Child Support!!
Please take 25% of my husbands pay plus extras said no stepmom EVER! Lol
I can vent all day about child support but i do get it, it goes towards kids to even out family households and go towards the kids... I complain because i dont agree w how its calculated seeing as we have our own house to pay for n money doesn't go to kids as we pay for everything... Anyway what i really wanted to ask if anyone knew about increases for child support.. My husband is suppose to get a $6/hour raise within the beginning of 2015 (we arnt sure when) but i do know his ex also is getting a raise as well... In NY it goes on both parents income but im not exactly sure how its calculated. We have them every other weekend. Will this be reported to the courts? Do we have to tell her? How soon can it the court order be increased since court order was just created 6 months ago?
Where I live, a modification
Where I live, a modification has to be requested by one of the parents. We didn't tell BM anything and nothing was automatically reported to child support enforcement.
His place of work won't
His place of work won't report it, you do not have to tell her unless it's in a CO somewhere. However, from my experience with NY, she can ask for a modification any time, regardless of when the last one took place. So if you don't want to go there, don't say anything to her or the kids either.
In NY, either party can
In NY, either party can request a modification. However, you have to have a considerable change in circumstances. I believe there is a time frame for requests as well but I'm not sure if it's two years or three years. Just keep quiet. There is no retro in NY so the longer you go without someone filing the better off you are.
Pretty sure its every 3 years
Pretty sure its every 3 years because we went through it with BM and she was denied,And I think it
was something like the difference had to be 10% or more but dont quote me.
In Ohio child support can
In Ohio child support can only be modified every 3 years and you have to file for it. Your pay increase is not reported to them. I understand your frustrations. Child support is the biggest rip off. Especially when you still have to play for everything!
Jesus what is wrong with all
Jesus what is wrong with all of you? Child Support is an obligation you all have to your children. It doesn't matter if you are parent paying or the one is for the benefit of your child. I have been on both ends of the fence. My first husband paid CS for his daughter. Now, I am divorced from him and I am the BM. My husband also receives CS or is suppose to...from his ex wife for their kids.
While CS may be a pain in the ass to pay, BM and BF who are not with their kids should pay accordingly. Makes me so angry when people bitch about CS and their ex-spouse spending the CS. Seriously...are the kids fed? Do they have a roof over their heads? Clothes on their backs? Extras here and there?
When parents divorce CS is meant to cover food, clothing and housing and it is to make the child's life better. Buck up and pay what you owe.
That's not what people
That's not what people complain about. People complain about the BM's who don't provide any of the support for the kids or use the money on things other than food, clothing and housing. BM's who don't work and live off the child support. BM's who don't provide the kids with what they need but buy new cars, clothes, and have their nails done. It's not paying child support that is the issue, it's the unfairness of the laws regarding child support. Why should the NCP have to pay a large portion of their pay but the BM is not required to provide anything?
Ummm who said we weren't
Ummm who said we weren't paying? I voiced my own personal opinion because i dont agree with the law, good old american freedom lets us do that:) if it were up to me in our personal situation(everyone's is clearly different) we would split 50/50 custody and nobody pays anyone. Us 4 parents all make about the same amount of money so it would be fair to split daycare medical and any extras while living in both homes. We live 2 streets over from them, neither of us have criminal history anything that would hinder courts from us having them. My husband went through chemo for years to be honest if your wondering why its set up every other weekend. Things r great now i just personally think for OUR situation the bio mother would rather have extra money than having them benefit time with both parents. Like is aid all situations are different and i feel its a lot of money that goes towards food and rent when we have a home and bedroom for them here and we buy all extras.
here in MA a request for
here in MA a request for modification has to be requested by one of the parents. but this can only be done every 2 or 3 years, and there has to be a compelling reason like job loss or a significant increase in income.
in your case, $6 would be considered a significant increase in income, but unless you blab to BM about it she wont know.
Unfortunately CS is one of
Unfortunately CS is one of those things BM can use as a weapon and there is nothing you can do.