get out of diapers already. SD13 is off in fantasyland right now, but she's next as far as total and utter bullshit is concerned. I don't want to give up my husband, my home, my life that is still salvageable, but I can't make these people change.
I think all I can do is ask DH to think of how long I have tolerated this bullshit and how it must feel for me. He needs a dose of MY reality. I need to drive the facts home with him, and there is no pretty way to do it. A few weeks ago I would have tolerated SD19 being in my home, pain in the ass that she is, as long as she didn't have that hedgehog. That was my lightbulb moment. SD19 will continue to be juvenile and ODD because DH enables her. I don't ever want to see SD19 again in my life. She is beyond annoying in my world. How am I supposed to handle that?
Do I want to stand up and fight? Do I want to find the relationship that DH and I used to have? He keeps asking where the "old Moon" is.....It breaks my heart because he is a good man, but he just can't bear to be the bad guy in his DD's eyes. He won't be harsh with discipline. Nothing ever changes.
He's like a 14yo boy. I swear, I have three teenagers and five dogs now. I am approaching middle age and want some normalcy back in my life. This isn't me. I feel depressed now driving home every day. Getting blue, going to a place that should be comforting. My dogs are here but things aren't how they should be, because with DH all I get is radio silence.
Stay tuned.
~ Blue Moon
... seriously, Moon.. it's
... seriously, Moon.. it's too bad he can't read some of this stuff... It's just the god's honest truth and it surely sounds like to me, an awakening is long over due. You know, anything is better than this known. You know what's going to happen for the most part, and you know how that's going to make you feel. In the programming-type world, an un-resolvable loop.
Doing something, whatever it is, has to be better than doing the same thing(s) or, (forbid) nothing. Let the chips fall where they may. Go with the gut if you can find it anymore, it's always the right answer. Peel back your thoughts like an onion, and try to reduce it to the handful of real, core issues - the real personal ones and tell him where the "old Moon" is and how she got there. Do that just before he leaves for the Easter "festivities" so he can ruminate on that. If you think you'll have an easier time expressing yourself in writing (no interruptions, and clearly you can write well), then write it down and hand it to him as he's leaving.
For me, the longer I suppress what's bothering me, the worse I get, exponentially and it snowballs quickly. I think maybe you'll feel much better if you get it all out.
... seriously, Moon.. it's
... seriously, Moon.. it's too bad he can't read some of this stuff... It's just the god's honest truth and it surely sounds like to me, an awakening is long over due. You know, anything is better than this known. You know what's going to happen for the most part, and you know how that's going to make you feel. In the programming-type world, an un-resolvable loop.
Doing something, whatever it is, has to be better than doing the same thing(s) or, (forbid) nothing. Let the chips fall where they may. Go with the gut if you can find it anymore, it's always the right answer. Peel back your thoughts like an onion, and try to reduce it to the handful of real, core issues - the real personal ones and tell him where the "old Moon" is and how she got there. Do that just before he leaves for the Easter "festivities" so he can ruminate on that. If you think you'll have an easier time expressing yourself in writing (no interruptions, and clearly you can write well), then write it down and hand it to him as he's leaving.
For me, the longer I suppress what's bothering me, the worse I get, exponentially and it snowballs quickly. I think maybe you'll feel much better if you get it all out.
Yes, it does take a hedgehog.
Yes, it does take a hedgehog. And a defiant SD19 who thinks she can continue to do whatever she wants and not have consequences. I need to get good and mad and make sure she has consequences. DH certainly can't be relied upon to deliver any.
I'm turning into a mess tonight. Everything is so deep, I am really doing some serious thinking. If I had the balls to tell DH "No" about the hedgehog on more than one occasion, and if I had the balls to get a hotel room for a weekend away, then surely I must have the balls to bring this up yet again. I have to be ready for the fallout. DH will be so angry with me, but he has to be angry with himself. The enabling of a snot brat SD19 is his fault. I just want some peace.
I told DH I wasn't feeling well and didn't even eat dinner tonight. I didn't go downstairs. He is glued to the sports channel. I didn't want to be at the table with YSD13. Screw it all. These are MY boundaries. I'm not the whack job in this house. Not me.
~ Moon
You know what? Who cares if
You know what? Who cares if he's mad? Seriously. I'm not suggesting that you declare war unless that's what you want to do. But if your feelings, needs, and basic requirements for a happy home life and marriage make him mad, well then fuck that.
Point is you gotta do what choo gotta do.
Tausha, I am already
Tausha, I am already disengaged for the most part. I don't cook anymore. DH knows not to ask me to take SD13 anywhere as far as appts or after school activities. I only get involved when the kitchen is a mess, which isn't often anymore. I think part of it is I just don't care. I hate getting to this point, but it helps me to keep my sanity.
Dood, DH is being his usual happy self around me. He comes home late and watches sports or whatever. We don't interact much because our commutes are long M-F. On the weekends he is up around 5am to take care of our zoo and then he goes to the gym and the grocery. I get up, get breakfast and do laundry (just for myself and DH, not SD13) all day. I am a homebody and that's fine. It helps to stay put and rest my neck and back. Things are hunky-dory right now but when that rodent gets here.....
Sally, I have to say I agree with you. So, thank you.
Even though I know in my gut that nothing has been done regarding the rodent, I think I will stay quiet. You're absolutely right. "No" has already been said numerous times. My take on this is clear. At the end of one of our arguments a couple of weeks ago (while I was at the hotel), DH DID say he told SD19 "she would have to figure it out." Problem is, SD19 has never blatantly NOT been allowed to do what she wants. She is in for a big surprise. And she has no common sense, so she won't be able to figure out shit.
