BM's motivational website......Hilarious
I found out that BM created a website last year to motivate others. Here is the opening page. It bombed as no one used it, no surprise there. But its good for a laugh. My thoughts and comments follow on......
"Website" was developed by me to help others by sharing my life and my passions. These include fitness, nutrition, fashion, relationships and parenting. When I like something I am very passionate and when I have an opinion on something I am equally forthcoming about it. I am a working mom and fitness fanatic. I enjoy cooking healthy, sharing recipes sharing photos of my dishes. I am 100% girl! I love makeup, nail polish and anything beauty or fashion. I love motivating and inspiring others by sharing what works for me. I will articulate myself in my usual fashion; which is witty and often inappropriate. Laughing is hugely important to me!
I am a big believer of positive energy and do not tolerate drama; that being said, any hateful or rude comments will be removed. I encourage comments as this will be a phenomenal community of sharing. This is my safe place to express my passions in an effort to have fun and inspire others. My site contains a very easy to navigate Blog, along with pictures and video. Right below you can become a member and start topics that interest you as well. Stay Balanced... BM
You have got to be f***ing me. You are the Queen of drama and the Princess of Double Standards. The crap you have put us through this past five years and you have the nerve to write this piece of garbage. Your page on "parenting" is downright hilarious. Hmmm wonder why then your kids are spoilt brats with no manners and no friends?? You can add all the selfies in the world to your website, you are a narcissitic piece of toxic waste that is a plight on society. (Thanks for listening everyone, I had to vent after I read her website).
I love how BM portray
I love how BM portray themselves as the complete opposite of what we know them to be.
Its still "live" but she
Its still "live" but she stopped blogging as no one was participating other than her evil twin sister and her hobbit boyfriend }:)
"Stay balanced" LOL are you
"Stay balanced" LOL are you kidding me?Surely that was a typo on her part. The amazing thing is she probably believes her own BS, Iyanla Vanzant she is not!
This is the same woman who
This is the same woman who sends us vile, nasty texts, particuraly mean and vicious. She also got FH out of the house 9 years ago by falsly accusing him of poisoning her and beating her......charges were dropped once he was out of the house and the divorce under way. Last month FH confiscated SD16's phone for two weeks because she screamed at him that he was an a**hole and BM immediately filed a stolen property report with the local police because she had given her old phone to SD16. FH had a phone call from the Sheriff's office while he was at work. Unbelievable that she believes her own crap :?
Ha ha, "stay balanced". More
Ha ha, "stay balanced". More like stay bitchy.
Do you have the link to it?
Do you have the link to it?
Right! I need to read this
Right! I need to read this stuff!
LOL wheres the link?
:sick: }:)
wheres the link?
Yes, where's the link? We all
Yes, where's the link? We all want to be balanced, that is hugely important to us.
I love these blogs/websites
I love these blogs/websites that have intros like this. "Me me ME look at me I'm so perfect and special blahblah blah" BORING! Have
Have fun for me !
I have to wait another six years to marry because of this woman's greed and utter sense of entitlement, all the while she scoffs at me for being a live in girlfriend who deserves no respect!
8 whole members! Bonus: she's
8 whole members! Bonus: she's got the crazy eyes
HAHAHAHA ..crazy eyes hahaha
HAHAHAHA ..crazy eyes hahaha
Her push up bra is working
Her push up bra is working over time in those photos. And the parenting page photo :jawdrop:
Her boobs are "enhanced" as
Her boobs are "enhanced" as she calls it. SD16 has no self esteem because she is small on top, poor kid is already saving for a boob job. Made me gag when I read the parenting page! I have no objection to boob jobs if that is what floats your boat but rhe whole "look at me" is sickening.
Hahahahahah! Okay, that was
Hahahahahah! Okay, that was lame. But remember, we are not just creating dumb websites, we are showing off our boobs.
I am slightly jealous of her
I am slightly jealous of her boobs so i'm going to be ultra judgmental about those photos. lol
LOL I would love to be
LOL I would love to be balanced - whatever that means lol and i'm quite sure ctnmom would like to balance her foot directly into her taint.
