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No more starvation...

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I always suspected that when HHB would "starve" herself while living with us, it was in protest of dear daddy not running out to buy her fast and junk food all the time! I'm a fitness professional...and I would like my husband to grow old with we rarely have that crap in my house! I cook 6 out of 7 nights a week (we have one treat night), and I cook healthy, organic foods...lean meats, veggies, whole grains, etc. HHB doesn't like healthy food, and would get tired of sandwiches (I provided sandwich stuff for her to eat if she did not like what was fixed).

Now, I wouldn't be surprised if she is still purging (as we have suspected for some time, because HHB ALWAYS disappears to the bathroom immediately after eating), but the recent pictures I've seen...yeah, most girls don't think about soda actually having loads of calories (and the wrong kind, because it is all sugar, but I won't go into the science of how that works against your body here), and they don't realize that while they are binging, the body in absorbing calories before they get the opportunity to purge. Many bulimics are overweight!

So, some more recent pictures of HHB have shown up on social media that weren't using "the angles". "The angles"...what people use in selfies to make themselves look better! By using various angles, you can make yourself look thinner, prettier, etc. Man, I can't believe how much weight HHB has gained in just 3 months! Yes, it is still considered an eating disorder...any unhealthy relationship with food is an eating disorder. I knew that HHB would have ample access to junk food when she moved back to BM's...I mean, remember, BM complains that the only clothing that fits her these days are men's XXXL sweatpants, t-shirts, and pjs! No wonder BM has been bugging for more child support...HHB is probably needing new clothing every month! Seriously, the girl has gained at least 20 lbs! That is not good!

HHB posted a picture to social media on Saturday, talking about it being a great weekend. The picture was of 3 3-liter sodas, a liter of chocolate milk, 4 packs of animal crackers, a package of pudding snack packs, chocolate chip cookies, 2 canisters of Cheezits, a Monster, candy and 3 movies. Yup, sounds like 6 hours of laying around (remember, she doesn't sit) stuffing her face with crap! And people wonder why healthcare costs go up and why things such as heart disease, diabetes, etc. are on the rise! BM has a bowel disease that the doctors have literally linked to eating nothing but crap food...she is in the hospital at least once every 2 months because of this! You would think that she would not allow HHB to eat like this knowing what it leads to! Ugh...parenting at it's finest! Good thing the girl is only on our insurance for 2 more years! Could you imagine if HHB does decide she doesn't want to go to school any longer, and does an online school? Never having to get out of bed?

Ninji's picture

"Could you imagine if HHB does decide she doesn't want to go to school any longer, and does an online school? Never having to get out of bed?"

Reminds me of that movie Wally. All the people were fat and laid around their entire lives.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Hmmm...didn't think of that! She did get caught with alcohol at school with she was 13, and got into trouble Christmas break before last because she was caught sneaking step-dad's tequilla! And if she is back to smoking pot on a regular basis...I know she still did it occasionally here (sorry...there were just some days that I could tell she was high off her ass and couldn't believe that DH couldn't see it), but BM lets her disappear and do whatever, so I'm pretty sure she is smoking it more heavy now. We all know that pot brings on munchies...and that one social media pic sure looked like a case of the munchies to me. Wink

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I care because DH is still responsible for half of any medical that the insurance doesn't cover, and if BM manages to get him to pay more child support because this junk-food-junkie needs new clothing every month, that takes away from his contribution to the household expenses...because he is already at the limit of his income. That means that more money comes out of MY pocket to cover in essence, I end up having to pay for HHB being allowed to eat herself into sickness and the constant need for bigger clothing!

As it is...BM has already been informed of HHB's 8 CAVITIES that were discovered during the dental visit DH took her for...because he had scheduled it when HHB was still living with us. He told BM that she needed to pay her half of getting the cavities the time it was about $500 total for 2 fillings and 6 sealants. BM didn't want to pay, and told DH she would get the work done at the dental office her mom works at, because her mom could get the work done free of charge. DH said okay...and left it at that...but we both suspect the work still has not been done on HHB's teeth. It's been 2 more months now since the cavities were discovered...and we all know how fast those things can grow, especially if she is still downing all that sugar and not brushing (bacteria LOVES sugar). I'm sure now she is needed all 8 teeth drilled and filled, because sealants will no longer work on those other 6 teeth! If they let them rot to the point of root canals and crows, I doubt that BM can get that kind of work done free of charge, then she will be knocking on our door demanding half of that work...which will be much more than the $250 our half would have cost if BM would have just paid her half and allowed DH to take care of it!

So for 2 years, I do still have to care about the health of HHB, because it can come back and bite us in the arse!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Sad thing is, she is predisposed to gaining a whole lot of weight. Her aunt was very heavyset before she died of leukemia. BM, like I said, has gotten so big she claims only men's XXXL stuff will fit. BM has been in and out of the hospital last year due to bowel issues. Won't go into details because it is pretty gross, but doctors have told her that she MUST stop eating junk food. Woman refuses to do it. Let's just say that she has symptoms of colon cancer, which obesity and not eating correctly will cause/contribute to. She has been in for a couple of biopsies already. She hasn't told DH if she has cancer or not at this point, though he thinks he would be sure to tell him. He thinks that BM wants to die, because this total funk started when her sister died several years ago...that is when she started refusing to leave the house and totally letting herself go.

I have tried for years to get HHB to eat any kind of food that is good for her. She has lived with BM most of her life who had the philosophy that if HHB said she didn't like something, she wouldn't make the child eat it. Basically, BM allowed a diet of chocolate, chips, pizza, mac&cheese, chicken nuggets, and french fries all of HHB's life! When we would have her for visits when she was younger, I had so many fights trying to get her to eat...DH would make her sit there until he felt she had eaten enough of her healthy food to leave the table. When HHB would get tired of sitting there, she would force herself to throw up all over herself and the table. GAG! That was her way of making sure that she didn't see the same meal the next meal, as we used to put the same meal back in front of her later when she complained again that she was hungry. When we both got tired of this, that is when the sandwich option started. I wasn't about to fix a separate meal for her! If she was hungry, she could have a sandwich. I don't see her changing the way she eats any time in the near future, for sure.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

No, because BM has issues herself! BM sees nothing wrong with the way HHB eats, and DH always refused to deal with it when HHB lived with us! There is a history of mental issues in that family. BM says that she herself has been diagnosed as bipolar, and is supposedly on all kinds of meds. She also claims to suffer from depression. I wouldn't be surprised if BM does have some sort of mental disorder that is manifesting itself into eating disorders. But BM's take on HHB not wanting to eat anything but junk and gorging herself on the crap has been going on since HHB was really little. She has always had a crap diet with BM, because BM also has a crap diet.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I can't believe HHB used to actually vomit onto her food so you couldn't serve it to her again later? I don't know what I would do! Talk about control issues! Also, if she is still purging, I'm sure the enamel on her teeth is just ...... lovely. Ugh. She sounds hopeless! Why don't these kids let good people help them? It makes no sense!

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My bios got to the point they would eat as fast as they could if HHB was over, so they could quickly leave the table before she pulled that crap. The first time she did it, they were so grossed out! I don't blame them! I would leave the kitchen and let DH deal with the crap.