Pathological need for attention of SS8
My SS8 (I’ll call him Parrott due to his repetitive, mimicking behavior) has the incredibly annoying habit of asking a question about something that was just said. For example, I mentioned to DH yesterday that I was going to watch the news. Five seconds later, Parrott asks if I’m going to watch the news. That same scenario plays out over and over all day, every day with him. Somebody says something and he asks a question about it just to hear his own voice even though he knows the answer. I am dumbfounded. I don’t answer him because I’m not going to indulge his ego the way everyone else does.
I am thinking about asking him point blank why he does that, every time he does it, as in, “Why do you ask a question about something that was just said when you know the answer?” I want to ask if he can’t hear very well, although that doesn’t seem to be the case since he hears what is said in the first place. Everything he does is attention seeking and he thrives on the "look at me" antics. I want to do something to break this annoying habit of his.
Does anybody else deal with anything remotely like this and if so, how did you deal with it?
^^^^AMEN^^^^ MOST bio parents
MOST bio parents get irritated at constant appeals for attention. MOST bio parents have at one time or another told their kids "go occupy yourself." or "go outside and play."
hell they even make commercials about it!!!! "sleep. like the kids are at grandma's. for the whooooole weekend!!!"
parents need breaks from time to time. why in gawd's name wouldnt an unrelated step parent be allowed that same understanding?
yss11 is the SAME WAY and i dont see it letting up any time soon. dh fully admits to needing breaks from him. his non-stop talking, repeating, interrupting, play-by-play of tv, or "what'd he say?" "what was funny?" or verbalizing every thought that pops into his head - it gets exhausting. mss and oss frequently tell him to shut up or go away, as does dh (but nicer!). why cant i? oh right cuz i'm not blood related...
however, i am glad that i cant at least signal dh w/o him getting overly defensive. i'll give him a look, or if yss runs off to pee or somthing i'll tell dh "he's making my ears bleed."
yes kids need attention. and there are some that require FAR more attention than most. but the entire household need not revolve constantly around only one individual dominating everything. that's not healthy. also, needing attention is not the same as wanting attention or demanding attention. a healthy need for parental attention is far different than wanting/demanding attention soley as a means to control.
oops- typo... i'm glad CAN
oops- typo... i'm glad CAN signal dh (not can't)

I agree whole heartedly with
I agree whole heartedly with NoAlias and Tuff Noogies response.
Have you tried throwing out random answers? For example if you said you were going to watch the news, then he asks you if you are going to watch the news say "no, I said I am going to watch cartoons". Seems like after some point that a stupid question would require a stupid answer. If that doesn't work you could try simply saying "you already know the answer to your question so I don't know why you are asking".
SS9 and SD11 do the same
SS9 and SD11 do the same thing. Some days they will ask me whats for dinner 5-6x's. I've even asked them if they are playing some kind of joke. They are clueless kids. Probably forgot what is said the minute it enters their head.
I know this may sound
I know this may sound juvenile, but start doing the same in reverse. If the child makes a statement, you make a question out of it. You may be surprised that after you doing it multiple times it will stop. You will get resistance and a few dirty looks I am certain but at least the child can see what they sound like.
I experience this as well
I experience this as well with SS7, whom I shall refer to as King Joffrey. Joffrey asks the DUMBEST questions, and I am convinced its just so he can hear himself talk or bring the attention back to himself. Sometimes I ignore him completely. Other times I answer him with an equally ridiculous answer, which frustrates him and slightly illustrates the stupidity of his original inquiry. Or I will just stare at him with one eyebrow slightly cocked, my face conveying the statement "Are you really that retarded?". He usually leaves me alone after that.
Speaking honestly, I think this is typical behavior for a child of that age, but it bothers me because I simply dislike Joffrey. I frequently have to research the net or ask parents to define "normal child behavior" because I'm usually convinced that everything Joffrey does is because Joffrey is an idiot. Sometimes this theory does not apply, but not usually. I am aware of the fact that I am more affected by Joffrey's behavior because I am not a fan of his. His sister, SD10, whom I will refer to as Sansa, is a WONDERFUL child. Sansa does "typical child" things and I meet them with understanding and tolerance, because . . well, she's awesome. She doesn't make the hair on the back of my neck stand up, she doesn't make me grit my teeth. She does occasional things wrong, unlike Joffrey, who can't do anything right. And no, I'm not being harsh - a child psychologist described Joffrey as "downright scary".
And I effectively stopped him from interrupting a conversation between myself and DH - if he runs up and interjects, I make him exit the room and tell him that his father will come for him when the adults are finished talking. If the skids try and interrupt, I hold my hand before their face, then point to the door. DH fused about it once, saying "Don't talk to him like that!" and so any conversation with DH stopped for the remainder of the day. I got to go over my friend's house and enjoy a few bottles of wine, as opposed to having another miserable evening hiding in my room from the skidiots.
Recently the thing that makes me twitch is when DH says something to me, Joffrey feels the need to repeat/chime in. For example, DH yelled from the other room the other day "Make sure you change those towels in the bathroom" and Joffrey runs into the doorway of the room I'm in, points at me and says "Yeah, change the towels!" Now, I want to grab him by his little face, and put him through the wall. However, I am waiting until the next time he does something of the sort, and I will nicely explain to him that when an adult is talking to another adult, it is a tad disrespectful to have a child interject. Of course, DH will probably me a "bitch" or "ridiculous" or something, but I have ceased to care about his opinions. :O And yes, I sometimes to refer to DH as Cersi.
"I don't know. Am
"I don't know. Am I?"
Lather, rinse, repeat. Each and every time he asks, same answer. Never waver, never not bare is ass. Mirroring stupid behavior is extremely annoying to the idiot who spouts the behavior to begin with.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.