Crazy Birth Mother
My husbands ex-wife is borderline crazy. They have been divorced for over 10 years. My bonus boys have have lived with us for the past 10 years. They are 12 and 13. When we first got together she had full custody and he had weekends and one day a week. Next it was 3 days a week and every weekend. Then it went to shared and finally she just dropped them off and sees them less than 8 hours a week if that. She still feels though that she can control everything! We still are paying HER because she she pulled some shady crap the last time we were in court and of course you always fall in the arrears somehow and she wanted her money and then she would get it all canceled. Now its all paid off but she won't cancel because she will lose all the rest of her welfare benefits. The problem is my husband will not put his foot down to her and feels like its just easier to let her roll over us and dictate everything that will go on in our house. Yet she will provide nothing, help with nothing and do nothing to support the boys in the sports, schooling or in life in general. But the moment something comes up he would rather fight with me then say a word to her. I get she is stupid, crazy and nuts. But when does it come time that you stop and take in consideration your new life and your new wife and stop worrying about the crazy ex who has done nothing but cause havoc on our life.
So wait, I don't understand.
So wait, I don't understand. Why is your Dh paying CS to this BM? Did he not go back to court and have the custody changed. This lady only has 8hr visitation a week. There should have been a custody change and a CS change. How could be she claiming and receiving arrear payments? If definitely sounds as if your DH is a wee bit more crazy than you claim the BM is. Not to mention she should be reported to the different govt. assistance programs she's receiving by pretending the children are still with her.
I'd be trotting my way right
I'd be trotting my way right back to court to have some things adjusted. Is he just not willing to go through the fight?
The other option would be to contact the local welfare agency, and report the situation. Let them know that the dependents she is claiming are actually living with you, and have been. Generally that's enough to get the ball rolling.
The other, more shady route, would be to open your own "welfare" case by applying for EBT benefits or something. At least here in Idaho, that's the quickest route to getting the answer of, "Where are these kids actually at?" When you claim benefits for them, or apply even if you don't qualify, they will tell you the kids are already under an active case. At that point, explain what is going on, and chances are they will move on it pretty quick. Again, that's the case out here. Not sure how other states work it.
Good luck to you!
Report her ass for doing
Report her ass for doing welfare fraud if that is the case! I would be pissed at DH if he chose to give BM money he did not have to! Child support is for the family that raises the children, if they are with you guys, cut her off!