Rags had mentioned that there is no problem until the hedgehog is in my home. When that happens mid-May, I will give DH and SD19 my ultimatum. It will be to turn around, walk back out the door and put the rodent somewhere else. No rodent, no supplies in my home. SD19 only has her stupid self to thank. Why is it that I have to be the one to teach her a life lesson that she should have figured out as a tween or child? If someone says, "No, that's not allowed," well then, dammit, it's NOT allowed. Especially when that person is an authority figure in your life, like a parent or your boss. I just know that SD19 will freak the fuck out but I have gone through that before. I hate it, the screaming, the shots below the belt with all of the insults to me....but I can deal with it, and I actually find it comical. If I could just STFU and stand there, simply telling her she has to leave, who knows? If she refuses to get out of the house do I call the police for a domestic dispute? I DO really fear her getting out of control and possibly hurting me. I'm a big girl, I just need to stand my ground where my home is concerned. Maybe I can call an ambulance and say she's crazy and needs help. Which she DOES. Big time anger issues with SD19 because life isn't fair. Awwwww...... :O
If DH and SD19 don't have a Plan B come May, then oh well, you both had plenty of time to figure something out. Fix YOUR problem and don't make it mine. ANYMORE.
~ Moon
I do like a challenge, Sally.
I do like a challenge, Sally. You'd better believe I'm going to record it. That in itself will be my ammo, instead of yelling.
Then I can show the movie to her doctors.
And let's not forget family and friends!
~ Moon
(No subject)
}:) }:) }:)
"Calm quiet crazy eye shit"
"Calm quiet crazy eye shit" aka SALLY! }:) }:) }:) In your honor, see my tag lines below!
Lord give me strength!
And of course through all of this, my Gma has been in the hospital for two weeks since her husband died mid-March. She's on the left coast and I am on the right. I haven't seen her in 20 years and actually didn't return a call in early February when the hedgehog drama started. So I have been feeling tremendous guilt. Gma actually stopped breathing for two minutes Tuesday afternoon, and I found this out last night from my mother. Gma had a breathing tube assisting her and she still hadn't woken up yesterday from the episode.
Better news today, Mom called the hospital and Gma was awake!! Gma actually got out of bed, no more breathing tube, was sitting up in a chair and talking to my mother on the phone. Poor Gma at first thought my mother was my aunt. Then my mother reminded her it was her eldest daughter. Gma's next words? "Oh hello my darling! How is Moon?"
I am so very grateful for the truly good people in my life. So VERY grateful.
ETA: I offered up the "What if" idea to my Mom today about possibly needing to stay at her place this summer. I told her I feared the worst and would know more in May. She said I could stay for free. I offered to pay rent to help with utilities and also told her I would be there to help after her surgery. Mom said if I left my home then SD19 would be even more of a brat, thinking she had won. I told her that may be true, but me being gone would rock DH off of his foundation. Completely. We'll see.
~ Moon
"but me being gone would rock
"but me being gone would rock DH off of his foundation"
Sometimes that needs to happen. At one point a couple of months ago, DH was again trying to get rid of his car (he really does need to get rid of is out of warranty, depreciating fast, and has a history of problems). Unfortunately, the deal fell through because he is still too upside down on the car...yeah, that is how fast it is depreciating! He only has about 2 years on a 6 year note, and still cannot get out from being upside down on the car! Anyway, I had to put my income on the paperwork, and DH's jaw dropped (remember...I never told him about my promotion). He didn't say anything at that time...he tends to forget conversations, so I guess he figured I told him about a raise, and he just forgot about it. Later, he said to me, "I guess you aren't too worried about if we split, because you can cover everything on your own!" He didn't say it in a mean way, but in a scared way. Before HHB left, there were some arguments where I suggested that just giving up would be an option, because I simply could not handle it any more. Once DH realized that I really didn't need him financially, and that I am covering his arse on his half of the expenses, he is now scared. If anything, I hope that is enough for him to never allow HHB to move back into this house, knowing that I was well ready to walk away from the marriage because of her before she moved back to BM! He knows he would be screwed if I do that.
Yes, I have been budgeting
Yes, I have been budgeting for a short-term lease for the summer months. It would be such a waste of money, but I could do it if I had to and DH refused to help. Just knowing my parents will help is a good thing. Free rent!
Now I am toying with when to tell DH that I'm not going to SIL's for Easter on Sunday. My mother and friends think I should go so I can have a good time for myself. I don't see any way for me to be around SD19. Family will ask how school is, she'll say she got a hedgehog...and then I will ask, "And where are you housing it for the summer while you're at home?" Then Bitchfest 2015 will start. A side of SD19 that the aunt and uncle have never seen. I respect SIL too much to have that shit go down at her house on a holiday.
Or do I want to be evil to SD19 and just ask her point blank in front of everyone and then tell her she's already been told "No?"
Bwahahahaha }:)
~ Moon
I would take the evil
I would take the evil route...LOL. Thankfully, it is looking like I won't have to see HHB at all this holiday weekend. Looking at phone records, I think the girl is off with emo girlfriend again. You can always tell...emo girlfriend's phone number disappears from the billion texts a day, and you start seeing BM's number over and over as she is trying to figure out where HHB is and what she is doing...and HHB ignores her like any other adult in her life. Surely, even if DH tried to ask HHB if she would come for a bit on Easter, HHB would have the excuse that she has to go Easter egg hunting with her little brother, and will turn him down. There will probably be a BBQ at my SIL's, where MIL and SIL will both comment, "We really miss HHB!" The whole while, I can just picture my niece rolling her far as I know, HHB and my niece are still not on speaking terms, even though HHB now goes to the same school as my niece. My niece is quite ticked at how HHB just stopped talking to her when she moved back to HHB...HHB just stopped talking to EVERYONE in DH's family.