Transportation costs to medical appointments.
Ss13 has been going to a half inpatient treatment center for the past two weeks. Bm just called and wants dh family to help transport or dh to pay half the transportation costs. We live 5 hours away, so we can't help. She asked for my dh grandma who is 87 and just had her license taken away. Dh said no to both requests. The divorce papers says he is to pay half of the medical bills.
Dh also pays $1000 a month in child support for one kid. Bm also owes us $500. She was ordered to pay a debt from the divorce. The debt had both names on it, and she kept refusing to pay. My dh didn't want this to ruin his credit anymore, because it had already posted on his credit. So he paid it off to get it off his credit.
What do you think? Should dh pay or no?
When did travel costs become
When did travel costs become part of a bill? No, he should not have to pay that. How far away is this appointment for BM to have to take this child? I used to have to take my DD to appointments 2 hrs away, her bio dad did not have to help me.
I want to say 45 minutes. She
I want to say 45 minutes. She make two round trips a day.
DH transports skids to all
DH transports skids to all appointments. Most trips are 30-45 minutes one way. BM doesn't pay half of medical, so I highly doubt she'd even consider paying half of the gas. Personally, I don't know your situation, but if she fought to have the kid a majority of the time and gets CS, it's her JOB to take care of it.
If it isn't specifically
If it isn't specifically detailed in the CO then she should use the child support to pay for it. I think 1,000 dollars for one child is enough to cover a couple tanks of gas.
No it's not in the CO. The
No it's not in the CO. The only wording is half medical bills.
I'm not in agreement that he
I'm not in agreement that he shouldn't "pay" for this. It sounds like she is unable to transport him for some reason and he is taking a bus or private service. Often health insurance will cover this, so it is very likely considered medical in the court's eyes. BUT, I don't think he should pay this, but should let her know he will deduct half her expenses from what she owes him. He will likely never see any of that money anyway, might as well use it against her.
Not familiar with the
Not familiar with the half-inpatient protocol for young teens. Inpatient or outpatient. Outpatient requires transportation. That line-item is not in most CO. Common sense. Most doctor's appointments are within a 20 mile radius so considered regular commute and will not be addressed by court. Courts do not like to manage the minutiae of our lives.
The kid is in an escalated care situation for a reason. Whatever the reason. I think that every adult who has 'signed on' needs to buck up, pay transport, medical and outside therapy. Obviously nix the 87 yr old G-ma 'cuz that starts to smack of elder-abuse. It sounds as if BM is overwhelmed. However, I get your resentment.
Counter to the other posters ... BM is not asking for gas $$ to take the kid to meet Daddy at the Tex-Arcana line for quarterly visitation. It's about the kid in an out-patient at 13 so we're talking serious shit here. If Dad is only able to get down to visit his son every few weekends --- he lives 5 hours away --- "God-willing-and-the-Creek-Don't-Rise"--- Daddy may see his child once a month, or every other month or a whopping 4 times per year.
I would counsel the BM to take BD back to court. My suggestion is to buy a BART card (public transportation) or a prepaid taxi-card. Help send the kid to his therapy.
She choose to put ss in this
She choose to put ss in this therapy place. She has final say on all medical issues. She picked it, she can pay. She did ask for gas money or other family memebers to help transport. Lastly, there is not public transit where she lives. It's in the middle of knowwhere.
Ok what is half inpatient
Ok what is half inpatient treatment? By some of the remarks, I may change my opinion....not sure what kind of treatment is going on....
Well the treatment is covered
Well the treatment is covered by dh Insurance that we pay. Then we pay half the medical bills that are left over. This I patient therapy is due to ss stealing underwear and threatining to run away when confronted.