Ewww Cancer I have nice shoes
Ewww Cancer I have nice shoes on today!!!
I need a push up bra like
I need a push up bra like that for real.
Site is mediocre at best, like she couldn't put all this crap on her FB, assuming she has one, doesn't almost everyone have one?
BM's boobs are "enhanced" as
BM's boobs are "enhanced" as she puts it LOL Also she spends most of the CS on botox and has had lipo. Seriously, this woman really thinks she is a natural goddess. Don't get me wrong, she is very focused on the gym (so much so that she does nothing else, and I mean nothing). And she spends a lot of money on herself (usually the CS) to look like this. She cries poor mouth to us ALL the time. Refused to buy the kids back to school items and FH finally gave in and bought them all their supplies as well as clothes. She tells the kids they have no money and then they come crying to FH, never changes.
New husband is a Roid Rage idiot. The first time we met him at SS12's football game last year, on front of all the kids he ran over to FH and started shoving him and screaming that FH is a dead beat Dad. The coaches had to haul him off. BM calmed him down, we wanted to call the cops but SS12 was so distressed. He had FOUR domestic violence warnings against him from his ex. To read their crap you would think they are parents-of-the-year.
Self absorbed much?! I
Self absorbed much?! I particularly like the bit where she already foresees what people might possibly say to her regarding her oh so fabulous self. Lol also the parenting section pic is a gem -the kids look like props while she does her best twat-a-li-cious / MOTY pose. Needed a good laugh this eve -thanks for posting that link.
I saw that too tog - I was
I saw that too tog - I was like What. Kind. Of. Photo. Was. That.
I will buy you two new pairs of shoes if you kicked her in the taint.
I should add that BM's ex
I should add that BM's ex boyfriend was a married cardiologist 28 years older than her and paid for her boob job, lipo and botox. His wife found out and threated divorce. He didnt want to lose half his wealth so ditched our BM. When he ditched her, that's when she took FH back to court because her gravy train had run dry. Now she gets the skids to phone FH to cry because they need ordinary stuff (shampoo, conditioner etc). Seriously ladies we could ALL look like this bitch if we didn't truly raise our children. I raised my two alone (widowed) and ok so my boobs have sagged a little, my kids are happy, well adjusted and well educated.
Its like a soap opera around here most weeks }:)
Oh my god. I hate your BM.
Oh my god. I hate your BM. She can front all she wants but she totally sucks at life.
(Letting your daughter tongue you? Good god, woman. Have you no shame?)
KMetz, that's exactly who she
KMetz, that's exactly who she looks like she's trying to be! Good call.
Ha Ha her favorite shows are
Ha Ha her favorite shows are the Real Housewives LMAO
I dont care how bad the boob
I dont care how bad the boob job is, im still jealous! lol
Don't be jelly Rainbow. Those
Don't be jelly Rainbow. Those are some small, far apart boobies. Her nose is bigger than those Ta-tas.
Thank you! I needed a laugh
Thank you! I needed a laugh this afternoon.
I think I am blocked from her
I think I am blocked from her facebook but letting her daughter tongue her sounds about right. And I get to have the pleasure of mini bitch aka SD16 in my home !! I really love FH he is a good man but boy did he marry crazy.
SD and I had a really good
SD and I had a really good relationship until BM got jealous and mad, she has carried out PAS so much against us that both kids see us as the enemy Sigh. They were good kids but with persistant brainwashing they now hate me. I had to detach completely. They make statements that are untrue and when we ask them why they think that they cannot answer. SAD
Thanks to everyone for
Thanks to everyone for sharing in the fun....I know its at BMs expense but I feel no guilt...the crap she puts us through all the time.
LOL she is well beyond a veg
LOL she is well beyond a veg whore! And she wouldn't be caught dead at Wal-Mart like the rest of us. She only shops in wholefoods, this bitch is too good for walmart